Rolla Presbyterian Manor
Editor’s Note: In a nod to our Presbyterian heritage, we regularly feature a column from a PMMA® chaplain in our newsletter. This month’s column comes from Greg Schmidt, chaplain at Newton Presbyterian Manor.
Christmas Devotional
Ann Caudill celebrates 40 years of service to Rolla Presbyterian Manor In 1982, Ann Caudill began her first job as a secretary at Rolla Presbyterian Manor. As it turns out, that hire was a significant event in the history of the community, which opened its doors in 1974. In her first decade at Presbyterian Manor, Ann became the office manager, then the director of administrative services. In 2011, she received a promotion to executive director. “This community is special to me,” Ann said. “In a way, I grew up here.” Back when she first heard about the secretarial opening at Presbyterian Manor, Ann was a student at Rolla Technical Institute. She heard about the job in an office systems class she enrolled in after graduating from high school. She learned so much through on-the-job training that Ann decided to put her education on hold for a few years. She went on to earn her administrator’s license, then a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from Missouri University of Science and Technology. “I have no regrets about my career — I feel blessed to have worked with so many wonderful residents and staff,” Ann said. “Between my family and my work family here at Presbyterian Manor, I have a lot to be grateful for.” u
By Greg Schmidt
When my three boys were little, we looked forward to participating in our church’s Christmas Eve program and Greg Schmidt then racing home to open presents! We lived only a block from the church, so as soon as the “Amen!” was offered, the boys would sprint to the house rather than mess around waiting for their pastor-father and gracious mother to say, “Merry Christmas!” to all the parishioners who had attended the service and drive the car home. As if they hadn’t already shaken them a thousand times trying to guess what was inside of them, the boys couldn’t wait to rip away the beautifully and carefully wrapped packages containing what my wife and I hoped would be exactly what they wanted. We seldom missed the target. It wasn’t until the oldest two were in their early 20s that we began hearing, “Um, did you keep the
Chaplain – continued on page 2
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Chaplain – continued from page 1 receipt?” and we knew it wasn’t quite what they were hoping for. But that’s a story for another article!
God needed me to open the “present ” and realize it was given in love
I wonder sometimes if God contemplated the excitement that would be generated with one special gift? Or did He, like us, get concerned with whether the gift would be accepted? Cherished? Used? The present and presence of Jesus continues to shock me. Why would He leave the perfect throne room of heaven to identify with the grit and grime of my world? Why would He allow his mind and character to be soiled with our self-serving, perverted way of thinking or to be forced to communicate with our ridiculous and often confusing ways of thinking and talking? I have to believe God/Jesus intentionally chose at least two things: First, to demonstrate just what love looks like. I know I follow better if I have an example! And second, to demonstrate what gift-giving and gift-receiving looks like. Again, the example! There are times in our lives when running “home” to rip open a “present” is still so invigorating!
We know our “Father” prepared it for us, and we can’t wait to see what it is and how it will work! I’ve run “home” to discover my children…a new job opportunity…a story from one of my kids, their wives or my grands…a new plant that someone delivered so I could add it to my ever-growing flower garden collection! And I’ve run “home” because my in-laws, my dad, and some of my dearest friends took their last breath… sometimes naturally, sometimes not. Or because one of my kids was in tears because they’d experienced their worst day ever, or someone received news of a challenging diagnosis and feared the impending surgeries or
procedures that would follow. And in both cases, you know what I’ve discovered? A Father who needed me to open the “present” and realize it was given in love and intended to strengthen my life, even if it wasn’t exactly what I’d asked for. Throughout this holiday season I want to cherish, accept and use ALL of the “gifts” God has wrapped and laid under my tree. I still don’t always get why Jesus wanted to come here and identify with me. But I know He very much wanted to do so, and that I benefit so greatly because He did. And so do you! After all, God NEVER misses the target. Merry Christmas! u
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Community Matters 573-364-7336 ◆ Fax: 573-364-7495 1200 Homelife Plaza Rolla, MO 65401-2595
is published monthly for residents and friends of Rolla Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
To submit or suggest articles: Ann Caudill, executive director Lorri Waldron, marketing director
OUR MISSION: To provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Thankful for our Thanksgiving Dinners Families came together to celebrate Thanksgiving at the Manor last month. Many of them told us how thankful they were to have the chance to share a meal. We loved seeing everyone during these dinners, which
took place in smaller group setting on three different occasions. Thank you for making us part of your family celebrations! u
Angel Tree supports local seniors in need Today, more than 345 PMMA residents depend on PMMA’s Good Samaritan Program. The program provides funding to assist residents who outlive their financial resources through no fault of their own, and we’re proud that no person has ever been asked to leave one of our communities based on their inability to pay. To help provide peace of mind to seniors in need, please consider making a gift to Rolla Presbyterian Manor’s annual Angel Tree campaign.
Every gift raised supports PMMA residents who can no longer afford care and services. You make it possible for residents to remain in their home through the Good Samaritan Program. To make a contribution, please visit the front desk or go online to angel-tree-campaign. In recognition of your generosity, we will hang an ornament in your honor on our community’s Angel Tree. u
Our 2021 Angel Tree Rolla Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY
1200 Homelife Plaza Rolla, MO 65401-2595 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Rolla Presbyterian Manor shares customer service survey responses Rolla Presbyterian Manor continues to seek customer feedback through monthly telephone surveys. Each month, residents and their representatives are randomly selected to participate in telephone satisfaction surveys conducted by Pinnacle Quality Insight. The graphic highlights some of the survey results. All scores are given on a 5-point scale, with 5 being the highest score and 1 the lowest score. Between August 2021 and September 2022, Rolla Presbyterian Manor residents and their families gave the community top scores for an easy move-in process, for demonstrating dignity and respect, and for meeting individual needs. “I appreciate the privacy that I have
and the safety I feel living here,” said one resident. Another agreed. “I have all the privacy I want. I feel safe here,” also adding that they like the location. “I don’t feel like I’m away from the world.” We greatly value the opinions of our
residents and their representatives about the care and services we provide, and we encourage them to participate honestly when contacted by Pinnacle Quality Insight. All state and federal confidentiality laws are met in Pinnacle’s service. u