environment and energy management

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C o n t e n t s



€400 million investment in wind energy by Bord Gais.

News from home and abroad.

- 2 C ARBON C APTURE & S TORAGE Growth of carbon capture and storage stalled in 2011.

PA G E 2 0 PA G E 3 Biodiversity.



Bord Gais Energy.

Irish Commercials/Geesinknorba partnership provides a one stop solution.

Ireland below international standards in urban waste water treatment.

PA G E 2 3


- 25-29 E NERGY G UIDE 2012

EFT Energy, optimising energy efficiency.

PA G E 9


Corrib gas project.

Corrib Gas Project – Focusing on environmental matters.

- 13 R ENEWABLE E NERGY Energia to energise new €14 million Caherdowney Wind Farm.

Certification Europe. Frontline Energy & Environmental. Clarke Energy. Imperative Energy.

Irish Commercials/ Geesinknorba partnership.

- 30-32 E NERGY P OINT

PA G E 3 0

Latest energy developments in Ireland and overseas.

Brian Motherway, ceo, SEAI.

Start-up wins €2.8 million from EU Commission for biorefining project. Managing Director: Colin Murphy Sales Director: Ronan McGlade

- 15 E NVIRONMENTAL M ANAGEMENT Do you need an environmental management system? The Convention Centre Dublin wins ‘triple crown’ in certification.

Editor: Mike Rohan

PA G E 1 3 Peter Lambert, Energia Renewables.

Production Manager: Susan Doyle

Environment & Energy Management is published by Premier Publishing Limited, 51 Parkwest Enterprise Centre, Nangor Road, Dublin 12. Tel: + 353 1 612 0880 Fax: + 353 1 612 0881 E-Mail: colin@prempub.com Website: www.eandemanagement.com London Office: Premier Publishing Limited, CTS, 34 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 1AT Tel: 0171 247 3238 Fax: 0171 247 3239 Premier Publishing Limited can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of contributors’ articles or statements appearing in this magazine. Any views or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Premier Publishing and its Directors. No responsibility for loss or distress occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the authors, contributors, editor and publisher. A reader should access separate advice when acting on specific editorial in this publication!

- 17 E NERGY M ANAGEMENT ISO 50001 – The new standard in energy management.


PA G E 1 7

New ‘Fluxy’ wind turbine brought to market by Wicklow firm.

Energy Management.

Design, Origination and Separations by Fullpoint Design (057) 8680873 Printed by GPS Colour Graphics. Annual Subscription (UK and Ireland) € 79 Overseas Subscription € 108






Growth of Carbon Capture and Storage Stalled in 2011 lobal funding for carbon capture G and storage technology, a tool for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, remained unchanged at $23.5 billion in 2011 in comparison to the previous year, according to a new report from the Worldwatch Institute. Although there are currently 75 large-scale, fully integrated carbon capture and storage projects in 17 countries at various stages of development, only eight are operational - a figure that has not changed since 2009. The United States is the leading funder of large-scale CCS projects, followed by the European Union and Canada. The new Worldwatch report, part of the Institute's Vital Signs Online series analyzing key global trends, discusses a variety of new CCS projects and facilities throughout the world. Among RECYCLING

Step Change in British Plastics Recycling Coca Cola Enterprises, the UK’s largest soft drinks producer, and ECO Plastics have officially opened their groundbreaking joint venture, Continuum Recycling, which is the world’s largest plastics processing facility. Completed on time and on budget, the £15 million facility is a first for Great Britain, and brings the recycling process full-circle, with used plastic packaging sorted and reprocessed domestically, before returning to store shelves as part of another bottle. The Continuum Recycling plant will more than double the amount of bottle-grade recycled plastic (rPET) previously created in Britain, and will allow CCE to meet its commitment to use 25% rPET in all its bottles by the end of 2012. The factory is located at


ECO Plastics' existing site in Lincolnshire, which, with the additional capacity, becomes the world's largest and most sophisticated plastics recycling facility, capable of processing 150,000 tonnes of mixed plastics a year, including 40,000 tonnes of bottle grade rPET pellet.

these is the Century Plant in the United States, which began operating in 2010. “Although CCS technology has the potential to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions - particularly when used in greenhouse gas-intensive coal plants - developing the CCS sector to the point that it can make a serious contribution to emissions reduction will require large-scale investment,” says report author and Worldwatch Sustainable Energy Fellow, Matthew Lucky. “Capacity will have to be increased several times over before CCS can begin to make a dent in global emissions.” Currently, the storage capacity of all active and planned large-scale CCS projects is equivalent to only about 0.5 percent of the emissions from energy production in 2010. More than 70 percent of CO2 emissions result from the burning of fossil fuels for energy use, such as electricity generation, transportation, manufacturing, and construction. In 2009, electricity generation and heating alone accounted for 41 percent of all energy related CO2 emissions


Economic Recovery Brings Return to Growth of CO2 Emissions A new Worldwatch Institute report stresses the urgent need for cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions. Although global emissions of carbon dioxide (C02) declined slightly in 2009, the beginnings of economic recovery led to an unprecedented emissions increase of 5.8 percent in 2010. In 2011, global atmospheric levels of CO2 reached a high of 391.3 parts per million (ppm), up from 388.6 ppm in 2010 and 280 ppm in preindustrial times. According to new research conducted by the Worldwatch Institute (www. worldwatch.org) for its Vital Signs Online project, energy use represents the largest source of global CO2 emissions.


Europe's Future Depends on Cities Resilient to Climate Change Most of Europe's wealth is generated in cities, and urban areas are particularly at risk due to climate change. Europe should seize the opportunity of improving quality of life while adapting to climate change in cities, according to a report from the European Environ ment Agency (EEA). The report also warns that delaying


adaptation will be much more costly in the long-term. In Europe, temperature is increasing, precipitation is changing and sea level is rising. However, the effects will not be uniform across the continent, according to the EEA report, 'Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe'. The report is the first Europe-wide assessment of urban vulnerability to climate change. It argues that the distinct design and composition of urban areas compared to rural areas alters climate change impacts in cities, leading to many diverse challenges for cities within Europe. For example, a lot of artificial surfaces and little vegetation exacerbates heatwaves in cities . This so-called 'urban heat island' effect leads to much higher temperatures in cities than in the surrounding area. According to the report, roughly one fifth of European cities with over 100 000 inhabitants are very vulnerable to river floods. More than half of Europe’s cities have a low share of vegetated areas, which can strongly exacerbate heat waves. This is particularly relevant in cities where there is a high proportion of vulnerable people, such as the large pro-




EPA Updates on Biodiversity Action Plan he Environmental Protection T Agency (EPA) has published its first biannual update of its Biodiversity Action Plan. This Biodiversity Action Plan sets out the EPA’s progress in the implementation of its role in protecting biodiversity and covers a range of activities in the following areas: • Monitoring; • Research; • Assessment and Reporting; • Environmental Regulation; • Climate Change; • Communications. The plan demonstrates the on-going commitment of the EPA to protect Ireland’s biodiversity and underlines the substantial support role undertaken by the EPA in this area. portion of elderly citizens in Italian, German and Northern Spanish cities.


€34.8 Million in New EC Funding to Bring Environmental Solutions to Market The European Commission is launching a €34.8 million call for eco-innovation projects. Businesses and entrepreneurs from across Europe can apply for funding to help bring novel environmental projects to the market. The call is open to eco-innovative products, techniques, services and processes that aim to prevent or reduce environmental impacts, or which contribute to the optimal use of resources. The call for applications is open until 6 September 2012, and around 50 projects will be selected for funding. This year's call has five main priority areas: • materials recycling • water

• sustainable building products • green business • the food and drink sector. The call is targeted particularly at SMEs that have developed an innovative green product, process or service, which is struggling to find its place in the market. The call offers co-funding to cover up to 50 % of the project cost, and is likely to support around 50 new projects this year.

ECO-UNESCO's Young Environmentalist Awards This year’s Young Environmentalist Awards were a huge success. With over 200 projects and 4,000 young people competing for a place in the 2012 shortlist, it was by far the biggest - and toughest - Young Environmentalist Awards yet. 60 projects were selected for the final shortlist and over 600 young people from all over the island of Ireland displayed their projects on 8th May in

Wormery Works Group from St Josephs Summerhill, Athlone with Elaine Nevin, national director of ECO-UNESCO,



Stewart, ECO-Eye Productions.

Micheal O Cinneide, EPA director, Office of Environmental Assessment, comments: “The EPA has significant new roles under the Environmental Liability Directive in relation to the liabilities of operators causing damage or risk of damage to protected species and habitats, and the identification of appropriate remediation. In implementing its functions relating to the licensing and regulation of various activities, the EPA will continue to ensure that biodiversity is protected.” The EPA’s first Biodiversity Action Plan was produced in 2009, to fulfil a commitment undertaken as part of its strategy, 2020 Vision - Protecting and Improving Ireland’s Environment. the Mansion House, Dublin. The Overall Senior Winners were Wormery Works Group from St Joseph’s Summerhill, Athlone. The Overall Junior Winners were the Big Tidy Up Group from Our Ladys & St. Patrick’s College, Belfast.

