Tales and Trails Margaret River Region Magazine - Autumn 2022

Page 14


Tracks and Trails of the Margaret River Region

Running is trending in popularity across the globe, and the Margaret River Region seems to be leading the pack. WORDS | Sophie Mathewson

THE CALIBRE OF runners in the Margaret River Region is world class. Underpinning the activity is the principle of community, commitment, and appreciating natural landscapes. Katie Lovis – a dedicated local runner, knows the trails and tracks intimately. In December 2021, she broke the record for fastest supported female runner on the Cape to Cape Track, completing the 123km run from Cape Leeuwin to Cape Naturaliste in just 17 hours. But the ultra-athlete says you needn’t go far to appreciate the region’s running tracks. She says the Margaret River Region has astounding accessibility to diverse trails - from coastal heaths, bush tracks, and farmland. Lovis truly believes that it’s not about the medals or the personal bests, the reward is the journey itself – powered by your own two feet!

Where to Start FOREST: There are abundant forest tracks to access around the region, and if there is rain forecast or you’re feeling the heat, the shaded marri and karri trees provide protection. A good place to start is the Darch Trail loop from Rotary Park, at

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the beginning of Margaret River township. It’s a clearly signposted run, and you won’t need to worry about getting lost. Not far from here, you could also try the Chimney Trail which is in the Wooditchup National Park. The trail is just off Carters Road near the RAC Holiday Park in Margaret River and is another one that is signposted. The figure eight track descends then ascends, making it a good little workout. It’s also just stunningly beautiful native forest. SCENIC: One of the most scenic runs you’ll find in the region, is in the Meelup Regional Park, which is along Geographe Bay – east of Cape Naturaliste. Aaron Millwood runs the Trans Cape Swim Run event along this part of the coastline, and participants will traverse 26km of coastline, running and swimming in equal measure. If you’re just seeking solitude and want to get out and do a shorter run along the Meelup Trails, you could park at Meelup beach and head to Eagle Bay. You’ll pass through Point Picquet (named after French explorer SubLieutenant Picquet, who made land in 1801). It’s breathtaking territory, where natural bushland

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