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HORROR SURVEY INDUSTRY The TWU surveyed our membership and this
A TWU survey of over 1,100 drivers has painted a horrific picture of an industry in crisis, with nearly half of all drivers knowing someone killed on the job, and one in two saying they have had wages stolen at least once during their working life.
Drivers recalled harrowing stories from our roads, including witnessing co-workers trapped inside burning trucks, fatal crashes and near misses, and irreversible injuries.
Employee drivers reported terrible pressure from bosses to drive dangerously. One in four had been pressured by employers to work beyond legal hours and skip rest breaks, while one in five were pressured to speed to meet deadlines. Shockingly, one in ten knew employers who forced drivers into trucks tampered with to drive faster.
The survey also revealed the crippling financial pressures on owner drivers. Three in four had completed runs resulting in no profit and nearly two thirds were worried they would need to sell their truck to get by. More than half had delayed maintenance they could not afford, while 42% didn’t raise safety concerns in case it prevented them being paid.
The overwhelming majority of drivers – at 95% -- said paying truckies more would end the cost pressures making the industry so dangerous.
While conditions are horrific now, transport will only get more deadly unless company pushes you output without giving you to do your job safely. under stress having so much and stressing how I will always push push push” working in parcel delivery
“A car went through a stop sign on the Stirling Highway and I hit it at 60km. I thought I had killed her, but she survived with some broken bones. I can still see her face looking up at me” – A driver working in waste
“Deaths and injuries happen daily. There’s so much pressure put on drivers all the time” – A driver working in waste

“When you report damage/ unroadworthiness/weight issues... you get pushed and bullied to drive anyway” –A driver working in logistics