For new resident Carol Jessop, art is a family affair
Carol Jessop has loved to draw and color since childhood. She got serious many years later, in the 1990s after she and her husband moved to Rolla.
“I started and ran a preschool at the Presbyterian Church,” she recalled. “One of my friends encouraged me to enter Art is Ageless® through Presbyterian Manor, so I did.”
Jessop mainly does watercolors but has also done a lot of sketches of places she’s been, as well as a few oil paintings.
“It encourages older people to pursue something that they might have loved but didn’t go ahead with,” she said of the Art is Ageless program.
As it turns out, art is in the family. Jessop’s son started out as an art instructor and wound up as Dean of the School of Art at East Central Oklahoma University. His son (her grandson) is a chef and has won several awards for his culinary creations (another form of art). He also has experience as a painter.
Jessop – continued on page 3
The Wonder of Spring
By Rev. Richard Russell, Chaplain
As we move into spring, I so enjoy seeing the wonder of God‘s handiwork. The beauty of new life in nature. Some of my favorites are the honeysuckle and dogwood. It causes me to think of walking afresh led by God’s loving care. I’m reminded of a beautiful poem written by Howard Thurman, called Give Me The Courage to Live.
Give me the courage to live!
Really live, not merely exist.
Live dangerously, Scorning risk!
Live honestly, Daring the truthParticularly the truth about myself!
Live resiliently-
Ever changing, ever growing, ever adapting.
Enduring the pain of change
As though ‘twere the travail of birth. Give me the courage to live, Give me the strength to be free
And endure the burden of freedom
And the loneliness of those without chains;
Let me not be trapped by success, Nor by failure, not pleasure, nor grief,
Chaplain – continued on page 4
Rolla Presbyterian Manor APRIL 2023 Get the latest on visitation and COVID-19 at our campus at 1
Carol Jessop’s painting “Sunrise on Lake Superior” is featured as one of the postcards in the 2024 Art is Ageless® calendar.
Carol Jessop’s needlework piece “Gardening” is featured as a birthday card.
Rev. Russell
PMMA celebrates history with Founder’s Day
PMMA (Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America®) employees will observe the founding of the senior living system this month as the company celebrates its 74-year history of serving seniors in Kansas and Missouri.
PMMA’s roots go back to 1947. Alice Kalb, a widow from central Kansas, appealed to a Presbyterian Church organization to establish a home for seniors. Her vision laid the foundation for the first Presbyterian Manor community in Newton, Kan., and inspired others to do even more. Through the many decades, PMMA® remained true to the spirit of Alice’s vision, providing quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Each Founder’s Day, staff members re-commit to live our mission by signing the “WE PROMISE” board that lists the pillars of the mission: respecting that seniors retain their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; assisting residents with specific needs; providing compassionate service; serving as a trusted resource; and advocating for seniors.
“Our nearly 2,000 employees view
what they do as a calling,” said Bruce Shogren, president and CEO. “Our dedicated employees make it possible for us to sustain PMMA’s mission, as well as its heritage. I believe Alice is watching over us today knowing that we’re carrying on the legacy that she established more than seven decades ago.”
Alice Kalb’s dream has turned into a network of 15 senior living communities and two hospices across Kansas and Missouri. A new senior living community is under construction in Colorado Springs.
PMMA remains true to its core and mission: to provide quality senior services guided by Christian values. u
2 COMMUNITY MATTERS | April 2023 Like us on Facebook to stay updated on news and events. Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Rolla Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. To submit or suggest articles:
Ann Caudill,
OUR MISSION: To provide quality senior services guided by Christian values. 573-364-7336 ◆ Fax: 573-364-7495 1200 Homelife Plaza Rolla, MO 65401-2595
executive director Lorri Waldron, marketing director
Alice Kalb, the visionary who imagined a home for seniors.
Alice Kalb participated in the groundbreaking of the first Presbyterian Manor.
Jessop– continued from page 1
“My great-granddaughter is eight and she already is very interested in art,” said Jessop. “They are encouraging her to try different things.”
Jessop moved to Rolla Presbyterian Manor earlier this year and is enjoying her time so far. Her husband is in health care, and she said the continuum of care offered by the community is a big help.
Say cheese! It’s wine time!
Life can get busy but here at Rolla Presbyterian Manor we like to take it easy during our monthly wine and cheese get-togethers.
Our residents enjoy hanging out to socialize and sample some vino and cheddar every month.
You can join too. Our Wine and Cheese Events are held every fourth Wednesday of the month between 4 – 5 p.m. in the Assisted Living and Health Care neighborhoods. Contact Lorri Waldron at 573-364-7336 or to let her know you’re coming.
By the way, did you know that no one knows when
Attention! Open House!
Join us for an Open House on Friday, April 7th from 1 – 4 p.m., and tour one of our two-bedroom Independent Living Cottages at 1200 Homelife Plaza, Cottage B2 (look for signs and balloons).
Register for a gift while you are here. This event is come-and-go, look around at your pace. u
She met her husband while they were both students at Kansas State University and they decided to get married while on their way to Oklahoma to see her parents.
“We got married in a Catholic hospital by a Lutheran minister. Frank was Presbyterian. I was a Methodist,” she laughed. “It all worked out.”
Please give a warm welcome to Carol Jessop! u
wine and cheese were first consumed together as a meal? However, evidence suggests it could have been several thousand years ago. Scientists have found traces of wine and beer in old pottery containers dating from at least 10,000 years ago. u
Rolla Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY 3
Chaplain – continued from page 1
Nor malice, nor praise, nor remorse!
Give me the courage to go on!
Facing all that waits on the trail—
Going eagerly, joyously on, And paying my way as I go, Without anger or fear or regret Taking what life gives, Spending myself to the full, Head high, spirit winged, like a god—
On… on… till the shadows draw close.
Then, even when darkness shuts down,
And I go out alone, as I came, Naked and blind, as I came,
Even then, gracious God, hear my prayer:
Give me the courage to live.
These are beautiful words that paint a picture of living life to its fullest, embracing the new and refreshing experiences, as well as those difficult times that come in life.
In Isaiah 40: 26-31, we see Isaiah, sharing about the wonder of God in nature and his power and strength and enduring love that brings true hope.
“Lift up your eyes, and look to the heavens, who created all these? He who brings out the story host, one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. Why do you complain,
Jacob? Why do you say, Israel? My way is hidden from the Lord, my cause is discarded by my God? Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and he is understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the week. Even youth grow tired and weary and young men, stumble and fall, but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings. Like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they won’t walk and not be faint.”
We can see within the beauty of a new spring, a renewed hope in our loving God. He will take care of us in his own loving way that reflects the wisdom that only he can share. u
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