Commun ty Matters Fort Scott Presbyterian Village
Staying FIT?
Everyone knows fitness is important. How have you taken steps to be fit? What’s your regular fitness routine? If you’ve started a fitness routine late in life, what advice would you have for others? How do you think you benefit from regular exercise? If you’ve got a story to share, contact David Sorrick and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
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March 2017
Working with natural fibers Fort Scott PresbyterianVillage to host free event Ever been curious about how wool is turned into yarn? Join Fort Scott Presbyterian Village as Susan Jones brings her spinning wheel materials to demonstrate roving, carding, spinning and knitting with natural wool fibers. This free event will be at 2 p.m. March 2. Once Susan has demonstrated the techniques, audience members will have an opportunity to try them out for themselves.
Susan Jones with her spinning wheel.
“Working with Natural Fibers” is part of Fort Scott Presbyterian Village’s Just Ask series, a free lifelong learning program featuring information from local and regional experts on topics of interest to older adults and their families. Call in advance to reserve your seat, as seating is limited. Call the Presbyterian Village business office at 620-223-5550 or email
Historical Events in Fort Scott Fort Scott PresbyterianVillage to host free event
Meet the authors of historical books about Fort Scott at a free event March 9 at Presbyterian Village.
Jack Scott, a resident at Presbyterian Village, has published “History of Fort Scott Schools� in collaboration with Jessica Cook, director of the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, and Deborah Rhynerson. The book records the history of public, parochial and private schools in Fort Scott. Fred Campbell, Don Miller, Arnold Schofield and Donald Banwart published “Fort Scott Kansas Then and Now.�
The authors will give short presentations followed by a book signing.
Call in advance to reserve your seat, as seating is limited. Call the Presbyterian Village business office at 620-223-5550 or email
Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Fort Scott Presbyterian Village by Presbyterian Manors of 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Ginger Nance, executive director 'DYLG 6RUULFN PDUNHWLQJ GLUHFWRU To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Telephone: 620-223-5550 Fax: 620-223-7800 Address: 2401 S. Horton, Fort Scott, KS 66701 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
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Spring cleaning? Donate your items now Fort Scott PresbyterianVillage’s annual auction
Now that it’s warming up outside, it’s time to think about spring cleaning. As you identify the things you no longer need, consider donating those items to the annual Fort Scott Presbyterian Village fundraiser. “You may look at it and see junk, but your neighbors may look at it and see a treasure in the form of a collectible, a useful tool or the start to a new hobby,” said Executive Director Ginger Nance.
Stop by 2401 S. Horton during regular business hours, as well as evenings and weekends, to drop off your donation. For pick-up and delivery of heavy items, call 620-223-5550 to make arrangements.
The Annual Dinner and Auction will be May 17.
“Used hobby items are always popular at the auction, such as a golf cart or clubs you no longer use, fishing tackle, that boat that’s been sitting out back untouched for a few years, knickknacks and even some of those farm equipment pieces you don’t use anymore, such as a tractor, hay equipment and shop items,” Nance said. “The possibilities are endless, and everything will go at the auction, including that vintage jewelry you haven’t worn in years and the furniture pieces you plan to replace with your income tax return.”
Items do not have to be old. New items are appreciated as well. Do you have a vehicle or a four-wheeler that you haven’t driven in months or years? Consider furthering the mission of the Presbyterian Village and helping a person in need with your donation. All items donated for our auction are tax deductible.
Presbyterian Village’s annual dinner and auction will take place on May 17. Proceeds stay local and go to the Village’s Good Samaritan Program, which helps seniors who have outlived their financial resources through no fault of their own.
Your clutter could be someones treasure. Donate sporting goods, furniture, farm equipment, hobby items! FORT SCOTT PRESBYTERIAN VILLAGE
Presbyterian Village 2401 S. Horton Fort Scott, KS 66701
Fort Scott Presbyterian Manor on
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March 2017 Calendar of Events
1 Wednesday Exercise 10:45a.m. Bible study 1:30p.m. Sign up for Podiatrist Today Begin taking Auction donations 2 Thursday Spinning class with wool Class & demonstration 2:00 p.m. BiSTro 4:15p.m. Panini sandwich w/chips 3 Friday Exercise 10:45a.m. Make strawberry jam 1:00p.m. 4 Saturday Bingo 2:00p.m. Game night 6:00p.m. 5 Sunday rev. Dr. Jared Witt 1:30p.m. 6 Monday Exercise 10:45a.m. Manicures-Fort Scott College Cosmetology students Volunteer Services Community room 1:30-3:30p.m. 7 Tuesday Donuts & Coffee 8:30 a.m. Dr. Wilde, podiatrist 1:00p.m. BiSTro 4:15p.m. Walking Taco Burgers 8 Wednesday Exercise 10:45a.m. Bible Study 1:30p.m. Shirley Carey Piano recital 3:30p.m.
9 Thursday
10 Friday 11 Saturday 12 Sunday
Historical Presentation and book signing local authors from the community 2:00p.m. BiSTro 4:15p.m. Ham & cheesy potato casserole Exercise 10:45a.m. Walmart shopping trip 1:00p.m. Bingo 2:00p.m. Game night 6:00p.m. DAyLiGHT SAVinG TiMESET yoUr CLoCK ForWArD An HoUr
Music ministry-robert nelson & ralph Carlson 1:30p.m. 13 Monday Exercise 10:45a.m. Creative writing with Professor Hicks 1:30p.m. Menu Comm. meeting 2:00p.m. S’mores with CLC kids 3:20p.m. 14 Tuesday Donuts & Coffee 8:30a.m. BiSTro 4:15p.m. Courtyard club sandwich 15 Wednesday Exercise 10:45a.m. Bible Study 2:00p.m. Crossword puzzles 3:30p.m. 16 Thursday Tenant Council meeting 12:45p.m. Travel to Public Library 2:00p.m. BiSTro 4:15p.m. Chicken parmesan pasta
Calendar items may be subject to change. 17 Friday
Clinic ear cleansing 9:00a.m. Exercise 10:45a.m. St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Wear something green at Happy Hour 2:00p.m. 18 Saturday Bingo 2:00p.m. Game night 6:00p.m. 19 Sunday Church 1:30p.m. rev. Steve Cole 20 Monday Spring begins Exercise 10:45a.m. road trip Fort Scott area 3:00p.m. 21 Tuesday Donuts & Coffee 8:30a.m. Groceries delivered BiSTro 4:15p.m. Spaghetti w/garlic bread 22 Wednesday Exercise 10:45a.m. Bible study 1:30p.m. Tenant Birthday Party 3:30p.m. 23 Thursday Skip Bo 2:00p.m. BiSTro 4:15p.m. Pulled pork sliders & cole slaw 24 Friday Exercise 10:45a.m. Travel to Barto’s Steakhouse, Frontenac, KS 1:00p.m. 25 Saturday Bingo 2:00p.m. Game night 6:00p.m. 26 Sunday Church 1:30p.m. rev. Joan Koller
27 Monday
Exercise 10:45a.m. Creative writing with Professor Hicks 1:30p.m. Talent Show CLC kids 3:20p.m. 28 Tuesday Donuts & Coffee 8:30a.m. Uniontown School Music Ensemble 1:00p.m. BiSTro 4:15p.m. Beef stew 29 Wednesday Exercise 10:45a.m. Bible study 1:30p.m. Cheese & cracker sampling 3:30p.m. 30 Thursday Culinary hour 10:00 a.m. BiSTro 4:15p.m. Chicken sandwich on honey wheat 31 Friday Exercise 10:45a.m. Dollar General 1:00p.m.