Emporia Presbyterian Manor
State of the community By Susan Siepelmeier, executive director
When you become a member of the Emporia Presbyterian Manor team, you become a member of our mission statement: To provide quality senior services guided by Christian values. Believing in this mission drives the team’s actions. And I couldn’t be prouder of how our team has responded during these unprecedented times. In spite of the difficulties, our team has maintained a positive environment. And in spite of their own personal struggles, our team continues to show up. Every day over the past five months, the Presbyterian Manor team walked into the building unsure of what challenges would lie ahead. But they kept their focus on caring for and protecting the residents. We had to rely on each other as families were depending on us to keep their loved one safe and comfortable. This just made our Presbyterian Manor family grow even closer. We celebrated birthdays with cards and signs. We grieved together over the losses by being able to talk with one another. We created face to face encounters with window visits, so well-coordinated by our social worker, Maria Lane. Now, as we discuss plans for reopening our community, we face the reality that nothing will be as it was before the pandemic. We are working to ensure the continued safety of our Presbyterian Manor family while dealing with the basic standards of our new “normal” lives. Some of the ways we can incorporate a sense of normalcy is with communal meal times and getting a beautician on board. We also want COMMUNITY - continued on page 2
Emporia Presbyterian Manor scores perfect on focused infection control survey
Emporia Presbyterian Manor got a perfect score on a focused infection control survey of its assisted living neighborhood July 15. The survey was conducted by its licensing agency, the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (KDADS). With zero deficiencies, Emporia Presbyterian Manor’s assisted living met all the standards for infection control. In June, the Kansas Legislature instructed KDADS to survey all adult care homes and other adult services licensed by the state within 90 days to ensure adult care homes SURVEY - continued on page 2
Emporia Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY
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COVID-19 updates
to ensure that proper social distancing is plainly noted as we open areas for small group events.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, you can count on regular communication from your PMMA community and PMMA leadership. PMMA’s President and CEO Bruce Shogren’s latest letter to residents and families are posted to your community website, EmporiaPresbyterianManor.org/ covid-19. ◆
We all look forward to the time we can interact with our friends around the campus and even get out of the building to see what’s happening in the Emporia community. Until then, I encourage us to focus on the simple things that make life enjoyable, such as a walk in the fresh air, hearing the voice of a loved one and being grateful for the small things. Because when it comes down to it, those are the big things in life. ◆
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and home plus agencies were prepared to respond to the threat of disease caused by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). “I am so proud of the Emporia Presbyterian Manor team,” said Susan Siepelmeier, executive director. “Getting zero deficiencies on a survey is very difficult, and these results are proof of our employees’ hard work.” The purpose of a focused infection control survey is to examine the
facility’s policies and emergency preparedness related to a pandemic or outbreak and a facility’s adherence to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and KDADS guidance for infection control practices to prevent diseases. During the survey, communities are assessed on staff and resident education on hand hygiene and coughing/sneezing etiquette, cleaning, screening of employees and residents, effective transmission-based precautions,
proper use/discarding of personal protective equipment and signage at entrances and resident rooms. KDADS surveys adult care homes and home plus agencies every 12 to 18 months for compliance of regulations established by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (KDADS). The regulations are designed to ensure a standard of care is met. By meeting these standards, senior living communities are able to renew their licenses and continue to provide care. ◆
Like us on Facebook to stay updated on news and events.
EMPORIA Presbyterian Manor 620-343-2613 ◆ Fax: 620-343-9195 2300 Industrial Rd. Emporia, KS 66801-6635 EmporiaPresbyterianManor.org
COMMUNITY MATTERS | September 2020
Community Matters
is published monthly for residents and friends of Emporia Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
To submit or suggest articles: cstock@PMMA.org Susan Siepelmeier, executive director Crystal Stock, marketing director
OUR MISSION: To provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Financial gifts ease the burden of COVID While we have witnessed life as we know it turn upside down these past five months during the pandemic, we have also experienced an outpouring of generous financial donations to help our community during these unprecedented times.
“When a family member gives to our campus in honor or memory of a loved one, or even just because they feel led to help however they can, it is one of the highest praises our campus feels that reassures us that we are fulfilling our mission. By supporting us, we know that this family truly believes we are fulfilling our mission and it makes us all feel great appreciation for the tasks we perform daily,” said Crystal Stock, marketing director.
Any way we can help support that, they’re going to need it. It’s not much in the scheme of things, but hopefully it helped a little bit,” said Janell. Janell’s family felt the devastating impact of COVID first-hand. “My aunt was in a retirement community in Colorado Springs and died of the virus the first part of April. People just don’t realize the challenge in these types of communities is phenomenal. It hit home really fast after they called the quarantine,” she added.
