Food and Drink Business Europe UK EXPO Business Conference 2018

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Connecting Key Stakeholders in the Food & Beverage Manufacturing Industry

@FDBexpo #FDBUK18

Main Stage - Food & Drink Business Conference Food & Drink Business Conference Times Name


Chairman -Denis Treacy ,Chief Safety, Quality, Security and Environment Officer - Pladis Global Denis Treacy ,Chief Safety, Quality, Security and 10.00-10.20 Environment Officer - Pladis Global Dr Gavin Milligan, ESG Director - William Jackson 10.20 - 10.40 Food Group Tim Field,Environmental Scientist, Dayles Ford 10.40 - 11.00 Organic Food 9.55 -10.00

11.00 - 11.30

Food Safety and Quality Culture in Domestic & Global Brand Management Addressing risk in food supply chains A Daylesford perspective on food sustainability

Coffee Break & Networking

Clare Wardle , General Counsel and Company 11.30-11.50 Secretary & Huma Allana , Vice President, Legal (Great Britain)Coca Cola Halak Parikh , Head of CoE Technical Insights at 11.50-12.10 BRITVIC PLC Panel Discussion - Halak Parikh , Head of CoE Technical Insights at BRITVIC PLC ,Susan MacDonald Chief of Business Development & Relationships 12.10 - 13.00 Global Bright Futures Ltd , David Parkinson ,RHDHV, Nigel Knapp , Senior Business Development Manager SME Engine 13.00 - 14.00 14.00-14.20

Opening Remarks

Compliance: A survival tool in interesting times Significance of Consumer Research in delivering successful Innovation

How ready can we be in the Brexit Vacuum

Lunch Break & Networking Joanne Carlin,Director of People & Development Daniel Thwaites

14.20-14.40 David Parkinson , RHDHV

How we’re addressing the “it’s just hospitality” view with our people How to Position Your Supply Chain for Success in a VUCA World

14.40-15.00 Sterling Crew , Managing Director at SQS ltd.

Delivering a food safety culture

Gurjit Rana -FMCG Marketing Consultant, Speaker, 15.00-15.20 Entrepreneur , TV Presenter and Life Coach- CoFounder of The Mindset Group Limited

How to create & launch a Your Product/ Brand using consumer Relationships.


CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Main Stage: Sustainable Food & Lean Sustainable Food & Lean Times Name 10.00-10.20


Jessica Cresswell, Principal Consultant - Carbon Smart

10.20 - 10.40 Jess Latchford,Director - Waste Knot 10.40 - 11.00

The Farmgate Scandal

Lee Holdstock,Trade Relations Manager - Soil Association

11.10 - 11.30

Tackling the plastic challenge in the food and beverage sector

The future of food as it should be

Coffee Break & Networking

11.30- 11.50

Susan Macdonald Chief of Business Development & Relationships at Global Bright Futures.

‘Waste as a Catalyst for Innovation’

11.50 - 12.10

Oliver Rubinstein-Baylis,Agri-Food Consultant RSK ADAS

Safeguarding soil health in your food supply-chain? It’s about as clear as mud

12.10 - 12.30

Martin Lister,Partner UK and Ireland, Humantelligence Inc.

"How to Transform Your People and Your Teams to Gain Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Food and Beverage Industry

12.30 - 12.50 Joe Warren & Martyn Young - Director ZTP 12.50-13.10

Mitigating energy costs

Jean Billant – Senior Business Advisor, Advance London – LWARB

13.10 -13.40

Circular Food & Drink Economy – a closed loop system where no resource is wasted

Lunch Break & Networking


Mark Richardson,Process Improvement Consultant, - EMS Cognito, UK

You can't be Lean unless you reliable


David Taylor - Senior Solution Consultant (Engagement Specialist)

Supplier engagement at scale: How to deliver measurable results across your multiple sustainability initiatives by engaging your suppliers at scale. New approaches to address deforestation from palm oil use in food retail supply chains

14.20-14.40 Will Schreiber, Partner, 3Keel LLP 14.40-15.00 15.00- 15.30

Mark Hughes , Business Development Manager, Opteon™ Fluorochemicals EMEA

The Food and Beverage Cold Chain – Solutions for Sustainable and Efficient Cooling in a Highly Regulated Environment

Coffee Break & Networking

15.30 - 15.50 Seamus Crickley,Director ,WEW Engineering Ltd.

Water / Wastewater Sustainability Fundamentals in Food & Beverage

15.50 - 16.10 David Gaskill, Proposal Manager at Siltbuster Ltd

Modular Wastewater Treatment Solutions to meet discharge consent and more


Simon McKeating , Sector Manager – Food & Drink, Zero Waste Scotland

Sustainable Food & Beverage Manufacturing Conference & Exhibition

Food waste – damage limitation or elimination?

Lean, Produc vity and Con nuous Improvement Summit

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 1: Brexit / Beverage Brexit Times Name 9.55-10.00


Chairman - Dr Colin Morgan,Business Development Director , RSK ADAS

Opening Remarks Escalex: A measured approach to a disproportionate challenge when finding food law information

10.00-10.20 Joanna Becker, Regulations & Compliance Executive Robert Hardy,Oakland International / Oakland Invicta Commercial Director David Read, Chairman, Prestige Purchasing, United 10.50 - 11.10 Kingdom

10.30 - 10.50

11.10 - 11.30

Do you have the stomach for Brexit What does Brexit mean for the cost of Food & Drink

Coffee Break & Networking

Viviana Spaghetti, Senior Political Consultant - The Brexit is coming – What’s next for UK food and drink Whitehouse Consultancy businesses? Oliver Leedam, Regulatory Consultant - Leatherhead Food 11.50 - 12.10 BREXIT not necessarily a catastrophe Research BREXIT & UK FOOD RECRUITMENT: FACTS & 12.10 - 12.30 Stephen Jones, Your Food Job IMPLICATIONS SO FAR The Sustainability Risks and Opportunities Presented to the 12.30 - 12.50 Dr Colin Morgan,Business Development Director ,RSK ADAS Food Sector by the Recently Published Agriculture Bill 11.30- 11.50


Lunch Break & Networking

Beverage Times Name


13.40-14.00 Sharon Dry , Dboost Drinks

A Drop of Sunshine

14.00-14.20 Adeline Koay,PhD –Principal Research Scientist, - Diageo

Product Innovation Using Data Science

Santiago Navarro & Tim Riley ,CEO and Co-founder, Garçon Wines Eduardo Fonseca Arraes, Vice president Buisness 14.40-15.00 Development , Mannanova

The Eco-Conscious Consumer & The Shift To Online Purchasing Sustainability and the Kombucha Industry - How it’s creating a new generation of soft drink consumers


15.00- 15.10 15.10-15.30

Coffee Break & Networking Kevin Fernandes, Sales Manager IMSPEX Diagnostics Ltd

Rapid determination of Brewing End Points using GC-Ion Mobility Spectrometry

15.30 - 15.50 Professor David Nutt, Imperial College, London

Alcarelle – a revolution in the alcohol market?

15.50 - 16.10 Adrian Massey, Managing Director - C'go® drinks

Positively disrupting the on-the-go breakfast market – The cultural shifts & consumer trends changing the future of breakfast as we know it

Paul Isherwood,Head of Technical & Quality,The SHS Group Drinks Division Chairman - Dr Colin Morgan,Business Development 16.30-16.35 Director ,RSK ADAS

16.10 - 16.30



Closing Remarks





All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 2:

AM: Grow Your Business PM: Food and Drink Skills, Training and Careers

Grow Your Business Times Name


10.00-10.15 Darren Bevan,Commercial Director JDM Food Group Ltd

What is strategy.…and does it matter

10.15-10.30 Karen Green Food Mentor

How disruptor brands can grow a category more effectively than traditional methods

10.30 - 10.45 Catherine Elms,Senior Director - Future Thinking


10.45 - 11.00 Stuart McCreedy, Managing Director -PM Connections

Practical tips for saving time and money on your CDM projects

11.00- 11.30

Coffee Break & Networking A Practical Approach to Growing a food and drinks business while delivering truly artisan products.

11.30-11.45 Michelle Lestas,The good Food wine co. 11.45 - 12.00

Ian Tansley,Chief Technical Officer - The Sure Chill Company

Shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted

12.00 -12.15

Chris Haywood,Associate – IP & Media Solicitor , Gregg Latchams

Brand strategy for food and drink companies

12.15 - 12.30

Christine Tacon , Chair MDS & Groceries Code Adjudicator

Growing the managers of tomorrow with the youth of today

Darran Neary,Dynamics Food Specialist -Technology Management

Is your business system past it’s sell-by date?


12.45- 13.00 Martin Leeming,CEO - TrakRap 13.00 - 14.00

Connectivity – the Rise of the Digital Twin Lunch Break & Networking

14.00 - 14.15 Anthony Bullick,Managing Director - Outwrite PR

Taste success with an integrated PR campaign

14.15 - 14.30 Evan B. Morgenstein , President & CEO ,CelebExperts

How brands have no idea on how to use influencers, from start ups to global giants!

Yvett Anderson,Manager - Caribbean DutchPot, Northampton, UK

14.30 - 14.45 14.45- 15.15

It came from Windrush

Coffee Break & Networking

Food and Drink Skills, Training and Careers Times Name


Sarah Restall ,Employer Engagement Manager - Time to Change

Creating mentally healthy workplaces; a recipe for retaining your staff.


Robert Crossman,Director - Working Time Solutions Limited, UK

Win-Win-Win: Delivering business-wide benefits through optimising and managing shift patterns

Grow Food

Scaling your Food and Beverage Business

Jobs, Skills & Training

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 3: Food Quality & Safety Food Quality & Safety Times Name

Topic ISO 22OOO:2018 Food safety management systems – Requirements for any organisation in the food chain

10.00-10.20 David Highton,Chairman - BSI 10.20 - 10.40 David Poxon, Fire Protection Association 10.40 - 11.00

Mariane Hodgkinson,Food Safety Consultant - Twyning Using Hygienic Design in Food and Drinks Manufacturing Consultancy Ltd

11.10- 11.30 11.30-11.50 11.50 - 12.10

Kitchen extract ductwork – minimising the fire risk

Coffee Break & Networking Diana White,Associate Regional Vice President HelmsBriscoe

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Site Inspections

Kevin Higgins, Membership Manager - BPCA - British Pest Control Association

Be protected; understanding pest control and securing a provider

12.10-12.25 Gary Baylis ,Regulatory Advisor , Registrar Corp

US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) - CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS

12.25 - 12.40

John Purdy, Business Development Manager - Klüber Lubrication Great Britain Ltd

Improving Operational Efficiency through World Class Lubrication


Susan Peverelli,UK PPE Account Manager, - Dunlop Protective Footwear.

