Lawrence Community Matters June 2016

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Commun ty Matters Lawrence Presbyterian Manor

June 2016

New Osher Class examines history of medicine Since ancient times, wise men have attempted to unravel the causes of sickness and discover possible cures. This summer, Lawrence Presbyterian Manor will offer a three-week course in “The History of Medicine: Human Attempts to Cure Illness Through the Ages.” This class by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, covers some of the high (and low) points in the evolution of medical thought. We begin with the ancient Greeks and their understanding of how the body works. Then we’ll examine the late Middle Ages and the evolution of human thought at the dawn of the scientific age with its new emphasis on experimentation. Finally, we’ll look at recent discoveries about the nature of disease and the search for the causes and cures of illnesses. MEDICINE, continued on page 3

Effie Simmons is a big fan of her iPad and is even learning to use Facebook.

Residents join the tech revolution Technology is becoming less of a mystery for many older adults. For some, devices like tablets and smartphones, and services like the Skype video calling program, are becoming a part of everyday life. We asked a few of our residents how they use technology, and what effect is has had in their lives. Here’s what they told us. Effie Simmons: “I have an Apple iPad. In fact, I have two of them. When my first iPad could not update the solitaire games, my son sent me his newer version. TECH, continued on page 2

TECH, continued from page 1

I learned how to email, but then my family switched to Facebook. So I am learning all of the new Facebook procedures. I wonder what they will come up with next? I don’t Skype since my great-grandchildren do not sit still long enough to visit.” Bob Casad: “I make a lot of use of Skype. I have two children here in Kansas, but the other two are far away. My son, Robert, lives in Europe, currently in Russia. My daughter, Mickey, lives in New York. I talk to both by Skype twice a week. It is like being together face to face. You can talk as long as you want and it’s free!”

Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Lawrence Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Christie Patrick, executive director Angela Fonseca, marketing director

Facts about seniors and technology The Pew Research Center did a study in 2013 about technology use and trends among Americans age 65 and older. Here are some of their findings. • 59 percent of seniors said they go online— up six percentage points from the previous year. • 77 percent of older adults have a mobile phone, up from 69 percent the previous year. • Only 18 percent of seniors feel comfortable learning to use a new device on their own. Most say they would need someone to help them. • 27 percent of seniors own a tablet, an e-book reader, or both. 18 percent own a smartphone. • 79 percent of older adults who use the internet agree with the statement that “people without internet access are at a real disadvantage because of all the information they might be missing,” while 94 percent agree with the statement that “the internet makes it much easier to find information today than in the past.”

Friends and Family Picnic Make plans to join us on June 11 at Lawrence Presbyterian Manor for our annual Friends and Family Picnic! The fun takes place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the covered parking area. We’ll have great food for lunch, fun activities, a silent auction, and live music by Junk Yard Jazz. Additional parking is available at the First Baptist Church in the east parking lot.

To submit or suggest articles, contact Telephone: 785-841-4262 Fax: 785-841-0923 Address: 1429 Kasold Dr., Lawrence, KS 66049-3425 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.


Community Matters June 2016

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MEDICINE, continued from page 1

The class takes place from 2 to 4 p.m. July 5, 12 and 19 in the Chapel and Recreation Room. Our instructor will be John Mack, Ph.D. John teaches history online for the University of Georgia system and is an adjunct professor of history at Johnson County Community College. He has his master’s degrees in divinity and modern Eastern European and Russian history and doctorates in theology and American history. To register, go online to the Osher website——or call the Osher office at 785-8645823 and talk to a registration staff member who can answer questions and register.

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For all the love and care, for all the moments shared, for all the joys you brought, for all the things you taught, You have always made me glad. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads at Lawrence Presbyterian Manor!

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Lawrence Presbyterian Manor 1429 Kasold Dr. Lawrence, KS 66049-3425 Return Service Requested

August signals the beginning of school What are your memories of school? Were you a teacher or lifelong student? Did you get a degree late in life? How did education shape your life? If you’ve got a story to share, contact Marketing Director Angela Fonseca, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.


Community Matters June 2016

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