An Taisce Identifies the Worst Councils in Ireland’s Planning System Donegal, Roscommon, Leitrim, Kerry, Mayo, Galway County, Cavan, Carlow and Waterford County are ranked worst (in that order) in a plan-

ning system that requires radical overhaul, according to An Taisce, Ireland's National Trust. An Taisce has published the results of its objective study of the Planning Systems in 34 City and County Councils. ‘State of the Nation: Ireland’s Planning System 20002011’ is part of An Taisce’s ongoing work as an independent watchdog for the planning system and as a defender of our natural and built heritage. An Taisce graded the councils using eight objective criteria, such as the perecentage of planning decisions appealed to An Bord Pleanala


that were reversed and the percentage of vacant housing stock.

Ritz-Carlton, Powerscourt Awarded Gold Standard at Green Hospitality Awards Following the Silver award received by The Ritz-Carlton, Powerscourt in 2010, a Gold Standard recognition was this year awarded to the hotel by the Green Hospitality Awards on account of the improvements made by the hotel and its Environmental Action Plan focusing on energy, waste and water management. Environmental upgrades at the hotel include increasing recycling rates by more than 50% from 37% to 75%. The engineering team has focused on radically reducing energy usage through investing in the upgrading of the Building Management System. Light bulbs in guest rooms and public areas were changed to LED from incandescent making the hotel 75% LED/low energy lighting.


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Ireland Below International Standards in Urban Waste Water Treatment Nearly half of Ireland’s wastewater treatment plants serving urban centres are failing to achieve national and EU standards, according to a new report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). he report, the eighth in the series, is the first review of the operation of waste water treatment plants at 529 urban areas since they became subject to a new licensing regime being rolled out by the EPA. The report, entitled ‘Focus on Urban Waste Water Discharges in Ireland’, finds that 46% of waste water treatment plants did not meet all waste water quality standards or EPA guidelines. Furthermore, eleven large urban areas do not meet the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) requirement to have secondary treatment in place. These include, for example, Bray and Ringaskiddy where the provision of treatment is now ten years overdue; Clifden, where the old plant is impacting on bathing water; and Moville where discharges are causing serious pollution to the River Bredagh.


Further Investment Required “This level of performance is poor and needs to improve,” remarks Gerard O’Leary, Programme Manager, in the EPA’s Office of Environmental Enforcement. “In order to meet EU targets further investment in infrastructure is

The EU Water Framework Directive requires

required and we need a step change in the operation and maintenance of these valuable assets.” The report also reveals that eight urban areas do not meet the UWWTD requirement to provide nutrient reduction in addition to secondary treatment for discharges to sensitive water areas by specified dates. Because these relate to more sensitive environments a higher level of treatment is required – in these cases, nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen have to be removed. Areas affected include the cities of Cork, Dublin and Kilkenny. The EPA expects that by 2015 the necessary treatment will be in place for the large urban centres with work to be completed by the relevant local authorities. Dara Lynott, Director, Office of Environmental Enforcement, comments: “Meeting our EU targets will require substantial and sustained investment. However, the benefits of such investment extend beyond water quality, as clean water is a pre-requisite for our tourism, food, agriculture and manufacturing industries.” Significant Improvement Since the EPA’s last report, there has been significant improvement in the monitoring of waste water treatment plants. In 2007, 112 plants did not take sufficient samples; this figure has reduced to 38 in the current report. “We are pleased to see this increase in monitoring – that was an area we highlighted in the last report. The issues we are highlighting today, in particular, operation and maintenance, now need to be prioritised in the coming years,” Dara Lynott adds.

member states to take a holistic approach to managing their water resources. It applies to rivers, lakes, groundwater, estuaries and coastal waters. Member States must aim to achieve good status in all waters by 2015 and must ensure that status does not deteriorate in any waters.

Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) has requirements for sewerage systems (or waste water collec-

tion systems) to be provided and sets deadlines for the provision of sewage treatment. The main requirements of the UWWTD are: • Scheduled provision of waste water collecting systems and treatment plants based on the size of the agglomeration and the type of water body to which the waste water is discharged (freshwater, estuarine or coastal, sensitive or non-sensitive). • Monitoring by water services authorities (including frequency of monitoring) of discharges from waste water treatment plants. The EU urban waste water treatment Directive requires compliance with waste water quality standards and typically, twelve samples per year are required from each plant. Each sample must comply with individual quality standards set for three parameters BOD, COD and SS. There are additional requirements for discharges to nutrient sensitive waters. I



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manage their energy and has many impressive features: Energy ManagerTM • Illustrates energy consumption data in real time • Demonstrates wastage that would be otherwise impossible to see • Establishes baselines and targets • Monitors carbon emissions • Provides automatic reports • Has an instant alarm notification system • Aids in forecasting future energy budgets • Provides detailed Bill Verification • Enables internal billing using energy account centres • Produces customised reports to suit a business’s specific requirements Head of Technical Services at Ferrero Ireland, Neville Trinder reports: “We are delighted with the installation of EFTs Energy Monitoring system at our plant. EFTs Energy Monitoring system is

already helping us achieve our energy saving goals by providing real time information and identifying areas of excessive usage. Our savings achieved to date have been most impressive. The support that EFT have offered us from day one is unparalleled and we have identified that our original investment in the EFT system has paid for itself within 12 months. We find EFTs Energy Monitoring system extremely user friendly when it comes to monitoring our electricity. EFTs Energy Monitoring system has made an enormous contribution in providing the real time data that allows us to make continued energy savings at Ferrero Ireland. The Manager of Energy Consulting Services, Electric Ireland, Hilco Hakman: “EFT Energy goes the extra mile to meet customers’ requirements and are continuously striving to improve the product. EFT remains price competitive and delivers a state of the art Energy Monitoring System”. Technical Account Manager with EFT Energy, Paul James: We continue to offer the most innovative and feature-rich platforms available, it is this innovation, and our ability to listen to the market requirements that keeps clients coming back for more. We have very exciting new developments that are simply years ahead of what has been done up to now using multivariable regression modelling and correlation that raises the bar yet again” I


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ompanies across Ireland are now recognizing the importance of implementing an energy management strategy to combat the threat of spiraling energy costs. In an incredibly challenging economic environment, Facility and Energy Managers now recognize they must reduce their energy consumption to remain competitive. There are a number of strategies businesses can implement to help reduce their energy spend and carbon emissions. They can install Heating Controls, Low Energy Lighting, Variable Speed Drives and Building Insulation as well as upgrading their Boilers, Chillers and Compressors. However, the number one priority, as advised by The Carbon Trust in Great Britain (see Fig 1), should be to invest in an Energy Metering, Monitoring and Targeting System (MM&T). This is where they will get the best bang for their buck. Many businesses in Ireland have recognised this in recent times and many have invested in EFT Energy Manager TM , Ireland`s most advanced and highly regarded MM&T Systems. EFT’s software is so well received that Electric Ireland have rebranded a version called Energytracked which is widely distributed amongst their clients. The demand for sub metering combined with energy efficiency software is expected to dramatically increase over the next three years. If you don’t measure it you can’t manage it, it’s as simple as that. EFT’s impressive client base from the commercial, industrial and governmental sectors include high profile Multinational names such as Google, Boston Scientific, Pfizer, Bausch & Lomb, Abbots, Marriot Hotels and Resorts and Seagate as well as some of Ireland’s best known home grown brands such as Bulmers, Glanbia, The Kerry Group, Keelings, Britvic, Bulmers, Ballygowan, Mulrines, Pernod Ricard/Irish Distillers and Ferrero to name a few. EFT Energy Manager empowers companies to

Reference: Carbon Trust, “Making Sense of Renewable Energy Technologies” Aug 2008 In depth Technology Guide CTG011.



Corrib Gas Project – Focusing on Environmental Matters The Corrib gas project has been the subject of huge public interest for more than a decade. or all of that time, the project’s Environmental Manager Agnes McLaverty has worked under the gaze of intense scrutiny. She and her team remain committed to delivering the highest possible environmental standards. Very little about the Corrib gas project has been simple or straight-forward. Planning issues, community concerns, protests and huge media attention have all been part and parcel of the journey since the Corrib Field was first discovered in 1996. Now, however, the final phase of the project – construction of the onshore pipeline – is under way and the finishing line is, at last, in sight.


