Community Matters Aberdeen Village
June 2016
Just Ask presents: Smart aging advice Aberdeen Village is excited to be a part of the 2016 JCCC/ KU Alzheimer’s Disease Center Healthy Aging Symposium, which takes place June 10 at the Regnier Center at JCCC.
From 1 to 10,000 steps: Putting one foot in front of the other By Don Wilson, interim chaplain
The topic is Smart Aging: Evidencebased Ways to Live Healthier as We Grow Older. This is open to health care providers as well as the public at large.
Like many of you, I wear a Fitbit on my wrist. I don’t know that I would have bought one, but I received it as a gift from my kids. I like it. It has increased my consciousness of how many steps I take per day. I have become fascinated by the number of steps I walk in a given day. Being just a bit compulsive, I have even been known to take a late evening walk around the block, after noticing that I was 500 steps or so short of my “magic 10,000.”
Contact Community Relations Director Suzanne Willey for more information at swilley@pmma. org or 913-599-6100.
“Steps” is a word used in so many ways. “One step at a time” can be helpful in keeping our perspective to avoid becoming overwhelmed. About eight decades ago, a couple of guys, one named Bill, the other Bob, discovered that sobriety could be achieved by following certain “steps,”
Don Wilson interim chaplain
STEPS, continued on page 2 CEO, continued on page 4
A proud member of Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America
STEPS, continued from page 1
which eventually became the wellknown Twelve Step program.
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In the latter years of the 19th century, a Congregational minister in Topeka, Kansas, wrote a book titled “In His Steps,” which explored the question, “What would Jesus do?” Millions of copies were sold. Advice to help motivate someone is sometimes in the form of “Just put one foot in front of the other.” Whether exercise, achieving sobriety, solving a problem or
beginning a devotional program in one’s daily routine, taking a step is not a bad way to begin. What steps do you need to take today?
Thank you for your dedication, Howard! Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Aberdeen Village by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at:
Aberdeen Village maintenance technician Howard White retired recently. Between Kansas City Presbyterian Manor and Aberdeen Village, Howard has served more than 15 years. Staff and residents alike offered thanks and hugs as we said goodbye during a reception held in his honor.
Tim Allin, executive director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Suzanne Willey, community relations director, Telephone: 913-599-6100 Fax: 913-599-3810 Address: 17500 W. 119th St., Olathe, KS 66061-9524 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Community Matters June 2016
August signals the beginning of school What are your memories of school? Were you a teacher or lifelong student? Did you get a degree late in life? How did education shape your life? If you’ve got a story to share, contact Community Relations Director Suzanne Willey, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
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