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In April 2019, we celebrated the fi rst anniversary of the PLC Lighthouse opening and over that year, staff and students have made full use of the facilities. On average, 47 students per week signed in to use the recharge, meditation or expressive arts rooms during their lunch breaks. In addition, Lighthouse Flexi lessons incorporated into each cycle for all Years 7, 8 and 9 students provided regular times for students to practically engage in a variety of wellbeing strategies within and beyond the PLC Lighthouse and explore what strategies work best for them.

Student Wellbeing Data In 2019, students from Years 5 to 12 completed the annual student wellbeing survey. Overall 75 per cent of students recorded high satisfaction with Student Wellbeing at PLC. 79 per cent of students feel PLC provides a safe and caring environment for them. 75 per cent of students had high satisfaction with the Health and Wellbeing Programmes they participated in across the year.

Physical Wellbeing Students and staff have taken advantage of the additional fi tness opportunities provided on campus through the PLC Lighthouse in 2019. Strength and conditioning coaches, supervising before and after school, provide technique support to staff and students (Years 10 to 12) working on personal fi tness goals. This initiative saw the number of visits to the Fitness Centre per month increase by over 80 visits.

Each term, students can engage in co-curricular Fitness Classes run by O2 Active. On average, 108 students attended a weekly fi tness class in 2019.

Preparing for life beyond PLC In the 2018, Student Wellbeing survey Senior School students identifi ed that PLC could improve on providing more opportunities for them to develop life skills and preparedness for life beyond PLC. As a response, two new initiatives were introduced in 2019. PLC Lighthouse employed eight Year 11 and Year 12 Boarding students as casual Lighthouse Assistants. Boarders don’t have the same access to part-time work and with the Lighthouse operating both before and after-school hours, it was mutually benefi cial for boarders and PLC. Students were required to undertake a thorough recruitment process including writing a CV, responding formally to questions, interviews and completion of compliance training courses. The successful candidates have been a wonderful addition to the Lighthouse Team with their enthusiasm, professionalism and diligent work ethic.

The second initiative commenced in Term 4 of 2019, called Lighthouse Leavers. Lighthouse Leavers aims to create learning experiences for our Year 11 and Year 12 students with practical courses that inspire lifelong wellbeing, complement academic pursuits and develop life skills to enable our girls to thrive beyond PLC. Students participated in courses such as Job Ready, Meditation, Service Learning, Food Sense, Bronze Medallion, Beach Running and Leadership. Planning is underway for future courses in areas such as Adulting, First Aid, Cultural Competency, Barista, Handywomen, Car Maintenance, Stress Management and University Campus Experiences.

Lighthouse Community Conversations This year, we initiated the ‘Lighthouse Community Conversations’ series with the aim of providing opportunities for PLC families to engage in meaningful and timely conversations with experts on ageappropriate health and wellbeing topics and issues students are exploring within the curriculum. Guest speakers with expertise and evidence on topics currently being discussed at School presented to parents, encouraging natural prompts to start informed and productive dialogues with their daughters. Some of the topics covered in this year’s series of conversations included protective behaviours, gender diversity, mental health, social media and the use of devices.

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