Increasing Worker Comfort and Safety for Added Workplace Efficiency

13.00 - 14.00

Lunch Break & Networking


Neil Firth ,Business Development Manager at Garlock GB Ltd

Hygienic seals – insights into safe production


Patrick McNamara,Technical Specialist Manager Food Services - Intertek

Due diligence – a moveable feast?

14.40- 15.00

Paulina Anguiano Arreola ,PhD Candidate Cranfield University

"The importance of implementing a PDCA cycle within the food safety and quality systems".

Quality & Safety Summit 2018 Creating a Safer Food Industry

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 4:

AM: Food Supply Chain & Logistics PM: Food and Drink Packaging Materials, Technology and Design

Food Supply Chain & Logistics Times Name


10.00-10.20 Andrew Morgan ,Director of Global 78 10.20 - 10.40

Urban food logistics – facing the challenge

Jeffrey Van Pelt, Principal, Global Food & Beverage Industy - OSIsoft LLC US

10.40 - 11.00 Simon Breure ,Regional Director, Benelux - Palladium 11. 00- 11.30

Supply Chain Transparency Building Sustainable Supply Chains and Spurring Inclusive Growth: Using an Ecosystem Approach

Coffee Break & Networking

11.30 - 11.50 Chris Smith, Implementation Consultant, Epicor

The Pros and Pros of Industry-Specific ERP

11.50 -12.10

Mike Edmunds ,Co-Founder and Managing Director at Trade Interchange

Allergens in the Supply Chain: Why allergens continue to cause concern, and what you can do about it

12.10 - 12.30

Eleanor Walsh -Regional Sales Manager UK & Ireland at Sana Commerce

How to Optimise Through Automation and Shorten Your Time to Market

12.30- 12.50 Sasha Rebmann, Creative Director,Everysite

Assurance in the supply chain: Saving time and money through better use of data

12.50-13.10 Keith Bestwick ,Partner R&G Global Consultants UK Ltd

Boosting Supply Chain Performance with Data Driven Leadership

13.10 - 14.00

Lunch Break & Networking

14.00-14.20 David Went,Road Haulage Association Ltd

Road Haulage Association, Truck Cartel Legal Action

Food and Drink Packaging Materials, Technology and Design Times Name



Duncan Simpson, Director of Sales & Marketing Valpak, UK

Packaging Beyond Compliance – using data to drive change


Daren Spice, Sales & Marketing Director - Gordian Strapping

The Robots are coming: The rise of the robot stretch wrappers


Dr. Fengge Gao Reader , Faculty ,Nottingham Trent University, School of Science

Improve shelf-life of food and drink through packaging innovation

Supply Chain & Logis cs Summit

Packaging Materials, Technology & Design Summit

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 5:

AM: National Tourism and Hospitality PM: Food & Drink Retail Show / Foodservice and Hospitality

National Tourism and Hospitality Times Name 10.00-10.15 Rich New,Client Insight Manager, - HGEM Ltd, UK Monica Or,Founder of Star Quality Hospitality Consultancy John Howells, Senior Lecturer and Programme Director of 10.30-10.45 BA International Hotel Management,University of Wales 10.45-11.00 Ian Thomas is Head of Insight for NGI Solutions 10.15-10.30

Topic Reinventing the Wheel, An Innovative Breakthrough in Guest Experience Management The Hotelier’s and Restaurateur’s Guide to Creating a Star Quality Experience Aspiring to produce hotel industry leaders of tomorrow Utilising events to showcase your destination

11.00 - 11.15

Coffee Break & Networking Andrew Waldron , Senior Buisness Development The opportunities and challenges challenge of engaging the 11.15-11.30 Manager , Syft next generation hospitality talents Jacqui Jones – Programme Director for International 11.30-11.45 An Aspen Adventure in Food and Drink Travel and Tourism Programmes at UWTSD, Swansea 11.45-12.00 Richard Lewis ,CEO NPD Hotels ADDRESSING THE WORLD - 3 WORDS AT A TIME”

12.00.-12.30 Samantha Gourd , Head Of Sales - Individual Restaurants

Rewarding Loyalty; yes it does work

12.30-12.45 Resse Jeff 12.45 - 13.45

Lunch Break & Networking

Food and Drink Retail Show Times Name

Topic Christine Tacon,Groceries Code Adjudicator Mark Jones, Partner and Head of Food and Drink, 14.00-14.15 Gordons law firm Guy Hepplewhite, 1HQ, Creative Communications 14.15-14.30 Planning Director 14.30-14.45 Jon Shayler- Chief Operating Officer, Erudus

The Role of the Groceries Code Adjudicator Trading with supermarkets – What to do and what to think about. The Future of Retail Wholesalers, adopt barcodes or get left behind.

Foodservice and Hospitality Times Name Cyril Lavenant, Foodservice Director UK and 14.45-15.00 Econometric Solutions Development Director Foodservice Europe 15.00-15.15 Gagan Kapoor,Head of catering - Loughborough University Andrea Puddinu,Executive Sous Chef Baglioni Hotel 15.15-15.30 Italy


Foodservice Hospitality Expo UK 2018

Ricoh Arena, Coventry – 2nd Oct 2018

Topic How to Survive in our challenging times Simplicity a business priority The Italian Chef

The Tourism & Hospitality Show 2018



The UK’s most vibrant foodservice & hospitality event

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 6: NPD and Innovation Summit NPD and Innovation Summit Times Name


Damien Lee, Founder & CEO - Mr Lee's Pure Foods Co. AKA Mr Lee's Noodles, UK

Reinventing the instant noodle sector for health-conscious convenience


Dr. Ni Yang (Nicole), Flavour Laboratory Manager, University of Nottingham

Adding something SPICY?

10.40 - 11.00

Carole Dury,Associate, Chartered UK & European Patent Attorney, Barker Brettell LLP

Patents and your Product Launch

10.00 - 10.20

11.10 - 11.30 11.30- 11.50

Coffee Break & Networking Charlotte Horobin,Membership Director – Midlands & EEF Food Sector Bulletin East of England, EEF The manufacturers’ organisation

11.50 - 12.10 Angelo Colombo,EU & APAC Sales Director ,Selerant

Accelerate Products to Market in a Safer and More Compliant Way with Devex PLM

12.10 - 12.30 Penny Williams,Director - Formpak Limited

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) - The extreme environment for food and drink product compliance requires extremely flexible solutions

12.30 - 12.50

Qiong WU,Food Technician/Senior Project Manager CCIC London, UK

13.00 - 14.00

Lunch Break & Networking Bringing the food industry and the public together through shared values

14.00-14.20 Jane Powell,Food Education Consultant 14.20-14.40

Steve Osborn,Director & Technology Scout - The Aurora The future of food; where technology meets the trends Ceres Partnership Ltd

14.40-15.00 Phil Peters,Managing Director - Zing Zing, UK 15.00- 15.30 15.30-15.50

China Food & Drink Market Access

Building the Best Chinese Takeout in the World

Coffee Break & Networking Yawar Khan , Asian Catering Federation (ACF) Chairman

15.50-16.10 Alex Baverstock, UK Product Testing Lead, Ipsos

‘Selecting and supporting Chefs through menu innovation’ What makes a successful product launch?

Dr John Henry Looney, MD, Sustainable Direction Ltd & Delivering Global BAT AD and Environmental Engineering 16.10-16.30 Dr Ke Yang, MD, Woxford Environmental Technologies with Client Facing EPC-M (UK) Ltd

NPD & Innova on Summit 2018 Making Food Better

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 7:

AM: Food & Drink IT Summit PM: Food and Drink Engineering & Processing Summit

Food and Drink IT Summit Times Name



Alfredo Iorio ,Head of Strategy implementation Rondanini UK Ltd

Supply Chain digitization

10.20 - 10.40

Joseph McManus , Consultant, Deloitte EMEA Blockchain Lab - Deloitte

Blockchain’s role in the Food & Drink industry

10.40 - 11.00

Nigel Knapp – Senior Business Development Manager, MTC

Plan your productivity today to embrace technology tomorrow’

11.10- 11.30 11.30 - 11.50

Coffee Break & Networking Stephen Corner,Portfolio Development Executive , SEIMENS

Is Advanced Planning and Scheduling part of your Digital Strategy?

11.50 -12.10 Jonathan Lodge , CEO ,City Farm System

The economics of Growing Food in a City


Paul O’Connor, Product Owner - Mobile Enterprise Systems Ltd., UK

Controlling Mobile Staff


Mike Edmunds ,Co-Founder and Managing Director at Trade Interchange

Artificial Intelligence: The future of food and drink supply chain management

13.00 - 13.40

Lunch Break & Networking

13.40-14.00 Luke Watkins, Business Development, Flexciton 14.00-14.20

Using A.I. to Fully Optimise Your Production Plan and Schedule

Vincent Doumeizel, Vice President Food & Sustainability - Lloyd’s Register

How the convergence of data and life science will enable the food supply chain of tomorrow.

Food and Drink Engineering & Processing Summit Times Name 14.20-14.40


Matthew Barber ,Senior Partnership Account Manager ,The Institute of Engineering & Technology

14.40-15.00 Dr Simon Kampa, Co-founder and CEO, Senseye, UK 15.00-15.10 15.10-15.30

Championing Engineering Prognostics – The key to predictive maintenance

Coffee Break & Networking Dr. Arthur Lugtigheid – Senior data scientist, Food Standards Agency

15.30 - 15.50 David Bowers,UK Product Manager ,ABB

Coriolis Mass Flow Measurments

15.50-16.10 Etienne Fourie & Chui Green, Avanti Gas

The benefits of LPG for off-grid food and drink manufacturing businesses

16.10-16.30 Matthew Simpson , CSB System

Modules for the Smart Food Factory

Engineering Summit 2018

IT Summit Creating a Smarter Food Industry Manufacturing & Supply Chain

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 8:

AM: Sustainablity & Lean PM: Health & Nutrition

Sustainablity & Lean Times Name


10.00-10.15 Andy Burgess,Technical Sales Manager ,Aqua Enviro

Water reuse, trade effluent and raw water treatment: How to reduce costs, mitigate risk and improve sustainability credentials, including case studies from AB inbev, NBD and Warbutons

10.15 - 10.30

James Tucker,Industrial Business Development Manager - Huber Technology

Wastewater and sludge: How much is not treating it costing you?

10.30 - 10.45

Dr Phil Howell,Commercial Technical Lead - NIAB Cambridge

How can crop breeding and agronomy research help the food industry?

