Environment & Energy Management

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ireland’s leading environment & energy management publication


Choice in waste management key to achieving competitiveness EIB invests â‚Ź500 million in Irish electricity A new wind for offshore farms www.enviroireland.com

C o n t e n t s



EIB invests €500 million in Irish electricity.

News from home and abroad.

PA G E 2 1

PA G E 5


School climate change competition.

Irish now more aware of climate change.


EIB invests €500 million in Irish electricity.

Award win for Enva Northern Ireland.


PA G E 2 5

A new wind for offshore farms.

Award win for Enva Northern Ireland.


PA G E 2 9

Latest energy developments in Ireland and overseas.

Owen Lewis, ce, SEI.


Packaging recycling rate reaches 65%.

PA G E 9


Dr. Andrew Hetherington, ce, Repak.

Operational improvements and continued infrastructural investment needed in waste water treatment.

Managing Director: Colin Murphy Sales Director: Ronan McGlade


Air Quality.

Choice in waste management key to achieving competitiveness.

Editor: Mike Rohan Sales Manager: Don Sheridan Production Manager: Susan Doyle Production Assistant: Jackie Kinch

Environment & Energy Management is published by Premier Publishing Limited, 51 Parkwest Enterprise Centre, Nangor Road, Dublin 12. Tel: + 353 1 612 0880 Fax: + 353 1 612 0881 E-Mail: ronan@prempub.com Website: www.prempub.com London Office: Premier Publishing Limited, CTS, 34 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 1AT Tel: 0171 247 3238 Fax: 0171 247 3239 Premier Publishing Limited can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of contributors’ articles or statements appearing in this magazine. Any views or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Premier Publishing and its Directors. No responsibility for loss or distress occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the authors, contributors, editor and publisher. A reader should access separate advice when acting on specific editorial in this publication!

- 16 & 17 E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Ireland could be ‘hot bed’ for global energy efficiency industry.

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EBISExtra reframes Tesco’s famous ‘Every little helps’ advertising slogan.

Jackie Keaney, Vice President, CEWEP Ireland.

Design, Origination and Separations by Fullpoint Design (057) 8680873 Printed by W&G Baird. Annual Subscription (UK and Ireland) € 79 Overseas Subscription € 108



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Donegal Enterprise Business of the Year 2009

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Extracting Energy From Waste Must Become a Government Priority YG Ireland, part of the W WYG Group, has called on the Government to provide

ger of going into complete disarray if the Government cannot step back from its vested interests in waste collection much needed leadership and and disposal and put in place direction for our entire waste the necessary infrastructure industry, and in particular, to and policy that supports the realise the potential of wastewaste hierarchy as detailed in to-energy. WYG Ireland claims the Waste Directive 2008. We that extracting energy from currently have a situation waste is one obvious solution where the Government is actto resolving two of the critical ing as both regulator and operissues facing Ireland at the ator; this has resulted in legal moment, namely, the urgent battles with the private operaneed to divert waste away from tors over who collects waste landfill and the need to identify and implement alternative Pictured at the recent Energy Ireland conference were (L-R): James Rooney, and consequently where this forms of energy to reduce our WYG director of M&E Engineering; Eamon Ryan, TD, Minister for waste is disposed of.” The Waste Directive 2008 dependence on imported fossil Communications, Energy & Natural Resources; and Michael Cunningham, managing director of WYG Environmental & Planning. makes it explicitly clear that fuels. Speaking to delegates at the recovery of energy from waste recent Energy Ireland conference, Michael Cunningham, man- is the preferred solution to disposal at landfill. Ireland faces subaging director of WYG Ireland’s Environmental & Planning stantial fines from the European Commission if it fails to divert business, said: “Ireland’s waste management industry is in dan- waste away from landfill. GREEN INITIATIVES

Making Green Purchases Important to 37% of Irish People A new European survey has found that Europeans feel recycling and reducing waste are the most effective ways to solve environmental problems but only one in five considers buying eco-friendly products and energy efficient appliances as having the greatest impact. An overwhelming majority of Europeans (83%) said the impact of a product on the environment is an important consideration when shopping. In Ireland, 37% of people surveyed felt that the product's impact on the environment was very important when deciding on a purchase, while just 17% felt the same way about the product's brand name. However, Irish consumers are among the least likely in the EU to consider the energy efficiency of a product when making a purchase. Only 29% of those surveyed said they would always take the energy efficiency of the product into account, well below the EU average of 40%.

Despite the fact that Europeans take the environmental impact of their consumer choices into consideration, roughly 60% are unaware of the EU Ecolabel and its flower logo. This voluntary scheme, established in 1992, was designed to encourage businesses to market environmentally-friendly products and help consumers make environmentally-friendly choices. Surprisingly, only 20% of people in Ireland have seen or heard about it. An overwhelming 87% of Irish respondents said that they would support the intro-

duction of a mandatory label indicating a product's carbon footprint, significantly higher than the EU average (72%). A carbon footprint label would show the total amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, from the time the production is created to its disposal. At present no such scheme exists Europe-wide, but at the December 2008 Environment Council ministers invited the Commission to study the introduction of carbon footprint labelling.

Bord na Mona to Create 300 new ‘Green’ Jobs Bord na Mona is to create 300 new green jobs across Ireland. The announcement comes on the back of the publication of strong financial figures for the past year and of ambitious sustainability targets for the company over the next five years. The jobs will be created in green energy, resource recovery and environmental solutions using Bord na Mona’s innovative green technologies. Profits across the key core business areas – fuels, energy and resource recovery – are up, with operating profit for the past year standing at Eur23.8


million, up Eur1.3 million on the previous year’s results. Company turnover for the past year stands at Eur401.6 million, up 8% on the previous year. These figures provide a platform for Bord na Mona to diversify its operations and to significantly grow the business. In this regard, Bord na Mona plans significant capital investments in a range of products and services that are beneficial to the environment, encompassing electricity, heating solutions, resource recovery, water, horticulture and related services. Over the next five years Bord na Mona will aim to deliver impressive results in line with the Sustainability Report: * Tons of CO2 per MW hour will be reduced by 50% * The dilution of peat products with green waste will be raised to 50% * Diversion of waste from landfill will be raised to 80% * Bord na Mona will be the market leader in organic waste recovery * Bord na Mona will be the market leader in the UK and Ireland for sustainable horti3

WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Welcome to Aqua-Sol Engineering, we can assist you with all your commercial water treatment needs. Our team with vast experience in the water treatment business can quickly and accurately answer all of your water filtration queries. The Company based in County Wexford, Republic of Ireland, with its own manufacturing facilities, has recently developed and patented a revolutionary pressure filter that offers significant technical and commercial advantages over existing filters. We are constantly researching innovative solutions for water treatment and with our expertise in product design we look forward to continuing to provide our customers with state-of-the-art products and service. The company is fully supported by Enterprise Ireland. We have developed a newly patented pressure filter that offers significant technical and commercial advantages over existing processes. Whereas conventional filters operate in a vertical plane and draws water under pressure through a filter medium such as sand, the Aqua Sol Variable Velocity Filter operates with a 'Cyclone' effect. This method of operation, together with the unique design of internal components, allows for much higher rates of filtration that completely alter conventional design standards. The Variable Velocity Filter, filtration system, allows significant savings in infra-structural costs, maintenance costs and operating efficiencies. The Variable Velocity Filter for many years has been very successful in the Swimming Pool Market, filtration of Fish Farms, Large Aquariums, Portable Water and reclamation of Dairy Process Water. The Variable Velocity Filter can also be an advantage for the Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Oil & Gas Industries. • Potable Water With a very large emphasis on Research and Development, we have designed a • Desalination unit to be used in conjunction with reverse Osmosis Membranes in large • Offshore Oil & Gas Industry Desalination Plants. • Effluent & the Environment • Swimming Pools & Spas • Aquariums • Chemical • Pharmaceutical Rathangan, Duncormick, Co. Wexford, Ireland • Food & Dairy Industry Tel: +353 (0)51 563535; Email: info@aquasolengineering.com • Fish Farms





School Climate Change Competition arents, families and neighbours of primary school chilP dren in Ireland are being called on to help their local school compete in a competition to be in with a chance to win Eur500 for school equipment. All schools are encouraged to compete in the Climate Change Carbon Calculator Schools Challenge, being organised by Change.ie in partnership with An Taisce Green Schools. Each school that enters must encourage as many people as possible to log onto their School’s Group for Change on the Change.ie website where they should then calculate their individual carbon number. The winner will be the school with the highest number of Members in its Group.

“I am so proud of the thousands of primary school children throughout the country who are doing great work to protect the environment through their participation in An Taisce’s Green Schools Programme,” says the Minister for the Environment, Heritage & Local Government, John Gormley, TD. “I am now calling on cultural products * Bord na Mona will meet its target of providing 500MW of wind energy. I SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING

Tetra Pak Ireland Launches Europe’s First FSC Certified Milk Cartons Tetra Pak Ireland has launched the first-ever Forest Stewardship Council certified carton into the Irish market, in its latest move to ensure its cartons have the strongest environmental story possible. FSC certification is one of the highest standards of forest certification and requires forests to be managed in a way that protects the environment, society, and the long-term economic future of forestry. Tetra Pak cartons with the new FSC certification label can now be found on Avonmore one-litre litre milk ranges. The launch of the certification comes at a time when people across Ireland are still determined to care about the environment, despite these tough economic times. Three quarters of people (78%) feel it is important that their milk and juice packaging is made from renewable materials and around 40% of people, say they are willing to pay more for environmentally-friendly products.

John Gormley, TD, Minister for the Environment, Heritage & Local Government, at the launch of the Climate Change Carbon Calculator Schools Challenge, being organised by Change.ie in partnership with An Taisce Green Schools.

our primary school children to bring the very important message of Climate Change home to their families, neighbours and friends. Climate Change is the greatest environmental challenge of our time and we each have a role to play in tackling it, in our homes, our schools, workplaces and communities.”

In support of this, Tetra Pak is running a public awareness campaign; ‘See the Wood for the Trees!’ It is an educational campaign to help families across Ireland to see the bigger picture, think about the planet and consider the environmental impact of a product across the whole of its life before they buy it. For more information visit www.tetrapaksustainability.ie.

New Business Success Prompts Dolav Ireland.ie – New Website Launch Kieran Barry is using thirtyfive years of materials handling and logistics experience to form a new company distributing the world-renowned Dolav range of pallet boxes. Launching the new website www.dolav-ireland.ie and trading as ‘Dolav Ireland’, he says: “Our long-life Dolav pallet boxes will last for years and years to help Irish industry efficiency. They benefit the environment by reducing onetrip packaging.” Kieran Barry has been

involved with materials handling and logistics for all his business life and is readily available to advise on applications, specifications and economical solutions. Dolav boxes have been in use in Ireland for over thirty years and have proven their worth with many users due to their strength, durability and unique design features. Dolav boxes are particularly suitable for applications in the food sector as they are manufactured in food-grade plastic for use in direct contact with food. Being available in a range of colours makes them useful to control product during its various stages of production.