To stay connected, Janell has window visits with her dad and they use a phone to hear each other better. The Bock Family
We are so grateful for the families featured here—and so many others —who have shown their support either through financial support, sewing skills with handmade masks and prayers.
Another family that gives generously to Presbyterian Manor throughout the year are the Bocks. John Bock has lived on our campus for few years and his wife, Elsie, passed away last year.
The Andrews Family
“With the onset of COVID 19, we know that everything related to resident care at Emporia Presbyterian Manor has been turned upside down. With these challenges, certainly come increased costs. Will public funds be available to meet these challenges? We do not know. What we do know, is that assistance to help meet these additional needs was not in their budget. We are so thankful that, unlike many communities, the Presbyterian Manor has managed to avoid the devastating consequences of the virus,” said Curtis Bock, son of John Bock.
Janell Andrews and her husband, Glen, felt compelled to give to the COVID fund. Janell’s dad, Harold Stevenson, is currently in memory care and has been living at Presbyterian Manor for 10 years this fall. Her mother, Jan, lived here for six years before she passed away. “My husband and I chose to donate to help the staff in any way that could facilitate the job they have to do day in and day out. They’re working so hard and doing a fabulous job. The staff is outstanding, as is Susan, and I know they’re doing a good job.
Nina Gragg enjoys a stroll around the campus.
The Bock family has strong ties to
John and Elsie Bock Emporia Presbyterian Manor that go back nearly 40 years! “Our family has been helped by the Emporia Presbyterian Manor, starting with my grandmother in the 1980’s, and more recently, our good friend Martha Roniger. When it became obvious in 2018 that our parents could no longer manage in their home near Elmdale, my sister and I knew where they should be,” said Curtis. “We have appreciated the good care our mother received DONORS - continued on page 4
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before her death last year, and the care my father has received as well. We felt it only right to give back to the caregiving community that has helped our family and loved ones.” He added, “We are in hopes that the COVID donations will help purchase some of the additional supplies that are needed. We also hope that this pandemic ends soon. If not, we will dig deeper.” Resident Nina Gragg Nina Gragg is an active and longtime resident of the Presbyterian Manor. Her brother, Arlo, lived on campus for a couple years before he passed away in May.
The Stevenson family celebrating Harold and Jan’s 70th anniversary and Harold’s 90th birthday
“My brother died, and I wanted to do something in his memory. Arlo was a very giving person and did a lot of charity work. He helped people out that needed help. This is something he really would have liked and contributed to,” said Nina. She added, “I know a lot of people are really suffering through this. We’re suffering here but it’s a different kind of suffering. It seemed John and Elsie Bock (middle) like a good thing to do to help with their children Gaylene others out.” Bock Edgar (far left) and Curtis To stay positive during this time, Bock (far right) in front of the Nina has stayed connected with her Washington Monument. family in various ways. “We use FaceTime so we get to talk to one another and I get to see them using this technology. I have a granddaughter with greatgrandchildren and my son in Osage City (and his wife) and they drive by and we holler at one another. We do all the little things we can do to stay together,” said Nina. She offers good advice for everyone: “Keep the faith and keep your mask on.” ◆
COMMUNITY MATTERS | September 2020
John Bock
Resident Harold Stevenson sports his “Resident of the Year” award from 2018 Left: Harold Stevenson with his late wife, Jan.
Emporia Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY
EMPORIA Presbyterian Manor
2300 Industrial Rd. Emporia, KS 66801-6636 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Our Mission: to provide quality senior services guided by Christian values Like us on Facebook to stay updated on news and events.
Artist of the Month: You! This month, our “Artist of the Month” exhibit features resident snapshots.
“The idea came from when I was visiting with one of our newer residents and she showed me a photo of herself standing in front of a (now) classic car. “She looked absolutely beautiful and the picture drew me into that place and time,” said Jen Moran, life enrichment director. “There’s something so interesting about
getting to see a snapshot from someone’s life—especially from a time when snapshots weren’t nearly as common as they are now.” Throughout the month, we invite you to browse the resident photos on exhibit and learn the stories that go with them. If you have a photo of yourself – or if family members have a photo of a resident—for the exhibit, please contact Jen at jmoran@pmma.org or 620-205-1223. ◆
COMMUNITY MATTERS | September 2020
Resident Naomi Murray holds a photo of herself standing in front of a co-worker’s classic car.