Newton Community Matters December 2016

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Commun ty Matters Newton Presbyterian Manor

Chaplain’s corner: The Word was made flesh By Jerroll Martens, Newton Presbyterian Manor chaplain

The wonder and awe of the incarnation should never be lost as we think of Christmas. How and why would the eternal God, creator of the universe, come to live with mankind? John 1:14 says he came to dwell, or pitch his tent, with us. This gospel reminds us that it was God who came on that first Christmas morning. Jesus would tell Thomas, “He who hath seen me has seen the Father.” Many years after Jesus died, the aged apostle John recounted his experience of hearing Jesus, seeing CHAPLAIN, continued on page 4

December 2016

New bus surprises all A brand-new 12-passenger bus was delivered to Newton Presbyterian Manor recently, much to the surprise of the entire campus. Only a few were in on the secret project’s timeline, which has been wished for and planned for several years. “The bus has been on our wish list for years, but it took the generosity of several families who remembered us in their estate planning to make it happen,” said Marc Kessinger, executive director. “We are so grateful.” The custom-built bus was created by El Dorado Bus of Salina. Already, the number of residents participating in day trips and off-campus travel has increased as the ride is more convenient and comfortable. “We now have a smoother ride with better climate control and storage, and nothing is held together with duct tape!” Marc said. “It’s a better reflection of our mission to provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.”

Experiencing Little Sweden a highlight in Lindsborg The inaugural day trip with the new Presbyterian Manor bus was taken to Lindsborg, known for its Swedish roots. The group really enjoyed the driving tour of Lindsborg with Robert, the tour guide, the Smoky Valley Roller Mills Museum and lunch at The Swedish Crown.

Community Matters

is published monthly for residents and friends of Newton Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Marc Kessinger, executive director Noelle Dickinson, marketing director Melinda Ebersole, activity director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Noelle at

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Telephone: 316-283-5400 Fax: 316-284-5900 Address: 1200 E. Seventh, Newton, KS 67114-2862 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.


Community Matters December 2016

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December events

Please check bulletin boards, as events may be added. Friends and family are welcome! If it’s a trip, please call your activity director or Alex Ramos at 316-283-5400 to reserve your seat! Dec. 4: 3:30 p.m. – Christmas Piano Recital, chapel

Dec. 15: 10 a.m. – Utz/Claassen lunch outing at Cracker Barrel; 4:30 p.m. Broadway Apts. Christmas Party; 7 p.m. Anderson Place/ Kalb Villa Family Christmas Party, main dining room Dec. 18: 4:45 p.m. – Grace Community Church Carolers around the building Dec. 19: 10 a.m. – Charles Nida Christmas Concert, main dining room; 7 p.m. – Cub Scouts # 143 Christmas program, main dining room

Dec. 5: 4:15 p.m. – Independent/Kalb Villa Christmas Lights tour with dinner at Bella Vita Dec. 20: 11 a.m. – Anderson Place lunch outing to Genova; 3:30 p.m. – Assisted Living Bistro Resident Council, main dining room; 4:30 p.m. Dec. 6: 9:30 a.m. – Men’s and Women’s – Haury Place Christmas Lights tour with Bible Studies Christmas Tea, main dining dinner at Pizza Hut room; 2:30 p.m. Newton High School BPA Students Christmas Chats, main dining room Dec. 21: 2 p.m. – Campus Wide Birthday Party with special guests, “The Unplugs,” Dec. 7: 11 a.m. – Cottage/Duplex main dining room; 4:30 p.m. Utz/Claassen – Christmas Party at The Barn in Burrton; 2:30 Christmas Lights tour with dinner at Genova p.m. Brad Shores Steel Drums, main dining Dec. 23: 11:30 a.m. – Christmas Dinner room (families welcome, reserve at the front desk), Dec. 8: 7 p.m. – Whitewater Community main dining room; 1:30 p.m. – Utz/Claassen/ Haury Christmas Parties; 1:30 p.m. Anderson Church Quartet, main dining room Place Christmas Wine & Cheese Party Dec. 9: 2:30 p.m. – Art is Ageless Calendar Dec. 25: 11 a.m. – “The Greatest Reveal and Signing Party, main dining room; Christmas Gift” by Eleanore Myers; 6:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. – Anderson Place/Haury Place to the Prairie Rose Rangers Cowboy Christmas – A Christmas Instrumental Music Program by the Dowdy Teenagers (Richard Oller’s Dec. 11: 1:15 p.m. – Independent/Kalb Villa grandchildren) to Christmas Carol the Musical, Century II Dec. 27: 3:30 p.m. – Utz/Claassen/Haury Dec. 12: 7 p.m. -- Christmas Piano Recital, Resident Council, Utz main dining room Dec. 30: 2:30 p.m. – New Year’s Bingo & Dec. 13: 7 p.m. – McFarland Center Party, main dining room10 a.m. – Charles (Claassen/Utz/Haury) Family Christmas Party, Nida Christmas Concert, Main Dining Room; main dining room 7 p.m. – Cub Scouts #143 program, Main Dining Room Dec. 14: 6 p.m. – Anderson Place Christmas Lights Tour Like us on Facebook

