Local youth SHARING THEIR TALENTS to raise awareness for childhood cancer, and to help FIND A CURE.

Local youth SHARING THEIR TALENTS to raise awareness for childhood cancer, and to help FIND A CURE.
Aremarkable phenomenon is unfolding as our youth take the lead in the fight against childhood cancer. As hundreds of local youth share their unique talents and passions to spread hope to kids with cancer and to rally support to find a cure, their examples are spreading to inspire countless other youth throughout the US to join the fight!
Youth-Led Charities (YLC), a 501c3 nonprofit based right here in Spanish Fork, provides a unique platform for youth to turn their passions into purpose. Historically, youth wanting to get involved in charitable causes have felt limited to traditional activities like hosting a lemonade stand, or participating in a charity marathon. Through YLC, youth can now easily share their greatest passions to not only make getting involved easier and
Young artists, musicians, athletes, mechanics, gamersyou name it - now have the ability to share their own talents to make one of the greatest impacts on the lives of families battling cancer. Since these are things that youth are passionate about and doing in their free time, youth are not adding to their already busy schedule to be able to get involved!
How does youth sharing their talents help kids with cancer?
The mere act of youth DOING something to support a great cause is inspiring, and it motivates others to support that cause. Think about a charity marathon. Nothing magical happens when sneakers hit the pavement. People donate simply because they see that the cause is important to the participant, and that makes people want to support it. Likewise, nothing magical happens when youth share a piece of artwork, or turn a piano recital into a benefit concert. The act of doing something because they want to help is enough to inspire others to support the cause. Learn more about how youth can get involved at youthledcharities.org
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and we couldn’t be more excited to announce the official launch of Youth-Led Charities - a 501c3 nonprofit based right here in Spanish Fork that empowers youth to lead the fight against childhood cancer. We may be the only nonprofit in history that focuses exclusively on the impact our youth can make to find a cure for cancer!
One of the things we love about YLC is that the giver truly benefits as much as the receiver. As countless youth share their talents to help raise awareness for childhood cancer, an awareness inside of themselves starts to blossom. They become aware of the challenges others (sometimes including their own peers) face when battling cancer. They develop a sense of compassion by serving those in need in such a personal way.
As you read this issue - especially during the month of September - I hope that you’re inspired by the incredible service of our local youth volunteers. If so, I invite you to support our youth in this great cause and to give in any way that is doable for your situation, whether that be making a financial donation, connecting with us on social media, or of course, participating in our very first #CharityChallenge that’s detailed on pages 12-13 of this issue!
Thanks for embarking on this journey with us!
Buying or selling a home? Join the fight against childhood cancer by choosing an agent in The CARE Network!
I’ve always been inspired by local businesses that donate a % of their sales to support a worthy cause - and I’ll go out of my way to support these businesses. When Jersey Mike’s here in Spanish Fork donated all proceeds for an entire day to Make a Wish, there was no question as to where I was eating lunch that day!
I dreamed of using my 15 years of professional real estate experience to make a difference in the world, and one day, a stroke of inspiration hit me! I created The CARE Network, or The Charitable Agents Real Estate Network, so when home buyers or sellers choose to hire a top-rated agent in the network, a minimum of 25% of the agent’s real estate commission is donated to help fight childhood cancer.
Just to put this into perspective, if you were to buy or sell a $400,000 home using an agent in The CARE Network that earns a standard 3% commission (or $12,000), that would be a minimum of $3,000 that would then be donated to help fight childhood cancer. This one transaction alone could literally change a family’s life, but now imagine the impact from 100 transactions, or 1,000, or 10,000!
where Annabelle was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, and where they would stay for the next 30 days.
Annabelle fought this cancer for two and a half years with various chemo treatments, and she won! She stayed in remission for three years, and all seemed well. Unfortunately, after noticing some unusual bruising again, Annabelle and her family feared the worst and took her to get checked out. Although the first set of results gave them great hope, a follow up visit showed that she again had Leukemia, although this time it was Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a very aggressive form of blood cancer.
Annabelle finished her first round of chemo and is doing incredibly well. She and her mother will remain at the hospital because her risk of infection is too great. Annabelle’s fight will continue, but we will be fighting with her!
Annabelle was born in May of 2016 with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. She was perfectly healthy with no heart defects, which is pretty uncommon for a child with Ds. At 14 months old, Zulily paid for Annabelle and her family to fly to Seattle to model for them. While traveling, Annabelle’s mother, Sophie, noticed small signs of bruises and night sweats, which didn’t alarm her too much. However, upon returning, they noticed little purple dots under her skin, called petechiae. At this point, Annabelle’s parents started to worry since children with Down syndrome are 10x more likely to develop leukemia.
Sophie took Annabelle to an after-hours pediatric urgent care, where the doctor only diagnosed her with hand foot and mouth. Sophie insisted they do a CBC until the doctor reluctantly obliged. She was told it would be days before they got the results back. However, less than an hour later at 11:30pm they got a call from the nurse telling them to go to the ER without delay. Her blood count was dangerously low. They were transported to another hospital two hours away
We are inspired by Sophie’s words, “Annabelle’s prognosis is poor but our God is great. Annabelle isn’t a statistic. You can’t put a percent chance on a life when you have God on your side. Only He knows what will happen and only He can heal her completely. We just pray that His plan is to keep her here with us for many, many more years to come.”