Business success with Dolav plastic pallet boxes prompts new website at www.dolav-ireland.ie.



Data Breaches Spark Hard Drive Shredding Boom Business laptops and PC’s often contain confidential or personal data as well as intellectual property. Data has a value and should be protected as such, especially when IT equipment is being replaced. A third of discarded hard disk drives still contain confidential data, according to a new study which unearthed copies of hospital records and sensitive military information on kit sold on eBay. Researchers from the University of Glamorgan found the data when they bought 300 drives from eBay, other auction sites, secondhand stalls and car boot sales as part of their annual survey report. Hard Disk Drives, CD-ROMs or USB key storage devices often hold gigabytes of sensitive information including details of staff, clients and suppliers. Secure destruction by shredding the hard drive on-site is considered to be the ‘best practice’ method of preventing data loss. In response, local company AMI has just introduced a unique new mobile Hard Drive Shredding service, branded as ‘DiskShred’. This on-site service arranges to 5




Irish Now More Aware of Climate Change people have become more aware about climate change in the Iplerish last year, a new EU survey has revealed. Two thirds of Irish peonow say they are well informed about the ways to tackle climate change, up 7% on 2008. Although still lagging behind the Swedes, the most environmentally aware nation in Europe (83%), at 66% we feel we are better informed than the EU average (55%).

The myth that the Irish are less concerned about the environment than their European counterparts also takes a knock, as Irish citizens ranked 4th highest for making a personal contribution to fighting climate change. 74% of Irish people are taking action of some kind, with only citizens of Sweden, the UK and Slovenia being more engaged. In spite of the economic crisis, 58% of Irish people still feel that climate change is one of the most serious problems facing the world. In fact, 68% of Irish people think that fighting climate change will have a positive effect on the economy and create jobs. The survey has also shown that women and young people are more likely to consider climate change a serious problem. Men, over 55s and those with right-wing political views and lower levels of education are least likely to be concerned. shred computer hard drives into tiny pieces of debris right at the customer’s premises inside their purpose-designed high-tech ‘DiskShred’ lorry. Other types of electronic storage media, such as Back-up Tapes, CDs, mobile phones and USB memory keys can also be dealt with in this manner. DiskShred’s current clients throughout the UK and Ireland, includes Government Departments, data centres, banks, accountancy practices and law firms. For further information contact DiskShred Ireland on Tel: 1800805083, Email info@ diskshred.ie or visit www.diskshred.ie.

generation of low carbon homes to be built in Ireland, involving seven projects to be funded under a Eur20 million ‘towards zero carbon homes’ scheme. These schemes will set the benchmark for new home construction in Ireland, and will be among the most environmentally friendly ever constructed in Ireland. They will all be built to a Building Energy Rating of at least A2. This will result in very low heating and electricity bills for residents. According to Sustainable Energy Ireland, a standard three bed semi with an A2 rating will cost under Eur300 per annum to run. It is also expected that all projects will provide real value for money in terms of construction costs. WATER ENVIRONMENT


Next Generation of Low Carbon Homes The Government has announced details of the next

Ireland’s Sustainable Use of Water Under Threat A leading environmental expert has highlighted that Ireland’s ability to achieve sustainable use of water is now under long-term threat unless immediate action is taken. According to the latest industry trends, the status of

In spite of the economic crisis, 58% of Irish people still feel that climate change is one of the most serious problems facing the world.

In 2007 EU leaders set targets of reducing green-house gas emissions by 20%, improving energy efficiency by 20% and meeting 20% of our energy needs from renewable sources by 2020. our water and wastewater infrastructure will fall behind our water needs and obligations for the protection of our water environment without continued government investment. Speaking to delegates at the fifth annual Environment Ireland conference, Teri Hayes, director of WYG Ireland said: "The situation in relation to water is now reaching a critical phase, if we are serious about building a smart green economy with sustainability at its heart. Water metering charges, legislation, public information, quality standards and availability of water saving technologies all have a place to play in maintaining a sustainable water environment in Ireland. However, any slowing in the implementation of these drivers for sustainable use of water, together with delays in upgrading our water infrastructure, will have longterm negative impacts on Ireland’s environment and ability for future economic growth." Teri Hayes highlighted the significant inefficiencies that currently exist and the scope for improvements, particular-


ly around water conservation and cost management. Significant improvements have occurred in this area but without adequate investment Ireland will continue to lag behind its neighbours. According to data from the European Environment Agency on estimated losses from urban water networks, Ireland is the only Western European country with estimated losses/leakage exceeding 30% of supply. In contrast, Germany has less than 3% losses/leakage.

Teri Hayes, director of WYG Ireland.



Irish Wind Energy Sector Can Attract €14 billion Investment The Irish wind energy sector has the potential to attract over €14 billion of investment according to a major Irish Wind Energy Association report. n the first major study to be compiled that Ireland has set itself a progressive tar“The economic benefits highlighted by on the opportunities arising in the get of delivering 40% of energy consump- the report are welcome news for all stakeindustry island-wide, the Deloitte tion from renewable sources by 2020. It is holders but the report has highlighted a report, ‘Jobs and Investment in Irish also noted that Northern Ireland is current- number of challenges we need to overcome Wind Energy’, identifies that construction ly preparing to conduct a Strategic Review to maximise this opportunity,” Dr Walsh and development of wind energy projects of Energy policy and it is envisaged that states. “While Ireland has established a across Ireland, North and South will this will result in a progressive target for number of initiatives to stimulate growth in involve approximately Eur14.75 billion of renewable electricity. The report envisages the sector, grid availability, a stable finaninvestment, Eur5.1 billion of which could that wind energy will provide the largest cial framework and a shortage of experience be retained in the Irish economy. Such an source of renewable energy and estimates personnel and lack of awareness of opporinvestment is capable of supporting in that installed wind capacity will need to tunities in the sector are stunting the secexcess of 10,500 jobs through direct and reach 7,800 MW on the island of Ireland tor’s growth. indirect investment up to Dr Walsh continues: “All 2020. of these issues need to be ”This report is evidence tackled, by industry and of the huge work that is policy makers, to ensure the being carried out to sector can continue to progress the development flourish in order to meet of Ireland’s wind energy our targets and assist the sector. The IWEA’s assessGovernment with its recovment that wind energy can ery plan.” become a significant emThe IWEA will now ployer here in Ireland is embark on a major process absolutely correct. We of consultation with its have the will and the members and stakeholders, resources to achieve this,” to develop necessary steps says Energy Minister to maximise the opportuniEamon Ryan, TD. ties afforded by the wind “Already, 12% of our energy sector and feed it electricity is derived from into Ireland’s National renewables with over 1000 Action Plan. MW of wind connected. Pictured at the launch of the report are: IWEA chief executive, Dr Michael Walsh, and Eamon With the grid develop- Ryan TD, Minister for Communications Energy and Natural Resources. Picture Conor National Grid Upgrades ment work being under- McCabe/Jason Clarke Photography. “The timely delivery of taken by EirGrid and the National Grid upgrades is ESB, the reform of planning regulations to meet our targets and, in turn, will gener- essential to developing the sector and jobs and the assistance of CER and local author- ate demand for the development of wind growth. Wind Farm developers cannot ities nationwide, we are on course to meet projects. continue to take on the third party risk that and exceed our targets for this sector.” He the grid may not be delivered to their proadds: “It’s clear that Ireland can and will be Job Opportunities ject on time and need to be made financialan international leader in wind energy.” The report states that the majority of job ly neutral to this outcome,” Dr Walsh cauopportunities will arise from the construc- tions. Areas of Concern tion of major wind projects, with in excess “Planning and Energy Policy also need However, IWEA chief executive Dr of 7,250 jobs expected in this area. It also to be harmonised. There remain signifiMichael Walsh warns that there are a num- provides an insight into the additional or cant issues with regard to expiring planber of key areas of concern that need to be indirect opportunities to generate employ- ning permissions. It is vital that the poliaddressed, including the likelihood that ment in the sector. It also finds that the cies of bodies such as the Strategic many projects will not be delivered if devel- continued development of the generation Infrastructure Board, An Bord Pleanala opers cannot be given guarantees that the infrastructure will lead to an increase in and the local and regional planning grid will be delivered to their project on demand for support infrastructure such as authorities, are aligned with national time. grid development upgrade works, integra- energy policy within the context of meetThe Deloitte report, commissioned by tion of ICT and energy, electric transport ing national targets,” the IWEA chief the Irish Wind Energy Association, finds and many others. executive concludes. I





Packaging Recycling Rate Reaches 65% In 2008, Irish householders recycled almost 10% more used packaging than in 2007 equating to 144kg per household or 50kg per person, according to packaging recycling scheme Repak. n total over Eur28.1 million was spent recycling 713,000 tonnes with householders making up 30% or 212,000 tonnes of total used packaging recycled in 2008. The total amount of packaging recycled equates to 356,406 truckloads or almost 26 million Green Bins of used packaging. This also resulted in the equivalent savings of 536,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions or the equivalent of taking over 173,000 cars off the road. The recycling figures also showed that for the first time domestic recycling through household recycling collection systems (Green Bins) grew by 26% to over 107,000 tonnes and over took recycling collected through bring facilities (both bring banks and recycling centres), which stands at 105,000 tonnes.


Different Materials The figures also showed that cardboard and paper packaging continues to be the most recycled item at 47%, followed jointly by wood and glass at 18% each, plastic at 9% and metals coming in at 8%. In total, including household and commercial packaging recycling, the amount of individual materials recycled were:

Dr Andrew Hetherington, chief executive of Repak.In 2008, Irish householders recycled almost 10% more used packaging than in 2007.

