Commun ty Matters Fort Scott Presbyterian Village
October 2018
Finding peace and purpose through pottery
Bobbi Kemna is a familiar face at Fort Scott Presbyterian Village and has been active in our Art is Ageless® program for many years, even winning several awards at the system-wide level. We’re pleased to display Bobbi’s artwork during the month of October in our lobby, and invite all residents, family members and community members to learn more about the art of pottery.
Spooky sweets Join us on Halloween,
Wednesday, October 31, as we welcome trick-or-treaters from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. Presbyterian Village is a safe place to bring little goblins to trick or treat.
But what Bobbi wants others to see, beyond her skill at working with clay, is that art is for everyone.
“I didn’t always have an interest in art. My husband Harry and I had multiple businesses, and he was my best friend and biggest cheerleader. He always said whatever you want, let’s make it happen,” said Bobbi. “I saw an article in the paper that said the newspaper owner Sammie Embry had just completed a clay class. I was interested, and she said if I could find six people who could
POTTERY continued on page 3
Meet your Medicare match
With Medicare Part D enrollment approaching, it’s important to understand which plan may be right for you. But how? We’ve got good news! At our Just Ask event on October 16 at 2 p.m. in the community room, Joy Miller, family and consumer science extension agent, will be there to answer all of your questions. “We’ll discuss changes for 2019, and I’ll explain what to look for,
Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Fort Scott Presbyterian Village by Presbyterian Manors of 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Ginger Nance, executive director Becky Kellum, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Telephone: 620-223-5550 Fax: 620-223-7800 Address: 2401 S. Horton, Fort Scott, KS 66701 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
what to evaluate and compare, why you should look at your plan each year and who can assist with that,” said Joy. “I always say Medicare Part D is like your dance partner, and at the end of the year you can switch partners.” Joy is a certified senior health insurance counselor for Kansas (SHICK), and serves Bourbon, Allen, Neosho and Woodson counties. Last year alone, she helped 106 people change plans, saving them a combined total of $441,403. “About half of the people who have a plan evaluated can save Joy Miller, family and consumer science extension money,” said Joy. agent will be at Fort Scott Presbyterian Village on October 16 at 2:00 p.m. to talk about Medicare. Come find out more at “Medicare Bootcamp” on October 16. For more information or to RSVP, contact Marketing Director Becky Kellum at 620-223-5550 or email her at “Medicare Bootcamp” is part of Presbyterian Village’s Just Ask series, a free, ongoing lifelong learning program featuring information from local, regional and national experts on topics of interest to older adults and their families.
Pastor appreciation month
It’s no secret that pastors put in many hours “behind the scenes” helping their congregation and community during their best and worst moments. This tireless effort often goes unnoticed, so it’s important to stop and pay special attention to these important people in our lives. Please take time to send a thoughtful card to your pastor letting them know how important they are.
POTTERY continued from page 1
take the class, she’d offer it again. She handed us a little ball of clay and told us to make a pinch pot, and I didn’t know what that was.”
Everyone has to start out somewhere, but Bobbi’s pottery career almost didn’t make it off the ground.
“After that first class, I just decided it wasn’t for me. I told Sammie she could keep my money, but that I’d rather not return. She asked me to please come back one more time, and it sounds so cliche, but I picked up the clay, and it just grabbed me. It wrapped around my heart and my being, and I never looked back. When Harry died, it became my way back to center.You have to get back to center. It does that for me,” said Bobbi. “Sammie moved to Tennessee, but we’re still very close. Sammie literally changed my life. I was stressed and under pressure, I don’t drink or smoke, and needed some sort of relief.”
Passing it on
That first clay class was in 1992, and Bobbi has created many pieces since then, and even installed a studio at home. Bobbi extends her passion to others through art classes she’s given, both at Presbyterian Village and elsewhere.
“I’ve done several workshops for Presbyterian Village. I take clay to them, then bring home their creations to fire in my kiln. I then bring them back and we glaze them. Then I take them home again for another firing. It’s a process, but I love seeing others enjoy working with clay,” said Bobbi.
In addition to teaching her craft to others, one of Bobbi’s dreams has been to host an art festival on her property of four acres. So that’s exactly what she did in September!
“We called it ‘Art in theYard,’ and I brought in 25 artists from all over. We had food and music and a trolley picked people up and took them back on the half hour. It’s been a vision for a long time. Life gets in the way sometimes, but either make it happen or stop talking about it!” said Bobbi.
We’re grateful to Bobbi for her passion for art and teaching it to others, and her willingness to let us enjoy her clay creations here at Fort Scott Presbyterian Village during the month of October.
Beautiful and whimsical pottery line the shelves of Bobbi’s studio. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK
Presbyterian Village 2401 S. Horton Fort Scott, KS 66701
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The Gift of Caring It’s always a good time to take care of the people in your life, but especially during the month of October! Did you know this month is National Caregivers Month? And what better way to thank a caregiver you know, or even give yourself the care you deserve than with a spa experience. Fort Scott Village Spa Packages include any or all of the following: · Basic manicure · Wash, dry and set with our stylist · 60 minute massage · Refresh and renew with a seasonal beverage and lunch · Complete spa package guests will receive a special gift to take home For pricing, additional details or to customize a package, contact Becky Kellum at 620-2235550 or Residents of Fort Scott Village please ask about discounts on complete package offerings 4 COMMUNITY MATTERS OCTOBER 2018
Gift Certificates Available