Emporia Community Matters April 2016

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Commun ty Matters Founder’s Day

Fort Scott Presbyterian Village

Emporia Presbyterian Manor

noon • April 19 • main dining roomApril 2016

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The surprising secret to really aging well By Barbara Knickerbocker Beskind for Next Avenue

Walking has enormous benefits — emotionally and even creatively — as recent studies show.This is in addition to the well-known benefits to the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. A sturdy gait pattern with alternating arm/leg movement helps maintain balance reflexes and strength in lateral hip muscles.

Founders Day19, 1949 Founder’s Day April

Good posture goes hand-in-hand with good walking, stride and vertical balance. Going out for a walk midday frees up the frontal lobes from the clutter of study or business.This can enhance creativity as well as reduce stress and/or depression. Poor posture, compromised gait patterns and less daily walking lead me to think that people under 30 in particular, but also others tied to electronic devices throughout their lives, have a heightened risk of early aging. Stay vertical by keeping “ears over hips and hips over heels.”

Celebrating 67ofyears of service Presbyterian Manors Mid-America

Alice Kalb, who served as inspiration for the first Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America community, at a groundbreaking ceremony for Newton Presbyterian Manor in 1949.

to seniors

Employees of Emporia Presbyterian Manor will observe the founding of Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America this month as the company celebrates 67 years of providing quality senior services guided by Christian values in Kansas and Missouri. Each Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America campus will have their own celebration with residents and employees during April acknowledging the importance each play in making life at Emporia the way you want to live. “Many of our employees view what they do as a calling, not just a job,” said Bruce Shogren, PMMA president and CEO. “Our dedicated employees make it possible for us to sustain PMMA’s mission, which directly impacts the wonderful care our 2,400 residents receive every day.” FOUNDERS DAY, continued on page 3

Now available

One- and two-bedroom, refreshed independent living apartments. Leave the worries of home ownership behind. Enjoy maintenance-free living and professionally prepared meals. Call 620-343-2613 for more information or to schedule a tour.

A living room in one of Emporia Presbyterian Manor’s deluxe twobedroom apartment.

Above: A deluxe two-bedroom kitchen at Emporia Presbyterian Manor.

Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Emporia Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at PresbyterianManors.org.

Left: A beautifully appointed and modern one-bedroom apartment. Below: A living room in a onebedroom apartment at Emporia Presbyterian Manor.

Susan Siepelmeier, executive director Crystal Holly, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Crystal Holly, marketing director, cholly@pmma.org.

Telephone: 620-343-2613 Fax: 620-343-9195 Address: 2300 Industrial Rd., Emporia, KS 66801-6636 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values. EmporiaPresbyterianManor.org


Community Matters April 2016

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FOUNDERS DAY, continued from page 1


Emporia Presbyterian Manor will observe Founder’s Day with a celebration on Tuesday, April 19 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Life is better when you’re surrounded by friends.

All employees, residents and the public are invited to attend. People from the greater Emporia community who would like to attend can RSVP to Crystal Holly, marketing director, at 620-343-2613 or cholly@pmma. org.


If you know of friends who are interested in the independent living or assisted living lifestyle you enjoy here, providing their names could lead to rewards—for both of you. Pick up a referral form in the marketing office. *Certain restrictions apply. For complete details, contact the Marketing Office. Like us on Facebook

Presbyterian Manors of MidAmerica’s roots go back to 1947. Alice Kalb, a widow from central Kansas, appealed to a Presbyterian Church organization to establish a home for seniors. Her vision became the first Presbyterian Manor community in Newton, Kan., and inspired others to do even more. Today PMMA remains true to the spirit of Alice’s vision, providing quality senior services guided by Christian values. Emporia Presbyterian Manor


Emporia Presbyterian Manor 2300 Industrial Rd. Emporia, KS 66801-6636

Emporia Presbyterian Manor’s Post-Acute To Home (PATH®) program isn’t just about getting you home—it’s about getting you back to your life.

Return Service Requested

Call 620-343-2613 today to schedule your personal appointment and tour. EmporiaPresbyterianManor.org

Tell us how you stay in touch! Staying in touch with your children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren often means getting used to using some new technologies. How do you use technology to keep up with your family? How has technology made life easier? How has technology kept you close to family and friends who live far away? If you’ve got a story to share about how you’re using technology, contact Marketing Director Crystal Holly, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.


Community Matters April 2016

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