• Glass: 127,700 tonnes of glass packaging were recovered and recycled on behalf of Repak in 2008. Glass accounted for 18% of the total weight which is the equivalent of almost 252 million glass bottles, or 171 bottles per household in Ireland. • Paper and cardboard: In 2008, Repak subsidised the recovery and recycling of 339,100 tonnes of paper and cardboard, up 18% on 2007. This accounted for 47% of the total weight of materials funded by Repak and is the equivalent of 3.5 billion 750ml cereal boxes, translating to the equivalent of 2,429 boxes per household. • Plastic: In 2008, Repak funded the recovery and recycling of 61,100 tonnes of used plastic packaging, up 17% on 2007. Household used plastic packaging recycling increased from 23,650 tonnes in 2007 to 29,300 tonnes in 2008 with plastic bottles accounting for 67%. This 61,100 tonnes equates to enough plastic to produce a split total of 393 million plastic bottles and 3.5 billion refuse sacks. • Metal: In 2008, Repak recorded a total of 54,900 tonnes of metal packaging waste (aluminium and steel) for recycling, unchanged from 2007, the equivalent of 165 million aluminium cans, and 911 million steel cans. These materials account for approximately 8% of the total weight of used packaging materials recycled. • Wood and other packaging: 130,000 tonnes of wood packaging waste was recovered in 2008 for recycling or further reuse, up 4% on 2007. This equates to 5.8 million wooden pallets. Big Uptake “These figures are a great testament to the big uptake by consumers in packaging recycling especially using household collections. Last year our members contributed in excess of Eur29.5 million (up 8.6%) in packaging levies to support the recycling of their used packaging. However, this

Dr Andrew Hetherington, chief executive of Repak.

progress is tempered by the inability of government and enforcement authorities to properly enforce these regulations,” comments Dr Andrew Hetherington, chief executive of Repak He continues: “In the twelve years since the legislation was first introduced, we still find ourselves held back by the 40% of packaging placed on the market outside of the scheme. These are mainly by law breaking companies who continue to ignore Irish law and refuse to pay towards the recycling of the packaging they supply to their customers. This means that over Eur24 million that could be spent on recycling is being withheld by these companies.” Repak Operation Repak operates by charging its 2,333 members packaging levies for the amount and type of packaging they use on their products. These funds are then used to support recycling collections run by local authorities and waste contractors throughout the country via a network of over 1 million household Green Bin collections, 2,000 bring banks and 90 recycling centres, as well as supporting commercial collections. Of the Eur28.1 million (up 9.5%) spent on recycling 713,000 tonnes of used packaging last year, 73% of the funds were invested in supporting household recycling while 70% of the volumes came from the commercial sector, reflecting the higher cost of recycling from the domestic sector. I





Energy, Water and Waste Gurus Offer Free Advice at RWM 09 Experts in energy and the environment are lined up to speak in the free seminars at this year’s Recycling & Waste Management Exhibition being staged at the NEC, Birmingham. ith over 500 exhibiting companies, three seminar theatres, and JCB visitor lounge and new Korean Pavilion, RWM 09 will show you how to cut costs, improve efficiency, stay ahead of the competition and remain sustainable in a difficult economy. Register now at www.rwmexhibition. com/eem.


New For 2009 - Energy & Water Seminars The opening day’s programme (15th September) features a keynote address from waste guru Peter Jones OBE on using waste as a fossil carbon substitute and a session on water conservation and re-use, led by Envirowise. Vanessa Fandrich, senior climate and environments policy advisor for EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation, will be advising on the business benefits of sustainable resource management and Julian Walker-Palin, Asda’s head of corporate policy for sustainability and ethics will explain how resource efficiency can help to lower prices in a recession. The second day (16th September) is


devoted entirely to the topic of waste-toenergy. Dr John Williams, polymers and materials manager for the National NonFoods Crop Centre (NNFCC), will explain how renewables fit in the energy-fromwaste debate. There will also be fascinating presentations on powering the future through food and a chance to get to grips with the renewable obligation order. The final day’s sessions on climate change and sustainability will include a presentation from Simon Houghton-Dodd, head of quality and sustainability for Tate and Lyle Sugars Europe. Seminars For Construction, Retail and Manufacturing Businesses The Business Seminar Theatre (sponsored by Lloyds TSB) includes themed days for construction and retail. On 16th September, Stephen Wielebski, divisional development director for Miller Homes, will give a developer’s perspective on construction waste and the issues with recycling. Paul Elliot, supply chain manager for Wates, will present a case study on achieving the holy grail of zero waste and the Waste & Resources Action Programme’s programme manager for materials recycling, Mike Falconer Hall will examine the roles each part of the construction supply

chain can play in meeting government targets to halve construction waste to landfill by 2012. The third day features a programme designed for retail visitors. Packaging and selecting a waste partner are some of the key topics under discussion from an expert speaker line-up which includes Bob Gordon, head of environment, British Retail Consortium; Mandy Keepax, head of facilities management, Marks & Spencer; Jane Bickerstaffe, director, Industry Council for Packaging & the Environment (INCPEN), and Dr Nina Sweet, organics technical specialist, Waste & Resources Action Programme. Local Authority Seminars The Local Authority Seminar Theatre, supported by the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee and Bywaters, will cover planning, finance and procurement on Day 1 (15th September). Day Two will look at hazardous waste and Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment, featuring policies for managing radioactive waste, while the final day’s sessions will tackle food waste and collaborative working. I




Get Splashing – Online Information on Local Bathing Water Sites he Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched a new online bathing water quality website - Splash. The map-based website,


www.bathingwater.ie, provides the latest information, supplied by local authorities, on compliance status with EU bathing water quality standards at the 131 designated bathing sites around the country. The site also provides information about the compliance history of these bathing sites, from 2003 onwards. “The website is intended to provide up to date information about bathing areas across the country. Anyone setting out for the beach will be able to log on and see the latest results of water quality at their favourite bathing spot. We are also giving details about lifeguard availability, blue flag status, tides and weather forecast so that both Irish people and tourists will have information about safe bathing areas. A link to the Irish Water Safety website gives details of how to swim safely,” explains Dr Mary Kelly, director general of the EPA. The website was developed in co-operation with IBM, An Taisce, (the body responsible for awarding Blue Flags to Irish bathing areas) and Irish Water Safety. Bathing water quality data that is uploaded directly to the site by local authorities will be used by the EPA, to

Pictured launching the Splash bathing water website are Dr Mary Kelly, director general, EPA, and John Gormley, TD, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

assess the overall compliance of a bathing area with EU standards, and by An Taisce, in their assessment of bathing sites for Blue Flag status. Dr Kelly continues: “This website is an excellent example of collaboration between IBM’s Water Management Centre of Excellence in Dublin, the EPA and An Taisce working closely together to provide easily accessible and useful information to the public and is a good example of how smart green technologies can be deployed. We will be working to bring other information about the environment direct to citizens in the future.” I

WYG Ireland to Provide Sampling and Analysis of Ireland’s Groundwater YG Ireland, the award winning international multi-disciplinary consultant, has been awarded a contract by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide groundwater quality data that will assist in the national assessment of Ireland’s groundwater. The monitoring programme has been established to meet the EPA’s requirement under the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/06/EC to monitor the quality of groundwater throughout Ireland. The WFD provides a basis for many of the changes that will take place in the management of our water environment. It provides a framework for the protection,


improvement and sustainable use of all water bodies in the environment across Europe, from source to sea. These water bodies include rivers, canals, lakes, estuaries, wetlands, coastal waters and groundwater. "In order to deliver large scale projects such as this, we have an expert groundwater division made up of hydrogeologists, geologists and environmental scientists who will all be involved in completing the monitoring concurrently. We are pleased to be part of this project as the sampling and analysis of these groundwater sites will form part of

the national database and will be used to make decisions at a national level on development and groundwater protection and will also have a direct positive influence on water quality in Ireland,” explains Michael Cunningham, managing director of WYG Environmental & Planning. To meet the requirements of the WFD, the EPA intends to monitor a total of 274 groundwater quality sites throughout Ireland in 2009. The majority of the sites are abstraction points for Public or Group Water Supply Schemes made up of 61 springs and 135 wells. I




Operational Improvements and Continued Infrastructural Investment Needed in Waste Water Treatment he Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘Urban Waste Water Discharges in Ireland for Population Equivalents Greater that 500 persons -A Report for the Years 2006 and 2007’ provides a summary of the waste water treatment in 482 villages, towns and cities in Ireland. The report includes a review of the quality of discharges from 370 secondary waste water treatment plants and provides a baseline prior to the implementation of the new EPA licensing system for local authority waste water treatment plants. More than 40,000 waste water effluent results from 2006 and 2007 were assessed in compiling the report. Environmental Enforcement.

As of June 2009, 20 of these agglomerations remain without secondary treatment, although plans are in place for the provision of secondary treatment at all locations. The 20 agglomerations include significant towns such as Bray, (Co. Wicklow), Killybegs, (Co. Donegal), Shanganagh, (Dun Laoghaire Rathdown), Clifden (Co. Galway) and Kinsale (Co. Cork). • The overall compliance rate for large secondary treatment plants is 41% and for small plants it is just 24%. Insufficient or incorrect sampling accounts for a quarter of non-compliances for all plant sizes and categories (i.e. if a sample is taken incorrectly or the required number of samples are not taken, the plant is considered to be out of compliance with National Regulations and Directive).

properly or being overloaded. • Waste water was being discharged with either no treatment or basic treatment at 112 locations at the end of the 2007 reporting period. As of June 2009, 93 of these locations remain without treatment or with just basic treatment. In the majority of cases these discharges are to estuarine or coastal waters. • 158 locations were required to have secondary treatment or higher by 31st December 2005 in accordance with the urban waste water treatment Directive.

New Licensing System “The new EPA licensing system is setting strict conditions to reduce the impact of waste water from urban centres on water quality. Failure to comply with licence conditions set by the EPA will result in enforcement action up to and including prosecution. The EPA will focus on waste water treatment plants that are polluting rivers, lakes and sensitive receptors such as bathing waters,” says Dara Lynott, director of the EPA’s Office of Environmental Enforcement. I


Continued Investment Required “Continued investment in waste water treatment is required as well as a dramatic improvement by local authorities in the operation and monitoring of existing waste water treatment infrastructure,” comments Gerard O’Leary, programme manager, EPA. The report found that: • 90% of waste water in the country received secondary treatment or better. There has been a noticeable trend of increasing provision of secondary treatment of waste water over the past 10 years. • Waste water from 192 treatment plants (51%) did not meet the EU quality standards due to plants either not operating

Dara Lynott, director of the EPA’s Office of


Air Quality in Ireland Remains Good he EPA’s recently released report – ‘Air Quality in Ireland 2008 – Key Indicators of Ambient Air Quality’ shows that air quality in Ireland was good throughout the country and complied with all the air quality standards in force across Europe for all pollutants. Results were based on monitoring data from 30 stations, producing hourly or daily data as required by the EU Directives on Air Quality. “Our results for 2008 show that air quality in Ireland remains good, however it can be improved further by reducing local emissions. Traffic and smoky fuel are the two main factors adversely affecting air quality in Ireland. The EPA asks the public to consider the environmental effects of their choice of domestic fuel and mode of transport,” explains Dr Ciaran O’Donnell, EPA programme manager.


Main Pollutants The main pollutants recorded in 2008 were nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter (PM10). Nitrogen dioxide levels were highest in the most urbanised areas, mainly due to traffic density. Particulates were highest in cities and smaller towns. This is most probably due to traffic density in cities and use of smoky fuel in smaller towns. New monitoring locations in 2008 included, Blanchardstown, Clonskeagh, Dun Laoghaire, Knocklyon and Tallaght in Dublin and Letterkenny in County Donegal. The Air Quality in Ireland 2008 – Key Indicators of Ambient Air Quality report, is available on the EPA website at www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/air/quality/. The EPA continually monitors air quality

The EPA continually monitors air quality across Ireland and provides real-time results on the website at www. epa.ie/whatwedo/monitoring/air/data/.

across Ireland and provides real-time results on the website at www. epa.ie/whatwedo/ monitoring/air/data/. Results are updated hourly on the website, and you can log on at any time to check whether your current air quality is good, fair or poor. I




Sustainability Directors Not Getting Enough Support


reen Business Events organises a number of meetings and events looking at how business should respond to climate change and related environmental crises. In its recent survey Green Business Events received some interesting thoughts back from its corporate sustainability leads. Despite only 17% thinking that the recession has had a negative impact on their company’s commitment to the sustainability agenda (in terms of budgets, scale of commitment, and cultural realisation), there were still over 70% who thought that their sustainability lead needed more funds and/or influence. The sincerity with which big business is embracing the climate change agenda is a point for much discussion. But it does seem, despite the recession, that big business is becoming increasingly alive to the meaning and scale of change ahead. However, it is evident that both Speakers at Green Strategy 2009. the newness of the agenda, and the strategic confusion of who should over- proper funding or influence. If this does see this agenda, has left environmen- not change, many companies are going tal/sustainability managers without to struggle to grasp the fundamentals.


