Fulton Community Matters January 2017

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Commun ty Matters January 2017

Fulton Presbyterian Manor


Living life to the fullest

We will focus on how our campus social workers help residents live life to the fullest in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. How has your campus social worker been an advocate for you? How have you benefited from your campus social worker’s efforts to assist you and your family? If you’ve got a story to share, contact Keri Edwards and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.

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Bill Taylor, PMMA chief operating officer, Dawn Smith, director at Fulton Presbyterian Manor, and Bruce Shogren, PMMA president and chief executive officer.

Fulton Presbyterian Manor honored for achievements

Fulton Presbyterian Manor received a certificate of recognition from Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America for reaching goals in fiscal year 2016, July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.

The recognition came through PMMA’s Emerald Awards Program, designed to encourage its 17 locations to achieve high levels of resident and employee satisfaction, meet financial goals, build philanthropic support for the organization’s mission and meet marketing goals. There are 11 areas measured for the Emerald Awards.


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Get to know: Jessica Anderson

As Health Services Director, Jessica Anderson is familiar with each and every resident at Fulton Presbyterian Manor. She’s been on staff since December 2009 and held several positions before moving into her current role. She was a charge nurse for two years, a MED A nurse for two years, MDS coordinator for two years, and has been Health Services Director for one year. She’s been in the nursing profession for far longer, though. She graduated from nursing school at Lincoln University in Jefferson City in 1994 and was a

Certified Nursing Assistant prior to getting her nursing degree. “After obtaining my nursing degree I worked on a medical-surgical unit for one year, then home health for two years, and 10 years in ER/trauma. The remaining of my career has been in long-term care,” said Jessica. “I love being with the residents and helping them with whatever they may need. I want to make them feel cared for and loved. I really enjoy hearing their stories, experiences and histories.”

Outside of work, you’ll most likely find Jessica outdoors. “I enjoy spending my time with my kids and my significant other, Jake. I have a son, Cole, who’s a sophomore at Missouri State University in Springfield, and my daughter, Sydney, who’s in eighth grade. I enjoy nature, gardening, hunting, and being outside as much as possible. I coach my daughter’s competitive fast-pitch softball team and spend a lot of time going to her other sporting events.”



Community Matters

Call 573-642-6646 for more information

is published monthly for residents and friends of Fulton Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at PresbyterianManors.org.

Dawn Smith, executive director Keri Edwards, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact kedwards 2@pmma.org. Telephone: 573-642-6646 Fax: 573-642-2202 Address: 811 Center St., Fulton, MO 65251-1922

Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values. FultonPresbyterianManor.org

Fultonn Presbyterian Manor’s Post-A ost Acute Ac A te To Home (P PATH H®) program isn’t just about getting you home— it’s abo out getting you back to your liffee.

Call 5573-642-6646 73-642-6646 to odaayy to schedule your per sonal appointment and tourr. FultonPresbyterianManorr.orrg FultonPresbyterianManor.org


Celebrated artist George Tutt is a local treasure

It’s not uncommon for a 3-year-old to pick up a paintbrush and enjoy

laying strokes of color down on paper. What is uncommon, however, is for that young child to pursue painting as a career.

When George Tutt was in the fourth grade, he realized he wanted to be a painter after he painted a picture of two ducks flying — an inspiration that sent his career soaring. He received his bachelor’s degree in economics from Westminster College and went on to get his master’s degree in art from the University of Missouri. He spent 35 years teaching art at the college level, including 25 years as the head of the Division of Fine Arts for both William Woods and Westminster Colleges. In addition to his rich history in the arts, George also served in the military, has four children and many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. He married his late wife, Jo Ann (Freedman), after graduating from Westminster College. George was later drafted into the Army and went to Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. His artistic talent was called upon in the military, as he was asked to paint a mural of a New England boat scene in the new officer’s mess hall, but he was transferred to Fort Devins before he could finish it.

He has several paintings at Bank Star One in Fulton, the City Hall in Fulton, and one painting at the Callaway County Courthouse, among many other locations. His painting legacy will continue for years to come, as he is giving Daniel Boone Library (Fulton) nearly 300 books on painting for children to use. He’s won many awards and accolades for his work, including (from missouriwatercolorsociety.org): In March 2001, he was inducted into the renowned Churchill Fellows — the only painter in England or America to be so honored.

Who’s Who Among Artists in the Midwest, American Artists of Renown, OutstandingYoung Men of America, Delta Phi Delta Honorary in Art, and the Missouri Representative to the Southern Watercolor Society. Signature membership in the National Watercolor Society, Missouri Watercolor Society, Kansas Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, and the International Society of Acrylic Painters. He also holds Honorary Life Membership, as well as signature membership, in the prestigious Philadelphia Water Color Society with such famous artists as Sargent, Picasso, Parrish, Andrew Wyeth, N.C. Wyeth, George Bellows and Violet Oakley.



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Fulton Presbyterian Manor has issued a

call for entries for the Art is Ageless® ju-

ried exhibit to be held February 22-24,

2017. Entries of artistic works will be ac-

cepted from any area artist who is 65

years of age or older to exhibit and/or

compete for an opportunity to be fea-

tured in the 2018 Art is Ageless calendar.

Artists may choose to enter the exhibit

only. For the competition, works are to

have been completed in the past five

years (since January 2012). There are

nine categories, as well as designations

of amateur or professional. Works to be entered for judging need to be at Pres-

byterian Manor by February 17.

The Art is Ageless® Program encourages

Presbyterian Manor residents and other

area seniors to express their creativity

through its annual competition, as well

as art classes, musical and dramatic

events, educational opportunities and

current events discussions throughout

the year.

Local competition winners will join

winners from 16 other Presbyterian

Manors of Mid-America communities

to be judged at the systemwide level.

Entry forms and information can be

picked up at Fulton Presbyterian Manor,

811 Center Street, Fulton, or by

contacting Keri Edwards at 573-642-6646

or kedwards2@pmma.org. Or go online

to ArtIsAgeless.org to view rules,

download an entry form or enter online. FULTON PRESBYTERIAN MANOR 3

Achievements continued from page 1

To receive an emerald, a community has to meet its goals in all 11 areas. Certificates of recognition were given out to communities that reached their goals in one or more category. Fulton was recognized for achieving a five-star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid.

“This recognition is a visible sign of Fulton Presbyterian Manor’s commitment to the mission of PMMA of providing quality senior services guided by Christian values,” said Bruce Shogren, chief executive officer for PMMA


Fulton Presbyterian Manor 811 Center St. Fulton, MO 65251-1922


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In July 2003 he achieved signature status in the National Acrylic Painters Associations of America and England (now the International Society of Acrylic Painters). As a result, his name was recorded in the archives of the Tate Museum in London, England, with other NAPA signature artists. George Tutt’s paintings have been


exhibited in 319 international and national exhibitions. His paintings are in such collections as the Coca-Cola Co. of Guadalajara, Mexico, and The Wonders of Wildlife Museum, Springfield, Missouri. He has served on many committees including the Missouri Craftsman Council; Winston Churchill Committee on Art; Mid-Missouri Colleges and Universities on Art (chairman); Missouri Arts Council (regional advisor); Planning and Zoning, City

of Fulton; and two presidential screening committees for William Woods College (University).

Having George in the Fulton area is a great benefit to our Art is Ageless program. AiA is a Presbyterian Manor outreach program which encourages those 65 years or older to begin or continue pursuing their passion for art. Please consider entering your own work of art in our upcoming Art is Ageless show.

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