Clay Center Community Matters January 2021

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Clay Center Presbyterian Manor

COVID-19 updates continue JANUARY 2021

A sampling of the family photos we received.

Our residents’ family and friends ROCK!

Get the latest updates on visitation status, ongoing safety measures and PMMA’s response to COVID-19 on your community website, ClayCenterPresbyterianManor. org/covid-19. Visitation status is updated weekly on Mondays for the week ending the following Sunday, and may be updated as needed in between Mondays as COVID status changes. You can also send greetings to residents or family members with the Art is Ageless® card collection available on our COVID-19 update page. Look for the dark blue button in the right-hand column under visitation status. Email the card to your campus contact for delivery, or send directly to your loved one via their email address. u

In an attempt to ensure that our residents get to see those they love over the holidays, we asked that photos be sent in so that our residents could “dine” with their family and friends during holiday meals. The outpouring of love we received was simply amazing. Betty Jones loved her chair that was covered with pictures of her four daughters and other family photos.

The pictures were laminated and placed on chairs and seated next to the residents during their Thanksgiving meal. This was

Family meal – continued on page 3 Clay Center Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY


Decking the halls of Clay Center Presbyterian Manor There are so many fun decorations to be seen around Clay Center Presbyterian Manor. We decided to ask some of our residents about their favorite Christmas decorations, past or present. Donna Girton’s favorite Christmas decorations were gingerbread ornaments. She said she would make them, hang them on the tree and then two or three weeks later her kids would take them off the tree and eat them. They didn’t care how hard they were, it was always a treat! Floyd Bosch’s favorite Christmas decoration is a stained glass nativity scene that he made himself. What a beautiful reminder to everyone about the true reason for the season. Several other residents shared their favorite Christmas decorations.

This stained glass nativity scene is not only Floyd Bosch’s favorite Christmas decoration, but also something he made himself.

Maddie Brown loved to make Christmas wreaths. She would use lids from household items and crochet around them, so no two wreaths were ever the same.

Doris Callaway said her favorite Christmas decoration was her Christmas tree and her favorite activity was decorating it.

Some mentioned Christmas trees with themed ornaments. Bill Wieland is particularly fond of a purple and white themed tree he used to decorate with old Willie the Wildcat ornaments. Others mentioned ceramic trees with colored lights that lit up, caroling figures and Christmas villages. All the favorite decorations our residents told us about seem to have one common theme: They were all items that brought great excitement, joy and wonder to the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins who saw them each year. Thanks for sharing your favorite Christmas decorations with us! u

Christmas decorations around Clay Center Presbyterian Manor.

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Community Matters 785-632-5646 u Fax: 785-632-5874 924 Eighth St. Clay Center, KS 67432-2620



is published monthly for residents and friends of Clay Center Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

To submit or suggest articles: Morgan Burton, executive director Christi Rice, marketing director

OUR MISSION: To provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.

Family meal – continued from page 1 Wanda Hafner loved her “chair full of love.” After noticing there was one “little” missing from the large family photo that had been brought in for her, she found a picture and we added it to her chair to make sure everyone was there.

repeated at Christmas. The residents loved the pictures and shared several fond memories of holidays past. Thank you to all for helping with this project. To say it was a success would be quite an understatement.u

Call for entries underway in annual art competition at Clay Center Presbyterian Manor Clay Center Presbyterian Manor is seeking artists age 65 and older to compete in its annual Art is Ageless® juried exhibit and competition March 10-11, 2020, at the community. Entries of artistic works will be accepted from any area artist who is 65 years of age or older to exhibit and/or compete for an opportunity to be featured in the 2022 Art is Ageless calendar. Clay Center Presbyterian Manor plans to have the exhibit open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 10 and 11 and honor artists with a reception from 3 to 6 p.m. March 11. Plans remain flexible due to the COVID19 pandemic.

amateur or professional. Works to be entered for judging may be dropped off beginning March 1. The entry deadline is 5 p.m. March 5. Contact Christi Rice at 785-632-5646 or to make drop-off arrangements. The Art is Ageless® program encourages Presbyterian Manor residents and other area seniors to express their creativity through its annual competition, as well as art classes, musical and dramatic events,

educational opportunities and current events discussions throughout the year. Local competition winners will join winners from 14 other PMMA (Presbyterian Manors of MidAmerica) communities to be judged at the systemwide level. Entry forms and information can be obtained by contacting Christi Rice at 785-632-5646 or, or access online at

Artists may choose to enter works for exhibit only. For the competition, works must be completed after the artists is age 65 and must be no more than 5 years old, completed since January 2016. There are nine categories, as well as designations of Clay Center Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY


924 Eighth St. Clay Center, KS 67432-2620 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

As part of Clay Center Presbyterian Manor’s ongoing customer service initiative, residents and their representatives are randomly selected to participate in telephone satisfaction surveys conducted by Pinnacle Quality Insight. The graphic at right highlights some of the survey results. All scores are given on a 5-point scale, with 5 being the highest score and 1 the lowest score. Between October 2019 and September 2020, Clay Center Presbyterian Manor residents and their families gave the


community high scores in demonstrating dignity and respect, activities and meeting transportation needs. In addition, residents and families also reported a high willingness to recommend the community to others.


We greatly value the opinions of our residents and their representatives about the care and services we provide, and we encourage them to participate honestly when contacted by Pinnacle Quality Insight. All state and federal confidentiality laws are met in Pinnacle’s service. u

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