10.45-11.00 Craig Astfalck ,Founder - Ecopare 11.10 - 11.30

The hidden benefits of installing industrial LED Lighting Coffee Break & Networking

Paul Hardman,Regional Business Development Manager, - Spirax Sarco, UK

11.30- 11.45

11.45 - 12.00 Zafar Ure,Managing Director ,EPS Ltd

Is steam the biggest oversight to achieving sustainable product quality?" Sustainable temperature controlled distribution chain

12.00 - 12.15

William Heller ,Chief Executive Organic Waste Logistics

Complying with UK Food Waste Hierarchy Cost Effectively: A Case Study

12.15 - 12.30

Rowen West-Henzell,Commercial Manager,Fare Share

More than meals; why redistributing surplus food is good for people, the economy and the environment.

12.30-12.45 Clarke Energy Labeling to promote environmental and socio-economic sustainability

12.45-13.00 Giuseppe Zicari, Food safety consultant 13.00-14.00

Lunch Break & Networking

Health & Nutrition 14.00-14.15 Matt Wright,Founder - Check Your Food

Health Benefits’ may be the future of food innovation & promotion

14.15-14.30 Clare Hedderman,Nutritionist.

Sugar Reduction

14.30-14.45 Karen Woodford & Rory Mason , Safereating

An insiders view: how to keep free-from sexy and bridge the gap between consumers"

14.45-15.00 Mike Bagshaw,Founder International Taste Solutions

Seducing customers with amazing flavours

15.00- 15.30

Coffee Break & Networking

15.30 - 15.45 Carol Sycamore,Technical Sales Developer - Beloved 15.45-16.00 Suraksha Gupta, Newcastle University

Sustainable Food & Beverage Manufacturing Conference & Exhibition

Hey Sugar you’ve met your match: Beloved date solutions for healthier products Healthy Food

Lean, Produc vity and Con nuous Improvement Summit

Health & Nutri on Summit 2018

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Speakers Adeline Koay - PhD Principal Research Scientist Diageo With 18 years’ experience in beverage Innovation and digital technologies, Adeline develops R&D strategies and leads research platforms for Diageo Innovation. She is passionate about creating irresistible tasting products and discovering new ways to delight consumers.

Adrian Massey Managing Director C'go® drinks Adrian has a PhD and 14 years developing and launching food products across the UK and Europe for some of the world’s largest food companies amassing over 29 granted patents and is now recognised as one of the most cutting-edge product developers in the UK. Adrian founded C’go® drinks in 2013 and is now on a mission to shake-up the breakfast category with a genuinely healthy and exciting alternative.

Adrian Matthews Director Food & Farming Savills, UK Adrian Matthews leads the Savills Food Sector Consultancy team. He has advised farmers and farm businesses for 30 years on all technical and business management issues. This includes identification of markets and securing a home for whatever is grown on the farm as well as helping farmers identify new income streams such as farm shops and direct selling.

Alfredo Iorio Head of Strategy Implementation Rondanini UK Ltd I have 18 years of international experience in Supply Chain transformation for the Food industry with a background in Economics and International Commerce. I implemented several IT and business process improvement projects where operations are carried in multi-sites across different countries resulting in increased operational efficiency and better data harvesting

Andrew Morgan Director Global 78 Andrew is a supply chain professional with over 30 years’ experience in the food and drink sector. Director of Global 78, he was the lead author for the UKWA landmark report ‘Feeding London 2030 – Facing the logistical challenge’. This explored critical issues around increasing urbanisation, rapidly changing consumer expectations, and how to shape an effective logistical response.

Andrea Puddinu Executive Sous Chef Baglioni Hotel Italy The kitchen is all about passion, the first time I cook I was just 7 years old,very easy meal just spaghetti with garlic and oil, but from the point. I never stop cooking. From them my carriera start! “I decide to by a chef”. On the next year I start the culinary school of my country , where I get the basic.

Andrew Waldron Senior Business Development Syft Andrew has an extensive background in the tech sector, pursuing sales driven roles in companies such as, helping hospitality businesses to adopt technology for change. He spent 2 years at one of the world’s most exciting, innovative companies, Tesla, before joining Syft.

Andy Burgess Technical Sales Manager Aqua Enviro From raw water through to discharging into the natural environment, we meet food and beverage industry’s needs with a large portfolio of products and services for water and wastewater treatment and management. Key services include the Operation and maintenance of water reuse, trade effluent and raw water treatment assets.

Anthony Bullick Managing Director Outwrite PR Anthony Bullick is managing director of Outwrite PR, an award-winning food and drink PR agency. Anthony has been shortlisted for multiple PR and business awards, and is a regular commentator on the PR and marketing industry.

Angelo Colombo EU & APAC Sales Director SELERANT Angelo joined Selerant in 2014 taking responsibilities for sales and marketing activities in Europe and Asia Pacific proposing Devex PLM software solution to support NPDI processes in chemical, food&beverage, cosmetics and pharma industries.

Arthur Lugtigheid Senior data scientist Food Standards Agency Arthur Lugtigheid works as a senior data scientist for the Food Standards Agency (FSA), which is the national authority that is responsible for ensuring that food is safe to eat. Arthur is the lead data scientist for the Surveillance Programme – working on projects to enable data-driven horizon scanning to identify food safety issues before they become a problem.

Carole Drury - Associate, Chartered UK & European Patent Attorney Barker Brettell LLP Carole is a patent attorney with many years’ experience in patent drafting, prosecution and opposition, due diligence projects and providing opinions with regard to infringement. Carole’s technical specialism is in chemical technologies, including food science, especially confectionery, brewing and animal feed!

Carol Sycamore Technical Sales Developer Beloved With over 30 years’ experience in the food industry spanning chilled, frozen and ambient, sweet and savoury categories, Carol has been at the forefront of the trends towards clean label and the growth of plant based innovation.

Catherine Elms Senior Director Future Thinking Catherine is a Research Director within the Launch division at Future Thinking, and has over 18 years’ experience agency research experience, focussing on consumer research. She is a quantitative specialist who takes a hands-on approach to research, managing large client accounts alongside continued project involvement, ensuring high-quality outputs and provision of thorough and impactful debriefs, insights, and recommendations.

Charlotte Horobin - Membership Director - Midlands & East of England EEF The Manufacturers’ Organisation Charlotte is represents manufacturers in the Midlands & East to advance the sector in the region. Charlotte gained her undergraduate degree from The University of Leeds in Biomedical Science and Masters at The University of Nottingham. Before joining EEF Charlotte worked in food manufacturing Chris Haywood - Associate – IP & Media

Solicitor (England & Wales) Chartered Trade Mark & Design Attorney (UK - Gregg Latchams)

Chris is an international brand specialist at the law firm Gregg Latchams. His practice focuses on the global management of trade marks as well as issues relating to designs, copyright, reputation and media law. He has represented household FDH brands at the EUIPO, UKIPO, High Court, and in numerous commercial negotiations.

Epicor Tropos Specialist ERP – technology of choice for food and beverage manufacturers • On Premise or Cloud

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Epicor Tropos users:

Visit us on Stand stand O04 P01




OCT 2nd 2018

Entrance Registration Desk



8 Info

Craft Beers & Beverages Brexit

B09 B08

Cloak Room

B07 Speaker Desk



Sustainability & Lean

Seating Area



D07 E07


D05 E05



D04 E04





MAIN STAGE Sustainable & Lean J03


Seating Area L09 M09 L08 M08


L06 M06

N06 P06 N05 P05 N04 N03

P04 P03

2 I16

C05 D03






I14 D01 B02

I13A I13

C02 C01


N02 P02 N01 P01


Engineering & IT



I05 Tea & Coffee


I12 B01


7 L03 M03 M01

Jobs, Skills & Training



Grow Food

Health & Nutrition


I09 I09A I07

Seating Area

Seating Area



Quality & Safety Speaker Room

4 Supply Chain Packaging Materials, Technology & Design Summit

Tea & Coffee

5 Tourism & Hospitality Food Services & Hospitality Food Retail

NPD & Innovation

Exhibitors D01 ABB Limited B05 adi Group L09 Amaray C05 Anamet Europe D07 AvantiGas C02 Bijur Delimon U.K. N03 Biochemica Water Ltd D04 Buchi UK Ltd P05 Clarke Energy B08 Clegg Food Projects Ltd. I06 Complete Recycling Services Ltd N02 Cranfield University L03 Crusader Ltd. E04 CSB Systems B01 Dunlop Protective Footwear & Needlers J04 Ecopare Ltd J10 Emerson Automation Solutions P04 EMS Cognito P01 Epicor Software D05 Erudus M03 Eurotherm By Schneider Electric C01 Everysite

C07 Flexciton Ltd. N01 Gordian Strapping Ltd I11 Huber Technology I09A Handisc D03 HVDS I13A The Institute Of Technology & Engineeing E01 Imspex Diagnostics I17 Integrated Food Projects J01 Klüber Lubrication GB I07 Menshen Packaging N04 Mobile Enterprise Systems Ltd I15 NDC Technologies B06 Optima International Ltd C04 Organic Waste Logistics I02 OSISOFT U.K. Ltd I12 PM Connections Ltd J03 QADEX C08 Qwizdom - Ximbus I05 Registrar Corp - Assistance with US FDA I09 Roasty Foods Pvt ltd P06 R&G Global Consultants C06 Selerant SRL I13 Sana Commerce

B09 Senseye P02 Signum Solutions E07 Siltbuster Process Solutions P03 Solid-Group A/S I14 Sustainability West Midlands C09 Specpage AG N06 Spirax Sarco J07 SSI SCHAEFER M08 S4RB N05 Suez/Aquaenviro J02 Severn Trent Green Power L06 Sustainable Direction Ltd M06 Tax Go M09 Tech Ltd. I16 Technology Management L01 Total Development Management Inc B04 Trade Interchange E05 University of Manchester B02 Verder UK Ltd L08 Xetec I10

4. Supply Chain Packaging Materials, Technology, Technology & Design Summit 5. Tourism & Hospitality Food Services & Hospitality Food Retail

6. NPD & Innovation 7. Engineering & IT 8. Sustainability & Lean Health & Nutrition

Seminars 1. Craft Beers & Beverages Brexit 2. Grow Food Jobs, Skills & Training 3. Quality & Safety

Main Stages Main Stage Food and Drink UK Conference

Main Stage Sustainable & Lean

@FDBexpo #FDBUK18

Speakers Chris Smith Implementation Consultant Epicor Chris has over 30 years’ experience of harnessing the power of IT solutions to enhance company performance. His career with Epicor and Tropos stretches to over 20 years, during which time he has implemented and project managed over 250 solution implementations.

Christine Tacon Groceries Code Adjudicator

Christine Tacon is the UK’s first Groceries Code Adjudicator and oversees the implementation of the Groceries Supply Code of Practice by the UK’s largest grocery retailers with their direct suppliers. She is also Chair of MDS, a graduate scheme provider in the food and fresh produce industry.

