Prep Volume 76, Issue 9
“If nothing else, value the truth”
St. Louis University High School | Friday, October 28, 2011
TRIUMPH AT DESMET photo | courtesy of Nancy Winkelman
McDonagh sets school record as Jr. Bills capture thrilling victory in double overtime
Sophomore Raymond Wingo tiptoes the sideline on one of his two receptions of the night. Wingo was able to stay just in bounds. SLUH toed defeat throughout the game, but eventually regained its balance for a dramatic 37-31 victory in double overtime.
Pro-Life Week
he St. Louis U. High football team (6-3, 3-1) conquered Jesuit rival DeSmet for the first time in four years last Friday night. With contributions from likely and unlikely sources, and maybe even some help from above, SLUH emerged victorious at DeSmet 38-31 in a game riddled with subplots, tension, and finally heroics. Down 28-21 in the middle of the fourth quarter, the Jr. Bill offense took the field, huddled in their own end zone, and stared across the 99 yards that lay between victory and defeat. The SLUH football team faced one continued on page 7
SLUH held a Mass, a rosary, a charity drive, and several other events this week in support of the Catholic Church’s Week for Life.
Former addict describes Archdiocese recognizes dangers of pornography Students for Life club
n Monday, Sam and Beth Meier, a married couple who work for the Archdiocese of Kansas City as speakers and writers on pornography, spoke to the sophomore class about Sam Meier’s experience overcoming the influence of pornography in his life. The Meiers introduced their presentation as a combination of personal testimony and hope for students who look at pornography. Sam Meier went to a Catholic high school in Dallas and didn’t consider looking at pornography through high school and college a big problem. However, one of the Meiers’ wedding presents was a computer, and his now internet-connected pornography habit began to take over his life and his marriage, to the point where he looked forward to his wife’s absence so he could spend time alone at the computer. He described withdrawing from life, “becoming a loser,” and almost
leaving Beth. After moving from Dallas to Colorado Springs didn’t help him escape the problem, Sam Meier finally was able to overcome his habit through counseling and support groups. Much of the second half of the Meiers’ presentation provided references to other sources of information for dealing with pornography and summarized Catholic teaching on sexuality, drawing especially from Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. According to principal John Moran, the administration got in touch with the Meiers through the mother of John Schneier, ’10, who helped coordinate the Respect Life Apostolate convention in St. Charles last weekend. The Meiers were in St. Louis for the weekend, so the administration arranged for them to speak at SLUH Monday. Moran said that ideally all students would have heard the Meiers’ message. But because the continued on page 5
The weekly student newspaper of St. Louis University High School 4970 Oakland Ave. - St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 531-0330 ext. 2241 online at ©2011 St. Louis University High School Prep News. No material may be reprinted without the permission of the editors and moderator.
BY Stephen STAFF
he SLUH Students for Life Club has been rolling this past week with the Bishop Joseph A. McNicholas Award and ProLife Week at SLUH. On Sunday, six of the club’s members attended the St. Louis Archdiocesan Respect Life Convention to receive the award. “It’s an award the archdiocese gives each year to recognize an organization that is working on reflecting the Church’s teachings (on pro-life),” said English teacher David Callon, the moderator of
Commentary: A game for the ages Last week’s game against DeSmet was unbelievable for the seniors, who waited three years for the chance to beat the Spartans. Page 3
Letter: Give Ultimate equal treatment The Ultimate Frisbee squad is as much of a team as any other one at SLUH, but does it get the respect it deserves? Page 3
the club. According to the archdiocesan website, the recipient of the award must be a Catholic high school in the archdiocese or a youth group in the archdiocese. The group must use education, spiritual efforts, pastoral care, and public policy to promote the Church’s pro-life stance. Students For Life Vice President Joel Ocampo thought the award was deserved. “I felt the SLUH Pro-Life Club got this award for the hard work everyone has put in to help each other learn more about the pro-life issues around us and what we can do as young men to live a pro-life attitude.” President Ryan Burke agrees: “We continually attempt to remain active and present within our school community.” “We’re one of the more active pro-life clubs in the area,” said Callon. Many members would agree, with the Pro-Life March in January, planned service days, and the continued on page 5
STUCO puts on Fall Ball, Fall Festival A downsized Fall Ball took place last weekend in the theater loge, while the Fall Festival drew quite a crowd. Page 2 Cross country victorious at Districts Wind at their backs, cross country sailed through districts, capturing a smooth victory at Sioux Passage Park. Page 6
Cell phones: so far, so good Rule infractions occurring at same rate as last year BY John Webb CORE STAFF
he new cell phone policy implemented this year that allows students to carry their cell phones during the day has so far created fewer problems than anticipated. Students are now allowed to have their cell phones on them during the day, as long as they are set on silent. Phones are still prohibited from being used in the halls. The policy also allows teachers to create their own rules regarding the use of cell phones in their classrooms. One of Assistant Principal for Student Life Brock Kesterson’s fears with the new policy was that students would become absorbed in their cell phones, neglecting face-to-face communication. So far, he hasn’t felt like that has happened. “Guys are still carrying on like they were before for the most part,” said Kesterson. “That was one of my major concerns and I’ve been pleasantly surprised that that hasn’t been as much of an issue.” Allowing students to carry their phones has led to some students checking their email more often. “I have used my phone to check emails, which has got me out of some jams,” said sophomore Tom Hunter. “It reminded me to check in with some teachers that I was supposed to check in with the night before, so it has helped.” Some students feel that by allowing students to use their phones during the day, it has led to a decrease in in-class use. “Cell phones have been less of a problem in the classroom this year because students know that they can text as much as they want after class,” said junior Justin Sinay. “I don’t think students text as much in class anymore.” A few teachers now allow students to use their cell phone as long as it is for constructive purposes. “Now that there’s a new cell phone policy, I can look up articles in theology class, so it’s helpful,” said junior Joe Vicini. As a member of the Technolcontinued on page 4
Hickenlooper display in library One year after his death, a display has been created in the library to honor the contributions of filmmaker George Hickenlooper ’82. Page 3 SLUH Night hosts potential families The first of its kind, SLUH Night highlighted the school to prospective students and parents.Page 5