More worryingly, for a number of companies, the failure to identify the strategic weaknesses associated with high carbon intensity and the immediate environmental impacts could be catastrophic. Green Strategy 2009 Green Strategy 2009, Green Business Events’ main annual event, therefore, aims to help any sustainability lead win more support from across the business (particularly at board level, but also operation and sales and marketing). And, in turn, help the business gain from the agenda and avoid the many strategic pot holes that lie in wait for those who fail to act. The Green Strategy 2009 annual conference is aimed at those with responsibility for climate change response. The event is in its third year. Green Strategy 2009 is being held on Thursday 19th November at The River Room, Millbank Tower, London. For further details visit www.greenbusinessevents.co.uk and www.greenstrategy09.com. I



Choice in Waste Management Key to Achieving Competitiveness By Jackie Keaney, Vice President, CEWEP Ireland e all like choice. Choice helps us make more informed decisions, particularly when it comes to spending money. Choice generally makes goods and services more affordable. One has to only look to the retail sector, particularly the food sector, to understand that choice has been a force for good. Providing real choice is now one of the central challenges we face. One of the sobering effects of the recession has been a wider acceptance that for too long, we were paying too much for too little. We became too expensive and paid the price. Now, as we start to rebuild, we need to examine how best we can make the cost of living more affordable for households and businesses alike.

ing systems in a renewable, sustainable way.


Waste Management Waste management is right in the mix of this debate. The cost of waste treatment is one that every household and business must budget for. At a time when budgets are stretched, it becomes imperative that waste services offer value. Right now, we are failing to offer such value. Two recent reports – by Forfas, the national policy advisory body and the National Competitiveness Council – confirm just that. In short, both reports are telling us that Irish waste charges are too high and that progress on providing new waste facilities is too slow. The Forfas report is based on a study which benchmarked Ireland’s performance in the waste sector against other comparable countries. It found that Ireland continues to lag behind in providing efficient and effective waste management solutions for the industrial, commercial and household sectors. We have become overly dependent on landfill. Lack of Choice In short, there is a lack of choice when it comes to waste management. Why is this so and why, if policy signals are to be believed, are our choices set to narrow further? For a variety of reasons, largely political, Ireland either avoided or postponed waste policy decisions that other countries had

Slower Progress In Ireland, progress has been much slower. However, facilities now under construction and planned elsewhere will contribute significantly towards addressing the inadequacies Forfas and others have consistently pointed to. In doing so, these facilities will also provide large scale employment, both directly and indirectly. These facilities alone won’t help turn things around, but they will have a positive effect. So why then should we be reading about proposals to put a cap on waste-toenergy or tax this form of waste treatment?

Jackie Keaney, Vice President, CEWEP Ireland.

taken years earlier. The development of waste infrastructure development slowed, the waste mountain grew and costs continued to rise. It was largely through EU policy measures that a readjustment took place. The Landfill Directive in particular forced a rethink. Recycling figures started to increase and alternative infrastructure planning started to materialise. Waste-to-Energy In parallel, the waste-to-energy sector emerged as one of the solutions on offer. The membership of CEWEP – the Confederation of European Waste-toEnergy Plants – invested heavily across Europe to develop the most modern, most effective forms of waste infrastructure. They did so with the active support of Governments and municipalities of all political persuasions, whose policies and incentives facilitated the development of infrastructure that turned a problem – waste, into a solution – energy. Today, over 350 such facilities are in operation in cities and towns across Europe, heating water, powering factories and fuelling home heat-

Capping To address the capping issue first. Media reports of a study which is shortly to be presented to the Department of the Environment suggest that a recommendation will be made to cap the amount of waste going to incineration at 30%. If such a recommendation is made, it is one CEWEP would support. In practice, such a cap is already provided. Fully functioning facilities in Meath, Dublin and Cork combined represent less than 30% of total waste produced in Ireland. Therefore a cap of this nature will in reality have no effect on where we currently stand. Interestingly, Forfas in its report advises against a cap on incineration until such time as adequate new alternative waste treatment facilities are operational. Taxation The second signal coming at policy level focuses on taxation, with taxing landfill and incineration being floated as possible measures. Further taxing landfill is a no-brainer. The evidence in favour of it is overwhelming. Even landfill providers know that the game is up on sending untreated waste to landfill. The Government knows this too. Therefore putting a weighty tax on household waste going to landfill represents good environmental practice. Such a tax is aimed at changing behaviour and would not increase the financial burden on the householder, the plastic bag levy is an example of



such a tax. An increased landfill tax would divert untreated waste away from landfill towards more environmentally appropriate infrastructure. The same cannot be said of taxing waste-to-energy or incineration. Again, we should take our guide from the European waste hierarchy. When all else that should be done with household waste is done, then the final disposal form should be waste-to-energy. It is what the best countries do and have been doing for decades. However in Ireland, we’re talking about taxing waste-to-energy? What next, tax recycling too? Lest we forget, the purpose of taxation is generally either to influence behaviour, as discussed above, or to raise revenue. When it comes to revenue, consider what effect any punitive taxation measures on wasteto-energy would have in real terms. Tax is a cost. Like any cost, it is ultimately borne by the end user. In this instance, that means that any tax will be passed on to

householders and businesses in the form of increased bin charges. Such additional costs run contrary to achieving greater competitiveness and flies in the face of what those charged with considering how we rebuild Ireland are advising us. CEWEP readily accepts that taxation can be a powerful tool in influencing behaviour. Again, using the European waste hierarchy as our guiding principle, it is immediately apparent that a ‘one size fits all’ tax on waste would be regressive. To tax waste-to-energy, we would be turning the waste hierarchy on its head and in effect adding another layer of expense to what are already fluctuating energy prices. The contributions of Forfas and the National Competitiveness Council on the subject of taxing waste infrastructure could not be clearer. Forfas recommends against the introduction of an incineration levy. Forfas advocates focusing on addressing the immediate needs of providing infrastruc-

ture solutions rather than taxing them. We all await the form these matters take in policy terms over the coming months. Like many others, CEWEP looks forwarding to offering input and well-founded evidence to assist the decision making process. An Opportunity If we use competitiveness and the waste hierarchy as guiding principles, then an opportunity exists to achieve the choice that businesses and householders are seeking from their waste services. To quote Forfas directly: “in the context of the unprecedented challenges facing the Irish economy and the need to ensure that businesses operating in Ireland are competitive to support sustainable, export-led growth, policy decisions in relation to waste management infrastructures and costs need to support national competitiveness as well as environmental sustainability policy objectives.” I


Ireland Could be ‘Hot Bed’ for Global Energy Efficiency Industry ustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) and National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) have announced the creation of a new joint Energy Standards Consultative Committee, whose role will be to develop world-class standards in the field of energy management and to position Ireland in a global leadership role for the growing energy management industry. Ireland has the highest take up in the world for energy standard usage, with more than 80% of large Irish based companies already participating in their use. “Energy management should be on every boardroom agenda. One of the primary aims of this committee is to use Ireland’s vast experience in energy management to position Ireland as a ‘hot bed’ for the development of energy standards and innovative approaches to energy management. Irish based companies using energy standards and other energy management techniques have yielded energy costs savings of more than Eur40 million in 2007 alone and with higher savings expected in 2009,” says Professor Owen Lewis, chief executive of SEI.

small and large, including Schering-Plough, Bulmer’s and CRH that use it to significantly reduce their energy costs and consumption. As was shown with IS 393 in 2005, Ireland can be first in innovating new standards, all of which make essential contributions to economic growth and stability.”


New Energy Management Standard The creation of the new committee coincides with the recent publication of a new European energy management standard, EN 16001, which was based on NSAI’s 2005 energy standard, IS 393. The 16

Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) and National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) have created a new joint Energy Standards Consultative Committee that will develop world-class standards in the field of energy management. Pictured at the announcement were: Maurice Buckley, chief executive of NSAI, and Professor Owen Lewis, chief executive of SEI.

European standard will now be adopted for use among 27 EU counties, as well as Iceland, Switzerland and Norway. It provides a framework for all types and sizes of organisations to help them establish systems to improve their energy efficiency and significantly reduce energy costs. “Ireland is developing an industry around energy management, well ahead of the rest of Europe,” points out Maurice Buckley, chief executive of NSAI. “SEI first approached us in 2004 to develop the Irish standard for energy management, which we created in a record time of six months. I.S. 393 was extremely well received and there are dozens of Irish based companies, both

Business Advantages Professor Lewis adds: “There are huge global business advantages to developing more expertise in energy efficiencies. Companies such as Eli Lily in Kinsale and Heinz in Dundalk are now exporting their Irish energy efficiency expertise to sister plants worldwide. Irish consultants in energy management are some of the best in the world because of their direct, long term experience in this sector. Increased energy efficiency will reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also decreasing operating, manufacturing, and consumption costs.” Maurice Buckley concludes: “New energy standards are being developed rapidly as demand for energy efficiency grows worldwide. Moreover, by adopting energy standards, companies have been able to gain a competitive edge and increase their market share, since consumers have increasingly demanded that goods and services are produced by companies with environmentally sound policies.” For further information visit www.nsai.ie or www.sei.ie. I



EBISExtra Reframes Tesco’s Famous ‘Every Little Helps’ Advertising Slogan n early 2005, Tesco announced its intention to reduce the carbon footprint of its global business by 50% by 2020. Tesco Ireland resolved to follow suit and quickly adopted ambitious energy reduction targets for individual stores throughout the country. In late 2005, it switched from another supplier to become an ESB Independent Energy (ESBIE) customer. Today, even though electricity still costs an eye-watering Eur18 million plus each year this expenditure must be viewed against the backdrop of the company’s sustained energy reduction programme. As a result of reducing electricity consumption by approximately 6% year on year, Tesco Ireland succeeded in shaving Eur1.7 million off its electricity bill in 2006, with comparable savings in 2007 and 2008. Such savings represent quite a remarkable achievement and give a whole new meaning to Tesco’s famous advertising slogan ‘Every little helps’.


billing system is EBISExtra. The free online management information system provides valuable information on overall interval electrical consumption thereby helping Michael McNerney and his energy management team to analyse electricity usage patterns in individual stores. In many cases, the EBISExtra statistics also help them to identify specific energy-related problems in individual stores. Information on electricity usage is transmitted on line from each store at 15-minute intervals and downloaded onto the ESBIE database. Once it has been converted into

a particular store is over-consuming or underconsuming relative to its current tariff structure; they can then decide whether or not that store should be switched to a different tariff. Energy Performance Because Tesco Ireland operates according to best in class principles, it has established benchmarks for every aspect of energy performance. Stores are categorised according to size, performance characteristics are assigned to each one, and a best in class report is then produced at the end of every month. Michael McNerney observes that because energy costs are a business cost similar to other business costs such as staff, products or telecommunications services, analysis of the best in class reports can help determine whether one store costs more to run than another. Moreover, because the EBISExtra statistics show exactly what time high electricity costs are being incurred relative to customer activity within a store, the information enables the wider Tesco management team to consider other business-related issues when key decisions are being made.