Tunnel Under Sruwaddacon Bay The centre-piece of this final construction effort is the completion of a 4.9km tunnel under Sruwaddacon Bay, within which Shell E&P Ireland MD, Michael Crothers (left), is taken through a drawing of the tunnelling site by, from left: the onshore pipeline will be laid. When Pat McAndrew, BAM Deputy Project Manager; Keith Amond, BAM Quality Manager; Sven Hoffman, BAM the onshore pipeline is complete, all four Electrical Foreman; Paul Hughes, SEPIL Tunnelling Construction Lead; and Pat Hannon, BAM Commercial elements of the project – the wells 83km Manager. offshore, the offshore pipeline from the well-heads to the landfall site at Glengad, Habitats Directive and a Special for the onshore pipeline, each with a long the onshore pipeline from Glengad to the Protection Area for birds under the EU list of conditions attached, a significant terminal at Bellanaboy, and the terminal Birds Directive, environmental considera- number of these relating to environmental itself – will be connected and gas will tions for the onshore pipeline works are matters. finally flow. It is anticipated that this will considerable. Three different and partially happen in late 2014 or early 2015. overlapping statutory consents are in place Daunting Challenge Since July of last year, work While the challenge presented has been continuing apace during this phase could be preparing a works site in the vilconsidered daunting, it is lage of Aughoose for the start of nothing new to Agnes tunnelling. The tunnel – which McLaverty, Shell E&P Ireland will have an internal diameter of Limited’s Environmental 3.5m and an external diameter Manager. Agnes joined the of 4.2m – will be constructed Corrib gas project 12 years using a specialist piece of equipago, in 2000, and since then ment called a tunnel boring has overseen the successful machine, or TBM for short. The environmental management of TBM is 140m long and, once it the construction of the termistarts work, it is expected that nal at Bellanaboy, the drilling the tunnel will take approxiof wells and installation of submately 15 months to complete. sea production equipment on As Sruwaddacon Bay is desigthe seabed at the Corrib Field nated as a Special Area of and the laying of the offshore Conservation under the EU The Bellanaboy Bridge Gas Terminal, which is now more than 95% complete. pipeline. ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY MANAGEMENT, MAY/JUNE 2012


Corporate Head Office: Mercury House, Ravens Rock Road, Sandyford Business Estate, Dublin 18, Ireland t +353-(1)-2163000 f +353-(1)-2163005 e info@mercuryeng.com

With a background in as noise during the operations. process engineering, she This means that any potentially worked in the oil industry in noisy pieces of equipment are her native Norway and in the housed to reduce the noise UK before coming to Ireland impact. Acoustic screening is in 1990 to work on the also in place all around the Kinsale Head Gas Field properimeter of the tunnelling ject and then moved to Corrib compound to ensure that as lita decade later. While there are tle noise as possible is heard layers of complexity associated outside of the site,” she says. with the role she and her team carry out, a simple philosophy Natural Colour Scheme underpins their approach. One important mitigation “The overriding priority is effort has been to ensure the to eliminate environmental visual impact in the area is impact where possible, and to minimised by using a ‘natural’ minimise impact where it can’t colour scheme throughout the be avoided completely. A con- An aerial shot of the tunnelling compound at Aughoose, which is under site. This means that all fencing struction project is bound to construction. and visible fixtures and equiphave an environmental footment are painted in colours print, but it is our responsibility to make ence of lorries, diggers and cranes, and that allow them to blend most naturally sure we keep this as small as possible. This once tunnelling commences there will be with the surrounding landscape. means that we have to make sure mitiga- ongoing traffic associated with the proviA whole range of mitigation measures tion is applied at all times, and we have to sion of materials such as the pre-cast con- are also in place to ensure minimal disturbe able to demonstrate through monitor- crete segments for the tunnel and the bance to wildlife and there is regular coning that the mitigation measures are effec- removal from site of arisings from the tun- sultation with the National Parks and tive,” she explains. nel,” she replies. Wildlife Service to ensure everything possiApart from the fact that there were no “So in terms of environmental impact ble that can be done in this regard is being significant environmental incidents during there will be disturbance such as traffic, done. the several years of construction work on noise and visual impact during the period Agnes acknowledges that the job is chalthe terminal, one of the other highlights of construction. However, once the lenging and, because complacency can (although a major challenge at the time) pipeline is in the ground and the site is never be allowed to enter the mindset of Agnes points to during this phase of work reinstated, there will be no further local those managing environmental matters on was the construction of a bespoke water disturbance.” the Corrib project, it can be difficult to treatment plant incorporating electro-flocAnd what specific mitigations are being ‘switch off’. But there are enjoyable and culation technology. implemented to minimise this impact? rewarding aspects to the job too, notably The standards set by Mayo County “A huge number of mitigation measures leading a team of ten ‘motivated and Council for water discharge were very are in place to minimise local disturbance, enthusiastic environmental professionals’ – strict and for some elements they were including all those that we committed to three of whom are from Erris and a further based on drinking water standards. in our environmental impact assessment, four from the wider Mayo area. “Things can be difficult at times, but During construction almost all of the run- plus many more that have been added as off from the 15-hectare site was contained we have gone along, simply because they everyone pulls together and there is great camaraderie and a strong sense of everyone and pumped back for extensive treatment. make sense. “A traffic management plan is in place to wanting to do things well. We are also forThis was the first time such an approach had been taken on a major Irish construc- regulate construction traffic to and from tunate in having a wider team of expert the site and this is working well. The tun- advisers, who we can draw on for specialist tion project. “Because of the controversy around the nelling equipment is being set up with the advice on aspects such as terrestrial and project, there was intense scrutiny of objective of minimising disturbance such marine ecology, acoustics etc.” Twelve years on, Agnes everything we did during the McLaverty is determined not just construction of the terminal. to see this project through, but to But I think we rose to the chalensure that the highest environlenge and instead of just meetmental standards obtain to the ing the conditions set down, we very end. tried to be innovative and we “In addition to overseeing this went beyond what was necesfinal construction phase, there sary in many instances,” says will also be a significant amount Agnes. of reinstatement work to be completed when the tunnel is built Environmental Impact and the onshore pipeline is laid. So what will the environmental Shell’s approach to reinstatement impact be during this final is to carry it out for the benefit of phase of the project? “There wildlife and habitat. will be a significant presence in the area, particularly at the “Once gas is flowing, all signs Aughoose compound, during of the construction work that construction. Setting up the took place in this area for several tunnelling operation itself is a years should be gone – that is large civil engineering underwhat we intend to do to the taking with the associated pres- Work under way at the tunnelling site at Aughoose. greatest extent possible.” I ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY MANAGEMENT, MAY/JUNE 2012



BAM Appointed by Shell E&P Ireland For Sruwaddacon Tunnelling Works BAM Contractors (formerly Ascon) together with Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau – both Royal BAM Group operating companies – have been appointed by Shell E&P Ireland to undertake tunnelling and gas pipeline works for the undersea pipeline under Sruwaddacon Bay, for the Corrib Gas Field. stablished in 1958, BAM Contractors, whose affiliates include BAM Civil, BAM Building, BAM PPP and BAM Rail, is a registered Irish company managed by Irish professionals and covers all types and size of construction activity. The company employs over 2,000 people directly and indirectly and its turnover for 2011 was Eur250 million.


Royal BAM Group BAM Contractors and Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau are wholly owned subsidiaries of Royal BAM Group of the Netherlands, which has a turnover in excess of Eur7.9 billion and employs in excess of 26,000 people worldwide. Royal BAM Group, ranked fifth in the league of top European contractors, continues to expand in its home markets of The Netherlands, Ireland, United Kingdom, Belgium and Germany and to target opportunities internationally through its global operating company BAM International. The group, a publically quoted company listed on Euronext Amsterdam, applies best practice and good governance procedures to manage risk at all levels of its business. BAM Civil is the largest civil engineering contractor in Ireland. Projects include PPP motorway schemes, transportation, water and wastewater, marine and rail projects. BAM Building ranks among the top two building contractors operating nationally and has carried out projects of the largest scale for the most prestigious of clients. Recent projects include: the Engineering Building at NUI Galway; Killybegs and Bundoran Sewerage Scheme; the NPRO Phase 1 Projects at Beaumont and St James’ Hospitals; Cill Ronain Harbour

Engineering Building at NUI Galway.


The Water Treatment Plant at Ballymore Eustace.

Development; Luas Citywest; Berthing works at Rosslare Europort; the Curraheen Hospital and the Castleisland Bypass. Current Projects Current projects also include: the office development for Quest Software in Cork; the Centre of Applied Science at IT Tallaght; Sutherland School of Law, UCD; Mater Stop Diaphragm Wall for the RPA; Zenimax, Galway; the complete refurbishment – while maintaining it live – of the Water Treatment Plant at Ballymore Eustace and the N22/N69 Tralee Bypass. BAM continues to be active in the Irish PPP market; it has already successfully delivered three projects to date: M1 Dundalk Western Bypass; M7/M8 Portlaoise Motorway and M25 Waterford Bypass. In addition it has been awarded preferred bidder status on the Second Level Schools Bundle 3 and the Newlands Cross/N11 PPP Schemes. BAM Property is a development partner with Heineken Ireland for the regeneration of the Beamish and Crawford Cork city centre site; planning permission was recently awarded for a 6,000 seat event centre on the site. It also has in progress a major residential and mixed use development at Carrigtwohill, Cork. Sustainable Irish Infrastructure According to Theo Cullinane, BAM chief executive: “We are heavily involved in sustainable Irish infrastructure and building projects, particularly in the engineering,

healthcare, educational, transport, water and waste sectors. We are an innovative company with the proven ability to drive efficiency through the construction process. As business partners, we have the ability to de-risk construction for private and public clients by offering flexible funding arrangements.” He continues: “By managing a low level of working capital and the ability to maintain a high level of cash, the company has generated a strong base to support the on-going working capital requirements of our business and a strong base to generate a consistent flow of new projects. BAM Contractors’ financial standing is based on its strong balance sheet with no bank borrowings.” Additionally, Theo Cullinane recently announced the award of a major marine development project at the Port of Aqaba, Jordan, which will be undertaken with BAM International. “We are particularly proud of winning this major international project, which will be managed by an Irish team,” he remarks. BAM Contractors Group is certified to SafeTcert and the ‘International Safety Rating System’ of Det Norkse Veritas, Level 6, ISO 9001:2000 for Quality Management and ISO 14001: 2004 for Environmental Management. I

River Suir Bridge – Waterford Bypass PPP.



