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Introducing the 2022 Prefecture Leaders

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Edwina Mactier

Head Prefect

The role of Head Prefect to me, means that I am a positive role model for other students and a louder voice for those who may go unheard in the school community. It also means I am given the opportunity and responsibility to be a trusted representative for the school, bring about positive change to the school community and to uphold the PLC values.

The role allows me to bring to light issues that have impacted me and my peers, which I think is very important. Additionally, I am given the chance to build upon what the past Head Prefects, whom have all inspired me, have done. I see this as a brilliant opportunity to bring my own ideas and personality to the position as well as to share my own experiences for the benefit of my peers. I aim to ultimately be a louder voice for those students who may go unheard and to ensure that everyone’s school experience is the best it can be. I hope to put more emphasis on issues that often don’t get the attention they deserve at the school and achieve new ways for students of all ages to connect.

Sophya Thomas

Deputy Head Prefect

I have always been a student who has loved a challenge. Someone who wasn’t afraid to dream big and face impossible challenges. Hence, I was inspired by previous Prefects within the school to apply for this position. I am so grateful to be able to lead my school and help inspire other students to be brave and outgoing. My main goal as a leader is to establish a strong and passionate community. A community where all students feel proud to be at PLC because they are valued and recognised for their opinions, participation, and contributions to the school. A community that inspires young women to achieve their best, learn new things, overcome challenges, and demonstrate integrity in their values. Most of all, I am determined to encourage my peers to overcome every hurdle they face. So that we as a school always dare to accomplish ‘impossible’ goals and achieve everything we set our minds to.

Poppy Bell

Academic Prefect

The Academic Prefect's role is to foster an inclusive and unconditionally supportive academic environment at the school. This involves listening to students’ questions and concerns, organising inclusive programs to build the community, and providing every girl with the tools she needs to flourish at school. I hope to be a voice for the student body; someone approachable who can offer advice, listen to concerns, and make changes in the school on behalf of the students, ensuring every girl feels supported in her schoolwork.

My ultimate aim is to provide every girl with unique support and motivation for her own studies. I often notice a key misconception around academics: that a joy or pride for learning is only justified for exceptionally high achievers. This stigma is simply untrue; learning is a human instinct, and every person is naturally curious. I believe that academically, hard work and commitment should be commended above numerical results.

Every girl’s challenges should be supported, and victories, celebrated. I hope to devise a system to recognise academic effort more regularly, perhaps through a badge or pocket for participation academic co-curricular, as well as revise the homework help and tutoring systems currently in place.

Indah Jenkins

Service Captain

I have always been a strong advocate for social justice and believe it’s very important to be aware of current global and local issues in our world. I feel strongly about inclusion, diversity, equity and working together towards a common cause. What excited me about this role is how service gives an opportunity to empower others less fortunate whilst building a bridge of understanding and empathy.

For me, this leadership role is an opportunity to advocate and be in involved in life worthy issues. It’s also initiating a passion for change in other students and the community. In an age where we are confronted with issues of climate change and inequalities, being the voice for others who can’t speak up is so important and I believe PLC students can lead by example.

Annie Pfeiffer

Sports Captain

From an early age, my life has revolved around sport as I was always willing to participate in any sport, given the opportunity. My passion for sport inspired me apply for Sports Captain 2022. We are so privileged at PLC to have such a wide variety of sports available to us all. I recognise not only the physical and mental benefits of sport, but the friendships across all year groups nurtured and developed, creating a sense of belonging here at PLC. I hope to encourage the students to challenge themselves through sporting opportunities at PLC and continue to build the PLC team spirit, as well as, maintaining and improving sport participation across all year levels and finding ways to encourage the girls to commit and dedicate time to trainings and game play.

Mimi Poll

Wellbeing Captain

My passion is helping people, and in this role I can help be the voice of the students and organise events to improve the PLC community and make PLC a more welcoming, inclusive, and loving school. I aim to achieve inclusivity, happiness, and compassion in PLC. As a community, we can start with small projects, such as building colourful flowerbeds, or painting murals around the school together. By the end of 2022, I aim to build a structure for future wellbeing captains so that as a community, we can continue to improve. Most people do not know where to start when starting their journey to feel happy with themselves and with others, so spreading awareness about how you can do this is important.

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