Emporia Community Matters May 2016

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Commun ty Matters Emporia Presbyterian Manor

May 2016

How to be a writer at any age By Warren Adler

1. Do not overanalyze. You can think something to death and never get anything done. Keep moving. The future is much more exciting. 2. Never take rejection of your work to heart. Rejection is an inevitable part of any pursuit. If you truly believe in yourself, your talent, your ideas, your personal mission, why not, as Lewis Carroll wrote, “go on until the end, and then stop”? 3. Mind your morning rituals and stay informed. Inspiration and enlightenment come from current events. Gaining a new perspective never hurt anyone. The truth is, most times, stranger than fiction. 4. Write at least 100 pages before you scrap a novel.

Dining services offers nutrition education It’s a healthy spring at Emporia Presbyterian Manor. In March, we enjoyed weekly events centered around National Nutrition Month, learning about the health benefits of different types of foods. This month, we observe National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 25.

Don’t be so quick to toss work to the trash heap. Get to know your characters and story, but also know when to start anew.

For nutrition month, Atul Karki, director of dining services, and Emily Prouse, registered dietician, demonstrated a different food category and its benefits every week. We explored herbs and spices, fruits and vegetables, grains, and the differences between red and white meats. Emily explained the importance of the foods to our systems and the effects of some less healthy choices.

5. Never let anyone else control your destiny.

Best of all, residents got to sample the demonstration food at each presentation.

Keeping a dream alive involves some heavy lifting, investment and optimism, but it’s 100 percent worth it.

“The goal of the event was to make residents aware of healthy food DINING, continued on page 2

DINING, continued from page 1

options and their advantages in our life,” Atul said. Residents were also invited to submit entries for a recipe contest. The winner was Merle Peterson. His prize was to demonstrate his winning recipe for Seafood Newburg and share the delicious results with everyone who attended. Merle also took home a hat customized with his name. National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and information campaign sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign “focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.”

Here are a few more health tips designed specially for older adults, adapted from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:

vegetables, plus beans and peas. Choose fruit the way you like it: fresh, dried, frozen or canned (in water or 100 percent juice).

• Choose fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese. Older adults need more calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones. Have three low-fat dairy servings every day.

• Make sure half or more of your grains (breads, cereals, crackers, pasta, rice) are 100 percent wholegrain. Fiber-rich cereals also help with regularity.

• Enjoy your food, but eat less. Most older adults need fewer calories than in younger years. Avoid oversized portions. When eating out, choose lower calorie dishes that include vegetables, fruits and whole grains. When portions are large, share a meal or take half home for later.

• Vary your proteins. In addition to lean meat, poultry and eggs, eat seafood, nuts, and beans and peas.

• Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark-green, red and orange

• Cut back on sodium, solid fats and added sugars. Season food with spices or herbs. Limit how much you eat of saturated fats such as desserts, pizza, cheese and hot dogs. Select fruit instead of sugary desserts. • Drink water!

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Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Emporia Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at PresbyterianManors.org. Susan Siepelmeier, executive director Crystal Holly, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Crystal Holly, marketing director, cholly@pmma.org.

Telephone: 620-343-2613 Fax: 620-343-9195 Address: 2300 Industrial Rd., Emporia, KS 66801-6636 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.

Emporia Presbyterian Manor’s Post-Acute To Home (PATH®) program isn’t just about getting you home—it’s about getting you back to your life. Call 620-343-2613 today to schedule your personal appointment and tour. EmporiaPresbyterianManor.org



Community Matters May 2016

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PROJECT Life is better when you’re surrounded by friends. If you know of friends who are interested in the independent living or assisted living lifestyle you enjoy here, providing their names could lead to rewards—for both of you. Pick up a referral form in the marketing office. *Certain restrictions apply. For complete details, contact the Marketing Office.

MAKE THE MOVE Take advantage of Presbyterian Manor’s maintenance-free lifestyle—and find more time for what you enjoy. Call 620-343-2613 for more information.

Send a balloon. Show you care.

Support Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America with a gift to the Good Samaritan Program. We’ll add another balloon to the bouquet and residents will see how much you care. Donate online at: PresbyterianManors.org/How_To_Give or stop by the front desk to make a gift.

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“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever.”

To all of our mothers at Emporia Presbyterian Manor,

Happy Mother’s Day

Emporia Presbyterian Manor


Emporia Presbyterian Manor 2300 Industrial Rd. Emporia, KS 66801-6636 Return Service Requested

Independence Day holds memories Independence Day marks the middle of summer and holds many fond and patriotic memories. Do you have a memorable Fourth of July story to tell? For seniors, maintaining independence is important to quality of life. How do you maintain your independence while living on a senior living campus? What did you gain by moving to the campus? What surprised you about campus life? If you’ve got a story to share about independence, contact Marketing Director Crystal Holly, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.


Community Matters May 2016

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