Proactive Approach “Broadly speaking, we already know what’s happening in our stores because we took a proactive approach several years ago and made a major investment in our energy management infrastructure. Our system gives us access to staWay Ahead tistics that help us analyse how much Michael McNerney, energy manager, Tesco Ireland, and Kieran Clearly, Tesco Ireland is way ahead of energy we are using and where and Savage, customer relationship manager, ESB Independent Energy, most Irish businesses in terms of the when we are using it. However to com- outside the Tesco Eco store in Tramore. investment it has made in implementplete the energy picture, we need cohering energy management technology sysent billing information. We are a multi-site graphical and tabular formats it is uploaded tems and processes; this includes an energy electricity user. Therefore being treated as one onto the ESBIE website where it can be monitoring system comprising 300 in-store account and getting accurate, timely and accessed by the Tesco team using a secure electricity submeters. As a result, the company quality information in relation to our bills is password. is not totally reliant on ESBIEExtra informaabsolutely critical,” Michael McNerney, enerIn addition to displaying individual bills for tion to maximise day-to-day energy efficiengy manager of Tesco Ireland, explains. each store, the data presented provides details cies. In that context, would Michael “You might think that getting clean, clear, on daily, weekly, monthly and annual con- McNerney still recommend the service to concise information in the format you want it sumption by tariff type, as well as information other companies? in is straightforward, but you’d be surprised on maximum demand, power factor and “Definitely! It’s a no-brainer. Information how difficult it is to secure that level of ser- maximum import capacity. Because the infor- is king. If you cannot measure something, vice. Some energy suppliers just don’t have mation is presented in graph format, spikes in you cannot possibly control it. The first the requisite customer relations management electricity consumption or unusually high thing you must do when you are trying to software, and therefore don’t have the ability usage on specific dates and at specific times establish how and where to save energy is get to give their customers useful information. are immediately evident. some idea of how much energy you are Just getting a bill stating that you owe the This type of information enables Tesco to using, and where and when you are using it. energy supplier x amount is not useful infor- compare and contrast electricity consumption If you don’t have that information, you’re mation. When we were negotiating with in stores of similar size with similar opening going nowhere. ESBIE to become our sole electricity supplier, times. In addition, because ESBIE archives all “A smaller company, or one that does not they promised us a better, more coherent data from when customers sign up to intend to invest in additional energy subbilling system, broken down store by store, EBISExtra, Tesco can select any timeframe metering in the immediate future, could still detail by detail, and that is exactly what they and use the data for that timefame to make make a start at energy reduction and control, deliver”, he adds. direct comparisons between stores and see and generating savings, simply by using the how they are performing in terms of electrici- EBISExtra system to achieve a better underEBISExtra ty consumption. The EBISExtra statistics also standing of how and when their business is The practical manifestation of this ‘coherent help the energy management team to verify if consuming electricity”, he concludes. I ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY MANAGEMENT, AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2009



Generating Energy from Residual Waste – Considering the Options reland’s waste industry is at a crucial turning point in the constant struggle to minimise, re-use and mitigate landfill waste. The European Landfill Directive is looming on the horizon to the tune of up to Eur500,000 in fines a day from 2010, a figure the country simply cannot afford to bear. Now is the time to act on this increasingly important issue, so an efficient and economical solution must be found. Despite local authority and government attempts to promote waste prevention, recycling and home composting, there is still an urgent requirement for a national policy with a sustainable approach to residual waste management. Burying large quantities is no longer an option and with new technologies becoming readily available, the true potential of residual waste as a valuable resource is becoming clear. This year’s ‘Generating energy from residual waste’ conference is being held at the SAS Radisson Hotel, Dublin, Thursday 29th October and aims to drive open debate on


PJ Rudden, group director RPS, conference chairman.

all aspects of this key issue, from incineration projects to small on-farm biogas units, the numerous successes to the many challenges facing implementation, and of course the solutions. With ESRI, RPS Group, Re3, reputable environmental and renewable energy organisations, local and international government representatives as expert speakers this conference will provide delegates with informative presentations and stimulate discussion on all aspects of Ireland’s waste management issues, providing an opportunity for networking and contribution to a fundamental part of this country’s sustainable progression. Book your place to ensure that you and your organisation are at the forefront of Ireland’s waste and renewable energy solution! For further information E-mail edward.wyre@markallengroup.com or call +44 1722 717033. Booking and programme information at www.recyclingandwasteworld.co.uk/conferences. I


Solar-Powered Waste Compactor Cuts Costs and CO2 Emissions igBelly is set to change the way we manage our street waste. The BigBelly bin has been proving its effectiveness in waste and litter control since its introduction to Ireland in late 2008. The BigBelly has been successfully introduced into university campuses, playgrounds, beach-fronts and local authorities. This compacting bin is 100% solar powered, 100% self contained, 100% pest free and above all it is cost effective. Key features include: • It cannot overspill; • It holds up to six times more than a normal street bin; • Pest, vermin, crows and bees cannot access litter; • Compaction takes place on site; • Collections are reduced; • Litter in not redistributed once deposited; • Savings on man-power and fuel costs. The BigBelly bin can prove its cost effectiveness and payback time. It is estimated



that on a bin run of 30 bins, replaced with 15 BigBellys, the cost can be recovered within a year. Street cleaning divisions can become up

to 30% more efficient by installing a BigBelly wireless web based monitoring system. When a bin is full it will send a message to the appropriate people and a central location, allowing a cost effective collection route to be planned. Hence, no more waste trips to half empty bins and no more replacement of half empty bags. You also save on fuel and bin liners by knowing where to go. The BigBelly solution is cost effective, efficient and it works. For further information contact Kyron Energy & Power Ltd, Telecommute Centre, Dunshaughlin Business Park, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath. Tel 01 8011480, Fax 01 8011481. I



Waste as a Resource - New Conference in London to Discuss Climate Protection he UK government is rethinking the way the country deals with waste, regarding it as a resource. According to a release from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), 100 million tonnes of food and


The EBW UK conference discusses how waste like this can become a resource.

other organic waste are produced every year which could be used to create enough energy to run over two million homes. This equals five cities the size of Birmingham. A new conference named ‘Energy from Biomass and Waste UK’ (EBW UK) will bring all stakeholders together to discuss how residues can make a contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, save money and create jobs at home. The EBW UK conference and exhibition will be held on January 26-27, 2010 at the Royal Horticultural Halls in London. “With the Energy from Biomass and Waste UK conference we are giving a voice to this growing movement towards sustainable waste management and clean energy supply,” says Dr Ines Freesen, managing director of the organiser Freesen & Partner. “There will be exciting exhibits, case studies and interactive workshop sessions.

At EBW UK attendees will see state-of-the-art waste shredding technology, among many other exhibits.

Attendees will have the chance to see new technology and find answers to their questions regarding sustainability and profitability.” For further information visit www.ebwuk.com or Tel +49 2802 9484840. I

Further Success For Energos Clean Energy Recovery Process mall is beautiful for UK-based energy from waste business Energos whose environmentally friendly advanced thermal conversion process has just received its sixth UK planning consent at Kirk Sandall, Doncaster. This £75m partnership with Biogen Power will provide a community-sized facility to handle Doncaster’s local waste – diverting it from landfill. It has the capacity to treat 120,000 tonnes per year of non-recyclable household and commercial waste – converting it into renewable electricity to power 18,000 homes, and heat and steam for neighbouring businesses. Over the past three years, six planning applications based on the Energos gasification technology have been submitted and all six have received consent within ten months of the application date. “Our model is to create small sized plants that can exist at the heart of a community, and handle the local leftover waste that the community cannot recycle. Residents, businesses and local governments recognise that it’s not possible to continue sending waste to landfill and our 100% planning record suggests that they are prepared to accept appropriately sized, new generation technology solutions to


deal responsibly with their own waste,” explains Nick Dawber, managing director of Energos. “Another reason why the Energos approach is proving acceptable is that traffic movements in and out of the site are minimised due to the small scale of the facility. Also, because the site footprint is small (typically three acres) we can readily find brownfield sites within existing industrial areas. This proximity to industry also means we have access to customers who can utilise the combined heat and power capa-

bility of the plants to ensure they run at maximum energy efficiency.” Energos, part of sustainable power group ENER-G, has a 12-year track record at its six Northern European advanced thermal conversion facilities. The recent opening of its Isle of Wight plant brings the total of operational plants to seven, with an eighth plant on target to open next year in Sarpsborg, Norway, and five UK plants (Newport, Irvine, Lincolnshire, Knowsley and Doncaster) set to begin operation in 2012. I

Artist’s impression of the Energos energy recover facility in Doncaster.




An Education in Low Carbon Energy Centre Design wo schools in Nottingham have become landmark institutions by delivering the highest level of carbon reduction through renewable integration seen to date, as part of the Building Schools for the Future programme in the UK. Building Schools for the Future (BSF) is the biggest-ever school buildings investment programme. The aim is to rebuild or renew nearly every secondary school in England. It has a very high carbon and sustainability agenda driven by central government and the local authorities concerned. The group LowC Communities has been responsible for taking the conceptual design of the renewable Energy Centre all the way through the process of technology selection, supply, site installation and project integration, commissioning and fuel supply to achieve the ground breaking low-carbon delivery at both the Big Wood and Oakfield schools.