Chui Green Technical Sales Manager (Lead) Applications - AvantiGas Chui Green is the technical sales lead for AvantiGas specialising in off-grid energy solutions for commercial and industrial applications. A chemical engineer by training, Chui has experience in the water and utilities sectors as well as in LPG and LNG.

Clare Hedderman Nutritionist Chartwells Clare is an Association for Nutrition registered Nutritionist for Chartwells. With four years’ experience in food service specialising in food development, Clare supports suppliers and chefs to develop products, recipes and menus that meet and exceed government targets for nutrition, with a particular focus on sugar.

Clare Wardle General Counsel & Company Secretary Coca-Cola European Partners General Counsel and Company Secretary and member of the Executive of Coca-Cola European Partners plc since June 2016, leading risk, compliance, security and legal teams across 13 countries, sponsor of the Diversity Council.

Dr Colin Morgan Business Development Director RSK ADAS Dr Colin Morgan is the Business Development Director at RSK ADAS, and specialises in designing and delivering sustainability services for the food and farming sector.

Craig Astfalck Founder Ecopare Craig Astfalck is founder of Ecopare, the practical energy optimisation company. Craig is a Certified Energy Auditor with many years of experience delivering industrial energy reduction projects across a range of manufacturing companies.

Cyril Lavenant Executive Director Foodservice UK As Executive Director of Foodservice in the UK at The NPD Group, Cyril leads the market research department. With more than a decade working in market research he has held both agency and clientside roles.

Damien Lee - Founder & CEO Mr Lee's Pure Foods Co. AKA Mr Lee's Noodles, UK The finalist of Amazon Growing Business Awards for Entrepreneur of the Year 2017, Sunday Times Maserati 100 list in 2018 and the Great British Entrepreneur Awards 2018 list of The Most Exciting Food & Drink Entrepreneurs to Watch - Damien Lee has always had an interest in running his own businesses.

Daren Spice Sales & Marketing Director Gordian Strapping Daren Spice is Sales & Marketing Director at Gordian Strapping Ltd. Gordian Strapping supplies end-ofline packaging systems including strapping, stretch wrapping, stretch hooding and shrink hooding solutions and Daren has written a number of articles on these packaging methods.

Darran Neary Dynamics Food Specialist - Technology Management Darran Neary is Technology Management’s dedicated Microsoft Dynamics Food specialist. He works alongside manufacturers and distributors within the Food & Beverage industry to make the manufacturing, sales and distribution of a product easier than ever with Microsoft Dynamics software.

Darren Bevan Commercial Director JDM Food Group Ltd Darren has 30 years of commercial experience spanning a number of multi-channel customer facing roles. Key areas of business interest include strategic development and sustainability at SME level. Darren will be asking the question “What is strategy, and does it matter?”

David Bowers UK Product Manager ABB David Bowers has nearly 30 years’ experience in the Instrumentation and Control industry and is a member of the Institute of Measurement and Control. David is the Pressure and Process Flow products manager joining the company over four years ago.

David Gaskill Proposal Manager (Industrial) Siltbuster Process Solutions Ltd With over 25 years of experience within the industrial wastewater sector, David has worked on many different projects for a number of clients including several blue chip companies. He is currently the Proposal Manager (Industrial) for Siltbuster Process Solutions who supply and install temporary and permanent wastewater treatment equipment.

David Highton Chairman BSI David Highton is BSI Committee Chair to AW/90 Quality systems for the food industry. David’s background was in Trading Standards before spending over 15 years at BSI’s Management Systems and Product Certification Division. With proven experience in quality management systems, his expertise also covers management-related technical advice and training, particularly in food safety.

Professor David Nutt - FMedSci Prof of Neuropsychopharmacology Imperial College, London David is currently Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London anf Chair of He is a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians, of Psychiatrists and of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

David Parkinson Senior Engineering & Supply Chain Consultant - Royal Haskoning DHV David is a senior engineering and supply chain leader with more than 30 years’ experience working across international boundaries primarily in the FMCG Industry. He had a long career of more than 20 years with Unilever, latterly as head of engineering in South East Asia.

David Poxon Fire Protection Association

David is a vastly experienced Fire Safety Professional who has managed both FPA’s Risk Services Department and the Fire Protection Association of Southern Africa in the past.Today he acts as the FPA’s

Speakers Practice Principal and Quality Manager, ensuring the smooth running of the FPA technical consultancy and upholding FPA’s ideals in fire protection.

David Read Chairman - Prestige Purchasing, United Kingdom David established supply chain consultancy Prestige Purchasing in 1998, since then it has become recognised as the thought leader on procurement and distribution within the Foodservice sector. The company’s annual Food Inflation report has become an important part of the sector’s calendar, and is widely respected as the major source of insight into historic and future food market performance.

David Went Lawyer Exchange Chambers - Leeds David is one of the UK’s leading competition lawyers, consistently ranked in the leading directories since 2010, including a top-tier ranking in Chambers & Partners. David has worked on numerous competition law damages actions and EU/UK cartel cases before the European Commission, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority, and the High Court.

Denis Treacy Chief Safety, Quality, Security & Environment Officer - Pladis Global Denis Treacy is Chief Safety, Quality, Security & Environment Officer for the $5bn Global Snack foods business Pladis Global, formerly UB as well as Head of Health & Safety for Yildiz Holdings, the $17bn frozen food, retail, engineering, mining, personal care company.

Diana White Associate Regional Vice President HelmsBriscoe Diana is a multiple Presidents Club award winner and has been a regular recipient of many top International producer awards from major hotel chains. As a global leader within HelmsBriscoe Diana mentors and nurtures a team of associates as well as managing a wide variety of diverse sector accounts.

Duncan Simpson Director of Sales & Marketing Valpak, UK Duncan joined Valpak in 1998. He is the Director of Sales and Marketing and he also manages a portfolio of key Valpak customers. Duncan has over 20 years’ experience working in the waste management sector. Prior to joining Valpak Duncan was a Recycling Officer and Strategic Waste Officer in Local Government.

Eduardo Fonseca Arraes Vice president Business Development Eduardo holds a Master’s Degree in Sustainability from Université de Montréal. Eduardo joined forces with Sébastien Bureau and Thomas Durant to start Mannanova Solutions Inc., a company dedicated to help beverage and food producers around the globe to develop sustainable, health and delicious products.

Eleanor Walsh Regional Sales Manager UK & Ireland Sana Commerce Eleanor is the Regional Sales Manager for UK and Ireland within Sana Commerce and has been in the ERP software industry since 2001. She previously worked as the Head of Retail Sales and Head of UK Sales & Marketing for organisations such as K3, Sanderson and Columbus.

Etienne Fourie Technical Sales Manager Babcock Wanson Etienne qualified as a Chemical Engineer and has been working for Babcock Wanson UK since 2006, with responsibility for sales for the past 4 years. Focused on integration of heating and process equipment, he takes a holistic approach to process design.

Evan Morgenstein President & CEO CelebExperts & Premier Management Group

Evan Morgenstein is the President & CEO of CelebExperts and Premier Management Group. He has represented some of the greatest U.S. Olympians (Mark Spitz, Dara Torres) and social media influencers (Jen Selter) in history and consults startups to industry leading companies on how to create successful celebrity marketing campaigns.

Fengge Gao- Reader in Nanotechnology Director of Nanoscience Laboratory - School of Science & Technology, Nottingham Trent University Dr. Fengge Gao is a Reader in Nanotechnology at Nottingham Trent University. He is one of the pioneers in the UK in developing filler enhanced polymer nanotechnology in food and drink packaging application.

Gagan Kapoor Head of Catering Loughborough University As the Head of Catering for Loughborough University, Gagan Kapoor plays an important part in the award winning student experience that the university is renowned for. Along with balancing the need for commerciality and value for the university community, his strategic focus is to ensure the services are proactively aligned to enhance customer experience.

Gary Baylis Regulatory Advisor Registrar Corp After many years in the international shipping & logistics industry Gary opened the UK & Ireland office of Registrar Corp in 2018. Registrar Corp is the leading global provider of assistance services for foreign suppliers whose products are regulated by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

Dr Gavin Milligan ESG Directo William Jackson Food Group Dr Gavin Milligan has worked for SMEs and blue-chip corporates and is currently Environmental, Social and Governance Director for the William Jackson Food Group, overseeing their social and environmental programmes. He is a Director of Sedex and chairs the FoodWasteNet Management Committee and the Agrifood group at Campden BRI.

Dr Giuseppe Zicari Consultant Zicari G. Consulting Giuseppe Zicari works in Italy as a consultant and he is an agrotechnic and biologist (with PhD on Renewable Energies and sustainable agriculture, and he has the specializations in Applied Genetics (three years post graduate course in the field of bio-medical sciences).

Guy Hepplewhite Creative Communications Planning Director - 1HQ An award-winning, integrated communications planner with over 25 years working across small, medium and large agencies including two that he either founded or co-founded. Guy’s passion lies in showing how ideas, filled by genuine insight, should be allowed to flourish across a wide range of communications channels with absolute creative consistency, impact and relevance.

Halak Parikh Head of Centre of Excellence Technical Insights - Britvic Halak Parikh is Head of Centre of Excellence Technical Insights within Britvic’s R&D. Halak has over 10 years’ experience in food industry & sensory science from Quality control, Product Assurance through to R&D. Her role at Britvic over 6 years has been to lead a cutting edge sensory science function to drive consumer centric innovation

Speakers Huma Allana Vice President, Legal (Great Britain) Coca-Cola European Partners Huma is Vice President, Legal and Company Secretary for Great Britain at Coca-Cola European Partners. Huma has a strong focus on people and a passion to develop diverse and high performing legal teams to deliver results by working side by side with the business and to win in the marketplace.

Ian Tansley Chief Technical Officer The Sure Chill Company Ian has over 30 years’ experience in innovative R&D specialising in cutting edge cold chain technologies, developing numerous commercial products. He has led global product development teams for products from early research to full scale production. Ian has worked for many years to complete complex and challenging projects across the globe.

Ian Thomas Head of Insight NewcastleGateshead Initiative Ian Thomas is Head of Insight for NGI Solutions, an insight led Research, Marketing and Communications, the commercial arm of the DMO for NewcastleGateshead, NewcastleGateshead Initiative.

Jacqui Jones - Programme Director for International Travel and Tourism Programmes - UWTSD, Swansea UWTSD has developed an innovative talent development internship with the legendary Little Nell Hotel in Aspen, Colorado. The hotel’s boasts world renowned chefs using local sourced produce, an unrivalled wine training program overseen by a Master Sommelier and 39 In-House Sommeliers, Pop Up Champagne/Food Outlets on the Mountain, and an International Food and Wine Festival.

