Commun ty Matters Rolla Presbyterian Manor
April 2018
Three-step growth By Allen Teal, chaplain Rolla Presbyterian Manor
‘I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.’ — I Corinthians 3:6, NIV April is the month for gardens. Although many things can be planted that are able to resist some of the cold and frost, most home gardeners do their serious planting after the middle of April. For years, I’ve been told that after April 20, the likelihood of frost is low in the Midwest. People who put out gardens like to watch things grow. However, they all realize a universal truth. They alone cannot make plants grow. Planting is the first step to growing. Gardens tend to be a new beginning in an old place. This makes gardens a good object lesson for life. No changes come to a life without planting a fresh seed in old soil. While new seeds may be planted in your own life, you also should plant seeds in the lives of others. The seeds may be the gospel of Christ, new life skills or a new area of interest. Such seeds can grow into a renewed life, CHAPLAIN, continued on page 3
A newspaper article from the Rolla Daily News, covering the groundbreaking for Rolla Homelife.
Supporting ‘zestfulness’ for 46 years ‘Rolla could use a retirement home.’ A safe and comfortable retirement community for seniors. This was the suggestion made by the X.Y.Z. Club of Rolla’s First Presbyterian Church in 1972. After some initial research, a legitimate need was uncovered, and a community-wide committee was formed under the chairmanship of Hugh R. Berry, a member of The Presbyterian Homes of Missouri Inc. Board of Trustees. The rest is history. Supporters in Rolla and the surrounding area raised $150,000 in “seed money” to make it possible for Presbyterian Homes of Missouri trustees to get the complex started. The funds helped purchase seven-and-a-half acres at the east edge of Ber Juan Park and secure a general contract with Loughridge Brothers for the first 38-room unit. ROLLA, continued on page 2
ROLLA, continued from page 1
Rolla Presbyterian Manor, which was first called Rolla Homelife, opened its doors to residents in January 1974. Two years later, 16 apartments were built, and in 1984, the community’s 30-bed skilled nursing center opened. As the Presbyterian Times wrote in March 1972, “… Homelife centers are unique. They offer a Christian family atmosphere to residents at a reasonable rate, and they provide comfortable and dignified living quarters in the potentially zestful years after retirement.”
drawn to when considering Presbyterian Manor for her grandmother. After being involved with Rolla’s Presbyterian Church and seeing what the campus had to offer, Cheryl suggested to her mother, Betty Lemp, that they move her grandma, Norma Whiting, into Presbyterian Manor’s long-term care. After visiting and falling in love with the atmosphere, they did just that. Betty and her husband sold their home in St. Louis and moved with Norma to Rolla. Norma was the third person to move into the brand new long-term care area.
“My mother loved living here. She made many, many friends,” said Betty. A love for Presbyterian Manor was something the family shared. Betty recently moved into Presbyterian Manor and feels right at home. “I love living here,” said Betty. “Rolla Presbyterian Manor has been a mainstay for our family – and not just for my mom and I. My daughters in-laws both lived here, too. It just seems like one big family.”
These were just a few of the qualities Cheryl Koeteritz was
Community Matters
is published monthly for residents and friends of Rolla Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Ann Caudill, executive director Joelle Freeland, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Joelle Freeland at Telephone: 573-364-7336 Fax: 573-364-7336 Address: 1200 Homelife Plaza, Rolla, MO 65401-2595 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
The front page of Presbyterian Times, which covered the beginning of the building stage of Rolla Homelife in March 1972.
Community Matters April 2018
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attitudes for others to see. Training, help and friendship can go a long way toward giving the seeds a good environment for growth.
CHAPLAIN, continued from page 1
more abilities or more pleasure. You must give attention to seeds and seedlings. The second step mentioned in I Corinthians 3:6 is watering. A good gardener never lets seeds or young plants languish in difficult circumstances. Furnishing seeds and new plants with food and water is essential for maximum growth and production. Seeds that are planted into the lives of others also require attention and nourishment. This can be accomplished by modeling proper behavior and
God causes growth and increase.
and provide plant food. Without God’s part, a harvest is never a sure thing. The psalmist says, “They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.”
Nearly everyone who puts out a garden has experienced seeds that did not grow, or plants that did not survive. Ultimately, according to the Apostle Paul, growth or increase can only be caused by God. Every seed that is planted into a life must be accompanied by faith in God to make it viable. Even the seeds that we plant in the ground require a measure of faith. We can put them in the soil, pour on water
Rolla Presbyterian Manor’s Post-Acute To Home (PATH®) program isn’t just about getting you home— it’s about getting you back to your life. Call 573-364-7336 today to schedule your personal appointment and tour. Like us on Facebook
Rolla Presbyterian Manor
Rolla Presbyterian Manor 1200 Homelife Plaza Rolla, MO 65401-2595 Return Service Requested
Share your story with us We will be celebrating Nursing Assistants Week in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. If you know a nursing assistant with a great story, or if you want to tell us how important their work is, we want to share the story. Contact Joelle Freeland, marketing director, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
Community Matters April 2018
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