Commun ty Matters Emporia Presbyterian Manor
April 2017
Art is Ageless® exhibit, reception occur this month Since the beginning of time, creative expression has brought joy to both its creators and those who experience their art. The Art is Ageless program offers senior artists the opportunity to share and display their artwork and reaffirms the agelessness of human creativity. This month, their works are on display at Emporia Presbyterian Manor. “It’s inspiring to see the beautiful pieces these seniors have created,” said Crystal Stock, marketing director for Emporia Presbyterian Manor. “The joy it brings to them and others is wonderful, and that’s something we want to celebrate and share with the entire Emporia community.” ART, continued on page 3
Remembering our roots Emporia Presbyterian Manor will celebrate 68 years of providing quality senior services guided by Christian values at our annual Founder’s Day celebration this month. All employees and residents are invited to attend the event at 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 20, in our main dining room. We will serve refreshments and screen our Founder’s Day video. Executive Director Susan Siepelmeier will also speak about Presbyterian Manor’s mission, where we have made progress in the past year, and our goals for the future of our community. Our staff members will also be invited to sign the annual promise board. Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America’s roots go back to 1947. Alice Kalb, a widow from central Kansas, appealed to a Presbyterian Church organization to establish a home for seniors. Her vision became the first Presbyterian Manor community in Newton, Kan., and inspired others to do even more. Today, PMMA remains true to the spirit of Alice’s vision.
Chili champion crowned Presbyterian Manor’s first chili cook-off is a savory success Deb Thornton is Emporia Presbyterian Manor’s first-ever chili champion! Deb, our health services director, won our first Chili CookOff in February. “This was our first time doing this event at Presbyterian Manor but it was a huge success,” said Crystal Stock, director of marketing. “We had five individuals enter the competition and a few individuals bring cinnamon rolls just for staff and residents to enjoy. Between all of the staff, residents and family
Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Emporia Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Susan Siepelmeier, executive director Crystal Stock, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Crystal Stock, marketing director,
members we had come through, there were around 50 people who voted in the competition.” In her office, Deb has proudly displayed her trophy: a golden spoon, spray-painted and mounted by Caitie Stineman, director of human resources. The contest was Caitie’s idea, to celebrate National Chili Day in February. Caitie and Crystal worked together to organize the event and encourage participation. Deb said she can’t wait for another chance to take the crowd by storm with her magnificent chili. “I am very proud to be the holder of the Golden Spoon Award in Emporia Presbyterian Manor’s first Chili Cook-Off,” Deb said, promising to cherish the award for as long as she lives. High praise! The competition was a big hit in our community, and we fully expect to plan a second cook-off in 2018. Our many thanks go to all of our department heads for helping to coordinate and serve the tasty entries at the event.
Telephone: 620-343-2613 Fax: 620-343-9195 Address: 2300 Industrial Rd., Emporia, KS 66801-6636 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Community Matters April 2017
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Emporia Presbyterian Manor’s Post-Acute To Home (PATH®) program isn’t just about getting you home—it’s about getting you back to your life. Call 620-343-2613 today to schedule your personal appointment and tour.
ART, continued from page 1
The Art is Ageless exhibit will feature works from local artists who are 65 and older, including a few Presbyterian Manor residents. Entries will be accepted through April 6. The public is welcome to visit the community to view the exhibit of acrylics, oils, photography and various other mediums, ranging from amateur Like us on Facebook
to professional levels. The exhibit is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, April 11-14, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, April 15-16, in our Atrium Room. In addition to the exhibit, Emporia Presbyterian Manor will honor local senior artists during a reception at the community at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19. The Art is Ageless program has been encouraging creativity in seniors for
more than 35 years, and is sponsored by Presbyterian Manors of MidAmerica (PMMA), which owns and operates 17 senior living communities in Missouri and Kansas. Each year the organization publishes an Art is Ageless calendar, featuring works by amateur senior artists. Proceeds from the sale of calendars are reinvested into new art programs and opportunities for PMMA residents. Emporia Presbyterian Manor
Emporia Presbyterian Manor 2300 Industrial Rd. Emporia, KS 66801-6636 Return Service Requested
facebook Father’s Day We will be featuring summertime and Father’s Day in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. If you have a story to tell about a memorable Father’s Day or how your father influenced you, we want to share it. If summertime is your favorite time of year and you’ve got great memories to share, let us know. If you’ve got a story to share, contact Marketing Director Crystal Stock, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
Community Matters April 2017
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