New Social Services Designee finds joy, meaning in her role
Chasta Cleveland recently joined Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America (PMMA) as the new Social Services Designee. It’s a challenging role, but one she truly enjoys and finds rewarding.
“I complete one-on-one visits with residents, perform social histories and trauma assessments, manage discharge planning, monitor resident behavior, and ensure residents' rights, address grievances, and abuse prevention,” Chasta said.
Additionally, Chasta plays a vital role in organizing the Resident Council and assisting with care plans to help residents achieve their goals.
Chasta, who started her employment with PMMA just in February 2023, enjoys getting to know each resident and their family through her one-on-one visits. She loves learning about each resident's history and building bonds with them and their families.
“Each resident is special,” Chasta said. “I enjoy everyone that I have been able to visit with. Sometimes all you need is a smile.”
Working closely with other departments, Chasta collaborates with case managers to enhance the quality of care provided to each resident. She establishes meaningful connections with residents and is dedicated to promoting the best quality of life for each resident.
In her personal life, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, especially at the lake and playing outdoor games. She has been married for 12 years and has a stepson, two children, and three grandchildren. Buddy, her half black lab, half German Shepherd dog, also keeps her company.
Chasta is excited about this new role and the opportunity to make a difference in residents' lives. Help us welcome Chasta Cleveland to our PMMA team!
Chasing the SonWhen You Pray
By Dave Parker, Chaplain
6. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Scripture teaches we can’t take anything for granted. Every day; every breath is a gift. A gift we don’t deserve but are granted it by the grace of God. And it takes a large dose of humility to recognize that. Only God in His divine omniscience knows what tomorrow will bring. That’s why we place our trust in Him. Our hope lies in His ultimate goodness.
Day to day, your life may stink. You may face hardship after Chaplain – continued on page 3
Salina Presbyterian Manor JUNE 2023
Get the latest on visitation and COVID-19 at our campus at 1
Dave Parker
Chasta Cleveland
Executive Director
Melissa Brumbaugh
Director of Sales & Marketing
Cathy Boos
Director of Nursing
Amanda Dean
Assisted Living Director
Lacey Hasker
Life Enrichment Director
Jeni Blair
Business Office Director
Afton Luetters-Buhrle
Human Resources Director
Tammy Lockhart
Environmental Services Director
Anthony DeLaurentis
Director of Dining Services
Charles Singleton
May Birthdays
Join us in wishing the following residents a Happy Birthday!
Marilyn Hunt
Sharon Marshall
Jean Barr
Norma Montgomery
Bobbie Ott
Cheryl Sweley
Pat Tomlins
Jane Weathers
June 03
June 10
June 20
June 21
June 23
June 24
June 24
June 24
Marjorie Walter June 28
Happy Anniversary
Mike and Judy Killian
Loren and Phillis Harris
Tom and Wanda Markley
Dean and Betty Groves
Bob and Vi Mermis
Clay and Nancy Thompson
June 4,1955
June 5,1955
June 6,1954
June 7,1953
June 18,1952
June 28,1957 u
Congratulations to employee of the month of May 2023: Amber Clair
Amber is a CNA / CMA in Healthcare. She has 3 children, Jayden 23, Julia 15, and Jayce 12.
Amber’s favorite sports team is the Dallas Cowboys. She enjoys traveling and spending time with her family and dogs. We are beyond proud to have Amber on the SPM team!
Please congratulate Amber when you see her. u
Like us on Facebook to stay updated on news and events.
Community Matters
is published monthly for residents and friends of Salina Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
To submit or suggest articles:
Melissa Brumbaugh, executive director Cathy Boos, sales and marketing director
OUR MISSION: To provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
785-825-1366 ◆ Fax: 785-825-6554 2601 E. Crawford Salina, KS 67401-3898
Chaplain – continued from page 1 hardship. Unemployment. Marriage problems. Financial issues. Personal loss. God doesn’t promise easy. He promises hope, when you believe. He promises to be with you. And when you step across that bridge that takes you from reliance on the world to a genuine faith in God, then you begin to understand the real value in seeking God’s will for your life; God’s will for your family; God’s will for your friends; God’s will for this nation.