Jane Powell Food Education Consultant

Jane Powell is a freelance writer and education consultant specializing in food and social change. She worked until 2015 at Organic Centre Wales, on public engagement, and now works with schools for LEAF Education. She is a volunteer editor of the Wales Food Manifesto and writes at

James Tucker Industrial Business Development Manager - Huber Technology Having worked with wastewater across a number of industries, James Tucker has spent the majority of his time providing solutions to maintain compliance and reduce costs for a range of food manufacturing plants.

The range of global Huber experience ensures best practice with a personal solution, for each unique site.

Jean Billant Senior Business Advisor Advance London Jean is Senior Business Advisor at Advance London, a programme joint funded by the ERDF and LWARB to deliver circular economy focused business support and advice to SMEs within London to help them scale-up existing circular economy operations or transition to more circular business operating models.

Jeffrey Van Pelt Principal, Global Food & Beverage Industy - OSIsoft LLC US Jeff Van Pelt is Principal, Global Food & Beverage Industry at OSIsoft. In this role, Mr. Van Pelt is responsible industry strategy, segment development, thought leadership and ensuring customers drive value from their technology investments. Van Pelt is a 30 veteran in the consumer products industry in a variety of roles.

Jess Latchford Director Waste Knot With over 12 years’ experience in the fresh produce industry, Jess set-up Waste Knot. Working alongside farmers, growers, retailers, chefs and restaurateurs, her experience spans challenges faced by all sides of the industry. It became apparent that the strict standards of what is deemed acceptable in terms of the size and appearance of fruit and vegetables has led to widespread, unprecedented levels of wastage and this was the motivation behind the business.

Jessica Cresswell Principal Consultant Carbon Smart Jessica leads Carbon Smart’s Responsible Supply Chain service line. She works with large and small businesses to address environmental and social impacts across their value chain, helping them to reduce their impact and move towards circular business models.

Joanna Becker Food Law Regulations & Compliance Executive - IFIS Publishing Joanna Becker is currently the Regulations & Compliance Executive at IFIS Publishing, a global information provider and not-for-profit organisation in the sciences of food and health and regulatory food information.

Joanne Carlin Director of People & Development Daniel Thwaites Jo Carlin is the Director of People & Development at Daniel Thwaites, a hospitality company established

over 200 years ago that now owns over 250 pubs, characterful inns and hotels, ranging from four-star hotels, spas and conference centres.

Joe Warren Co-Founder, Director ZTP Joe Warren gained a 1st class honours degree in Sustainability and Disaster Management from Birmingham University. A major focus was placed on sustainability and its implications where Joe was awarded the Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship for finishing top of the year group.

Dr John Henry Looney MD Sustainable Direction Ltd John Henry is Founder and Managing Director of environmental and sustainability consultancy Sustainable Direction Ltd, a Visiting Fellow at the University of Bristol, and an Honorary Professor at the University of Nottingham. John Henry has worked in environmental engineering, management and assessment in over 30 countries, for clients including large MNCs, governments, funding banks and legal practices.

John Purdy Business Development Manager Klüber Lubrication Great Britain Ltd Responsible for key customer accounts in the Food, Beverage & Pharmaceutical sectors, John’s experience in the lubricants industry helps the Klüber Lubrication GB team deliver value and benefits to customers, through the use of specialised, high performance NSF H1 / ISO 21469 lubricants, supported by a World Class Lubrication program.

John Howells- Senior Lecturer & Programme Director of BA International Hotel Management - University of Wales Jon Shayler Chief Operating Officer Erudus Jonathan Lodge CEO City-Farm Systems Jonathan Lodge started his career in Design Technology before moving into project finance and resource efficiency. Recognising the inefficiency of fresh produce supply chains Jonathan applied his thinking to the need to feed a smart city at an affordable price.

Speakers Joseph McManus- Consultant, Deloitte EMEA Blockchain Lab Deloitte Joe is a Business Consultant within the Deloitte EMEA Blockchain Lab. Joe’s work in the lab is primarily focused on Supply Chain engagements assisting clients with proposition design and use case validation. Joe is actively engaged in the development of a Blockchain solution for the Irish Agri-food sector.

Karen Green Director Food Mentor Karen Green is the Food Mentor – business consultant, speaker and author of bestselling book “Recipe for success” She has been UK retail buyer and commercial director of successful food companies. Her skill lies in enabling food SMEs maximize profitable sales by focusing on effective product design, route to market and category strategies

Karen Woodford Managing Director Safereating Karen Woodford launched Safer Eating in 2014 after being diagnosed with coeliac disease and lactose intolerance. Her two young daughters are also coeliac. She has worked in the NHS for almost 20 years and is a clinical manager. Eating out became a nightmare for Karen and she set up the company after encountering a shocking lack of options and understanding in many food outlets.

Keith Bestwick Partner R&G Global Consultants UK Ltd Keith Bestwick has been working across Supply Chain and Manufacturing for more than 20yrs – taking a data based view of business performance improvement and linking this to the physical business process Keith is able to support organisations in tackling complex business issues to bring about positive business outcome’s.

Kevin Fernandes Sales Manager IMSPEX Diagnostics Ltd Kevin Fernandes has followed a long and varied career in the analytical instrumentation industry and has experience of introducing many different analytical techniques to a wide variety of applications areas. Most recently at IMSPEX Diagnostics we have been introducing exciting GC-IMS sensor technology to food and beverage quality control.

Kevin Higgins Membership Manager - BPCA British Pest Control Association Kevin has worked in public health and pest control for

the military and in a number of countries. He joined Rentokil as a Technician and then went on to be a Technical Surveyor. He’s worked as a consultant in Saudi, Egypt and the Trucial Oman states, delivering training and logistical support.

Ke Yang Managing Director Woxford Environmental Technologies Woxford was born of a passion shared by the company founders: through combining expertise in engineering and academic research, we developed new technologies in the wastewater treatment industry. Since then, we have accumulated over 40 years’ experience and successfully supported a variety of industrial clients.

Lee Holdstock Trade Relations Manager - Soil Association Benefiting from more than 15 year of experience in food and textile business development, Lee is a trusted expert in sustainability, responsible business and organics who manages a range of projects for Soil Association Certification - the UK’s biggest organic certifier. By helping hundreds of businesses build capability in marketing, communications, supply chain and routes to market, Lee’s team at Soil Association Certification actively support the growth of an organic market, now worth more than £2B a year.

Lisa Clifford Motivational Speaker

Lisa believes true high performance is feeling UNSTOPPABLE towards and into the successes you value in life, aligning the mind with greatness, removing the layers of doubt and stepping into limitless results.Lisa is known by her audiences as “The Fire Igniter”. She ignites peoples inner flame, connecting what is really important to them.

Luke Watkins Business Development Flexciton Luke Watkins (MEng) heads up Business Development at Flexciton, a London based company building A.I. solutions for manufacturing. He has an extensive background in manufacturing through previous work at both Ford Motor Co. and McLaren.

Mariane Hodgkinson Food Safety Consultant Twyning Consultancy Ltd Mariane Hodgkinson is a food consultant at Twyning Consultancy using knowledge, systems and common sense to achieve the best safety and hygiene standards in the food and drinks industry. Member of IFST, EHEDG and passionate about hygienic design, she supports companies in improving its operations and product safety culture.

Mark Hughes Business Development Manager Chemours Fluorochemicals Mark Hughes is a business development manager with Chemours Fluorochemicals with responsibility for the promotion of Chemours next generation refrigerants across Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Mark Jones Partner and Head of Food and Drink Gordons law firm Mark is a Partner in Gordons’ Dispute Resolution team and specialises in business disputes and challenging the decisions of public bodies (i.e. judicial review). Although Mark has spent most of his career in private practice as an external advisor, he has also worked in-house for Morrisons and Iceland.

Mark Richardson Process Improvement Consultan EMS Cognito, UK Mark Richardson, previously a Transformation Regional Lead in Healthcare and an Operational Excellence Projects Leader in manufacturing, has over 30 years of experience in engineering, production, quality & continuous improvement.

Martin Leeming CEO TrakRap CEO of innovative secondary packaging manufacturer TrakRap, Martin is a retail professional who joined the business after working for Asda for 15 years, holding Director roles in Buying and Supply Chain.

Martin Lister Partner UK and Ireland Humantelligence Inc. Martin Lister is an investor and partner in Humantelligence Inc. the leading cloud-based culture analytics platform for recruiting, talent development and engagement that leverages break-through Artificial Intelligence and talent analytics to measure team culture and hire for culture fit and predictive success.

Martyn Young Co Founder, Procurement Director ZTP After completing an honors degree in accounting at the University of Kent, Martyn qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant in 1984 and has worked for a variety of Blue Chip companies in the UK in FMCG, Construction and Education sectors. Since qualifying Martyn has been active in developing the uses of data cubes in forecasting models as well as leading multidisciplinary profit optimization teams.

Speakers Matthew Barber - Senior Partnership Account Manager - The Institution of Engineering & Technology (The IET) Matt is a Senior Partnership Account Manager at the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Launched IET Enterprise Partners in 2016, which focuses on UK engineering and technology SMEs, enabling them to offer development pathways for their engineers and technicians and provide exposure across the IET’s engineering community.

Mathew Simpson Sales Manager CSB-System Mathew Simpson is Sales Manager for CSB-System in the UK and Ireland. He helps a wide range of food manufacturers to become more efficient using ERP software. He has a particular expertise in meat processing and a wealth of experience in technical, supply chain and business management from the canning industry.

Matt Wright Founder Check Your Food att wright is an entrepreneur & information systems expert, and has been working in web development and nutrition for many years. Matt is the founder of Check Your Food Ltd a company that runs two high end nutritional analysis sites that integrate: nutritional science, food composition data, RDA/RIs/NRVs & the effects of cooking on nutrients.

Michelle Lestas Entrepreneur & Academic - The Good Food & Wine Company As founding Partner of Lestas Consulting, in 2000, I have worked with SMEs at all stages of development and across all sectors as a management consultant. I am also the Co Founder of The Good Food & Wine Co Brand - an award winning brand that champions local artisan food production and retail.

Mike Bagshaw Founder International Taste Solutions Mike Bagshaw founded International Taste Solutions (ITS) in 2009 aiming for it to be the most innovative, passionate, and agile creator of natural taste and texture solutions in the food industry. Holding strong technical skills and being an enthusiastic entrepreneur, he started ITS with a focus in the bakery, but he soon realised that the food industry was moving towards healthier products.

Mike Edmunds Co-Founder and Managing Director Trade Interchange Mike co-founded Trade Interchange in 2000 and has 25 years’ industry experience. He ensures that the ARCUS® Supplier Management platform is fit for purpose by developing innovative, industry-specific software functionality. Mike is responsible for the company’s strategic and technical vision as Managing Director and Product Owner. Monica Or - Founder of Star Quality Hospitality Consultancy, Author of the ‘Star Quality’ book trilogy - Star Quality Hospitality Consultancy

With over 25 years industry experience Monica is a consultant, trainer, author and international speaker. Working with the owner / managers of independent hotels and restaurants she assists them to create memorable guest experiences.

