Arkansas City Community Matters December 2016

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Commun ty Matters Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor

December 2016

Just Ask Series: Discover brain healthy eating How do the foods we eat affect our memory? Can eating a healthy diet ward off Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias? Learn the answers to these questions and more at a free event at Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor Dec. 6. Diane Ray, registered dietitian with the South Central Kansas Medical Center, will share foods that are good for your brain and explain how “bad” foods can affect your brain. Her presentation will be based on recent research findings about certain types of food and how they’re linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

When caregivers need care One hour a month doesn’t sound like a lot. But for a person who cares for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, taking just one hour away can feel impossible. That one hour can be a lifeline, however, when it’s spent with people who understand the strain and the challenges of the caregiver’s role. Beginning in January, Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor will offer a dementia caregivers’ support group in cooperation with the Alzheimer’s Association. Starting Jan. 17, meetings will be at 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month in the Club Room.

“Brain Healthy Eating” will begin at 6 p.m. on Dec. 6 in the chapel. It

“The Cowley County area does not currently have a support group for people caring for persons with dementia,” said Executive Director Sarah Griggs. Many local caregivers had been contacting Presbyterian Manor for resources and advice in caring for their loved ones. We felt this would be a natural extension of our memory care neighborhood and an asset to

JUST ASK, continued on page 4

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CARE, continued from page 1

our community.” Without question, caregivers are typically under a great deal of stress. Support groups are a source of both information and camaraderie, Sarah said. Those who attend will have the opportunity to build relationships with others who are in similar situations, she said, which will hopefully help them in their day-today challenges. “As a caregiver, both professionally and personally in the past, I understand the daily struggle, and how the stress of it can mentally and physically affect the caregiver,” Sarah said. “Having someone to turn to,

whether for advice or just a friendly ear, can help to alleviate some of that stress.”

• Connect with other care partners for encouragement and comfort. Ask for and accept help.

The Alzheimer’s Association has an in-depth guide for caregivers at Here are some of their tips on how to maintain your own health when caring for someone with dementia:

• Rest when needed and allow time for yourself and your own interests.

• Think about ways you can get support now. For example, include an afternoon to yourself in your monthly schedule. • Build a support network. Creating a support system before you need it will minimize your stress as the disease progresses.

• Try not to take things personally; symptoms of the disease can cause an individual to forget events or commitments. • Stay healthy through diet, exercise and regular checkups. • Continue to be involved in activities that are important to you. • Allow yourself to laugh when funny situations arise.

Community Matters

is published monthly for residents and friends of Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Sarah Griggs, executive director Tara Clawson, marketing director Lori Peters, activities director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact

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Telephone: 620-442-8700 Fax: 620-442-8224 Address: 1711 N. Fourth, Arkansas City, KS 67005-1607

Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.


Community Matters December 2016

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Christmas gives us a reason to rejoice Well, here it is December, the year’s busiest and most exciting month. There is a spirit of expectancy in the air. Christmas is near. A song says, “This the season to be jolly.” Another says, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come.” But why? What is there about this season that makes everything so different? Why should we be merry, and from what source does the joy come?

was given to the world at that first Christmas. Christ was born then and he continues to be “born” today in the hearts and lives of people of faith. The light of his birth and the joy of his coming continues to thrill the hearts of his followers all over the world. A line from an ancient poem says, “Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, if he’s not born in thee, thy soul is all forlorn.”

It is because the Prince of Peace

For Christians, Christmas is a year-

By Wayne Rector, resident

long season of joy unending. Look up then and rejoice for the message is Wayne Rector eternal; “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” I wish everyone a very merry and happy Christmas.

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Who are you going to be an

angel for this holiday season? Give your gift today.

Make a difference in the lives of Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America seniors who no longer have the resources to care for themselves. Every gift to the Good Samaritan Program remains local and helps residents who are living right here in our campus. To make your gift, visit the front desk, go online to or call us at 316-685-1100.

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Life is better when you’re surrounded by friends. If you know of friends who are interested in the independent living or assisted living lifestyle you enjoy here, providing their names could lead to rewards—for both of you. Pick up a referral form in the marketing office. *Certain restrictions apply. For complete details, contact the Marketing Office. Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor


Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor 1711 N. Fourth Arkansas City, KS 67005-1607 Return Service Requested

Happy Birthday! Join us in celebrating our December birthdays! Hazel Crumley

Wilda Buffo

LaVona Morrison

Cecil Sodowsky

Maxine Givens

Nolan Wineinger

Ralph Testerman Harley Wood Gene Brinkman

JUST ASK, continued from page 1

is part of Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor’s Just Ask series, a free, ongoing lifelong learning program featuring information from local, regional and national experts on topics of interest to older adults and their families. For more information, contact Marketing Director Tara Clawson at 620-442-8700 or tclawson@

Enriching lives with art We will focus on art and how it’s used on our campuses to enrich life in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. How do the arts help you stay sharp? How do you exercise creativity? How does your campus support your exploration of the arts? If you’ve got a story to share, contact Marketing Director Tara Clawson, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.


Community Matters December 2016

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