Commun ty Matters Kansas City Presbyterian Manor
Coming up in Community Matters:
We will be thinking about Thanksgiving in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. Does your family have a special recipe that is made each Thanksgiving dinner, one that it’s not Thanksgiving unless it’s on the table? What about a special Thanksgiving tradition? Share your Thanksgiving memories by contacting Tina Ashford, activity director, and your memories, traditions or recipe may be selected for an upcoming issue of Community Matters.
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September 2015
Workin’ at the Car Wash
In a show of appreciation for all their hard work, the director team recently had a free car wash for Presbyterian Manor employees. “Their dedication to our residents should be celebrated in many ways,” said Peatric Gates, executive director. There will be several more employee appreciation events planned throughout the year.
One Ending is Another Beginning
Diane Gunsolley, Chaplain When does summer end? There is an official answer to that question — Sept. 23. What’s your unofficial answer? When I was a child and for the next 20 years as a teacher, summer ended my first day back to school in August. Of course, some people assert that summer ends whenever the extreme heat and high humidity end. For them, it’s not a date on the calendar but rather a break in the heat. Many of us feel that Labor Day signals the unofficial ending of summer just as Memorial Day kicked it off.
Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Kansas City Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America organization. Learn more at Peatric Gates, executive director Tina Ashford, activity director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Tina at Telephone: 913-334-3666 Fax: 913-334-2904 Address: 7850 Freeman, Kansas City, KS 66112-2133 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Which holidays do we celebrate in September? Once again, there’s an official and unofficial list. Our only official national holiday is Labor Day. By presidential proclamation, we also observe the National Days of Prayer and Remembrance the weekend before 9/11 and National POW/MIA Recognition Day on the third Friday. Unofficially, there are many faux “holidays.” September is National Blueberry Popsicle Month. On the 5th we celebrate Cheese Pizza Day. The 14th is National CreamFilled Donut Day and the 19th is International Talk like a Pirate Day. The king of creating fake holidays is John Bryan Hopkins. Hundreds have come to us thanks to this food writer from Birmingham, Ala. He states that creating a new holiday is a three-year process. The first year, he introduces the new “holiday” to his internet followers. The second year, the news people believe it because it was around the previous year. By the third year, Hopkins states that the fake holiday is treated as a long established celebration. (I personally find it more than a little disconcerting how quickly change happens in this Internet age.) In distinct contrast to our new faux September holidays, for thousands of years, Jewish people have celebrated the High Holidays (or High Holy Days). Rosh Hashanah is the first of a 10-day period that begins Sept. 13 and ends Sept. 23 with the close ofYom Kippur—the holiest day of the Jewish year. During Rosh Hashanah, Jewish people ask God for forgiveness for the things they’ve done wrong during the past year and remind themselves not to repeat these mistakes in the coming
year. Ten days after Rosh Hashanah the Jewish people fast, make their last appeal to God to change His judgment, demonstrate repentance and make amends duringYom Kippur. As summer comes to a close and you sit eating your blueberry Popsicle, I encourage you to take time to get things right with God. Here is a powerful poem that Mother Teresa had written on the wall in her home for children in Calcutta: People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
Red Hat Regalia
Hawaiian Luau
Staff and residents danced to the sounds of Hawaii at a recent luau.
Almeda Foulks,Voila Dunn, Belva Clark and volunteer speaker Twila Williams enjoy their time in the Red Hat Society, “a global society of women that connects, supports and encourages women in their pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom, fulfillment, and fitness while supporting Members in the quest to get the most out of life.�
A Heart for Art
The Arts & Craft Class recently enjoyed making stained glass hangers.
Bob Para organizes his glass pieces.
Ethel Patterson organizes her glass pieces in preparation for creating a stained glass hanger.
Hope Reyes and Lamanda Yeakey, social worker, swing and sway.
Bob Parra and Esther Robbins catch the beat.
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Upcoming Events:
Friday, September 4: 2 p.m. Monthly Birthday Party with entertainers Carol Ann & Cash Wednesday, September 16: 10 a.m. Bluegrass & Show Tunes entertainer Dale Martell
Let's Go Royals! Let’s Go Chiefs!
Kansas City Presbyterian Manor residents and staff will be getting ready for Kansas City Royals playoff and Kansas City Chiefs football game tailgate parties. Residents and staff enjoyed many parties last year.
Pictured are staff members, back row, Dorothy Riley, Cecil Washington, Latrell Vaughn, and Tish Haynes, middle row Lanissa Hughes and Donna Tucker, and front row, Sergio Lewis.
Kansas City Presbyterian Manor 7850 Freeman Kansas City, KS 66112-2133 Return Service Requested
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