At age seven, Fynn was diagnosed with Leukemia. Despite the grueling treatments and hospital visits, Fynn has braved the challenges of this mortal life that most adults can’t even fathom, and his determination to beat cancer is unwavering. He is one of the brightest, most high-spirited individuals on the planet. His smile is infectious, and his positive attitude has inspired countless people following his journey through childhood cancer. Through the ups and downs, he demonstrated an astonishing ability to find joy in the little things, reminding everyone around him of the importance of cherishing every moment.
At age 9, Jaxen was diagnosed with localized osteosarcoma in his left tibia. What started out as a possible karate injury quickly became every parent’s worst nightmare. Throughout this process, Jax has kept his spirits up. He continues to makes jokes when possible, trying to make everyone in the room laugh. He at times can get down when he realizes the process that still faces him. He doesn’t stay there too long, and quickly reminds himself that he’s going to fight with all he has.
Sammy was born in March of 2011. In May of 2017, on Mother’s Day, her parents noticed that she was having trouble walking. Sammy said that she couldn’t see very well, so they scheduled a eye appointment for that Tuesday. The eye doctor immediately knew something was wrong so she was rushed to Utah Valley Hospital in Provo where she was diagnosed with Optic Ganglioglioma, which is a tumor on the optic nerve. After a year of chemo she was in remission, but then the tumor started to grow again. Sammy started various chemo treatments and is going on her fourth year. They still don’t know if they’ll ever be able to surgically remove the tumor, but even with all the unknowns, Sammy is optimistic and doesn’t let anything slow her down. She loves baking, crafting, and volunteering at the shelter to take care of cats.
Top: Alyssa H., Herriman, Age 13
Bottom: Ollie B., American Fork, Age 18
Our Young Artists Against Cancer initiative empowers children of all ages to use their passion and talent for art to spread hope to kids with cancer in so many ways!
Each piece of art is a symbol of hope to children battling cancer, as well as to their families. It’s a tangible representation that shows a heartfelt concern for the child’s well being, Think of it as a get-well card, but something that truly comes from the heart.
The artwork you see in this section will not only be shared with cancer hospitals and clinics, but will be shared on social media in an effort to raise funds for children’s cancer research. Countless lives will be impacted by the selfless contributions of these incredible youth!
Youth, if you’d like to share your artwork to help kids battling cancer, please share it at youthledcharities.org/share, or scan the code!
YOUTH: share your talents at youthledcharities.org/share
Q: How old were you when you got really interested in art/painting?
A: I was 12 years old when I started to get interested in painting
Q: Why do you like to serve?
A: I like to serve because it makes me happy and gives me the feeling that I’m doing something positive.
Q: Does it make you feel special that you are donating your art to help children with cancer?
A: It makes me feel really good and I hope it cheers them up.
Q: For any child with cancer that sees your artwork donated to them (or their clinic), how do you hope this will affect them?
A: I hope when they see my artwork it will make them feel so special. I hope that when they see it they know that even kids their age or older than them see them and we’re rooting for them in their battles.
Q: What other advice would you give those who would like to share their talents with those who have cancer?
A: If you want to do it, do it. It will make everyone who sees it feel blessed to have people who are cheering them on to the finish line.
YOUTH: share your talents at youthledcharities.org/share
Ryker is a 14-year-old student in Springville, UT. He not only has a passion for the arts, but for helping others. Ryker became one of the very first youth volunteers at YLC when he donated an original piece of artwork that will hang on the walls of the Huntsman Cancer Institute to help children battling cancer see that they’re not fighting alone.
In addition to being incredibly gifted at art, Ryker loves to write write his own music and lyrics. He will be participating in our first youth benefit concert to help local kids battling cancer.
Each month we issue a new #CharityChallenge, a wholesome activity created by our youth volunteers to raise awareness for childhood cancer. The ultimate purpose of each challenge is to help youth recognize the incredible potential they have to make a difference in the world. By participating in these challenges youth will literally be saving lives.
Parents, we invite you to participate in these challenges with your children, and to help ignite within them a true love of service to others!
Take the challenge and share on social media for a chance to win AMAZING
PRIZES donated by local businesses you love!
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This month’s #CharityChallenge is brought to you by siblings Kate (11) and Jack (6) from Spanish Fork. Inspired by their love for baking, Kate and Jack created the Baking Brighter Tomorrows program to not only give families a fun activity they can enjoy together, but one that can change countless lives of kids battling cancer.
Pick a yummy treat to make, and double the recipe! (See the link below for a few amazing recipes we love!)
Enjoy one of the servings together as a family! You can also take this opportunity to discuss who you’d like to deliver treats to.
Dish up the remaining treats and deliver them to one or more neighbors or friends. The more you deliver, the greater the impact!
Cut out the info sheet below to be delivered with the treats. If you need extra copies, you can print extras using the link below.
Share your experience on social media and use #CharityChallenge to be entered to WIN GIVEAWAYS from local businesses you love! Cut along the dotted
Need AMAZING RECIPE ideas or MORE CUTOUTS? or visit youthledcharities.org/cc
One of the easiest and most effective ways to join the fight against childhood cancer is to support our generous sponsors. There are many worthy causes these businesses could have supported, and they chose to stand with our local youth in the fight against childhood cancer! Let’s show them how much we appreciate their support!
Scan the code to thank the sponsors you love with a positive Google review
and to learn how to support them in other ways!
When you support our sponsors, you’re supporting our youth!
A heartfelt THANK YOU to the generous, local businesses that supported these incredible youth as they lead the fight against childhood cancer.