Carbon Footprint The LowC design reduces the schools’ actual carbon footprint so

much so that it greatly exceeds the standards currently set by Government for low carbon schools. Put into planning regulation terms, this equates to well over a 90% reduction when set against 2002 Part L building regulations. Not only this, but in operation the schools will comply with the new targets that require the school to operate at a carbon intensity of no more than 27kg CO2/m2/year, thereby positively contributing to the Local Aurthorities Carbon Reduction committment targets. Research undertaken by LowC suggested that around 65-70% of the actual carbon footprint of schools is typically derived from electricity consumption. This is driven by an increased demand for ICT and other building systems. Under the traditional methodology employed by many consultants and M and E designers specifying renewable technologies, this operational energy consumption is simply not taken into consideration. “This makes dealing with the carbon footprint through sector standard renewable energy/carbon reduction approaches difficult,” says Dr Andy Horsley, Business Development Director of LowC. “The standard approach would typically be based on a biomass boiler or ground source heating system. Neither of these technologies addresses the electrical carbon footprint.” Renewable CHP The approach taken by LowC was to develop a method of renewable combined heat and power (CHP) which would deliver a substantial portion of the heating and electrical requirements of the school; at the same time, allowing the carbon targets to be exceeded. Through the selection of a technology suitable for use with renewable fuel (CHPQA accredited), this ensures that not only the heat but also the electricity generated on site, carries the all important green credentials. The LowC Energy Centre also incorporates an innovative design and control strategy in which heat can be stored until it is needed by the school, thereby maximising the very valuable renewable electricity generation potential and minimising maintenance costs of the energy centre. In addition to meeting the carbon reduction requirements on the schools, the project also had to be commercially viable to deliver carbon savings into the future. The operation of this unit delivers between 60—70% of the electrical requirements of the schools over a typical year and around 80-90% of the heat requirements. The cost of operation is in the region of 30-40% lower than traditional grid supplies (gas and electricity), owing to the attractive revenue streams from electricity surplus sale and the sale of green certificates (Renewables Obligation Certificates or ROCS). European Bioenergy Expo and Conference The European Bioenergy Expo and Conference (EBEC) will be holding a study tour to view the installation at the Big Wood school in Nottingham as part of its event. The study tour will take place on Thursday afternoon, 8th October. The Expo, at which LowC will be exhibiting and giving clinics on Renewable Energy Supply Companies (RESCos), runs from 8-10th October. To attend, visit www.ebec.co.uk or phone 0208 846 3792. I




EIB Invests €500 Million in Irish Electricity The European Investment Bank is to lend up to Eur500 million to help Ireland secure and green its electricity supplies and support Europe’s economic recovery. IB will lend EirGrid up to Eur300 million towards construction of a 256 km cable between Ireland and Wales. The East-West Intercon-nector (EWIC) will underpin the development of renewable energy by enabling the import and export of excess wind power. It will improve security of supply and facilitate competition through connecting the Irish electricity market with the rest of Europe. ESB will receive up to Eur200 million in loans to develop its renewable energy business by installing 248MW of wind power capacity by 2012 in various locations. The total cost of the investment programme is estimated at Eur475 million. Two loan contracts to that effect were signed recently by EIB vice president Plutarchos Sakellaris and the chief executives of EirGrid and Electricity Supply Board (ESB) in the presence of Irish Energy Minister Eamon Ryan.


Pictured (left to right): EIB vice president Plutarchos Sakellaris; Dermot Byrne, chief executive of EirGrid; and Padraig McManus, chief executive of ESB.

EIB Support The EIB raises substantial funds on the capital markets which it lends on favourable terms to projects furthering EU policy objectives. The two loans bring total EIB support for Ireland in 2009 to Eur760 million, almost double 2008’s total of Eur450 million. “Ireland is very dependent on imported fossil fuels but has huge potential for wind power. Both these projects help Ireland in its ambition to go green and secure future energy supplies, helping Europe as a whole meet its climate change goals,” says Plutarchos Sakellaris. “The EIB is particularly happy to be able to support EirGrid and the interconnector, which was identified as key project in the European Economic Recovery Plan endorsed by EU leaders last year. The ESB loan is also our first to the renewables sector in Ireland, where we hope there will be many more opportunities for cooperation in the future.” “ESB is engaged in major investment in renewable energy to realise its ambition of becoming carbon-neutral by 2035. We are expanding our wind portfolio to 600 MW

by 2012. By 2020, one-third of ESB’s generation will be wind-based,” explains ESB chief executive Padraig McManus. The investment will form part of that strategy. Major Milestone EirGrid chief executive Dermot Byrne characterises the funding for the East West Interconnector project as a major milestone for Ireland’s electricity infrastructure and power market. “When completed, the interconnector will help ensure secure electricity supplies for consumers, it will promote competition and will enable power to be efficiently transferred between Ireland and Britain, providing Irish wind producers with access to export markets.” The EirGrid chief executive continues: “We have concluded a number of key phases of this project, with the granting of planning permissions in Ireland and Wales, the completion of sea surveys, and the appointment of contractors to build the interconnector. And now this large scale funding from the EIB, at the most favourable borrowing terms available in the market, is another major ingredient to

delivering this crucial infrastructure on target for 2012.” Eur4 Billion Investment on Energy Projects The European Economic Recovery Plan, approved by the European Parliament and EU ministers in July, proposes spending Eur4 billion in 2009 and 2010 on key energy projects to help counter the effects of the financial crisis on the real economy. It allocates Eur110 million for the IrelandUK interconnector. The total cost of EirGrid’s project is estimated at Eur601 million. Engineering group ABB has been awarded the contract to design, manufacture and install the interconnector. EirGrid expects the project will result in approximately 100 jobs in Ireland and 100 jobs in Wales during the construction phase. The project is due for completion in 2012. Ireland currently meets 95% of its energy needs through imported fossil fuels. The Irish Government has an ambitious strategy to meet 40% of electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2020. I




Dublin Airport Terminal 2 Energy Centre By Neil Moran, Dublin Airport Authority n May 2005, the Irish Government approved the construction of a new Terminal, Pier and associated infrastructure to cater for campus capacity increase in Dublin Airport of between 1015 million passengers per year. The new Terminal 2 brief was to deliver a cost effective, energy efficient, landmark development providing significant improvements to the passenger & customer experience while complementing the existing terminal 1 facility. As part of the Terminal 2 infrastructure a decision was made to build stand alone Energy Centre building to house the primary utility generation & distribution plant. The Energy Centre is located remote to the Terminal building on the approach road to Terminal 2, providing the distinct advantage of minimising noise, vibration & exhaust emission associated with large plant generation plant & providing a safe location for fuel storage. The remote location also facilitates for a flexible & efficient working environment for Engineering and maintenance staff incorporating advanced control and monitoring capability adjacent to the plant in a landside environment.


The Energy Centre The Energy Centre provides 8,000 m2 of primary plant room space laid out over 3 levels, a 35 metre long service bridge providing connectivity to the Terminal buildings secondary plant rooms & a 37 metre

Figure 1 Energy Centre site location.


high flue system. The basement houses the centralised water tanks with a storage capacity of over one million litres, sufficient to provide water to the terminal building for 24 hours in the event of a disruption to the mains supply. In addition Domestic hot water storage & Fire water storage along with pumps to deliver the services to the draw off points in the Terminal Building. The Ground floor facilitates dual fuel boiler’s & a gas fired combined heat and power unit with a combined heat output of 11.5 mega Watts of heating hot water

& 3 mega Watts of electricity to the Terminal building. Oil fired Standby generators capable of providing sufficient electricity to maintain the operational continuity of airport operations in the event of a failure of the local grid & during normal operation reduce the airports peek electrical consumption. Three heating hot water and four chilled water variable volume pumps capable of distributing 335 kg/s of water to meet the heating and cooling needs of the T-2 are mounted in the ground floor pump room. Heating and chilled water is distributed

Figure 2 Energy Centre Ground Floor Isometric View.


through a single circuit system with the varying volume controlled by field mounted differential sensors. Additionally fuel oil storage tank, electrical transformer rooms, medium and low voltage electrical switch rooms, communication rooms and staff facilities for engineering and operational maintenance staff are provided for on the ground floor. The roof plant room houses four air cooled chiller’s with a combined cooling

Figure 2 Energy Centre Roof Isometric view.

capacity of almost 7 mega watts. The plant room is designed as an external environment with louvered facades on four sides shielding the plant room from public view whilst allowing air circulation for the air to air heat rejection from the chillers. The roof also provides access to the service bridge. Design & procurement During the pe-riod between 2006/2007 the Energy Centre design progressively developed from concept through to detail design with on-going management & consultation from a dedicated DAA Eng-ineering team. The Energy Centre was tendered in May ‘07 as a standalone project which formed part of a multi-procurement strategy based on the principles of construction management. The method of

procurement was utilised to expedite early delivery of the Energy Centre ensuring the primary services were installed, commissioned & available for delivery to the Terminal building as and when required while allowing the design team to concentrate on the detail design of the Main Terminal building systems. The Energy Centre standalone package involved the construction of an energy centre building including steel structural frame, superstructure concrete, building envelope, louvered cladding, chimney and a service bridge link to the T2 terminal along with the supply, installation, testing & commissioning of mechanical & electrical systems. Schedule The main contactor commenced on site May ’08 on schedule with the erection of the steelwork superstructure. The building was achieved its watertight milestone date in July to allow the services installation commence. The remaining milestones of Power on, heating and cooling to the Terminal Building were achieved. The Energy Centre is currently in a commissioning phase. I




Edina Installs Turnkey CHP Plant at Green Isle Foods In 2008, power generation specialist Edina was appointed to install a turnkey 1MWe Combined Heat and Power plant at Green Isle Foods. he site has electrical requirement of over 2500kWe and its thermal load of 3000kWt were met by Natural Gas fired boilers as indicated by the data loggers reading provided over 12 months period. In order to choose the most appropriate and efficient system, the CHP outputs were closely matched to the site demand, hence providing the greatest energy cost savings. This CHP project consists of a 1MW natural gas MWM engine which supplies the site base electrical load by operating in parallel with ESB’s medium voltage network. Electricity from CHP unit is


Technical Data: • Engine Type: TCG 202012 • Electrical Efficiency: 43% • Thermal Efficiency: 42,6%

Heat Recovery: • Hot water: 80ºC /94.5ºC • Steam: 6barg/165ºC


generated at 400volts, stepped-up via a transformer to 10,000 volts. The scheme includes heat recovery from the 1st stage intercooler, lube oil, jacket water and exhaust gases. An exhaust gas steam boiler is installed to provide steam @ 6 bar, into the existing boiler system. Thermal energy is recovered from the engine, in addition to which exhaust heat is also recovered via an Economiser which cools the exhaust gasses from 190 C to 120 C. The heat energy recovered through Engine and Economiser provides Low Pressure Hot water at 75 C, which is stored in 2No. 60,000 litre Hot Water storage Vessels for later use in process supply and daily wash-downs. Control System The module is controlled with a MWM Total Electronic Management. The TEM-Evo-System manages the fully automatic operation of the gas engine module. This sophisticated controller governs and monitors all parameters for the gas engine module and all its related site elements, such as heating circuit and dry air coolers to provide high operating safety and optimized efficiency. Edina supplied the complete plant synchronising and control system. An additional Edina panel controls the auxiliaries and communicates with the Green Isle BMS system. Edina mainte-

nance can monitor the unit remotely from its head office in Dublin and provide necessary support as required under a maintenance contract, thus ensuring the highest possible reliability and availability of plant. In conjunction with the economic advantages, the CHP plant has important environmental benefits. When compared with power produced by conventional power station, the CHP plant will reduce the site carbon emissions by 9730 tonnes per annum. This is approximately equivalent to removing 2,600 cars off the road each year, or the equivalent of planting 11,800 new trees for every year of the CHP plant’s lifecycle. For further information visit www.edina.ie. I

