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ASK not what the Union has done for me, ASK what you can do for your Union... We had some great wins in 2021. Now the best thing we can do to ensure we’re sustainable for 2022 is to remain financial & sign others up!
The TWU are always fighting for transport workers.
We continue to hear complaints about the state of the transport industry from our members.
Some of the complaints include quality of driver training, or just general training in the transport industry, the way workers are treated, the conditions long distance drivers put up with, as well as the pay and conditions of transport workers.
I wonder what the industry would be like if it was not for the Transport Workers Union.

The TWU has a great history of fighting for transport workers to this day and into the future. From the turn of the 19th century, standing up for owner operators, trolly and draymen.
Continuing through the decades, after the industrial revolution the TWU has been at the forefront, fighting for the worker.
In the late 70’s, early 80’s, the union movement lead the way in the fight for superannuation and dignity in retirement that working people take for granted.
To 2021, and our fight to keep clients accountable, the big companies, fuel and oil, mining, all the way to the banks. Making sure that during our negotiations with all the major companies we get good outcomes around wages and conditions. Many transport workers on TWU agreements receive super up to 15%, wages and rates 30-40% above the Award and clauses that guarantee job security.
Lifting 2-3 tier companies up to where the majors are and continuing the fight to lift all transport workers up. But the fight never ends.
In last 18 months we have lobbied the State Government for:
- Funding for driver training, $6M
- Improved truck parking bays and road train assembly areas, $14M in the 21-22 budget and $36M in the 22-23 budget, also improving overtaking lanes.
- Construction of new lights and cameras with improved fencing on the Fitzroy Crossing
- A peer-to-peer Mental Health program to improve the mental health of drivers on our roads, $250300,000
And we should soon have the review of the Owner Driver Act in Parliament that will improve the sustainability of the transport industry, especially for owner drivers.
Yet we still see workers in transport yards that ask what the union has done for them.
They enjoy 30-40% above award rates, super up to 15%, job security clauses and millions of dollars squeezed out of governments to make roads safer and their working conditions better. It should be asked what you are doing to pay your way, like the other 1000’s of members of the TWU.
How much more would be achieved if all transport workers got on board and stood together.
One united industry, there would be nothing we could not achieve.
Join the TWU NOW.