Aberdeen Village Community Matters August 2016

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Community Matters Aberdeen Village

August 2016

PMMA rebalances portfolio with sale of Kansas City campus In the more than six and a half decades Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America has provided care for and advocated for the aging in Kansas and Missouri, the senior retirement landscape has changed dramatically. PMMA remains committed to our mission of providing quality senior services guided by Christian values and to meeting the ever changing needs of today’s seniors. Seniors want a full continuum of care, with an emphasis on active living and wellness. Out of this demand, the Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) model was born. This model provides for a large independent living level with smaller levels of assisted living and health care/ skilled nursing. During the past two decades, PMMA has been slowly moving its system toward the CCRC model. Even though we have made significant strides, our system still remains imbalanced in the world of CCRC’s.

Life lessons learned on the farm By Chaplain Diane Gunsolley

Oh, how I love sun ripened tomatoes and peaches and cream sweetcorn! I grew up on a small farm in northern Iowa. Back then, “fresh corn” meant Mom starting a huge pot of water on the stove and us kids picking/shucking a dozen ears before the water came to a boil. We grew enough corn for our family of six to enjoy at both dinner and supper during corn season and throughout the year (thanks to Mom’s deep-chest freezer).

Dad planted plenty of Earl May sweetcorn, not only for our family, but for also those pesky raccoons and a good number of town folk to enjoy. We often filled up the huge trunk of our white 1966 Dodge Polara and headed to Storm Lake. There, we peddled our sweetcorn from one end of town to the other. Corn sold for 60-cents a dozen or a dollar for two. We learned to always give a baker’s dozen, “Just in case one is bad.” Dad showed us how to work hard and work together to get the job done. My brothers and I also learned to handle money by peddling corn.

SALE, continued on page 2 CEO, continued on page 4

Diane Gunsolley chaplain

A proud member of Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America

FARM, continued on page 2

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Upon a careful analysis of our properties, it became clear that the Kansas City campus, with its predominantly health care focused model, could not easily convert to a CCRC campus. After much analysis, deliberation and discussion with the senior leadership team, the Board of Trustees approved the sale of KCPM.

If someone gave me a $10, I’d count out ones saying, “Here’s two, three, four and five.”

While saddened by the idea of selling KCPM, PMMA was and is confident that we are leaving our residents in good hands. The sale of Kansas City Presbyterian Manor to Riverbend, an operating subsidiary of The Ensign Group Inc., was completed and the campus transferred, on July 1.

Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Aberdeen Village by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at: PresbyterianManors.org. Tim Allin, executive director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Suzanne Willey, community relations director, swilley@pmma.org. Telephone: 913-599-6100 Fax: 913-599-3810 Address: 17500 W. 119th St., Olathe, KS 66061-9524 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.


Community Matters August 2016

Then I’d add a five saying, “And five makes 10.” Has anyone besides me noticed that the world doesn’t count back change anymore? I’m usually standing at the counter, with a handful of bills and coins thrust in my hand, forced to count it for myself. It never occurred to me to ask my dad what he planned to do with the corn profits. I think, if I would have asked him, he would have said, “Do you think money grows on trees?” He would have pointed out the food on the table and the clothes on my back. One special day, I found out that my dad had a wonderful plan for that money. I can still picture it as if it were yesterday. The school bus stopped at the end of our lane, and I raced my brothers into the house. We crashed through the back door laughing and panting and raced to the living room to watch Leave it to Beaver on our black and white set. We all froze in our tracks in front of a brand new Zenith in a wood grain cabinet. Our dad had surprised us by using the corn profits to purchase our first color television! The other day, I was reading the Gospel of Matthew and came across this verse: “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

I remember the tremendous joy of my earthly father’s gift yet it pales in comparison to my Heavenly Father’s plans. A day is coming with no more pain and no more death. I’m pretty sure that living with God on the new earth tops watching Lawrence Welk’s musical family in their beautiful blue and yellow outfits. I’m so very thankful that God has let us in on his amazing plan. It’s all about everlasting joy!

Meet Chaplain Diane Gunsolley Aberdeen Village is pleased to introduce our new chaplain, Diane Gunsolley. Diane joined Kansas City Presbyterian Manor in August 2012. Before joining Presbyterian Manor, she served as chaplain at Southern Care Hospice, Lee Summit, Missouri; and at Genesis Medical Center, Davenport, Iowa. She also spent 20 years as a high school teacher in Rock Island, Illinois. Diane holds a bachelor’s degree in Spanish/English from Central University of Iowa, and has completed two units of clinical pastoral education. She is a member of Grief Support Network, and a participant in International House of Prayer.

Play your cards right! The hot summer months can be rather uncomfortable, so cards are a great solution. Residents Ginny Graham, Ann Hendrickson, Martha McGrath and Martha Davenport comprised one of the tables filled with fun and good cheer, playing their cards safe from overheating outside.



Watch your mailbox or request at the front desk

Aberdeen Village’s Post-Acute To Home (PATH®) program isn’t just about getting you home— it’s about getting you back to your life. Call 913-599-6100 today to schedule your personal appointment and tour. AberdeenVillage.com Aberdeen Village



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facebook Dining Services

We will focus on dining services in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. What foods do you connect through your memories? How has food shaped your life and recollections? If you’ve got a story to share, contact Community Relations Director Suzanne Willey, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.


Community Matters August 2016

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