You start to see the bigger picture and realize, it’s not about you at all. You’re not the center of the universe. God is. It’s all about Him. And our effort should always be to align our heart, our mind, our very soul with His will. And you know what? That’s hard! Because I want it to be about me! I think there’s a little bit of that in all of us.
You know, we talk about absolute surrender. Giving ourselves over to Jesus completely. It’s not easy. Spiritual warfare is real. And Satan pulls out every stop to turn your eyes away from Jesus. But Jesus simply says, Follow Me. When Jesus said those two words to His disciples, it was so much more than just an invitation to walk along beside Him for the next three years and learn from the Master.
It was definitely that, but it was an open invitation, actually it was a directive to, “imitate Me.” Be LIKE Me. When I teach you something, then that should become part of your character; part of what composes you; part of your new existence as one of my disciples. And one of the most valuable things He taught them and us was how to pray. I think we get so hung up on that.
I don’t know what I should say. I don’t know what to ask for. I don’t know how to know if God’s really listening. All of those things simply fall away when you open your heart to Jesus and let the Spirit guide your words. He is your advocate to God. He will plead your case to God Almighty. Isn’t that just crazy
to think about? When you approach God in prayer, it shouldn’t make you nervous talking in front of people. You should feel queasy about approaching the Holy Triune God of the Universe.
That’s why I really believe prayer is one of the most vital lessons Jesus taught during His journey with us. And if we’re going to follow Him, prayer, along with God’s Word, has to be the first weapon in our arsenal; our hotline for God’s assurance; our emergency contact when we fail or when we’re conflicted by sin. Praise God and thank you Jesus for the power of prayer.
We tend to thank God for prayers that are answered the way we hoped they would be. We do that. What about those that aren’t answered according to our expectations or as timely as we’d hoped. God answers every prayer. But not always according to our desire or within the timeframe we set. God has His own infinite timeline to unfold His plan. He’s at work revealing His plan every day.
You see, that’s why prayer isn’t about a list of expectations. It’s about humbly bending our will to conform to God’s plan. It’s about recognizing that we are in the presence of the Living God of the Universe and He is listening to our mutterings. It’s about seeking the strength and the power of the Almighty Creator to get you through the next minute, or the next hour, or the next day. What a blessing to know He cares enough about each of us enough personally to listen to our heart.
So, the next time you pray, approach God with a heart filled with gratitude for the blessings He has bestowed on you. Approach Him with an attitude of thankfulness for His everyday goodness and mercy. Give Him all praise and glory for His generosity and the unmerited grace He bestows on each of us. That’s what Jesus means when He says Follow Me. Pray like Me. Let go of self and humbly, prayerfully come to our Father, seeking His will for your life. u
Salina Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY 3
Salina Presbyterian Manor shares customer service survey responses
Salina Presbyterian Manor continues to seek customer feedback through monthly telephone surveys. Each month, residents and their representatives are randomly selected to participate in telephone satisfaction surveys conducted by Pinnacle Quality Insight.
The graphic highlights recent survey results. All scores are given on a 5point scale, with 5 being the highest score and 1 the lowest score. Between April 2022 and March 2023, Salina Presbyterian Manor residents and their families gave the community high scores for safety and security, professional therapy, and meeting transportation needs. Many also said they would recommend the community to others.
“I would tell them that it is a wonderful, safe, comfortable place to live,” said one resident while a family member of another resident said, “I appreciate the friendliness of the staff. They have all been friendly, caring, and helpful.
We greatly value the opinions of our residents and their representatives about the care and services we provide, and we encourage them to participate honestly when contacted by Pinnacle Quality Insight. All state and federal confidentiality laws are met in Pinnacle’s service. u
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