Emporia Presbyterian Manor
Employee Scholarship Program keeps Xavier Ard on track to reach career goals Xavier Ard has big plans for his future— but big plans often come with a big price tag. Lucky for Xavier he recently got a little help to cover the tab thanks to financial assistance through PMMA’s Employee Scholarship program. “As it turns out, one of the biggest issues with getting an education is you have to pay for it—it’s not cheap,” said Xavier. “Ideally I’m hoping to get through as much as I can without taking out loans. So, any education assistance I can get is beneficial to me, and it’s beneficial to the Manor—the more people there are in the medical field, the easier it makes everyone’s life.”
Xavier Ard, administrative assistant and cook, is receiving financial assistance through PMMA’s employee scholarship program.
While Xavier serves the community in a dual role of administrative assistant and cook, he is currently in his second semester of nursing school at Emporia State where he is on course to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in nursing. “Ultimately, I plan to get my CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthesiologist),” said Xavier. “I enjoy surgery and initially, when I first started school, I was studying to be a surgeon. But med school is expensive and a lot of your doctoring in medicine these days is just red tape, and I wasn’t interested in that.”
Kennedy Dragonas, administrative assistant, is a PMMA scholarship recipient.
PMMA’s Employee Scholarship Program places focus on the future Administrative Assistant Kennedy Dragonas recently received financial aid through the PMMA® Employee Scholarship program to put toward her education at Washburn University, which she says will alleviate potential distractions outside of the classroom. “This education assistance will allow me to focus on my education without having to stress and worry about the financial obligations of college, giving me the chance to fully focus on my classes and my class work,” said Kennedy.
Between work and the demands of school, Xavier has little time for anything else.
Majoring in social work, Kennedy’s career goal is to work in a long-term care community or hospice organization.
“What free time I have I spend reading, sleeping and eating—but there’s not a whole lot of free time to go around,” said Xavier. “The way I look at it, the
She is extremely appreciative of the faith Presbyterian Manors has
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Get the latest on visitation and COVID-19 at our campus at EmporiaPresbyterianManor.org/covid-19.
Editor’s note: This month’s guest chaplain is Greg Schmidt, chaplain for Heart & Soul Hospice of Wichita and Newton Presbyterian Manor. In a nod to our Presbyterian heritage, we will be periodically sharing columns from our community chaplains in your Community Matters newsletter.
Chaplain’s Corner What birds can teach us about faith By Greg Schmidt, Chaplain I can hear a few birds talking to one another outside my office window. Grackles squawk and beg for peanutflavored suet. Sparrows chirp about how greedy the grackles are any time any food is available. And the Baltimore Orioles are sharing that they discovered a well of Welch’s® grape jelly! How do I know what they’re saying? Because I sit for hours on my deck … and listen! (I’m secretly hoping the birds will come and sit on my shoulder or perch on my hand!) Trust me, birds live in a never-ending search for food! Interestingly, the Bible says God provides for the needs of the sparrow. But that doesn’t mean those little chirpers can just sit back and have it delivered! Sure, the food is there. Available. But they have to go in search of it! By the way, it’s the same for you and
I. Only our never-ending search is for love! It’s there. Available. Jesus said, “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:8). In this case, love is there … but action is necessary. We have to search for it! So, I’m happy to report that the longer I spend time with my Presbyterian Manor and Heart & Soul Hospice workmates and families, the more I understand and appreciate how plentiful love is! It’s there for the searching! Acts of Love. Compassion. The efforts to assist others in discovering peace of mind and spirit – for the patient and the employees – the energy given to providing a helping hand, a forgiving and encouraging spirit. Grace. Mercy. Patience for residents/patients … and their families. Generosity. Pay it forward attitudes and actions. A gentle touch. A shoulder to cry on. Someone to laugh with. Being a fellow burdenbearer and prayer warrior! I see them all the time! They’re here! At Presbyterian Manor! My grandkids created a sign for me and my wife that says, “Next time you feel alone … don’t!” It’s their way of saying back to Gram and Pops what we always say to them; namely, “We’re here! We want to share life with you! We love you more than you will ever realize!