Energia to Energise New €14 Million Caherdowney Wind Farm nergia is preparing to energise its new E 9.2 megawatt wind farm in Caherdowney, County Cork. Located near the Cork-Kerry border, the Eur14 million Caherdowney Wind Farm is currently nearing completion. The windfarm’s four wind turbines with a combined capacity of 9.2MW have been fully constructed and are now in the final stages of commissioning. The turbines are Enercon E70 models with a hub height of 64.5 metres and a rotor blade diameter of 70 metres. The site was chosen due to its high average wind speeds (category one rated) and once the wind farm is fully operational it will be capable of powering up to 9,200 homes. Energia is one of Ireland's leading providers of sustainable green energy and will shortly have 550MW of operational renewable electricity capacity contracted

The turbines at Caherdowney Wind Farm will produce 9.2MW of renewable power, enough to power 9,200 homes.

within the energy portfolio, with a further 290MW of wind farm projects currently in development across Ireland. 75% of this portfolio is contracted with third party wind farms, giving Energia the broadest wind farm coverage in Ireland. Overall Energia has a 25% market share of wind generation throughout Ireland under contract. Peter Baillie, managing director of Energia Renewables, comments: “Once energised, the Eur14 million facilities will supply renewable energy to businesses across Ireland. Energia Group is one of the most significant contributors to the achievement of Ireland’s renewable targets and one of the largest investors in the renewable sector.” Energia is preparing to energise its new Eur14

€200 Million Investment As part of its commitment to the environment, Energia Renewables has invested Eur200 million in developing renewable sources of energy through its portfolio of ten wind farms. This includes the company’s most recent projects at Corkermore and Drumloughill Wind Farms in County Donegal and Crighshane and Church Hill in County Tyrone. “On all of these projects we’ve received a lot of support from local residents and we’re very thankful for this. The development of both wind farms is a very positive step forward for renewable energy in Ireland and this is something that is very important to us,” Peter Baillie explains. “All of our wind

million wind farm at Caherdowney, County Cork. Pictured at the site is Peter Lambert of Energia Renewables.

farm developments bring significant benefits to the local economies, including job creation, increased rates for the local authorities and improvements to local infrastructure such as roads.” Energia Group comprises of Energia Supply, Energia Renewables and Energia Generation and is Ireland’s largest independent supplier in the Irish business energy market, with a 28% market share of the business electricity and gas market on an all–island basis with over 65,000 customers. I

Start-up Wins €2.8 Million From EU Commission For Biorefining Project Galway-based greentech company, A Sustainable Biopolymers (trading as Cellulac), has been approved for a record Eur2.8 million grant from the European Commission to commercialise its biorefining technology that converts agricultural waste into lactic acid. Cellulac is a highpotential start up client of Enterprise Ireland which supported the company in its bid for this significant grant. Lactic acid is used in food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, biodegradable plastics and other industrial sectors. It is a growing Eur4 billion pa market and is expanding at a rate of 19% per year. The EU grant approval, which will anchor a consortium of funding from State, institutional and private investors, will be

used to prove mass production capability. Possible locations for the demonstration plant - where lactic acid will be produced at an industrial level with the goal of licensing the technology world wide - are currently being scouted in Ireland and the EU. Cellulac will create 14 high quality jobs and will be recruiting graduates from the life sciences and engineering sectors to grow its research base in Ireland. Fin Murray, chief executive of Cellulac, comments: “This win and our confidence that Cellulac will be filling key R&D roles locally is a testament to the investment poured into the development of the life sciences and green tech sectors over the last number of years. GMIT, NUI Galway and the Technology Centre for Biorefining and

Turning straw to gold. Fin Murray, chief executive of Cellulac, and Sean Sherlock TD, Minister for Research & Innovation. (Picture by Gary O’Neill


Bioenergy supported by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland, will prove to be key supports for greentech companies like ours.” I




ISO Competitive Edge Ltd is a prominent, wholly Irish owned company. We provide specialist services to assist companies in meeting specific project demands and acquiring a variety of certification standards.


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Do You Need An Environmental Management System? ith London 2012 set to be the first W 'green’ Olympic Games, organisers are relying heavily on the sustainability commitments of the businesses supplying them. The ISO 14001 standard sets out an easy to follow framework for organisations to reduce their total environmental impact. With companies like Google and Renault committing themselves to this standard, there’s certainly something in it.

ISO Competitive Edge’s senior consultants are experienced in providing a full range of services geared towards helping many different types of organisations to achieve competitiveness, certifications and compliance. The ISOCEL methodology has been fine tuned by experience to deliver the maximum benefits to customers. Through implementation and auditing of Management Systems, ISO Competitive Edge helpd businesses, large and small, to get on the road to business improvement. ISO Competitive Edge is a

prominent, wholly Irish owned company. The firm provides specialist services to assist companies in meeting specific project demands and acquiring a variety of certification standards. The company is comprised of experts from many different fields of industry and offers end to end service in a number of areas of certification, such as; ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 5001:2011, EMAS, OHSAS 18001:2007, End of Waste and more. For further information contact w.kingston@isoceltd.com, Tel; 01 6690581 or visit www. isoceltd.com. I

The Convention Centre Dublin Wins ‘Triple Crown’ in Certification ertification Europe has awarded The C Convention Centre Dublin with ISO Certification in Quality Management (ISO

The Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001 conformed to the strong green energy ethos, which The CCD has instigated since inception; The CCD electrical energy is generated 100% from renewable resources and it established a target of recycling 85 percent of building waste

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BS7499 identify The CCD as a sustainable and customer focused venue. The company’s constant 9001) and Environmental Management commitment to designing and operating a (ISO 14001), in conjunction with the sustainable and efficient business, which British Security Standard (BS7499). The delivers quality customer service to clients, is CCD achieved all three standards within something which all organisations should eighteen months of opening, aspire to.” which is a stellar achievement The CCD opened in for the organisation and September 2010 and is emphasises The CCD’s dediIreland’s first purpose-built cation to providing a worldconvention centre. From class service. inception, the carbon neutral “We are delighted to have constructed convention centre received BS7499, ISO 9001 has been committed to impleand ISO 14001 certification menting an environmental from the certification body policy, including information Certification Europe as it reinand guidance for event organforces our commitment to isers on how to run a green long-term sustainability and event at the venue, as well as quality assurance by the daediits online carbon calculator to cated and passionate team,” help visitors to offset their carcomments Austin bon footprint. McCormack, facilities and The CCD’s infrastructure infrastructure director of The includes high efficiency heatCCD. “Certification Europe’s Pictured (l to r): Ciaran O’Malley, business development manager for Certification ing and chilled-water systems clearly structured assessment Europe; Paul Moore, business services contracts manager for The CCD; Dr John Ryan, with 33 thermal-heat wheels process and informed feedback drector of services for Certification Europe; Philip Hartigan, had of security for the CCD; in the air handling units, during the audits added excep- and Majella McDonnell, health and safety manager for the CCD. which recover 70 percent of tional value to our business.” the energy from exhaust air To attain ISO 9001, The CCD completed this year. for reuse in the building. This type of stratean external audit process for which it was Ciaran O’Malley, business development gic environmental devotion is well aligned to praised by Certification Europe for its cus- manager at Certification Europe, comments: the core values of the Environmental tomer-based approach and dedicated cus- “The CCD’s dedicated commitment to Management standard ISO 14001 and the tomer service. applying high standards via certification to Quality Management standard ISO 9001. I ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY MANAGEMENT, MAY/JUNE 2012



ISO 50001 – The New Standard in Energy Management The new ISO 50001 standard is designed to provide public and private sector organisations with management strategies to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs and improve energy performance. ith energy one of the most critical challenges facing the international community, the new ISO International Standard ISO 50001 on energy management systems, which was published last year, is expected to have a positive impact on some 60 % of the world’s energy use. ISO 50001 is intended to provide organisations with a recognised framework for integrating energy performance into their management practices. Multinational organisations will have access to a single, harmonised standard for implementation across the organisation with a logical and consistent methodology for identifying and implementing improvements. The standard is intended to accomplish the following: • Assist organisations in making better use of their existing energy-consuming assets Create transparency and facilitate communication on the management of energy resources • Promote energy management best practices and reinforce good energy management behaviour • Assist facilities in evaluating and prioritizing the implementation of new energy-efficient technologies • Provide a framework for promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain • Facilitate energy management improvements for greenhouse gas emission reduction projects • Allow integration with other organiza-


tional management systems such as environmental, and health and safety. Reducing Energy Costs Of course, energy is critical to any organisation’s operations but can be a major cost. An idea of the cost can be gained by considering the use of energy within the supply chain of any business, from raw materials through to recycling. “Individual organisations cannot control energy prices, government policies or the global economy, but they can improve the way they manage energy in the here and now,” points out ISO secretary-fgeneral Rob Steele. “Improved energy performance can provide rapid benefits for an organisation by maximising the use of its energy sources and energy-related assets, thus reducing both energy cost and consumption. The organisation will also make positive contributions toward reducing depletion of energy resources and mitigating worldwide effects of energy use, such as global warming.” ISO Management System ISO 50001 is based on the ISO management system model familiar to more than a million organisations worldwide who implement standards such as ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 22000 (food safety), ISO/IEC 27001 (information security). In particular, ISO 50001 follows the Plan-Do-Check-Act process for continual improvement of the energy management system. These characteristics enable organizations to integrate energy management now with their overall efforts to improve quality, environmental management and other challenges addressed by their management systems. Framework ISO 50001 provides a framework of requirements enabling organisations to: • Develop a policy for more efficient use

of energy • Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy • Use data to better understand and make decisions concerning energy use and consumption • Measure the results • Review the effectiveness of the policy • Continually improve energy management. ISO 50001 can be implemented individually or integrated with other management system standards. Like all ISO management system standards, ISO 50001 has been designed for implementation by any organisation, whatever its size or activities, whether in the public or private sector, regardless of its geographical location. Energy Performance ISO 50001 does not fix targets for improving energy performance. This is up to the user organisation, or to regulatory authorities. This means than any organisation, regardless of its current mastery of energy management, can implement ISO 50001 to establish a baseline and then improve on this at an appropriate pace. Like all ISO management system standards, ISO 50001 can be implemented solely for the internal and external benefits it provides the user organisations and their customers. Certification by an independent auditor of conformity of the user’s energy management system to ISO 50001 is not a requirement of the standard itself. To certify or not is a decision to be taken by the ISO 50001 user, unless imposed by regulation. I