Neil Firth Business Development Manager Garlock GB Ltd Neil Firth is Business Development Manager at Garlock GB Ltd. Garlock supply high performance seals for the food and pharma industries that increase productivity, reduce the number of failed batches, and lower cost.

Nigel Knapp Business Development Manager - MTC Manufacturing Technology Centre Nigel joined the MTC in 2016 with responsibility for SME sales and has since engaged with over 100 manufacturers to deliver productivity improvements. Nigel previously managed the GrowthAccelerator programme covering Coventry & Warwickshire, signing up 350 SME clients from all sectors over a 4 year period.

Oliver Leedam Regulatory Consultant Leatherhead Food Research

Patrick McNamara Technical Specialist Manager Food Services Intertek

I am currently Technical Specialist Manager for Intertek’s Food Services Business Line. The role involves technical support on testing as well as advice on compliance with current food legislation and riskassessed due diligence plans.

Paul Hardman Regional Business Development Manager - Spirax Sarco, UK 23 years’ experience with Spirax Sarco, designing and problem solving for Spirax Sarco’s customers. Was awarded design patent for the Spirax SafeBloc™ double block and bleed isolation valve which has improved steam safety around the world since its introduction. Specialising is energy efficiency, heat transfer and recovery, improving efficiency of customers steam systems.

Paul O’Connor Product Owner Mobile Enterprise Systems Ltd., UK Paul has been working with wholesale distribution and van sales companies for many years implementing systems that make the most effective use of handheld technology providing easy to use systems for proof of delivery and route accounting.

Paulina Anguiano PhD Candidate Cranfield University Paulina, nutritionist working experience as a consultant for Mexican Food, Hygiene and Quality Systems. In 2016 she earned her master’s degree in Food Safety, Hygiene and Management from the University of Birmingham.

Penny Williams Director Formpak Limited

Oliver is a Regulatory Consultant at Leatherhead Food Research with over 30 years’ experience in the food industry, with experience of providing regulatory support and training to both regulators and industry, and working in the soft drinks, food additives, ready meals and breakfast cereals industries.

Penny Williams is a Director of Formpak software with over 29 years’ experience in fragrance, flavour and allied industries. A key focus is solving and avoiding problems for customers, especially in the area of product compliance during recipe development and through the product lifecycle.

Oliver Rubinstein-Baylis Agri-Food Consultant RSK ADAS

Dr Phil Howell Commercial Technical Lead NIAB Cambridge

Oliver is an agri-food consultant with a particular interest in how soils can be effectively managed within agricultural supply chains, to make them more resilient. Before working for ADAS he was part of the Food Chain team at the NFU as well as a researcher at the Organic Research Centre.

Phil has been active in crop genetics and breeding research for over 25 years, in both the public and private sectors. After ten years breeding wheat varieties for Syngenta, he now works on crop genetic improvement at NIAB, often in partnership with commercial breeders and other supply-chain partners.

Speakers Phil Peters Managing Director Zing Zing, UK Despite starting out in the food kiosks of Watford Football Club, it was almost 15-years before Phil would step back into the food industry, joining Zing Zing in the summer of 2016 as its new Operations Director, before becoming Managing Director last summer.

Qiong Wu Food Technician/Senior Project Manager CCIC London, UK Result-focused food technologist with international experience in different countries. Currently working in service provider to smooth European Food/ Drink Brands going to China with her past working experiences with British Food Supplier.

Richard Lewis CEO NPD Hotels After hitchhiking to Afghanistan from London, via an unplanned few months in the Greek Islands, Richard had caught the travel ‘bug’. He has now spent over 35 years in hospitality, media companies and service industries. He’s visited 87 countries - working in seven of them, including 11 years in the UAE. Senior roles: MD Preferred Hotel Group EMEA; VP CNN International; Director Le Meridien Hotels; CEO Best Western Hotels GB; CEO Whisper Hotels; and CEO Landmark Hotels.

Rich New Client Insight Manager HGEM Ltd, UK Rich is the Client Insight Manager at Hospitality Guest Experience Management company, HGEM Ltd. With a background in HR, Account Management and Psychology, he is passionate about empowering teams to deliver an outstanding guest experience by providing actionable insight based on research and guest feedback.

Robert Crossman Director Working Time Solutions Limited, UK Delivering a unique mix of powerful workforce planning & management software and specialist consultancy, Working Time Solutions help organisations dramatically improve their cost-base and productivity while supporting employee wellbeing and compliance. Rob is a ‘hands-on’ Director who continues to play a key role in developing and delivering client solutions.

Robert Hardy Oakland Invicta Commercial Director Oakland International A certified Customs specialist preparing food businesses for Brexit, and a Brexit advisor to The Institute for Government, a funded advisor to

InterTradeIreland and a registered international trade expert with the EU Commission

Rory Mason Marketing director Safereating Rory Mason has severe food allergies and brings extra valuable insight to Safer Eating. He runs his own digital marketing business. They both live in Leeds and are working to encourage growth in the free-from sector while helping businesses safely cater for fellow ‘tricky eaters’.

Rowen West-Henzell Commercial Manager FareShare Rowen is responsible for sourcing surplus food from the meat category and managing key relationships with FareShare’s meat partners, including Faccenda, Kerry Foods and 2 Sisters. In addition, Rowen account manages both Co-op and Aldi, two of FareShare’s core retail partners.

Samantha Gourd Head of Sales - Individual Restaurants

Samantha Gourd Head of Sales at Individual Restaurants started out within the live music industry, running a team of promoters she established herself within the London market. This led on to organizing and promoting club nights across Europe, before getting head hunted by Novus leisure a late night venue group.

Santiago Navarro CEO and Co-founder Garçon Wines Santiago is the CEO and co-founder of Garçon Wines, the inventors of flat wine bottles specially developed to be sent by post and delivered through a letterbox. Santiago and his co-founder set out to build a wine club for millennials, not to create a new wine packaging format, but in the process of trying to find a way to get the wine for their club into the homes of urban dwelling youngsters who are not often home, they came up with a simple yet highly effective tweak to the round bottles that have been around since the 19th century.

Sarah Restall Employer Engagement Manager Time to Change Sarah is an Employer Engagement Manager in the Time to Change team at Mind. She works with employers to tackle stigma and discrimination against mental health problems in the workplace and assists across all sectors with developing plans to drive activity by offering expert advice, coaching and support.

Sasha Rebmann Creative Director Everysite Sasha has an extensive background in building successful IT for food & farming; from developing the first website for reporting animal movements to government (featured in the New York Times) to designing the advanced supply chain data analysis that powers everysite’s ‘xure’ service

Seamus Crickley Director - WEW Engineering Ltd. Consulting Engineers Holds Honours Degrees in Agricultural Engineering (1970) specialising in food, chemical and biological processes. Forty-five (45) years’ experience in Water & Wastewater and Energy related services including pre-design studies, R&D, detailed process design – municipal and industrial – validation of designs submitted for contractual purposes and final certification of working systems.

Sharon Dry Founder & Director DBOOST DRINKS LTD Sharon is applying her experience of marketing and NPD, gained working in the Children’s market with Tomy Toys and internationally with Leo Burnett, to a subject she feels passionate over which is how to help families understand the benefits of Vitamin D and improve their nutrition which has led to the creation of DBOOST Drinks!

Simon Breure Regional Director Benelux Consulting - Palladium Simon is Palladium’s point person in EMEA for developing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains in the private sector. In this capacity Simon works with leading companies across commodities to establish systemic change and develop sustainable, inclusive, and scalable supply chain models, unlocking the full economic, social, and environmental value potential

Dr Simon Kampa Co-Founder & CEO Senseye, UK Simon is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Senseye – a leader in scalable predictive maintenance. He started his career in the design and development of large-scale data driven applications, before turning to running successful software companies. Simon is a University of Southampton alumnus with a PhD in the Semantic Web.

Speakers Simon McKeating Sector Manager – Food & Drink Zero Waste Scotland Simon’s work with Zero Waste Scotland focuses on engaging with businesses in the private sector and other stakeholders, working towards the Scottish Government’s target of reducing food waste by 33% by 2025. He has over 30 years’ commercial experience in food manufacturing and, with a background in agriculture, is passionate about eliminating waste along the food supply chain.

Stephen Corner Portfolio Development Executive Siemens Industry Sector Stephen Corner (BEng MBA) has worked in manufacturing his who career. A start at BAe was followed by various operational management roles. For the last 20 years Stephen has been involved with the delivery and then promotion of business systems within all types of manufacturing vertical. Today Stephen helps promote the Siemens MOM portfolio.

Sterling Crew Managing Director SQS Ltd Sterling is Managing Director of SQS Ltd. He is Strategic Advisor at the Shield Safety Group and is the Independent Scientific Advisor and Board member at Campden BRI .He sits on Eurofins auditing governance board. He has 35 years’ experience of working in the field of international food safety, governance, communication and regulation.

Steve Oldfield Marketing Manager Siltbuster With over 25 years of experience within the industrial wastewater sector, David has worked on many different projects for a number of clients including several blue chip companies. He is currently the Proposal Manager (Industrial) for Siltbuster Process Solutions who supply and install temporary and permanent wastewater treatment equipment

Steve Osborn Director & Technology Scout The Aurora Ceres Partnership Ltd Having graduated as an Analytical Chemist, Steve completed a Research Masters on Maillard Reaction Flavours, with the University of Reading. This was followed by many years in commercial and technical roles with Nestlé, Northern Foods, Ashbury Confectionery and Leatherhead Food Research where he became a recognised food industry expert contributing to many international conferences

Stuart McCreedy Managing Director PMConnections Ltd Stuart is a Chartered H&S professional, Degree qualified Engineer and Managing Director of pm Connections Ltd. Engaged in the Food and Beverage Industry for over 20 years he and his team provide safety expertise as Principal Designer, Principle Contractor, CDM Advisor and Machine Compliance Assessors.

Susan MacDonald - Chief of Business Development & Relationships Global Bright Futures Ltd Our approach to sustainability is to embed it into business, keeping it simple, accessible and right for business, and build more sustainable business practises into brands, retailers and corporations.

Stephen Jones Director Stephen Jones is the founder of two market-leading companies:, the food & drink industry’s leading job board, and Focus Management Consultants, a leading search and selection business. He is also an investor in a number of disruptive technology based businesses, all focused on the food industry. His earlier career was at Marks and Spencer as a Buyer.

Susan Peverelli UK PPE Account Manager Dunlop Protective Footwear Having started my career working in a Quality Control laboratory for a Chemical Company, I quickly moved into technical support and then finally into the PPE market where I have worked for the last 20 years.