Scope of Supply Containerized 1,000kWe Gas Generator consisting of: • Sound attenuated containerised plant room • MWM 2020V12 Gas Engine • TEM EVO Control System • Power Plant MCCC • Comap Master Control With Remote Monitoring & Control • LV & MV Installations • G10 Protection Relays • Gas Monitoring & Alarms • Dump Radiators • 477kW Steam Boiler @ 6 BAR • 1.6MVA 400 / 10KV step up Transformer • 2 x 60,000 litre stainless steel water tanks • Installation & Commissioning • ESB Network G10 witness testing • Contractual Service Agreement




Award Win for Enva Northern Ireland nva Northern Ireland believe we have achieved this. has been awarded ‘Best We are delighted with this Waste Carrier’ at the accolade and view our award recent NIEA Sustainable win as much deserved recogniIreland Awards 2009, held in tion to all staff members, clearthe Ramada Hotel Belfast. ly showing our continued comPresent at the event were mitment to the environment leading players in the environand our capabilities and mental, waste management and resources within the waste energy sectors, all competing industry.” for 13 separate award categories Forming part of the environwith the aim of identifying the mental division of DCC plc best in each market. and specialising in the treatEnva Northern Ireland was ment and recycling of hazawarded ‘Best Waste Carrier’ at ardous wastes, Enva Northern the event due to the company Ireland operates two NIEA demonstrating high levels of Barry Phillips (centre), operations and HSE manager at Enva Northern Ireland, licensed facilities located in efficiency, competence, health accepting the award on behalf of Enva. Drumaness and Carryduff. & safety, extensive service portSister companies Enva Ireland folios and a high quality transport fleet. company who has created and employs a operates four licensed facilities in Speaking of the award win, Barry great corporate framework for all business Portlaoise, Cork, Shannon and Dublin, Johnson, general manager of Enva activities, incorporating strong health, safe- while Enva UK maintains a wastewater Northern Ireland, said: “We believe a good ty and environmental practices, employee treatment operation based in Runcorn, waste carrier to be a company who not skills and high service levels through all Cheshire. For more information on Enva only holds a waste carriers licence, but a levels of its organisation – at Enva, we visit www.enva.com. I




Igoe International Launches Thermilate Insulating Paint and Plaster ublin-based distributor Igoe International has announced the launch in Ireland of its Thermilate Warmcoat Energy Saving/Insulating Paint and its sister product the Thermilate Insulplaster. Company managing director Brendan C Igoe says: “We have been distributing the Thermilate insulating paint additive, which precedes the Warmcoat paint, since 2001


and over the intervening years we have had hundreds of discussions with people who have used the product and the feedback from them has been most impressive, and that gives us total confidence in the brand going forward.” The company

claims that the Thermilate Energy saving paint can cut heating costs by up to 25% with impressive associated energy bill savings. The Warmcoat insulating paint is available in two versions - Vinyl and Acrylic, the latter being recommended for problem areas such as older solid walls etc. Brendan Igoe adds: “ The Thermilate Insulplaster has been attracting enormous attention since its recent launch, mainly because of its high U Value rating, for example 1.012 at 40 mm thick on block wall, its light weight, and minimal space needs, universal application and it works either internal or external.” Thermilate Insulplaster claims to cut heat loss by up to 53% which sounds quite impressive. For further information on the Thermilate products contact Igoe International Ltd, 135 Slaney Rd, Dublin Ind Estate, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. Tel (01) 830 2599, E-Mail info@igoe.ie or visit www.igoe.ie. I




A New Wind For Offshore Farms he 400-megawatt wind farm, located 130 kilometers from the coast in the North Sea, is expected to save carbon dioxide emissions of 1.5 million tons per year by avoiding the need for additional fossil-fuel generation. ABB is connecting the park – the most remote wind farm in the world – using highvoltage direct current (HVDC) transmission technology. Although HVDC has been available for more than 50 years, ABB’s development of the technology to produce the related HVDC Light about 10 years ago provided the technological means to build wind parks far from the coast.


ABB is connecting the park – the most remote wind farm in the world – using highvoltage direct current (HVDC) transmission technology. “The project is unique,” says Karl-Heinz Lampe, managing director for E.ON Netz Offshore. “Politicians in Germany are following the project NORD E.ON 1 with special interest and it has also drawn considerable attention from abroad.” Germany aims to generate 20% of its power from renewable sources by 2020, compared with about 14% in 2007. Wind power accounted for about 40% of Germany’s electricity from renewable sources last year, but with the best onshore locations already developed, the country’s utilities are turning to offshore sites. Going Offshore The main attraction of going offshore is the enormous wind resource available. Average wind speeds can be 20% higher than on land, and the resulting energy yield from wind farms as much as 70% higher. While three-phase alternating current (AC) links are a cost-effective way to connect small offshore wind farms near the coast to the

electricity network, HVDC Light has emerged as the technology of choice for more distant offshore parks. Power can be fully controlled using HVDC Light, so that the intermittent electricity supply from a wind farm cannot disrupt the grid. An HVDC Light transmission system can also be started from a powerless state, for example if the wind has not been blowing at all, and very little electricity is lost during transmission, even over long distances. The use of oil-free cables running underwater to the coast, then underground to a substation 75 kilometers inland, are further ways in which the transmission technology minimises the environmental impact of the

NORD E.ON project. The 80-turbine farm is scheduled to enter service in 2009.

Wind power accounted for about 40% of Germany’s electricity from renewable sources last year, but with the best onshore locations already developed, the country’s utilities are turning to offshore sites. Fast Growing Offshore wind-power capacity, though currently small, is growing faster than onshore capacity. The 20 countries that are members of IEA Wind, a branch of the International Energy Agency, increased offshore wind capacity by 26% in 2007 from 2006, compared with a 21% increase for onshore capacity. ABB is the world’s largest supplier of electrical products and services to wind turbine manufacturers, with a portfolio ranging from generators to compact substations to grid connections. I




DS Environmental – The Environmentally-friendly Cleaning Company ounty Donegal-based DS C Environmental Services provides environmentally-friendly, nationwide cleaning services to industrial, commercial, public sector and domestic customers. Services offered include: • Mobile sludge dewatering, • Sludge haulage and extrusion, • High pressure drain jetting, • CCTV pipe surveying, DS Environmental’s KSA system in operation. • Emptying septic tanks and grease traps, premises such as hotels, industrial kitchens and • Industrial and domestic tank cleaning using abattoirs. confined space methods. Armed with the latest machinery and equipThe company also specialises in the disposal ment, DS Environmental provides a highly effiof waste oil, power washing of walls, roofs etc, cient service to customers, who in turn reap cost new septic tank installation, industrial treat- savings and environmental benefits. ment systems and other environmentallyManaging director Denis Sheridan estabfriendly cleaning services. lished the company eight years ago after identiFor its mobile sludge dewatering service DS fying a gap in the market-place for environmenEnvironmental uses the internationally tally-friendly cleaning services. DS acclaimed Simon Moos KSA system, which is Environmental has developed by working closealso suitable for the dewatering of grease traps in ly with companies such as Envirogrind, FM

Insulating Plaster

Services Group, Veolia Water and Insituform Environmental. Despite the downturn, DS Environmental is continuing to grow year-on-year and recently won the Donegal Enterprise Bus-iness of the Year 2009 award. Denis Sheridan is pursuing an ambitious expansion strategy. “We have plans to expand into the waste oil recovery sector and are also looking at some opportunities in the renewable energy market. We would hope, at some stage, to become an end user for the sludge that we are collecting through an alternative energy use,” he says. For further information contact DS Environmental Services, Leiter, Kilmacren-nan, County Donegal. Tel 074 9139522, Mobile 087 238 1158, E-mail dsenvironmental@yahoo.co.uk, Website www.dsenvironmental.net. I

Insulating Paint

• For internal or External use • Cuts heat loss by up to 53% • No polystyrene beads etc • Lightweight Perlite & lime • U Values of 1.012 @ 40mm thick • Ideal for solid walls etc • Up to 40mm in one application • Pleasing white finish • All usual trowel finishes • Machine or hand applied • 15kg bag covers 4m2 @10 mm • Price: Only €4/m2 @ 10mm

Saves Energy Saves the Environment Saves Money

• The lowest cost way to cut heat loss through walls & ceilings • Cuts heat loss by up to 25% • Reduces or eliminates condensation / mould • Easy to apply, roll, brush or spray • Ideal for old solid or block walls etc • From less than €1/m2

For more information & availability on either of the above products please Contact us E-Mail info@igoe.ie Website www.igoe.ie Igoe International Ltd, 135 Slaney Road, Dublin Industrial Estate, Dublin 11 Tel (01) 830 2599 Fax (01) 8300 770 From N.Irl / UK 003531 +local nbr.



renewable energy from ESB Independent Energy


www.esbie.ie 01 - 862 8300 www.esbie.co.uk 0845 - 309 8138



Concord Minislot Lights-Up Carrickfergus Waterfront Regeneration As part of the regeneration of the Carrickfergus Waterfront in Northern Ireland, Havells Sylvania has supplied an attractive new lighting scheme, using two versions of the Concord Minislot Avant Garde lighting fixture. The new lighting needed to be aesthetically pleasing, to complement the historic scenery but also provide safe lighting for the seafront promenade. Two versions of the Minislot Avant Garde luminaire were specified for the project, to meet different objectives, while maintaining the same aesthetic appearance. The asymmetric version of Minislot Avant Garde, with 150W HIT-CRI lamps, were used to illuminate the promenade, providing safe lighting for pedestrians. At individual seating areas and viewing points, where light distribution in both directions was required, the symmetric version of Minislot Avant Garde was specified. In both cases the indirect lumi-

naire offers a soft, diffuse halo of light with no glare. All versions of Minislot Avant Garde have a similar high specification and superb lighting performance. The optical system comprises a primary reflector in 99.98% pure aluminium located inside the cylindrical luminaire head, which has a toughened 8mm glass cover. Above this is located the secondary reflector, which features 88 multi-faceted mirrors. The luminaires are all IP65 rated and offer an LOR of 44%, which is exceptionally high for an indirect lighting system of this kind.


chief executive of SEI: “Our experience has been that Irish businesses have been working hard to reduce energy costs and they are now being recognised internationally for this. We are developing expertise and technologies that will have huge export potential.”