New ‘Fluxy’ Wind Turbine Brought to Market by Wicklow Firm ith four years in the making, Kingston Renewable Energy has announced the completion and availability of the Fluxy – a fully-mechanical wind turbine that consists of a simple yet modern design not only capable of standing strong against the turbulent Irish winds, but the test of time as well. Originally deterred by the high prices of mass manufactured, electronically controlled home-based wind turbines, Richard Kingston, owner and creator of the Fluxy, decided to pursue the path of crafting his own turbine that he felt could out-do what the market had to offer as far as quality, pricing and durability goes. The Fluxy is geared towards the stand-alone dwellings or small businesses in rural locations that can profit from its ability to generate energy from the region’s windy conditions. Gaining interest from the Irish and British markets, the Fluxy turbine costs ab-out Eur 26,000 (including Vat,) and can produce between 6,000 and 13,000 units of power per year – while the typical Irish rural home requires about 6,000 to 8,000 units. Although the Fluxy can deliver on the premise of remaining an environmentally-friendly product, it is also able to convey an aesthetic-appeal with its timber blades, natural colour schemes that blend seamlessly with the outdoor environments, as well as uphold a statuesque-feel to the structure. Fluxy turbines consist of a grid-tied turbine incorporating the latest in state-of-the-art inverter technology. The blade span is 5.5 meters in diameter and the custom-made hydraulic monopole towers raise the turbine to reach 13 meters (domestic limit) or 20 meters.



Richard Kingston comments: “We wanted to create a better quality, better value, more durable and prettier turbine than existing market offerings. The Fluxy was created in res-ponse to the high price and utilitarian look of mass manufactured, electronically controlled home-based wind turbines.” He adds: “Our turbine is largely based on an open-source design and it’s extremely simple like some of the most effective engineering designs; this increases reliability and longevity. Maintenance is simplified and made safer by a tower that folds to the ground rather than having to be climbed.” The Fluxy is manufactured entirely in Rathnew, County Wicklow by KRE. For more information on the Fluxy, visit www.kre.ie. I



€400 Million Investment in Wind Energy by Bord Gais Having just officially opened its first developed wind farm, Bord Gais Energy plans to bring a second facility on stream in 2012 as part of a €400 million investment programme to create a further 250MWs of wind energy over the next three years. ord Gais Energy’s first developed wind farm, Ballymartin Wind Farm, is located at Mullinavat in County Kilkenny. The project has 6.9 MWs of capacity and features three Enercon direct drive turbines. “We now have 234MW operational in wind, which is about 23% of group energy on average,” says Jason Scagell, Head of Assets and Trading at Bord Gais Energy. “At present, our wind farms can provide energy to 150,000 homes across the country, and by the end of 2012, this will increase to 180,000 homes.” The second wind power site currently under construction and due to become operational in 2012 is Garracummer Wind Farm in County Tipperary, which will bring an additional 42MW of wind energy on stream. Capital investment at Garracummer is about Eur65 million. The wind farm will consist of 17 turbines spread over three mountainsides. The site is remote and connection to the Grid will entail the laying of a 17.5km underground cable.


€400 Million Investment in Wind Garracummer Wind Farm is part of a Eur400 million investment in wind energy by Bord Gais Energy over the next

three years to add a 250MWs of capacity and effectively double its wind energy capability. In addition to the facility at Garracummer, the other wind farms to be developed by Bord Gais Energy under the investment programme are: Lisheen II (24 MWs) and Kill Hills (36.8MWs) in County Tipperary, Booltiagh II (12MWs) in County Clare, and Knockacummer (72.5 MWs) and Glentane (18 MWs) in County Cork. See Table. Knockacummer and Glentane, with a combined capacity of 90.5MWs, will be developed together and constitute the largest single project within the investment programme. “Bord Gais has invested about Eur2 billion in the Irish economy over the last five years and this is a continuation of that programme,” points out Jason Scagell. “Each of the sites will be subject to a competitive tender process in order to optimise generating performance and to keep the capital cost as low as we can. The topography and geography of each individual site along with any planning considerations will dictate the class of turbine chosen. We are adapting available technology to suit the specific

requirements of each site.” For instance, Enercon turbines are being used at the Ballymartin II Wind Farm, whereas Nordex 2.5MW machines have been chosen for the Garracummer site. Funding The Eur400 million investment programme is being funded through a “combination of EIB (European Investment Bank), project finance and also from the Bord Gais balance sheet,” he explains. “So it will be a mix and we are hoping for a substantial contribution from EIB because this is exactly the type of funding into infrastructure and renewable energy that they like to support.” When the Eur400 million investment programme is completed, about half of Bord Gais Energy’s electricity will be generated by wind power. “Ireland’s



renewable energy target is 40% but Bord Gais will be generating 50% of its energy from renewable sources which will be a good position for us to be in as a company,” Jason Scagell remarks. Key Player Bord Gais Energy is already a key player within the Irish wind energy market and has 15% of the installed wind capacity in Ireland at present. The company owns and operates 135 turbines on 13 wind farms in eight counties - Kerry, Cork, Limerick, Clare, Tipperary, Kilkenny, Donegal and Tyrone. The company’s long-term investment in renewable energy reflects and supports the Government’s target of having 40% of electricity produced by renewables by 2020. It is envisaged that wind energy will provide the largest source of renewable energy to achieve these targets. Bord Gais has been a dual energy provider since 2002, when it entered the commercial/industrial electricity market. The group’s strategy is to develop a balanced portfolio of electricity generation, both conventional and renewable. Bord Gais now has its own electricity generating capacity following the construction of the Eur400 million Whitegate power station and by investing about Eur1.6 billion to develop its asset portfolio, particularly in renewable energy. Bord Gais has been building its renewable energy generating capacity, both organically and by acquisition. In 2009, it acquired SWS Natural Resources, one of the largest wind generators in Ireland, for over Eur500 million. Based in West Cork, SWS was operating 179MW of wind generating assets at the time and also had an advanced development pipeline of 460MW in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Other Sources of Renewable Energy Bord Gais Energy is seeking to develop a broadly based energy generation portfo20

lio. “We are looking at a number of different technologies both on the customer side and also on the generation side. We see wind as being the cornerstone of our investment strategy but we recognise that there is a tremendous opportunity to develop the flexible generation that will be required to support increased renewable penetration,” Jason Scagell explains.

Bord Gais now has its own electricity generating capacity following the construction of the €400 million Whitegate power station and by investing

support that flexibility but as and when they do, we will have the options to take them forward.” Bord Gais is also involved in the marine energy sector after entering a joint venture partnership, called Tidal Ventures, with OpenHydro, the Irish tidal renewable energy company. Tidal Ventures will be exploring the feasibility of a number of tidal energy projects around the island of Ireland. Developments in the Home “We are looking at flexible generation to support wind and other renewable energy sources on the generation side but we are also involved in research into the way consumers can be more efficient and better control their energy use in the home. In 2008, Bord Gais established a Eur10 million R&D investment fund and we are investigating a whole range of technologies from smart meters and smart control systems to enable our customers to use less energy, to domestic CHP schemes. We are a founder member of the International Energy Research Centre in Cork,” comments Jason Scagell. Bord Gais is also interested in biomass. “For biomass you need a secure source of fuel and a robust combustion system. There are a few suitable sites in Ireland and we are considering at least one of them at the moment,” he concludes. I

about Eur1.6 billion to develop its asset portfolio,

Wind Farms Currently Being Developed by Bord Gais Energy

particularly in renewable energy.