Tim Field Environmental Scientist Carole Bamford A rural upbringing, a passion for nature conservation and an Environmental Biology degree led to a career in sustainable land management. I joined Carole Bamford at Daylesford in 2007, where we strive to push the boundaries of sustainable food production.

Tim Riley General Sales Manager RPC M&H Plastics Tim Riley is RPC M&H Plastics’ General Sales Manager. Having worked for the company for over 25 years, Tim has extensive experience in the design, production and marketing of plastic consumer packaged goods in many markets and has, alongside an equally committed team, helped develop M&H into the highly respected, multi award-winning company it is today.

Vincent Doumeizel Vice President Food & Sustainability Lloyd’s Register Following a degree in economics, Vincent worked for the French government in Africa and Middle East on a number of agriculture projects; Vincent Doumeizel joined in 2014 Lloyd’s Register, the world’s leading provider of independent assessment, as Vice President for Food & Sustainability at group level serving over 100+ countries and tens of thousands clients.

Viviana Spaghetti Senior Political Consultant - The Whitehouse Consultancy Using her significant expertise and experience in the food and drink sector, Viviana provides counsel and support for clients on their engagement with the various European Union institutions, as well as policymakers in Westminster, Whitehall, local government, and the devolved city regions.

William Heller Chief Executive Organic Waste Logistics Willie has over 30 years of experience in both conventional and renewable energy. Prior to cofounding Organic Waste Logistics, he was Chief Executive Officer of Tamar Energy, the UK’s largest anaerobic digestion company. Previously, Willie was Chief Executive and founder of Falck Renewables Wind and developed over 700 MW of projects across Europe.

Yvett Anderson Manager - Caribbean DutchPot Northampton, UK Yvett was born in London to Jamaican parents. Like so many other immigrants her parents’ plan was to return to Jamaica. This they accomplished and it resulted in Yvett and her siblings growing up in Jamaica. As a child, Yvett built a make shift shop in the back garden,of the family home in Jamaica and “made” her siblings buy from the “shop”.

Zafer Ure Managing Director EPS Ltd, UK Mr. Ure started his career in J&E Hall in the refrigeration field and later worked as Consultant for a number of UK based Building Services consultancy firms. He also served with York International in Overseas markets as a Sales Manager. Currently Mr. Ure is the founder and Managing Director of PCM Products Ltd. specialised in PCM based Thermal Energy Storage products and associated low energy cooling technologies.

Exhibitors ABB LIMITED


ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility, industry, and transport and infrastructure customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB’s operations are organized into four global divisions.



Our purpose is to grow a profitable group that adds value to our customer’s business, maintains a safe ethical working environment and is an organisation that people aspire to work for. Head Office: 66 Melchett Road, Kings Norton Business Centre, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B30 3HX, UK tel: +44 (0) 121 451 2255 fax: +44 (0) 121 459 1415 adi Ireland: 279 Blanchardstown Corporate Park No.2, Ballycoolin, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland tel : +353 (0) 1 866 5050



Amaray House, Arkwright Road, Corby, Northants, NN17 5AE Tel: 01536 274800


Anamet Europe BV is a specialist in the field of flexible hoses for the transfer of fluids and gases as well as conduit systems for the protection of electrical cables. As a part of Anamet Inc. we are able to service and support our customers worldwide. Galwin 5, Amsterdam Tel: +31 (0)20 586 35 86


UGI House, Gisborne Close, Staveley, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S43 3JT Tel: +44 (0) 808 208 0000


8 Appleton Court, Calder Park, Wakefield, WF2 7AR Tel: 01924 242255


AvantiGas is one of the UK’s leading energy suppliers to off-grid homes and businesses supplying Liquefied


BDI is a global leader in the design and manufacture of heavy-duty grease systems, oil recirculation systems, light duty oil systems, mobile fluid grease applicators and single point lubricators. Principal industries served include: machine tools, railroad, steel, mining, mobile, wind power, printing, food and beverage, textiles and material handling. BIOCHEMICA WATER LTD

Unit 4 Daimler Drive, Cowpen Lane Industrial Estate, Billingham, TS23 4JD Tel: +44 (0)8455 045440

Clarke Energy is an award-winning multi-national specialist in the engineering, installation and maintenance of engine-based power plants. Our offering includes both gas and diesel-fuelled technology. Clarke Energy was acquired by the Kohler Company in February 2017. CLEGG FOOD PROJECTS LTD.


Clegg Food Projects specialise in the design, engineering and construction of manufacturing and storage facilities across the whole food and drink sector. Projects with a combined value of over £850m have been completed over more than 30 years. 42 High Pavement, Nottingham NG1 1HN Tel: 0115 841 3121 COMPLETE RECYCLING SERVICES LTD


CRS strive to deliver innovative solutions through a future-focussed approach to waste and recycling management, built on a collective knowledge gained from a significant number of years in the industry. 14 Crown House, Hornbeam Square North, Harrogate, HG2 8PB Tel: +44 (0)1423 740699 CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY


Cranfield is an exclusively postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management. For the past 50 years, Cranfield has been contributing to enhancing natural capital and ensuring that global food systems are more resilient for the future. College Road, Cranfield, MK43 0AL, UK Tel: +44 (0)1234 750111


For 75 years BUCHI is a leading solution provider in laboratory technology for R & D, quality control and production worldwide. We serve a wide range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food & beverage, feed, environmental analysis and academia. 5 Whitegate Business Centre, Jardine Way Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 9QL Tel: +44 161 633 1000



Biochemica Water Ltd is a national water and wastewater treatment specialist. Headquartered in Billingham in the heart of industrial Teesside, Biochemica is the largest independently owned water treatment company and chemical supplier in the North East of England.




Aqua Enviro is a leading environmental consultancy which provide impartial advice and support regarding wastewater, biosolids and organic waste treatment, from the planning stages and delivery of new treatment processes through to the optimisation of existing assets.


Amaray is a specialised packaging company that creates innovative and customised packaging for the world’s leading brands. Their knowledge of consumer, customer and environmental needs spearheads their dynamic approach in building sustainable brand-building packaging that delivers a distinctive experience.


Petroleum Gas (LPG) in both bulk and bottled form, aerosol propellant, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and biomass as well as an on-grid mains gas division for business customers.


We are a family owned business, running several divisions which operate in the corporate and retail sectors. We focus on providing high-quality products and a customer service standard which helps differentiate us from the competition. Oxford House, 18 Easthorpe Street, Ruddington, Nottingham, NG11 6LA, UK Tel: +44 (0)115 940 5550

Exhibitors CSB SYSTEMS

CSB-System AG is the leading industry specialist for the process industries of food, beverages, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and retail. As a one-stop provider of software, hardware, services and business consulting, we optimize the business processes of our customers. DUNLOP PROTECTIVE FOOTWEAR


Dunlop® Protective Footwear is the leading global manufacturer of protective footwear. In more than 80 countries worldwide, we provide comfortable and protective footwear for the workers in Agriculture and Fishery, Food processing, Industry and the Oil, Gas & Mining industry. Boeierstraat 12, NL-8102 HS Raalte,The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)572 341 550



The hidden benefits of installing industrial LED Lighting Industrial LED Lighting can reduce lighting energy consumption by over 65%. With typical payback periods of 2 years for a 24/7 operation makes a compelling business case. 23 Frederick Sanger Road, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7YD, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1483 688170 EMERSON AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS


Emerson concentrates on the most complex and profound challenges facing the world in the process, industrial, commercial and residential markets. We refocused our business portfolio to deliver solutions that bring greater value to our customers.



EMS Cognito is a UK based, international business process improvement consultancy with a track record of helping leading global businesses in diverse industries gain competitive advantage through the application of Lean and Operational Excellence strategies. The Easton Business Centre, Felix Road,Easton,Bristol, BS5 0HE Tel: 0117 941 5373




Epicor Software Corporation provides industry-specific business software designed around the needs of manufacturing, distribution, retail, and services organizations. More than 45 years of experience with our customers’ unique business processes and operational requirements is built into every solution in the cloud, hosted, or on premises. No.1 The Arena , Downshire Way , Bracknell RG12 1PU Tel: +44 (0)1344 468468



The Food Industry’s Collaborative Solution to Sharing Product Data • Manufacturers benefit from a lower cost to serve • Wholesalers save huge amounts time collating the data on their customers behalf • Caterers eliminate large amounts of effort in pulling together an ever changing data set 11 Cartwright Court, Bradley Business Park, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire,HD2 1GN Tel: 0333 121 89 99 EUROTHERM BY SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC



Established in 1937, Gordian offers an extensive range of stand-alone strapping, wrapping and hooding equipment and packaging consumables including plastic strapping, stretch film and paper or film banding. Gordian House, Brunel Road, Houndmills Industrial Estate, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XX, UK Tel: 01256 394400



We are a leading supplier of CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, USB Key, Flash Memory and hard drive duplication equipment. We can guide you through the process helping you decide which system is right for you. We can demonstrate, Install, train, help Integrate and then support your duplicator.


Tel: +44 (0)1903 268500


everysite provides the technology that runs the UK’s largest farm assurance schemes. We’re exhibiting our new “xure supply chain” service, the simplest and quickest way to verify supplier claims through real-time monitoring of certification. Edinburgh Office: everysite / tlr ltd. 40 Maritime Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6SA Tel: 0131 652 3767


58 City Road, London, EC1Y 2AL

Tel: +44 (0) 1264 335118

Eurotherm provides leading precision control, secure data management, EMS and other scalable automation solutions for regulated industries. With installations worldwide, we offer experience and understanding of latest regulations including PAT, GAMP and 21CFR11.


to your real-time shop floor data and runs advanced algorithms to intelligently and automatically find your best daily production plan saving upwards of 20% in efficiencies.


Planning and scheduling production in the Food industry is very hard and extremely complex and full of constraints. Flexciton is using A.I. to build the worlds most powerful production planning and scheduling tool for manufacturers. Flexciton technology connects



HUBER Technology is a leading supplier of stainless steel waste water treatment equipment. We offer high quality innovative solutions for all your waste water requirements for both Municipal and Industrial markets. Units C and D, Brunel Park, Bumpers Farm, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6NQ Tel: 07720 086808



HVDS is a dedicated supplier of air filtration & air handling products and services to the food manufacturing and food production industry. Our air quality services, air handling and air hygiene monitoring systems give you 100% food audit compliance. St Albans Road, Stafford, ST16 3DP Tel: 01785 256 976



The combined IMSPEX and GAS GmbH teams are a World leading business, application and technological development team with over 120 years combined experience in the field of Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Ty Menter, Navigation Park, Abercynon, RCT, CF45 4SN, UK Tel: 01443 740217 INTEGRATED FOOD PROJECTS LTD.


time-series data from multiple sources to people and systems across all operations. N04

Mobile Enterprise Systems is the leading supplier of delivery and mobile sales management systems. We provide configurable, end-to-end software solutions allowing businesses with mobile workforces to benefit from advanced levels of supply chain responsiveness, performance and profitability. Enterprise House, Westway Business Centre,Bath, BA2 9HN United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 117 325 0505


We provide independent advice to food and drink businesses to assist them with the development of their manufacturing capabilities and associated capital investment plans. For more than 15 years we have partnered with a wide variety of food & drink manufacturers of all sizes.