Newton Presbyterian Manor


Worthy and Wellness: Newton Presbyterian Manor Wellness Center By the Rev. Dr. Robert K. Wyman, Community Member, Advisory Council

One of the pleasant discoveries and advantages of serving on the Newton Presbyterian Manor’s Advisory Council for the previous three years is the multi-layered availability of wellness services. Wellness is a priority for all residents and is expressed in many ways.

This past year, my wife, Susan, and I have really enjoyed the Newton Wellness Center and the direction provided to us by Wellness Director Alex Ramos. Our routine has consisted of three days a week for about one hour, which includes a combination of cardiovascular and strength training exercises. The results thus far have brought us both new levels of energy and endurance, and a positive attitude.

We have very much admired the example of the consistent “Wellness Seekers” who come to the Wellness Center every day to empower themselves. They are all models of Christian living who have caught the message of worthy to be loved, valued, belonging and happy, in spite of some who may be experiencing declining health. We continue to be inspired by residents such as Dorothy who value and use the Wellness Center twice a day. She also has experienced many benefits such as increased circulation, strength and mobility. God’s message to all of us, and our message to each other, is “you are worthy of love, belonging and sharing the gift of yourself.” The Wellness Center and daily exercise groups are just a few opportunities for your participation.

Who are you going to be an

angel for this holiday season?

CHAPLAIN, continued from page 1

Him, being with Him, and believing in Jesus who is eternal.Yes, Jesus is God. He clothed himself in human flesh and became fully man while being fully God. The shepherds were told “a Savior is born.” Our greatest need, that of a Savior from sin, God has provided. May we not miss the reason for His coming!

Give your gift today. Make a difference in the lives of Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America seniors who no longer have the resources to care for themselves. Every gift to the Good Samaritan Program remains local and helps residents who are living right here in our campus. To make your gift, visit the front desk, go online to or call us at 316-685-1100.


Community Matters December 2016

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Veterans Day breakfast at Newton Presbyterian Manor Over 70 community members attended the veterans breakfast. Shane Konicki from KWCH 12 did a segment of “Where’s Shane?” with live shots from the breakfast and flipping pancakes in the kitchen.

Chili cookoff Celebrity judges helped us celebrate the fifth annual Newton Presbyterian Manor chili cook-off. Chili was made, bribes were offered and hecklers were heckling. But after all, Jodi Huntley, LPN, restorative nurse, took home the grand champion prize. Chelsea Bair, dining services, used her grandmother’s pork chile recipe to take second place honors, and Michele Mitts, CNA and often-requested cook and baker for all Presbyterian Manor potlucks, took home third place. Judges included Sheriff T. Walton; Chris Eilert, running mate of sheriff candidate Bryan Hall; Wellness Director Alex Ramos; Newton Fire/ EMS division Chief Cory Lehman; and sheriff candidate Chad Gay. As a special thank you to retiring Sheriff T. Walton, we gifted him with a tackle box and his own “retired sheriff ” badge.

The McKinney Sisters shared their unique blend of bluegrass and gospel music with a large crowd at the Community Assembly. Like us on Facebook

Lap robes A gifted anonymous donor regularly shares handmade and lovely lap robes for our health care neighborhoods. We are thankful for so many volunteers who share what they do well as a ministry to those of us who live and work at Presbyterian Manor. If you have a talent to share, please contact volunteer coordinator Melinda Ebersole at 316-283-5400.

Newton Presbyterian Manor


Newton Presbyterian Manor 1200 E. Seventh Newton, KS 67114-2862 Return Service Requested

Bravo of the Month awarded to Darla Entz Darla Entz in dining services was awarded this month’s Bravo from Tara Stewart: “For a long time, Darla has been baking muffins, cookies, etc. for the residents, and has bought the items to bake these out of her own pocket. We recently have started encouraging dining staff to bake more in the neighborhoods during the day to send the sweet aroma into the air to increase residents’ appetites. Today, Darla made muffins and brownies for her residents and staff for snacks. Thank you for helping us and making the neighborhood smell delicious for the residents.”

Gallery wall The Carriage Factory Gallery display in the hallways has been changed to a new collection of paintings, drawings, multimedia pieces and zentangle.


Community Matters December 2016

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