Indeed, Bord Gais is involved in Greener Ideas, a joint venture with Mountside Properties to develop a series of Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) power plant projects across Ireland. “We are looking at developing a number of sites. They could be up to 100MW, fast response and efficient, providing the flexibility to complement the intermittency of wind generation.” He elaborates: “At the moment the commercial/trading arrangements do not



Garracummer, Co Tipperary

42.5 MWs

Lisheen II, Co Tipperary

24 MWs

Ballymartin II, Co Kilkenny

9.2 MWs

Booltiagh II, Co Clare

12 MWs

Knockacummer, Co Cork Glentane, Co Cork Kill Hills, Co Tipperary


72.5 MWs 18 MWs 36.8 MWs


Municipal Waste Vehicles Drive Recovery Rates Municipal waste generation has decreased in Ireland since 2007, despite an increase in population. there is still a substantial reliance on material recovery facilities abroad, with 77 per cent of non-hazardous municipal waste recovered abroad in 2010. One of the unsung hero’s of waste recovery are the vehicles that are used to collect household and commercial waste, without which we would have no waste to energy, recycling and recovery facilities. Taken for granted, maybe; but these vehicles are vital to County Councils and Environmental Protection private recovery firms alike. Far The last decade has seen huge advanced from the recovery vehicles change in relation to how waste is of 10/15 years ago, today you will managed in Ireland. The regulatory Recovery rates are generally improving across most waste streams. Of note find GPS tracking systems, weighregime imposed on the waste indus- in 2010 was the increase in the recovery of household waste (up 11 per cent) ing systems, health & safety equiptry in this period has yielded signifi- and municipal waste recycling achieved a rate of 38 per cent, close to the EU ment and innovative environmental systems which allow Irish compacant and measurable improvements norm of 40 per cent. nies complete clarity and confiin environmental protection. Ireland dence in their fleet. has moved quickly from a position of almost proportion of recyclables. In today’s developed market a number of total reliance on landfill for managing waste options are available to the public and private to a high level of recovery of certain recyclable Waste Recovery Recovery rates are generally improving across sectors when selecting vehicles, and bodies materials. In order for Ireland to remain competitive most waste streams. Of note in 2010 was the that are equally important. Innovation, safety and to attract inward investment it is neces- increase in the recovery of household waste and the environment are obvious considerasary to ensure that an integrated, competent (up 11 per cent) and municipal waste recy- tions, however a purchaser must also be aware and well-regulated waste management ser- cling achieved a rate of 38 per cent, close to of service/parts and longevity of the vehicle. vice sector is operated. Such provision needs the EU norm of 40 per cent. The use of waste Dependent on the function required, the life to include the necessary range of infrastruc- as an energy fuel (substitute to fossil fuels) of a vehicle and its body can vary greatly! ture to meet national needs where appropri- grew by 20 per cent from 2009 figures to However, most suppliers can provide the purate. Currently Ireland is dependent on 183,000 t in 2010. This was mainly wood chaser with the knowledge and experience of export arrangements for certain waste waste used as a boiler fuel and refuse derived supplying into most sectors of the waste streams such as hazardous waste and a large fuel co-incinerated in cement kilns. However, industry, whether overseas or at home. I he economic downturn, resulting in decreased personal consumption of goods and services has been a particular factor. Ireland has made significant progress in meeting many EU waste recycling /recovery targets but challenges in relation to waste generation and management of particular waste streams, such as end of life vehicles and biodegradable municipal waste, remain.




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Irish Commercials/Geesinknorba Partnership Provides a One Stop Solution s one of Europe’s largest providers of refuse collection vehicles and waste compactors, Geesinknorba adopted a new approach to the Irish market in November 2011, by forming a partnership with Irish Commercials, the Volvo Trucks dealership based in Naas and Oranmore, Galway and trading as Geesinknorba Ireland. Geesinknorba manufactures a wide range of vehicle bodies for different applications as well as binlifting equipment to operate with them. By partnering with Irish Commercials, Geesinknorba Ireland now encompasses the whole of Ireland. Trading under the name Geesinknorba Ireland as a main dealer for Geesinknorba, the company offers a full sales and aftermarket service.

the waste sector. Geesinknorba has a massive range of quality products from 7.5 tonnes up to 32 tonnes. As a company they have gone down a similar route as regards a one stop shop in that they can provide the body and the bin-lifts.” Barry Horan notes that Geesinknorba Ireland complements Irish Commercials’ long-standing relationship with Volvo Trucks, but stresses that Geesinknorba products will be fitted to whatever trucks customers wish to use.


40 Years in Business Entering its 40th year of business, Irish Commercials is a fully approved dealer for Volvo Trucks and Buses. In addition to the Geesinknorba and Volvo businesses, Irish Commercials owns and operates Naas VTN, Partech (Quality Parts for all makes of commercial) and the Irish Commercials Training Academy, which runs a number of courses such as CPC Courses, Economical Driver Training, Manual Handling, Tachograph Training For The Working Time Directive and Fuel Management Services. Indeed, these complementary business activities allow Irish Commercials to provide a one stop transport service solution for customers. Irish Commercials employs a staff of 90 highly skilled technicians including sector and specialists, experienced parts personnel, a dedicated sales team and a range of support personnel to assist with the day to day run-

ning and smooth operation of all areas of the business. The company’s annual turnover is about Eur30 million. “As a company, we are very proud of our ISO 9001 certification and see our low staff turnover and consistent investment in training and development as confirmation of our dedication to our customers,” says Conor Horan, Sales Director of Geesinknorba Ireland. Nationwide Coverage Geesinknorba Ireland is based at Irish Commercials’ operational headquarters in Naas - a purpose built, state-of-the-art premises encompassing an 80,000 sq ft building on a nine acre site. In addition, Geesinknorba Ireland’s vehicle, body and bin lift specialists also operate out of their second facility in Oranmore, County Galway. Both depots are strategically placed with immediate accessibility to the main arterial routes. In addition to the reliable Geesinknorba after sales service and mobile units, further support is available through specially appointed after sales sub dealers in Limerick and Newtonabbey County Antrim – a combination which guarantees a truly nationwide service.

Well Placed The Irish Commercials/Geesinknorba partnership is well placed to respond to the major changes taking place within the Irish waste market. “We see the Irish market consolidating and the whole customer base is becoming much more professional. Major fleets are taking over from independent operators and in turn we are noticing much more vehicle utilisation,” explains Conor Horan. He adds: “Geesinknorba have an extensive product range with in excess of 800 variations including split bodies, which facilitate these market demands. Our range of body capacities span 7.5 to 32 tonnes with many customers also looking at body conversions and upgrades also. Electric vehicles are also generating interest due to their award winning economical design and low entry vehicles for access and safety. Essentially, we have a solution for every need.” I

New Partnership The Geesinknorba business further enhances Irish Commercial’s ability to provide all-in solutions for customers, including offering financial solutions via Volvo Financial Services. Barry Horan, managing director of Irish Commercials, elaborates: “We market ourselves very strongly as a one stop shop. This partnership further enhances that for ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY MANAGEMENT, MAY/JUNE 2012


Certification Europe Your Accredited Certification Partner

Certification Schemes: ISO 50001 Energy Management ISO 14001 Environmental Management ISO 9001 Quality Management ISO 27001 Information Security Management BS 25999/ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety Management ISO 20000 IT Service Management BS 8901/ISO 20121 Sustainable Event Management


Tr St ain an ing d av ar on ai ds IS la bl als O e o

Block 20A, Beckett Way Park West Business Park, Dublin 12 Email: info@certificationeurope.com Tel: + 353 (0) 1 6429300


Certification Europe


ertification Europe is an accredited certification body which provides ISO management system certification including ISO 50001 energy and ISO 14001 environmental management to organisations globally. ISO Standards provide a recognised framework to achieve best practice management. Certification Europe currently assesses over three thousand organisations internationally on an annual basis. Clients range from small businesses to multinationals and include Government Departments, State Bodies and private organisations. We also provide AIC Inspections Services within the dry cleaning and vehicle refinishing sector. In addition we offer public training courses on ISO 50001 (Implementation and Lead Auditor) and in-house training on ISO 14001 Certification Europe is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, and has additional operations in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Italy, Turkey and Japan.


ertification Europe’s ethos is to add value through the audit process with our unique “New School” style of auditing. Our refreshing pragmatic and non-bureaucratic approach to the ISO auditing process is renowned and appreciated by ISO System Managers globally. No other certification body can rival our auditors’ expertise and industry experience within the field. We appreciate our clients’ needs do not finish after their audit so we have a dedicated customer service team who support our certified clients with our innovative client focused procedures. Since 2011 Certification Europe has been the first accredited certification body within Ireland and the UK, which is certified as permitted to certify organisations for the ISO 50001 energy management systems standard. Clients who have availed of Certification Europe’s ISO 50001 energy certification scheme have saved over 51 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy. This amount is enough to power in excess of 15,000 households for a year. Since the launch of ISO 50001 Certification Europe has certified organizations across a broad range of sectors including companies in the education, engineering financial, pharmaceutical, power generation, manufacturing, and the food and drink sectors. The wide spread adaption of the standard highlights its versatility and relevance to businesses throughout Ireland. Each of our ISO 50001 clients can testify to the benefits of the standard which include: the ability to proactively manage and reduce the company’s energy consumption and improved operational efficiencies. Certification Europe has an impressive ISO 50001 energy management client base including but not withstanding; Abbott, Allergan Pharmaceuticals, Arigna Fuels, Bank Of Ireland, DePuy, Diageo, GlaxoSmithKline, Gypsum Industries (Saint Gobain), Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, London South Bank University and the Tyndall National Institute.

Full contact details

Certification Europe, Block 20 a Beckett Way, Park West Business Park, Dublin 12. Telephone 01 64 29 300 email: energy@certificationeurope.com Other Offices: Belfast, London, Milan, Osaka and Istanbul

Left Ciarán O’Malley of Certification Europe with Pat Mehigan Facilities Manager of the Tyndall National Institute at the ISO 50001 Certification Awarding Ceremony for the Tyndal National Institute early this year.

