Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor
APRIL 2020
Journeyman comes home to become new director of environmental services From the Sedgwick County Zoo and Lake Afton Public Park to the Butterball turkey company and the Plumber’s Pipe Fitting Union, Jeff Robertson has been everywhere and done it all along the way to being named Presbyterian Manor’s new director of environmental services last spring.
Safety update Presbyterian Manor Families of Residents, and Visitors,
“Everything I’ve done in the past has helped me in what I’m doing today,” said Jeff. “God had a plan and knew what was going to happen—he was preparing me.” What “happened” was that Jeff ’s Jeff Robertson wife, Monica, was diagnosed with cancer and his previous job as a journeyman plumber was keeping him from being by her side as much as he wanted to be. “With my former job, I was always running to work out of town and was never home. I might come home for the weekends, but I felt like I needed to be closer to home with my wife,” said Jeff. “So, I started applying for jobs and saw the opening here and it really appealed to me, not only because it was close to home, but because I’ve also always had a special place in my heart for the elderly. Thank goodness the Lord intervened, and I was hired—I haven’t regretted a day since.” Now, a year later and with Monica in remission, Jeff feels settled and appreciates what the job has given him besides the chance to be at home. “I really enjoy working with the staff—Sarah is the best boss I’ve ever worked with, and we have some good people in leadership,” said Jeff. ROBERTSON - continued on page 2
Keeping our residents and staff healthy is a top priority for PMMA (Presbyterian Manors of MidAmerica). We fully understand health care workers and seniors are at a higher risk of experiencing serious infections, so our staff members are doing their very best to stay current on every change that is occurring in this rapidly changing environment. On March 13, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced strict in-person visitation guidelines for senior health care communities. All PMMA communities are enforcing limited access for in-person visitation. Limited Access means all visits to the community must be rescheduled except in case of endof-life situations per the March 13 guidelines released by CMS. COVID-19 - continued on page 4
Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY
Devotional: The eternal hope of Easter We often think of Easter as a time of hope. Jesus is alive! Death is defeated. He is RISEN!! But how do we live a life of joy and hope when our world is turned upside down, and we’re uncertain what tomorrow will hold?
The Bible tells us in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” It seems the first step for finding hope this Easter season is to stop and reflect on the love that is being offered to us every second of our lives. Jesus is with us, even when our loved ones can’t be. Jesus sees
ROBERTSON - continued from page 1
loves and sees you, right where you are. And He is with you.
and knows our struggles and fears, and He walks with us through them. Matthew 28:6 says, “He is not here; He has risen, just as he said…” What life-changing, miraculous words! The grave could not hold Him. His LOVE overcame death. He rose again, victorious! And He
A universal prayer for uncertain times
“I also enjoy working with the residents and talking with them— they have some wonderful stories they can tell. I really enjoy helping people and feeling like I’m making a difference.” When he’s not at work or spending time with his wife and three children, Jeff enjoys helping out on the family farm, wood working and oil painting and has his eye on one day participating in Art is Ageless®. “I’m not ready yet, but I’m going to get there,” said Jeff. ◆
By Bill Bowles, chaplain
“This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will
ARKANSAS CITY Presbyterian Manor
620-442-8700 ◆ Fax: 620-442-8224 1711 N. Fourth St. Arkansas City, KS 67005-1607
Our Easter celebrations may look a little different this year, but take heart friends, our God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). May we continue to look forward to celebrating Easter and our Risen Savior as we are reminded that no matter what we’ve been through in the past, what we’re facing today, or what uncertainties tomorrow may bring, Christ alone is our HOPE. He defeated death, He rose from the grave and He makes all things new. Amen! ◆
Community Matters
not forgive your sins.” —Matthew 6:9-15 Key ideas: • Doing the Father’s will • Receiving the Father’s food • Sharing the Father’s forgiveness Action step: Study and compare several New Testament translations of this foundational prayer of the Church. Prayer: Lord, I feel full and free today having received from your son Jesus this central clue to continual communion with you. ◆
is published monthly for residents and friends of Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizaton.
To submit or suggest articles: Sarah Griggs, executive director Sean Page, marketing director
OUR MISSION: To provide quality senior services guided by Christian values. Like us on Facebook to stay updated on news and events.
Valentine’s Day fun at Arkansas City Valentine’s Day was so much fun this year at Presbyterian Manor. We had several different parties and voted for a king and queen at each party. We had music, dancing, great food and great friends.
Music was provided by The Student Loans, and they gave us an amazing performance! Our kings and queens who were crowned this year were Kenny Dunbar and Leta Sherwood, Bob and Pat Anstine,
and Bobby and Elsie Tipton.
To discover how you can have fun at Presbyterian Manor with us on Valentine’s Day 2021, call Sean Page at 620-442-8700. ◆
Bob and Pat Anstine show their love for each other after being crowned Queen and King.
April birthdays
Kenny Dunbar and Leta Sherwood celebrate Valentine’s Day as King and Queen.
Doris Gilmore-Rogers Betty Hollister Esther Hutchinson Imogene Leach Lila Teufel Shirley Webb Betty Harris Dorothy Jackson Ric Percell Fern Bryant Bill Flick Betty Johnson Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY
ARKANSAS CITY Presbyterian Manor
1711 N. Fourth St. Arkansas City, KS 67005-1607 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Our Mission: to provide quality senior services guided by Christian values Like us on Facebook to stay updated on news and events.
COVID-19 - continued from page 1
Visitors who meet the end-of-life exception should: • Expect to complete a questionnaire about recent travel, health status and COVID-19 risks. The questionnaire will be signed and dated and kept on file at the community; • Have their temperature taken upon entering the community; • Wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds, rubbing palms together, cleaning between fingers and the backs of hands; • Utilize hand sanitization stations prior to entering and upon leaving resident rooms;
• Limit movement within the community to your resident’s room and limit the number of surfaces touched; • Limit physical contact with the resident through social distancing – no hugging, kissing or handshaking – and remain 6 feet apart; • Report to the community any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or acute illness within 14 days after visiting the community. Personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes gloves, masks and gowns, are available as necessary. In the meantime, we encourage you to contact your resident family
members via telephone and email. We have also established electronic communication options. Please contact your local Presbyterian Manor offices for information. This situation continues to change daily, if not more frequently. The most up-to-date information about our COVID-19 response and visitation policies will be posted to our website and our Facebook page. We greatly appreciate your support in our efforts to keep your family members/our residents and community healthy. Sincerely, Your PMMA Team