Make the phone call! Write the text! Stop one or both of us and say, ‘I’m lonely or needy!’ Remember, we’re not mind-readers, but we’ll respond faster and love you deeper than you could ever imagine!’” It’s love given. And love returned. No one has to enter into a never-ending search. It’s here! So, keep “chirping!” Let your needs be known! So many of our staff serve a God that has a never-ending supply of love. And lots of us are following Him as closely as we know how. P.S. If you don’t provide your Baltimore Orioles with “Welch’s grape jelly” … according to the husband of a past resident, they will come peck on your kitchen window and tell you, “Go back to Dillons® and get Welch’s, not Smucker’s®!” They’re grape jelly snobs. Just thought you should know! u
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Community Matters 620-343-2613 ◆ Fax: 620-343-9195 2300 Industrial Rd. Emporia, KS 66801-6635 EmporiaPresbyterianManor.org
is published monthly for residents and friends of Emporia Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America, Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
To submit or suggest articles: ataber@PMMA.org Susan Siepelmeier, executive director Andraya Taber, marketing director
OUR MISSION: To provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
For Bud House, Emporia Presbyterian Manor has provided a new lease on life Dean “Bud” House loved his work—especially all of the socializing that came with it—so when his career came to a sudden and unexpected end, it left a big hole in his life.
manager and then the owner,” said Bud. “I loved the grocery business.”
“My dad was always a very social guy in his business life, but he was forced to retire at 45 because of his health and over the past 20 or so years my parents just didn’t go anywhere—his social life came to an end. He missed his customers,” said Rod House, Bud’s eldest son.
Eventually Bud owned two stores—one in Reading and one in Emporia—and Resident Dean “Bud” House holding a roast at his first grocery store, The Reading Food Center, in Reading, Kansas, his career in 1961. the industry also included stints as a And the joy Bud is experiencing butcher and as a salesman for himself, he’s sharing with those Emporia Wholesale Coffee around him Company. “Bud has been entertaining staff The grocery business was also and residents here at the Manor where Bud met his wife, Mary, to for a whole year,” said CNA Apryl whom he was married from 1948 Salender. “He enjoys giving until she passed away last year. compliments to staff and making Together, the two held frequent them smile. Residents and staff dance parties at their home and alike enjoy his spunky nature and were active members of the his quirky outlook on life.” community. A fact that seems to have only But when Bud was forced to encouraged Bud. “Maybe I can get retire, that all came to an end. a job at amateur hour,” said Bud. That is until he moved into the As a recently rejuvenated 92-yearPresbyterian Manor community. old, Bud had these words of advice to share with others. “I believe that being at Presbyterian Manor, and being “Live a good, clean life and do around all sorts of people, has whatever you want to do as long as brought him out. He’s the Bud you stay out of trouble,” said Bud. House I had as a kid,” said Rod. “And enjoy a good bottle of “He’s blossomed there. He’s like beer—or maybe two or three the Energizer bunny—he just bottles of beer.” u keeps going.”
In one way or another, Bud had spent his entire career in the grocery business, beginning at an early age at the local co-op in Emporia. “I started out as a carryout boy, worked up to assistant manager and then became the big shot as the
Dean House working the weekly grocery order in January 1971 at Cannons Market in Emporia, Dean and Mary’s second grocery store.
Emporia Presbyterian Manor | A PMMA COMMUNITY
2300 Industrial Rd. Emporia, KS 66801-6636 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED
Ard – continued from page 1
Dragonas – continued from page 1
time I spend at work is my free time. I get to work with the residents, I get to cook and I get paid.”
shown in her by awarding her with a scholarship as well as the unwavering support she has received from those around her.
The support he has received through the Employee Scholarship program, is just one more reason Xavier is grateful to be a member of the staff at Emporia Presbyterian Manor. “I’m very thankful that PMMA® has given me this award,” said Xavier. “It’s very helpful and I appreciate it greatly.” To learn more about the PMMA Employee Scholarship program, and how you can contribute, visit giving.presbyterianmanors.org/education-scholarships. The Employee Scholarship Program is designed to assist employees in reaching their education and career goals. u
“I’d like to thank my coworkers and the residents for allowing me to continue to work and grow at Emporia Presbyterian Manor,” said Kennedy. “I would also like to thank my family for supporting me in everything I take on.” To learn more about the PMMA Employee Scholarship program, and how you can contribute, visit giving.presbyterianmanors.org/educationscholarships. The program is designed to assist employees to further their education, and their careers at PMMA, by supporting employee educational goals. u