Prep Volume 76, Issue 7
“If nothing else, value the truth”
St. Louis University High School | Friday, October 7, 2011 photo | Ben Hilker
Loge will host smaller Fall Ball by Matt Cooley EDITOR IN CHIEF
This week, the Dauphin Players premiered Of Mice and Men, a play based on the all-school summer reading book written by John Steinbeck. Students of each class missed Activity Period and periods 3 and 4 this Tuesday through Friday to watch the performance in preparation for the all-school reading discussion next Tuesday. There will also be two additional general audience performances tonight and Saturday night at 7:30 p.m.
TUCO has resurrected the Fall Ball dance, deciding to hold a smaller dance in the theater loge instead of canceling it altogether. Most students found out on Friday that STUCO had cancelled the junior-senior dance because the traditional Science Center venue was unavailable. According to STUCO President Bryan Mathews, many parents and students contacted STUCO to ask that the dance still be held. In order to satisfy those people, STUCO decided to hold a smaller dance in lieu of no dance. “Some parents called and voiced their complaints, and some students complained too, saying that this would be one of the only dances they’d be able to go to for the whole year, their dates had already bought dresses, they’d already asked dates. So we felt that if we could put on a dance that would please 40 people and continued on page 5
Langford Statue inspires Hiring process turns eye remembrance, community toward diversity by Jack Witthaus
he seniors of the varsity football team entered the locker room quietly last Friday night. Before kickoff, a three and a half foot tall bronze statue dedicated to Brendan Langford, ’12, and his father, Warren “Rocky” Langford, ’75, was memorialized outside of the Berthold entrance. The seniors on the squad took part in the ceremony. “All the seniors were really quiet walking up to the locker room,” senior captain Bryan Mathews said. “And then we got together the team and kind of told the guys what happened. And we said if you are not fired up to play then there must be ice running
through your veins.” The varsity team has partially dedicated its season to Brendan Langford, who died in a plane accident in June 2009 along with his father, Warren, and his classmate Jacob Ritz, ’12. Brendan and his father both played St. Louis U. High football. The ceremony started at 6:25 p.m. A small group of around 30 family members, friends, SLUH administrators, and seniors on the varsity football game gathered around the statue. A practice jersey and hat were given to Langford’s mother. “I think most people remembered the one year he had at SLUH and how much he loved continued on page 4 photo | Ben Hilker
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The weekly student newspaper of St. Louis University High School 4970 Oakland Ave. - St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 531-0330 ext. 2241 online at ©2011 St. Louis University High School Prep News. No material may be reprinted without the permission of the editors and moderator.
by Nate Heagney EDITOR
f the nine new, non-ASC teachers this year, six are female, one is African-American, and one is Asian-American. While St. Louis U. High’s faculty is far from homogenous, the new teachers of 2011 brought more women and minorities than usual. These changes appear to be the result of at least some intentional measures on the part of the SLUH administration. Since becoming principal just over three years ago, John Moran has placed an emphasis on cultivating the diversity that comes with SLUH’s location in the heart of St. Louis City. That emphasis has been reflected in the creation of the Vice Principal for Diversity position, among other things. There has also been an increased emphasis on considering diversity when seeking applicants for open faculty positions, an area where Moran said SLUH may have lacked direction in the past. “I think there was a general desire to always be looking for diversity when it came to hiring, but I don’t know that we were as strategic as we could’ve been,” said Moran. Moran and the administration have tried to change that lack of strategy by intentionally
seeking out a range of candidates, both locally and nationally. The school has done that by having a presence at several hiring fairs, including ones that are diversityoriented. SLUH co-hosted such a fair with DeSmet a couple of years ago. SLUH also has approached that hiring process by targeting specific areas through advertisements, as the school advertises in both the St. Louis American and the St. Louis Review, but not the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Additionally, SLUH’s joining of the Independent Schools of St. Louis (ISSL) organization opened the school to possible candidates it might not have seen in the past. Moran suggested that some of those efforts may have paid off in the most recent batch of new faculty. “It’s very different from year to year, but I think this year was an example of our efforts in terms of our advertising and our aggressiveness out in the community. I also think that because we are present at those events, because we are very active with our diversity work with other schools, we have a pretty good reputation in regards to how seriously we take diversity,” said Moran. Assistant Principal for Diversity Chip Clatto said that the continued on page 4
Running, kicking, and swimming Underclassman sports have shown promise this fall in soccer, cross country, and swimming. Page 6
Parents join admissions crusade Mom admission ambassadors and a new on-campus event, SLUH night, are two substantial new programs. Page 5
Football narrowly escapes defeat Jr. Bills hold off Chaminade in a gritty game that featured several unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. Page 7
SLUH sports give back As an effort to bond as a team and give back to the community, SLUH sports teams participate in service. Page 5
Graduation will return to Peabody by Adam Thorp STAFF
n a sense, we’re going home,” said principal John Moran of St. Louis U. High’s decision to move this year’s graduation to the newly-reopened Peabody Opera House. Until 1991, SLUH alternated its graduations between the Peabody (then the Kiel) Opera House and Powell Hall, the current venue. SLUH has held its graduation at the Powell for the 21 years since the Peabody closed. Peabody has hosted events ranging from Rolling Stone’s concert to a campaign speech by Harry Truman in its 77-year history. SLUH’s first class to graduate there was the class of 1951. The legacy at the venue played a big role in SLUH’s quick response to the Peabody’s reopening. By June, SLUH had contracts finalized with the Peabody staff. Ed Golterman, ’56, was an important part of the campaign to save the opera house. Golterman and his brother both had graduated in ceremonies from the Kiel, and Golterman was elated by SLUH’s return. “It’s a joy. I definitely feel that it (returning SLUH to the building) was one of my motivations,” said Golterman. The decision to move from Powell Hall, where SLUH has held graduations for the last 21 years, did not reflect any overwhelming problem with Powell Hall. “In no way should this reflect poorly on Powell Hall. It’s been a great venue for us,” said Moran. “There have been some beautiful graduations there, and I know for some parents and alums, they’ll miss Powell Hall—that’s their graduation home. But when the opportunity came to return to the place we had always done graduation, we pursued it immediately.” The main advantage to the new setting is its substantial size difference. SLUH occasionally had problems fitting in Powell Hall. “We would like to get as many people as possible on the orchestra (ground) level,” said Moran. “Right now, at Powell Hall we can only give each student two or three tickets. Families are often split as a few people sit downstairs and the rest of the family has to sit on the balcony. Our hope with continued on page 4 “
Let’s remember Brendan and Jake Senior Ryan Dowd believes we should keep Brendan and Jake alive not just in our hearts, but our day-to-day lives around SLUH. Page 3 Letter: Keep Iggy rooted Max Waters, ’11, wants SLUH to keep the St. Ignatius statue in its tranquil setting overlooking the upper field. Page 3