NDC Technologies, headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, designs, develops and produces a wide range of process measurement and control instrumentation for a broad scope of manufacturing industries.

15th Floor, Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DH, UK Tel: +44 2070873360


Pm Connections Ltd, established in 2005, is based in Warrington, Cheshire. We provide competent advice and training to various industries based locally and across the UK. Our expertise is managing Health & Safety in Engineering, Construction, Utilities, Food, Beverage, Snack Foods and Dairy industries. GT04 Vanguard House, Sci-Tech Daresbury, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, Cheshire, WA4 4AB Tel: 01925 606 420





The IET is one of the world’s largest engineering institutions with over 168,000 members in 150 countries. It is also the most multidisciplinary – to reflect the increasingly diverse nature of engineering in the 21st century. The IET is working to engineer a better world by inspiring, informing and influencing our members, engineers and technicians. KLÜBER LUBRICATION GB LTD


An affiliated brand of the Freudenberg Technology Group, Klüber Lubrication is the world market leader for innovative lubrication solutions that deliver increased efficiency, provide greater product durability, reduce energy consumption, and improve the overall lifecycle cost reduction of manufacturing assets. Unit 10 Longbow Close, Bradley, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD2 1GQ Tel: 01422 205115



MENSHEN has been one of the world’s leading manufacturers of closures, plastic lids, and packaging systems for more than 40 years. We offer individual and innovative products for a wide range of industries and are a reliable partner for the packaging industry worldwide. 92, Portmanmoor Road Industrial Estate, Cardiff CF24 5HB, United Kingdom Tel: +44 2920 473147


Optima International have established a solid foundation of practical engineering, that when put into practice, will offer improved solutions for our client’s screening requirements. Using our in-house design team and modern screen manufacturing equipment, Optima strive towards producing the finest wedge wire products on the market.




QADEX has had a clear vision right from its inception in 2006, to provide a complete and fully managed solution enabling step change improvement in food safety and brand protection for the food and drinks industry. We aim to eclipse the clunky, expensive and hard to implement solutions of the past which I am sure many of you are familiar with.


Optima House, Askern Road, Toll Bar, Doncaster, DN5 0QY Tel: 01302 874128



Ximbus is a multimedia teaching application that allows you to create interactive training courses in minutes. Create training courses from your existing content from Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive, YouTube Videos, PDFs, Bing Images, Web links & more.

We transform how unavoidable food waste is managed by providing a full-service solution that is lower cost, less polluting and 100% recycled. The OWL solution is a fully managed service for disposal of organic waste. We install a vacuum storage unit, called a BioWhale, for disposal of your food waste.

Tel: +44 (0)28 9048 5015

20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU Tel: +44 (0)20 8012 8238

International consultancy for operational excellence and supply chain management. Leading business success The core of successful business is effective leadership. Leadership that unearths improvement opportunities and implements beneficial change.



We deliver an open enterprise infrastructure, The PI System, to connect sensor-based data, systems and people. The result: real-time, actionable insights that empower companies to optimize and transform their business.



43-45 Portman Square , London W1H 6HN Tel: +44 207 969 2717

Enter the PI System and its ability to collect, analyze, visualize and share large amounts of high-fidelity,



Registrar Corp was founded in 2003 to help businesses comply with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. Since opening its headquarters in Hampton, Virginia, USA, Registrar Corp has expanded to twenty international offices and has aided more than 30,000 companies across 160 countries.


Severn Trent Green Power work with organisations such as food processors and retailers to offer cost effective and sustainable solutions to recycle unavoidable food waste via anaerobic digestion to produce green energy.



Sana helps businesses all over the world reach their full potential. We offer the shortcut to e-commerce. How? Through 100% seamless integration with SAP and Microsoft Dynamics. Our e-commerce solution leverages existing business logic and data in powerful and user-friendly web stores. This lets our clients focus on improving customer experience, streamlining sales processes, and increasing sales volume and frequency.



From idea to label, Selerant ensures compliance and facilitates innovation. Founded in 1990, Selerant Corporation is a leading global provider of process-based product lifecycle management (PLM) software and consulting services within three core manufacturing segments: Food & Beverages, Personal Care/Pharmaceutical and Specialty Chemicals.




We have established our credibility and position as a leading SAP partner and focus 100% of our resources on supplying, implementing and supporting SAP Business One solutions for businesses in the food & beverage, chemicals & coatings, wholesale, foodservice and manufacturing markets. The Innovation Centre, Sci-Tech Daresbury, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, Cheshire WA4 4FS Tel: 03300 520 098 SILTBUSTER PROCESS SOLUTIONS


Siltbuster Process Solutions (SPS) is the UK’s number one solution provider for modular and packaged treatment systems for the municipal and industrial wastewater sectors. We offer an unrivalled range of rapidly deployable solutions available either for hire or purchase.



We are a group of companies specialised in steel and energy. With hand, heart and mind, we produce thoroughly solid solutions which deliver what we promise. Solid-Group A/S, Stålvej 8, 6900 Skjern, Denmark Tel: +45 97 32 33 00



SSI SCHAEFER is one of the world’s leading providers of intralogistics solutions and products. We deliver complete solutions from a single source. SSI SCHAEFER is your effective and reliable partner for intralogistics: Future-proof logistics solutions must fit seamlessly into your operational processes, be infinitely expandable, and adapt flexibly to new conditions. 83/84 Livingstone Road, Walworth Business Park, Andover, Hampshire SP10 5QZ Tel: +44 / 1264 / 386600



SpecPage is a global leader in innovative, enhanced digital solutions for the recipe-based manufacturing industry. Traceable, transparent, sustainable best practices – SpecPage provides the platform for manufacturers to produce precise, quality data. Bärenmatte 1, CH-6403 Küssnacht am Rigi, Switzerland, Tel: +41445007500


Spirax Sarco is synonymous with excellence in steam system engineering. We offer the industry’s most extensive range of products with services, coupled with practical industry application expertise. Charlton House, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 8ER, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1242 521361 SOLUTIONS FOR RETAIL BRANDS


Solutions for Retail Brands (S4RB) are own brand grocery retail specialists, providing consultancy and retail supplier engagement expertise. Via the Affinity™ platform, S4RB help retailers evolve their own brand products, ensuring quality, consistency and competitiveness while improving the efficiency, accuracy and cost effectiveness of their interactions with suppliers. 4, Karlsruhe House, 18 Queensbridge Rd, Nottingham NG2 1NB



SUEZ Water UK is part of SUEZ, a world leader in designing and implementing sustainable resource strategies. SUEZ Water UK provides water and wastewater solutions from water purification and conditioning to the complete management of your overall water and effluent systems.

Williams Building, Kingswood Gate, Monmouth, NP25 4EE Tel: 01600 772256


Senseye™ is the leading cloud-based software for predictive maintenance. It helps manufacturers avoid downtime and save money by automatically forecasting machine failure without the need for expert manual analysis. Its intelligent machine-learning algorithms allow it to be used on any machine from any manufacturer.


530-534 Durham Road, Low Fell, Gateshead NE9 6HU Tel: +44 (0)191 491 4274 SUSTAINABILITY WEST MIDLANDS


Sustainability West Midlands were established in 2002 and are the sustainability adviser for leaders of the West Midlands. We’re a not-for-profit cross-sector membership organisation. acting as a catalyst for change. Lockside, 5 Scotland Street, Birmingham B1 2RR Tel:0121 237 5890






Sustainable Direction Ltd (SDL) is a specialist environmental and sustainability consultancy with a different approach. Our focus is to help organisations identify, prioritise and take action to move in a sustainable direction.

Trade Interchange’s ARCUS® Supplier Management platform enables collaboration across the supply base, and is specifically designed and developed to address supplier and contractual risk, supplier performance management and eSourcing. is Europe’s fastest growing portal to top food & drink manufacturing talent. Everyday, thousands of food & drink professionals visit the website, each looking for their next industry job.

Fig Offices 1st Floor, Southgate House, Southgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1UD Tel: +44 (0) 1452 382218

Kildale House, Dukes Court, Teesside Industrial Estate, Thornaby, Stockon-On-Tees, TS17 9LR Tel: +44(0)33 3320 9933

Suite T2, Third Floor, Adelphi Mill, Bollington, Cheshire, SK10 5JB. Tel: 01625 502947



Tax GO Revolutionizing How You Do Business! Tax GO promises to revolutionize all of your business and tax related needs by making your business more efficient and productive. Our software is designed to virtually eliminate paperwork by providing you with a digitizing system that will help do most of the hard work you.



Tech Ltd is a family-run business established for over 40 years and based in Kent. We specialise in electrical, electronic, and mechanical engineering, breakdown repair and design across the UK, for the print, printfinishing and packaging industries. Unit 7, Hilton Business Centre, Wotton Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 6LL Tel: 01233 714919 TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT


Technology Management partner with manufacturing and distribution organisations to drive excellence utilising Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement, and Office 365. Having delivered over 4,500 successful projects since 1992, we’re a trusted advisor to clients all over the UK. St Mark’s Church, St Mark’s Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV3 0QH Tel: 01902 578300 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT




The University of Manchester is a centre of teaching excellence and innovative research in a broad range of topics including sustainable food manufacturing. We are part of the £16M N8 AgriFood Resilience Programme: a research initiative focused on ensuring the stability and integrity of national and global agrifood supply chains in the face of environmental and socioeconomic challenges. Oxford Rd, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK Tel: +44 (0) 161 306 6000



Verder started in 1955, and so we have an enviable wealth of experience and knowledge in pumps. As manufacturers and distributors, we’re not just interested in supplying you with what we make – our business is to supply you with the pumps you need. 3 California Dr, Castleford WF10 5QH, UK Tel: +44 (0)1924 221 001



Design your Quality Audits and Inspection Routines easily on your Desktop in FlexMaint, download it to the mobile, carry out the Audit, and synchronise for reports on the dektop. FlexMaint CMMS allows your Quality Department interact seamlessly with the Maintenance Department ensuring all issues are correctly documented, assigned and completed.


Total Development and Management (TDM) was founded to provide project management and design services to the life science industry as well as the larger scale residential and commercial developments; Engaging over 50 experienced technical staff, the company delivers high-quality, cost-effective, innovative and sustainable services worldwide.

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