Photo shows Brendan Layden being presented with the ISO 50001 certificate from Certification Europe by Minister John Perry on his recent visit to the plant. From Left: John Ryan (Commercial Director, Certification Europe) John Perry (Minister of State for Small Business) Brendan Layden ( Operations Manager) Peter Layden (Managing Director).

In addition Certification Europe offers certification to 14001 the environmental management system standard. CE was the first INAB accredited body approved to certify companies to ISO 14001. Certification Europe’s contains a widespread portfolio of certification services including: • ISO 9001 Quality Management • OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Management • ISO 20121/BS 8901 Sustainable Event Management • ISO 27001 Information Security Management • ISO 20000 IT Service Management • ISO 22301/BS 25999 Business Continuity Management Client ISO 50001 Testimonials “Energy management system certification has helped Diageo Bailey’s operations address its energy use in an extremely positive manner. Since engaging in the energy management certification process we have saved 25% on weekend energy costs alone. Certification Europe was very knowledgeable in the area of energy management and had a personable approach during the certification process.” Evelyn Conlon (Risk Manager) Diageo Bailey's Global Supply The ISO 50001 Energy Management system has provided an excellent framework for monitoring energy consumption and developing realistic reduction targets. The Energy Management System has facilitated in the development of a clear concise Energy management program. Certification Europe had a professional, open and common sense approach to the ISO 50001 audit process. Recommendations from the Certification Europe Auditors were encouraging, constructive and pragmatic and will add real value to the overall system.” Michael Madigan (Utilities Engineer) Pfizer




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Unit 6, Block K, Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, Co Kildare T: +353. 1. 6510344

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rontline Energy & Environmental is a smart innovative company with over 20 years of team experience in facilities and energy management. Our services enable companies to make effective decisions about issues that positively affect profitability, and capital invested, and also in how your company is perceived. Organisations looking for optimum value from a service provider need an approach that supports their objectives throughout their processes. By gaining a deep understanding of these processes and focusing on end use efficiency we provide fast, effective solutions to optimise energy usage, maximise savings and minimise the environmental impact. Clients of Frontline operate in the following sectors: • Government & Semi State Bodies • Manufacturing & Industrial • Financial Institutions • Professional Services • Property Management • Transport & Logistics • Hotels • Education

Contact details are:

Frontline Energy & Environmental Ground Floor Grattan House, 67-69 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2

Charlestown Town Centre ESCO


harlestown Shopping Centre is a flagship retail development located in Charlestown, Dublin 11. The Centre was completed in autumn 2007 and comprises of 18,800sqm of retail space plus 285 apartments, 800 car-parking spaces and a 12-storey signature building. The Centre is anchored by Dunnes Stores and includes Boots and Mothercare, to name a few. The developers included sustainable energy-saving features in both the commercial and residential units in an effort to reduce energy costs and environmental impact. The Energy Centre located in the basement is central to this as the heat and power is generated using high efficiency Combined Heat and Power technology (CHP) in conjunction with a biomass boiler powered by locally sourced wood pellets. The wood pellets fuelling the biomass boiler are carbon neutral given they are from local timber. Operation and Maintenance ESCO Frontline Energy and Environmental operate and maintain the Energy Centre and the District Heating System (DHS)

and all associated equipment. Providing a comprehensive service under the terms of an ESCO Agreement (Energy Supply Company Agreement) - elements of this long term utility contract include, On-going energy management engaging in fuel procurement, tariff monitoring and gas capacity management. Along with metering and billing for all end users both commercial and residential. Frontline Energy and Environmental use a Whole Site Optimisation approach, with continual monitoring and targeting, which encompasses everything from behavioural patterns through to more efficient controls. Charlestown is an exemplar District Heating Project, as it provides significant energy savings for commercial and residential tenants. Through the combination of various energy efficient technologies and using innovative applications, measurable environmental and financial savings were achieved and will continue into the future. These measures positively influence the surrounding community to embrace energy efficiency by putting renewable technologies into the heart of a community.

T: +353 1 643 2100 Direct: +353 1 643 2114 E: eimear.dunne@frontlineenergy.ie



Savings of €96,000 have been achieved to date based on today’s energy prices.





larke Energy is an authorised distributor and service partner for GE Energy gas engines. Clarke Energy provides added value to the customer by acting as single point of contact from initial sale, project management, engineering, installation through to commissioning and long-term, reliable maintenance of your gas engine power plant. Clarke Energy has operations in ten countries across the globe. We are specialists in cogeneration / combined heat & power (CHP) using gas engines. We have significant experience in a wide range of different renewable and high-efficiency gas applications including natural gas, biogas, landfill gas and coal gases. Clarke Energy has one focus; GE Energy reciprocating gas engines for the production of power. Our values are quality, reliability, integrity and accountability.

Contact details are:

John Curley Clarke Energy Unit 7 Newtown Business Park Newtownmountkennedy Co Wicklow Ireland

Combined Heat & Power at Abbott Vascular, Tipperary, Ireland Written by Clarke Energy Ltd October 22, 2011


bbott is a global, broad-based healthcare company committed to the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products, including nutritionals, devices and diagnostics. The company employs nearly 90,000 people worldwide and sells its products in more than 130 countries worldwide. In Ireland alone Abbott employs more than 4,000 staff. At their facility in Clonmel, they manufacture a range of vascular devices–which includes vessel closure, endovascular and coronary technologies. • Engine: 1 x GE Jenbacher JGMC 416 GS-NL • Capacity: 1.1MWe, 1.1MWt In 2009, Clarke Energy installed a 1.1MWe natural gas CHP (cogeneration plant) based around the GE Jenbacher ISO container solution. This means that installation becomes quick, easy and at a

low cost. Supplying the plant with 1.1MW of electricity and 1.1 MW of usable heat in the form of hot water, the project has saved Abbott a substantial amount in, not only financial terms but also in terms of CO2 emissions. Clarke Energy has maintained the unit since its installation which has ensured that engine availability and performance has been optimised. • Overall Site Efficiency: 86.1% • CO2 Reduction since installation: 2,603 tonnes/year • Engine Availability (including scheduled and unscheduled maintenance): 97%

Email: john.curley@clarke-energy.com Tel: +353 (0)1 281 0010 Fax: +353 (0)1 281 0520 CLIENT LIST INCLUDES






mperative Energy Limited is based in Maynooth and currently operates in the Irish, UK and USA markets. It is a leading supplier of bioenergy solutions (heat, steam and power) to clients in the commercial, public and industrial sectors through purposely built biomass plant at the client's site. Imperative Energy offers a straight-forward supply and install model, in addition to the ESCO (energy supply contract) model. Under the ESCO model the client enters into a long-term energy supply contract whereby Imperative Energy covers the design, fuel supply, equipment supply, finance, installation, operation and maintenance of installed biomass boilers. The client is subsequently invoiced for metered energy use on a monthly basis at a pre-agreed, index-linked price. The ESCO model is an ideal low-risk option for clients as Imperative Energy bears all of the capital cost and operational responsibility for the biomass systems, including fuel delivery, ash removal and boiler maintenance. Imperative Energy is uniquely positioned in the Biomass ESCo market as it has already secured an exclusive supply agreement for biomass fuel allowing it to provide its clients

with a long term guarantee on energy price and also supply of high quality virgin wood fuel. Security of energy supply is a critically important economic issue for an island nation such asIreland. Fossil fuel reserves are rapidly depleting and the era of easy oil is coming to its end.Imperative Energy believes that biomass as an energy source offers the opportunity to address our nation’s energy import dependency and also to protect the business community against volatile oil and gas prices. Imperative Energy biomass systems provides this while also providing a low cost, carbon neutral alternative that is available 24/7 and is not dependent on prevailing weather conditions. Imperative Energy believes companies that take real action in switching to biomass for their energy requirements will seize the dual benefits of immediate cost savings and a stronger greener reputation, which is always good for business.






Cylon to Invest €11 Million in New Energy Management Division Cylon Group, the international leader in the development of building energy management systems and services, is to invest over ?11 million in its new energy management division, Cylon Active Energy, and create up to 50 new positions over the next four years. Established in 1985, Cylon is an Irish company with headquarters in Clonshaugh County Dublin. The company also has offices in the UK, Europe and China, in addition to a network of representatives across Europe, the US, the Middle East, Australasia and Scandinavia. Cylon is currently one of the largest independent manufacturers of building control systems in Europe but through the new energy management division the company now also provides clients with cloud based real time energy management services, which have been proven to significantly reduce clients’ overall energy consumption and carbon footprint and reduce energy costs by up to 25%. It has already invested over ?1.5 million in the new division and has recently announced a number of new contract wins in Ireland and the United States.


Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Appoints New Chief Executive Dr Brian Motherway has been appointed as chief executive of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Dr Motherway holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Sociology. He first joined SEAI in 2006 and in his most recent role as chief operations officer had overall responsibility for

Dr Brian Motherway, new chief executive of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.


SEAI operations, performance and impacts, strategic planning, and its work in clean technology and enterprise.

