Community Matters Aberdeen Village
November 2016
Is your cup overflowing? By Chaplain Diane Gunsolley
“Drinking from my saucer, ‘cause my cup has overflowed.” Don’t you love that phrase? Imagine such an overflow of blessing that it more than fills the cup. That’s the kind of life I want. That’s the kind of life my mother lived. That old Jimmy Dean song so told mom’s story that she actually had the phrase embroidered on a sweatshirt along with the image of a teacup and saucer. It was her favorite top, and she wore it for many years. “Drinking from my saucer” reminded Mom of three important truths. First, she needed to find the blessings even if they weren’t immediately evident. CHAPLAIN, continued on page 3 CEO, continued on page 4
Veterans attending the Stars and Stripes Club of Aberdeen Village were, from left, Eldon Beebe, Gib Hart, Dick Benjamin, Arky Thomas, Ed Weger, Bernard Bancroft, Harold Keeling, Dick Griffith and Ken Minter.
Veterans unite to serve others The first Stars and Stripes Club of Aberdeen Village met recently with nine resident veterans in attendance. Not only does the club encourage camaraderie and social support among our veterans, it also puts a focus on serving current soldiers. Representatives from Heartland Hospice joined the meeting also and discussed care packages that the club will work on and send to service men and women who are deployed. They also discussed how they wanted the club structured. Many residents suggested having representatives from the VA come and present on VA benefits. They also discussed the opportunity to go on an Honor Flight to visit their war memorials in Washington, D.C. At least five of our veterans have not had the opportunity to go. Finally they talked about welcoming deployed soldiers back and going to VETERANS, continued on page 2
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VETERANS, continued from page 1
shake hands with current service men and women. They agreed it would be powerful for them to shake the hands of our great service men and women who served before them. We thank all of our veterans and wish to honor service men and women everywhere, especially on Veterans Day. Please join us for our Veterans Day event at 4 p.m. on Nov. 11, when current service men and women will be on site to honor our veterans. We also encourage you to visit our Veterans Wall, where our veterans will be honored.
Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Aberdeen Village by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at: Tim Allin, executive director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Chrissy Ammann, director of sales and marketing, Telephone: 913-599-6100 Fax: 913-599-3810 Address: 17500 W. 119th St., Olathe, KS 66061-9524 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
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Community Matters November 2016
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CHAPLAIN, continued from page 1
My mom was a realist. She taught me that a realist isn’t the same as a pessimist. She said that, if I looked for it, I’d always find a blessing in the midst of hard times. Mom did not allow her battle with emphysema to define her: instead, she acknowledged the hard stuff, really looked at it, grieved it and then deliberately looked around for the blessings. I once asked Mom what blessing she found in being homebound. Immediately, she responded, “I don’t have to fight the weather. I can enjoy a good book or quiet time with the Lord and let other people skate on the icy roads.”
she found on the Internet. She spent hours reading and re-reading them. They were medicine for her soul. Here are some of her favorites: “Potluck supper Sunday at 5 p.m. prayer and medication to follow.” “Low Self-esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 p.m. Please use back door.” “Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.”
The third life principle was more caught than taught. Over the Second, Mom understood that she years, Mom learned that the God needed to watch her attitude. She of the 23rd Psalm can be trusted. often quoted a pastor named Chuck He provided for her abundantly Swindoll: “I am convinced that life is in the presence of the enemies of 10 percent what happens to me and emphysema and cancer to the place 90 percent how I react to it. And so where her cup overflowed. As she it is with you … we are in charge of went through the valley of the shadow our attitudes.” For Mom, this meant of death, God was with her every step honestly speaking of her pain and fears of the way. but refusing to let it get her down. In Reflecting on Jimmy Dean’s song, I’m the same way that parents tell their surprised with the realization that it children to “watch your mouth,” she is a modern version of the original told herself to watch her attitude. which was written 3,000 years ago by Mom actively looked for things to a shepherd/king named David. Maybe make her smile. One of her favorites that’s why my mom liked it so much. was the church bulletin bloopers “Drinking from My Saucer” and the
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23rd Psalm show life as a journey with highs and lows. As we look back, we see that God has been very good to us. As we look forward, we humbly seek his help to finish well. Today, as we draw near to God, we are blessed by his drawing near to us. Here’s a poem for your Thanksgiving table. If you read it slowly, you might just hear Jimmy Dean. Perhaps you could follow it with a round of thanking God for his blessings and the mercies he’s bestowed. “I never made a fortune and it’s probably too late now But I don’t worry about that much, I’m happy anyhow CHAPLAIN, continued on page 4
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mercies he’s bestowed.
has overflowed.
And as I go along life’s journey, I’m reaping better than I sowed
I’m drinking from my saucer, cause my cup has overflowed.
And if God gives me strength and courage, when the way grows steep and rough
I’m drinking from my saucer,‘cause my cup has overflowed.
I remember times when things went wrong, and my faith got a little thin
I’ll not ask for another blessing, I’m already blessed enough
I ain’t got a lot of riches, and sometimes the going’s tough
but then all at once the dark clouds broke, and the sun peeked through again
And may I never be too busy to help another bear his load
but I’ve got kids who love me and that makes me rich enough
so Lord help me not to gripe about the tough rows I hoed
I’ll keep drinking from my saucer, cause my cup has overflowed.”
I just thank God for his blessings and the
I’m drinking from my saucer, cause my cup
- Jimmy Dean
New beginnings in 2017
We will focus on new beginnings in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. As we approach the new year, what resolutions are you making? Have you ever made a resolution that changed your life? What are your hopes for 2017? If you’ve got a story to share, contact Director of Sales and Marketing Chrissie Amman, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
Community Matters November 2016
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