Ryan Mallett had a personality as big as his physique. From the moment we met him, he lit up the room with his smile and humor at our inaugural Premier Players of College Football Charity Awards Dinner in 2011. From hanging out with the Jefferson High School Marching Dragons to giving interviews and taking pictures with fans, Ryan did it all that night with a big smile. Yet, when he was presented with the first Premier Player of College Football award, Ryan was humbled to the point he got emotional at the microphone. You had to be there to know why we all laughed at that moment. Thank you, Ryan, for being there for us and getting our award off to the best start. You are our Forever Premier Player #1 . . . . .
It’s the ultimate paradox, isn’t it? Debt can be a key component of your investing plan, but it can also limit your ability to invest. It can prevent you from making progress toward your goals, but it can also help move you in the right direction toward them.
The difference? As the old song goes, it’s in the way that you use it.
You’ll often hear financial pros talk in terms of “good debt versus bad debt,” with “good” debt describing things that aim to build your net worth or help you increase your lifetime earnings—think home mortgage, business loan, or student loan. “Bad” debt would be borrowing that goes toward a depreciating asset such as a luxury item, or any debt that carries a high interest rate—like a payday loan or a high-interest credit card.
But framing debt in terms of good versus bad might not tell the whole story. Another way to look at it would be useful versus costly debt, or better yet, healthy versus unhealthy debt.
Doctors and nutritionists like to frame food choices in terms of good versus bad. There’s good and bad cholesterol, good and bad carbs, and good and bad types of fats. But when consumed in excess, even the good stuff can negatively affect your health. Yes, there can be too much of a good thing. In economics, we call it diminishing marginal utility—for each additional unit added, the extra benefit is less and less, until you reach the unit that does more harm than good.
Case in point: your mortgage. Borrowing to finance a home can be a good thing because historically, home prices have appreciated over time. Sure, you pay interest on a home mortgage, but the interest is usually tax deductible, which means you save on your tax bill from Uncle Sam. Plus, assuming it’s your primary residence, you save the opportunity cost of renting a home or apartment. However, buying more house than you can afford can make you cash-poor and thus vulnerable to a cash squeeze that might force you to max out a credit card or take out a payday loan.
A student loan is another classic example of healthy debt that can become bad for one’s financial health above a certain level. Sure, it’s an investment in your education and therefore the potential for higher lifetime earnings. But a number of studies point to student debt as a major reason millennials may delay buying a home, saving for retirement, or working toward other long-term financial goals.
On the other side of the ledger is bad debt. And bad debt is pretty much always unhealthy. Payday loans, title loans, and other so-called predatory loans can put borrowers in a debt trap from which it’s nearly impossible to escape. Even the ubiquitous credit card if the balance isn’t paid off in a timely manner can quickly get you in over your head.
But what about auto loans? Loans on depreciating assets such as cars and boats are usually categorized as “unhealthy,” but really, auto loans can be argued either way. On one hand, reliable transportation can be important for your job security and advancement. On the other, a car tends to drop in value the minute you drive
it off the lot. For auto loans, and for any loan, really, it’s important to negotiate the lowest interest rate for the shortest borrowing time. And again, if you buy more than you need, the debt shifts from healthy to unhealthy. There are work trucks, family haulers, and “point A to point B” cars, and then there are luxury SUVs and exotic sports cars.
With your money as well as your health, moderation is key. The bad stuff is unhealthy, and the good stuff is healthy to a point, after which it can turn unhealthy.
So how do you make sure your “good” debt doesn’t reach artery-clogging levels?
Step one is to create a debt strategy. Robert Siuty, senior financial consultant at TD Ameritrade, suggested organizing your strategy as a set of rules and hierarchies, i.e., “do this, not that,” and “do this before that.” Here’s a sample:
Know your limits. Don’t take on more obligations than you’re comfortable with. “Think about whether you or your spouse/partner would be able to pay for those obligations if you or a loved one gets sick or injured, changes employment, or passes away,” Siuty said.
Make it part of the plan. Siuty suggested including debt management in your financial planning. And be sure to plan for the unexpected.