Irish Energy Standard Saves Irish Businesses €100 Million and Leads the Way in Europe Large Irish businesses have saved over Eur100 million on energy costs since the introduction four years ago of the Irish Energy Management Standard, which forms the basis of the new EUwide Energy Management Standard, which was recently adopted by the EU. First developed by Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) and the National Standards Authority of Ireland in 2005, the Irish Energy Standard aims to aid large energy users to manage their energy usage and generate significant cost savings. One of the first energy management standards in the world, the Irish Standard has heavily influenced the development of the new EU Standard and has already been adopted by close to 100 Irish businesses that together account for over four fifths of industrial energy use and CO2 emissions in Ireland. On average, Irish businesses that adopt the standard have reduced their energy spend by 7% in the first year, which on average equates to a saving of Eur500,000. Leading Irish manufactures

such as Pfizer, Intel, Glanbia and HP were amongst the first to achieve the Irish Standard and will now be able to transfer to the new EU Standard with relative ease in comparison to their European competitors. Many EU states have no experience of a national standard and will now be looking to countries such as Ireland for experience and support. “Ireland has become known internationally for being ahead of the curve on advanced energy efficiency in large business, and the new European Energy Standard is further testament to this,” says Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan, TD. “Irish businesses are already proving the huge financial gains available.” According to Owen Lewis,

Owen Lewis, chief executive of SEI:

Michael O’Byrne, chief executive, and Fiona Cox, sustainability manager of Greenstreets.

Greenstreets Environmental Resources Ramps Up Energy and Carbon Auditing Division Ireland- and Australia-based company, Greenstreets Environmental Resources, has just expanded its energy and carbon auditing division to meet the growing demand for its services. Over the last year, Greenstreets has seen an increase in Irish businesses looking to introduce better energy efficiencies in an effort to keep costs down, to help see them through slower economic times. Greenstreets is the brainchild of accountant David Darcy, who, while working in the waste packaging compliance industry in Ireland, saw an opening for specialist consultancy services to help companies comply with the EU Environmental Directive on packaging. Focusing initially on importers with heavy obligations under this directive, the compa-


ny has since expanded its services to include the motor industry, where it manages the compliance procedures for endof-life vehicles (ELV). The company now has over 200 clients including household names such as Cadbury Ireland, GlaxoSmithKline, An Post, Toyota and Ford. According to Michael O’Byrne, chief executive of Greenstreets: “The current economic climate has created an increased demand for energy efficiency, which enables businesses to significantly reduce their operating costs. This has allowed companies improve their bottom line without having to resort to more drastic cutbacks such as redundancies. While these efficiencies are not always evident, we can help draw up energy cost saving plans and help implement them.” The company also provides 29

renewable energy from ESB Independent Energy E N N E E R R G G Y Y E

www.esbie.ie 01 - 862 8300 www.esbie.co.uk 0845 - 309 8138



Enerit's Energy Management Bureau Exceeds Expectations Udaras na Gaeltachta has achieved a no-cost or low-cost energy saving 17% reduction in electricity conactions. The specially designed intersumption in a ten month period. net based energy management bureau These energy savings were achieved has ensured very strict management as part of an overall programme to of these actions so that they are comreduce energy consumption by 12% pleted quickly and effectively. In the over a three-year period. first four months, 159 actions were Udaras is achieving these savings in agreed and 120 of these actions comfour buildings in Donegal, Galway pleted by 20 people in the 4 buildand Kerry using an energy manageings. ment bureau service part funded by The energy bureau software guaranSustainable Energy Ireland. This sertees energy team meetings are highly vice uses a best practice approach to effective because the latest perforenergy management to achieve these The Energy Bureau Team - Deirdre Ní Ginnea, Fiona Ní mance results and actions can be savings. The approach is based on Mhurchadha, Donal O Broin, Murt O Cualain, Gerry D’Arcy, Dr viewed quickly online during the new Irish/European standards (IS Paul Monaghan (Enerit), Dr Mike Brogan (Enerit), PJ Mac meetings. All staff can view their 393/EN 16001) and the SEI Energy Donncha, Mairín Ní Fheinne, Laura Ní Loideain. buildings performance in league table Map technique. The service is supformat, enter energy saving suggesported by internet based software developed by Enerit. tions online. League tables allow staff to compare their building A key success factor is the proper management of numerous performance to others. advice and training around IS 393 Energy Management standard, Display Energy Certificates (DECs) for public buildings and IT Virtualisation. To find out more information about Greenstreets Environ-mental Resources and how to reduce energy costs or carbon footprint, visit www.greenstreets.ie.


Shave Up To 25% Off Electricity Bills Electricity Saver Ireland, a leading installer of electricity saving devices, has announced phenomenal results up to and exceeding 25% savings on electricity bills with its new device, as tested in customers premises. Electricty Saver Ireland has successfully scooped the distributorship for the Powertune electricity saving device, and is keen to deliver maximum electricity efficiency savings to both new and existing customers in Ireland. The device works by smoothing out the spikes and dips in what is typically an extremely erratic and volatile electrical current coming into your home or business. Without an electricity

saving device, this erratic and volatile electrical current frequently causes overheating of your fuse board, leading to electricity leakage, can cause damage to your appliances and ultimately costs you more money. What ESI is bringing to the market is a device that reduces your electricity bill by up to 25% because it regulates the incoming electrical current into your home or business, and acts as gatekeeper protecting your electrical appliances and lowering your electricity usage, and therefore your electricity costs. The compact and streamlined electricity saving unit is installed quickly, simply and starts to deliver electricity savings immediately upon installation. According to Peter Doran of ESI: “The recent test results were exceptional. We installed the electricity saving devices in a number of our existing customers premises, who to be honest were blown away by the savings.” The device has been widely welcomed by the business com-

munity throughout Ireland, and Peter Doran confesses that it has been challenging to satisfy the demand for what is truly a product with universal application and appeal. “We installed the electricity device about three months ago, and on our most recent electric bill noted savings of 28%. Savings like this are extremely welcome in any business right now,” says Catherine McCann, multiple Curves Ladies Fitness Gyms franchisee. For more information about this product that can deliver electricity savings up to and exceeding 25% to your home or business then either call 00353 1 443 4363, or 0044 2837 528 632 or visit www.ElectricitySaverIreland.com for a free Energy Saving Report, free Energy Efficiency Audit and free Demonstration.

OpenHydro, the Irish energy technology company, have unveiled a 1-megawatt tidal turbine which they will deploy in the Bay of Fundy this Autumn as part of Nova Scotia’s tidal power test facility. The OpenCentre Turbine was manufactured in Ireland by OpenHydro. The turbine will rest directly on the ocean floor using a subsea gravity base. Nova Scotia Power has been harnessing the power of the Bay of Fundy since the 1980s, and is looking forward to the results and the potential of this emerging technology as part of the company’s overall shift to more renewable energy in Nova Scotia. “We are delighted to be working with Nova Scotia Power on this innovative project,” says James Ives, chief executive of


OpenHydro Supplies Tidal Turbine to Nova Scotia Power

James Ives, chief executive, and


chairman of OpenHydro.





Brendan Gilmore (right), executive


renewable energy from ESB Independent Energy E N N E E R R G G Y Y E

www.esbie.ie 01 - 862 8300 www.esbie.co.uk 0845 - 309 8138



Bord Gais Networks and Hotel Westport Win Environment Award Earlier this year, Bord Gais Networks won the ‘Sustainable and Environmentally Enhancing Product’ award at the Catex Exhibition, the annual showcase event for the hospitality industry. Bord Gais Networks’ award was for its case study on the application of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) at Hotel Westport. Bord Gais Networks recently presented the award to the management team at Hotel Westport in recognition of the work undertaken to reduce their CO2 emissions through the selection of a more environmentally friendly technology and fuel. “Natural gas is the cleanest, most convenient and cost effective of all fossil fuels. For businesses that have a continuous demand for heat and OpenHydro. “We believe that the Bay of Fundy holds huge potential as a source of clean renewable energy and we look forward to completing the installation of our first 1MW turbine this Fall and beginning the detailed turbine and environmental monitoring programme.”

GE Energy Expands in Growing Offshore Wind Sector with Key Technology Buy US-based GE Energy, which is one of the world’s leading suppliers of power generation and energy delivery technologies with 2008 revenue of $29 billion, has expanded its renewable energy portfolio with the acquisition of ScanWind, a developer of advanced drive train and control wind turbine technologies aimed at offshore deployment. “The acquisition of ScanWind is an important step in our strategy to place GE in a strong position in the growing 32

Pictured (l-r) at the presentation of the Catex Award for winner Sustainable and Environmentally Enhancing Products/Services 2009 are: David Hanohoe, natural gas applications engineer, Bord Gais Networks; Mark Holohan, national connections sales manager, Bord Gais Networks; Cathal Hughes, director of Hotel Westport; and Gerry Walshe, general manager of Hotel Westport. Photo: Michael Donnelly.

offshore wind segment,” explains Victor Abate, vice president of renewable energy for GE Energy. Headquartered in Trondheim, Norway, with a design-engineering centre in Karlstad, Sweden, ScanWind was founded in 1999 to develop and commercialise advanced drive train wind turbine technology that eliminates the need for gearboxes. The ScanWind turbine technology will join GE’s family of wind turbines that includes the GE 1.5-megawatt series, the most widely deployed wind turbine in the world with more than 12,000 now in operation. The GE wind portfolio also includes the 2.5 MW series wind turbine, proven in European applications and now also available in North America. For the EU member states to reach their renewable energy targets by 2020, analysts predict major investments in European offshore wind projects. Industry experts predict a 20-fold global increase, from an installed base of 1.5 GW in 2008 to 30 GW by 2020.

power, choosing natural gas to fuel a CHP unit will result in real savings on their total energy bills, while also helping to meet their environmental commitments,” says Mark Holohan, national connections manager at Bord Gais Networks. “By switching to CHP fuelled by natural gas, we have reduced CO2 emissions at Hotel Westport by 1,708 tonnes per annum,” points out Gerry Walsh, general manager of Hotel Westport, who has spearheaded the hotel’s sustainable and environmentally focused approach. The reduction on Hotel Westport’s total energy bill means that the investment in the CHP technology will have a payback of less than three years.


EirGrid Chooses New Technology For Grid Upgrades EirGrid has chosen a new technology that will benefit consumers and help Ireland to harvest its wind resource by substantially cutting the cost of upgrading the country’s electricity, while at the same time enabling more power to be carried by the power network. The new conductor technology was selected by EirGrid, the operator and developer of the national grid, following studies in conjunction with ESB Networks. The conductor utilises a combination of temperature resistant aluminium and steel and has been used successfully in other utilities. They will be crucial in delivering cost savings for consumers and enabling the cost-effective implementation of 2,200km of upgrades to the national grid over the next 15 years under EirGrid’s Grid25 grid development strategy. They will be used at 220,000 volts and 110,000 volts – the equivalent of ‘national roads’ and ‘dual carriageways’ on the national grid. Known as High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) Conductors, they are capable of carrying more


power by operating at a higher temperature. The benefit to customers will come from the fact that the new technology can be used on existing networks which can be upgraded to achieve higher power flows. This technology has been tried and tested and although not widely adopted in Europe it has been used internationally, particularly in Japan, for many years. The use of the HTLS conductor will present a feasible and cost effective way of uprating the 220kV network. It will allow the uprating of the 110kV network at less that half the cost than the traditional uprating method. Uprating savings were taken into account when the Grid 25 programme was developed but these savings have exceeded expectations.

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