Sustainable Energy Sector to Treble by 2020 Analysis by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland of the economic and enterprise benefits of the sustainable energy sector, states that over 20,000 jobs can be created within the sector over the next eight years to 2020. Currently 10,000 jobs are supported in the sector which has the potential to treble by 2020 by creating and supporting jobs, not only directly in renewable energy and energy efficiency (13,000 jobs), but also indirectly by enhancing business competitiveness (7,000 jobs). The Government recently launched the Better Energy Workplaces Scheme 2012, a capital fund to support sustainable energy investments in 2012 in the public, commercial, industrial and community sectors. The fund will make available Eur7.5 million for projects that support energy performance

Pictured at the launch of Cylon Active Energy are (l-r): Sean Giblin, managing director of Cylon Group; Joe Costello TD, Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; and Nicola Dunne, general manager of Cylon Active Energy.

In December 2011, Cylon was awarded the Sustainable Energy Innovation Award at the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2011 Annual Awards for its Cylon Active Energy Management service and Energy Bureau. Cylon is an Enterprise Ireland client company and Enterprise Ireland has part-financed a number of significant R&D programmes at Cylon to drive the growth and internationalisation of the company. contracting; a key element of Ireland’s National Energy Efficiency Plan. Public sector projects are particularly encouraged in order to assist in meeting the 33% public sector energy efficiency improvement target in 2020. Indeed an impact report on Better Energy Workplaces 2011 shows that the State’s Eur11 million investment to support 85 organisational energy upgrades, will be repaid in energy savings in one year.


World Energy Council and Bloomberg Sign Landmark Deal The World Energy Council (WEC) and Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) have signed a partnership agreement to collaborate on the development of a comprehensive survey on the costs of new, renewable and conventional energy technologies. The study will build on the WEC’s existing flagship Survey of Energy Resources, the prime compilation of global energy resources and reserves. Since 1934 the WEC’s survey has provided the core data used by many other compilers of energy information, such as the United Nations, the International Energy Agency, and the energy company BP for its Statistical Review of World Energy. Last year the WEC’s 2010 Survey of Energy Resources was downloaded over 3 million times from www. worldenergy.org. The new report, entitled ‘World Energy Survey of Resources and Technologies’, will be published in October 2013 during the




Improved Grid Will Facilitate Economic Recovery The upgraded national grid which is being put in place will provide a platform for Irish economic recovery and inward investment, according to EirGrid. During 2011, EirGrid completed approximately 80 km of new circuits as part of its Grid25 strategy and over 300 km of existing circuits were upgraded. A further 160 km of new circuits are at an advanced construction stage and are expected to be complete in 2012. Implementation of the Grid25 programme is expected to create major benefits for all regions of Ireland. In addition, this coming September will see the completion of the East West Interconnector, which will electrically connect Ireland to the UK and beyond into Europe and will enable Ireland to participate in those electricity markets. Dermot Byrne, chief executive of EirGrid, comments: “Business and job creation will benefit in a number of ways as we know that competition drives down prices, and that is attractive to new and existing investors. The first auction for capacity on the East West Interconnector will take place this summer, and this will enable Ireland to develop a new and indigenous sector – the energy export

market. We have plenty of potential to develop our renewable energy resources here.” He adds: “EirGrid recently announced a Eur500 million investment in a new electricity link between Munster and Leinster, and this, alongside other current or planned projects, will enable Ireland to have a 21st century grid, modern enough and flexible enough to cater for the requirements of future generations.” The East West Interconnector project continues to progress on time for delivery in September 2012. This will bring an additional capacity of 500 MW (megawatts) of power to be traded in both directions. Benefits will include increased competitiveness, enhanced security of supply and the facilitation of renewable energy. In the financial year ended 30th September 2011, EirGrid increased revenue to Eur470.7 million, from Eur443.8 million the previous year, and operating profit rose to Eur30.3 million, compared to Eur15.7 million in 2010. Renewable energy currently accounts for about 17% of total customer demand across the island or Ireland. The target in both jurisdictions is to reach 40% by 2020.

22nd World Energy Congress in Daegu, South Korea. The World Energy Survey of Resources and Technologies will bring together the expertise of the two organisations to produce a complete view of the global energy resource and technology landscape.

School, Co Laois. Almost 1,500 students from 85 schools submitted campaigns to this year’s One Good Idea competition.

One Good Idea from ‘Generation Green’ Wins National Competition Students from Presentation Secondary School, Thurles are the overall winners of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s search for ‘One Good Idea’ with their ‘Generation Green’ entry encouraging the use of cleaner, greener energy. The One Good Idea project is organised by SEAI and supported by the Better Energy programme and the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government.

SMART GRIDS The aim of the project is to increase students’ understanding of energy efficiency and climate change by encouraging them to take individual and collective responsibility for tackling these important issues and to highlight how one good idea can make a big difference to our pockets, ourselves and our planet. The award for the Senior One Good Idea Campaign went to ‘Dublin Area Recycling Team (DART)’ from Holy Child Secondary School, Killiney and the Junior One Good Idea Campaign award went to ‘Communergy’ from Mountmellick Community

New Smart Grid Initiative by EirGrid and SONI Companies with an interest in sustainable electricity and Smart Grids are invited to participate in an R&D programme involving demonstration projects, organised by EirGrid and System Operator Northern Ireland (SONI), the operators of the grid in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The power system of Ireland and Northern Ireland is changing. In 2020 it is expected that the electricity system across the island will have one of the highest levels of installed wind, as a percentage of system size, in the world. This change poses


significant operational challenges for grid operators and new innovative technical solutions will need to be developed and implemented in the coming years. It is against this backdrop that EirGrid and SONI have issued this invitation. EirGrid and SONI believe that working with companies on new concepts/solutions and technologies will play an important role in facilitating increasing amounts of sustainable energy and the emergence of Smart Grid technologies. To this end, a transparent process has been developed for enabling demonstration projects and the system operators





Automatic Solar Panels Project Scoops Avaya Prize Rob Finnerty, a final year student in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NUI Galway has been awarded the Avaya Prize for the best final year project in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the College of Engineering at NUI Galway. His project involved the development of a prototype system to allow solar panels automatically track the sun as it moves across the sky during the day in order to maximise the amount of electricity generated. Professor Ger Hurley, lecturer in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NUI Galway and supervisor for Rob’s project, says: “Rob’s project on solar energy combines hardware and software to provide a solution for more efficient energy usage. Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NUI Galway prides itself on providing its students with the skills and knowledge to deal with current and pressing challenges for today’s world.” are seeking expressions of interest from those who would like to be involved. The areas of interest to the system operators include: • Demand side management concepts • System Operation including advanced control both at transmission and distribution level • System Services e.g. reserve provision.


World’s Most Efficient Wind Turbine Makes European Debut GE is supplying 31 of its 1.6100 wind turbines for Fina Enerji’s Tayakadin wind project in Istanbul, Turkey, which will supply enough clean, wind-generated electricity to meet the needs of more than 14,000 Turkish households. The project will mark the first European installation of the GE 1.6-100 machine, which offers the high-

est efficiency of any wind turbine in its class, according to GE. The 50-megawatt Tayakadin project supports the Turkish government’s plans to increase the country’s wind energy production to 20,000 megawatts by the year 2023. Turkey has one of the most favourable locations in Europe for wind energy development, with a potential wind generation capacity of about 48,000 megawatts. Much of that potential remains untapped, as the country’s existing wind farms produce about 1,800 megawatts. In addition to the wind turbines, GE will supply commissioning and technical advisory services for the Tayakadin project. FINA will do the installation and civil works of the project. The wind turbines will be shipped from GE’s Salzbergen, Germany facility by the end of 2012, with completion of the project expected by the first quarter of 2013

France's €2 Billion Wind Sector Powers Ahead France has a number of significant natural advantages that are helping the country to establish itself as a major player in the windpower industry. It has the second largest wind 32

Pictured are (l-r): Michael Keane, senior manager, Avaya, presenting Rob Finnerty, from Moate, with the Avaya Prize for the best final year project in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the College of Engineering at NUI Galway. Also pictured is Liam Kilmartin and Professor Ger Hurley, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, NUI Galway.

French companies involved in the wind-energy sector are taking advantage of this favourable situation and are using the domestic market to develop expertise that has been acquired in other sectors, such as metallurgy, aerospace and shipbuilding. resource in Europe, after the UK, and the French mainland has three coastlines. The country also boasts the world's second largest maritime area (when overseas territories are taken into account). The country's windenergy sector is already worth over €2 billion. France's R&D initiatives and industrial expertise mean that it is in a position to develop an innovative and powerful windenergy sector. Its wind-energy sector currently employs 11,000 people — a number which is set to grow to 60,000 by 2020. As of the end of December 2011, France's total onshore installed capacity stood at 6,600 MW. This should reach 19,000 MW by 2020, with offshore capacity, for its part, reaching 6,000 MW. In 2011, the French government issued an initial invitation to tender for 3,000 MW, to be distributed across 500 to 600 wind turbines that will be built off the coastline, in the Channel, in the North Sea, and in the Atlantic Ocean.



Electric Ireland Awards 5 Year Service Contract to Abtran Electric Ireland has chosen Abtran, the Irish business process outsourcing company, as its continued partner in the delivery of proactive service solutions to its 1.2 million customers by committing to a further five year contract. Abtran, which is headquartered in Cork, has worked with Electric Ireland since 2004.

Picture shows Michael Fitzgerald (left), managing director of Abtran, with Liam Molloy, general manager of Electric Ireland.

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