Keep the good debt good. If you’re preparing for retirement, it’s a good time to check your balance sheet and start making some adjustments. You could argue that maintaining some good debt can help you build wealth for retirement. “It’s OK to use your credit cards, as long as you’re diligent about paying them off,” Siuty explained. “Using credit responsibly and establishing a track record of repayment can actually help raise your credit score.”
attention to the debt that has a lower interest rate,” Siuty noted. Plus, some households are better served by keeping low-interest debt, receiving the tax benefits, and investing the excess cash flow to pursue a higher long-term rate of return. In a way, it’s like leveraging your wealth to try to build more wealth over time.
Get help. You may also choose to seek help from a financial professional. “Having an advisor to help you pursue your goals could be a big help toward potentially accumulating assets,” Siuty mentioned, “mainly because an advisor can assist in keeping clients on track.” He recommended periodic reviews of your financial situation and to “make necessary changes along the way to help you pursue your goals.”
Working with a financial pro can help you map out the best long-term plan for your individual situation from your first investment foray to retirement and beyond. For example, when you’re starting out, you might need help setting up an investment plan while also saving for the future. If you’re nearing retirement and have debt, consider reviewing your debt strategy with a financial advisor and developing a financial plan for paying off major items like new cars or home renovations once you’ve retired.
Sometimes debt can be a useful strategy, even in retirement. “You might spread payments out, so you don’t need to take a large lump sum out of your investment or retirement accounts,” Siuty pointed out. “These are the types of decisions a financial professional can help with.”
Seek to minimize the effective cost of debt. “You might want to focus on paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first, then turn your
Debt doesn’t have to be bad for your financial health, if it’s used wisely as part of an overall wealth-building plan. But it pays to understand the difference between the healthy kind and the unhealthy kind. And as with your diet, remember to exercise portion control even with the socalled healthy stuff.
Players praying before and after games, with teammates and opponents, has been a familiar sight for years for the University of Oklahoma’s Softball Team. Even with all their field success, time with Christ is where they find their joy!
This year, we watched as Oklahoma took their third national championship in a row for their women's softball team the Sooners. However, this year, they did more than just win another championship, with this win they joined the elite club of only one other team that has won three championships in a row, UCLA; they also broke the Division 1 record for most games won in a row with 53 games. Even with this record-breaking season, the Sooners have managed to keep their egos in check and stay humble as they point towards the source of their joy this season.
As the championship-winning team comes out of their third year winning, they have all eyes fixed above as they point to Christ in the midst of their success. In multiple postgame interviews, players are directing the glory of this success up to God. ". . . We are really fixing our eyes on Christ" is one of the many phrases being proclaimed by the Sooners’ post-win. Through this incredible and monumental success these players accomplished, they stay balanced in what their true values are and what truly brings them joy this season; Christ alone.
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There are many reasons why people exercise. Some are trying to build muscle, lose weight, or compete in bodybuilding. Another major user of the gym is athletes, as working out continues to become an integral part of any sport.
Athletes are always looking for that competitive edge, especially in the off-season. A great way to achieve this is by adopting a workout routine for athletes to get bigger, faster, and stronger.
However, working out can also help athletes reduce the risk of injury. To get better in any sport, you must put in the work outside of practice and games, which is why working out is the perfect activity to take on. Below are some of the best exercises for athletes at any level to try.
Many athletes are always looking for ways to become more explosive on the field. As such, an excellent athletic exercise is power cleans. This exercise is similar to deadlifts and requires the use of a barbell and weight plates. A power clean movement requires someone to lift the barbell under their shoulders while jumping. Doing this exercise often is a sure way to make any athlete faster.
Another great exercise for any athlete is landmines. This exercise also utilizes a barbell with weights. There are also many different exercises you can perform, such as a two-handed
landmine shoulder press, a landmine front squat, a one-arm bent over row landmine row, and more. Any landmine exercise will be an excellent full-body workout for an athlete.
In addition to power cleans, another workout routine for athletes to become faster is to perform box jumps. To perform a box jump, one can choose to mount the box by going side to side, up and down, with one leg, or in a variety of other ways. Box jumps are an effective way for athletes to strengthen their lower body and leg muscles.
The bench press is a staple of working out, and athletes utilize the exercise to become stronger. This workout requires a barbell and a flat bench. Whoever is doing the workout must bring the barbell towards their chest and continue moving in an up and down movement.
No matter the sport, athletes rely heavily on their legs; as such, squats are another one of the best exercises for athletes. The two most popular forms of squats are front and back—both of which are useful for athletes. To get the most out of squats, be sure you get to at least a 90-degree angle, look up, and plant your heels onto the ground.