Commun ty Matters Rolla Presbyterian Manor
May 2016
Art is Ageless® winners announced Rolla Presbyterian Manor recently hosted a reception for the winning artists in the annual Art is Ageless® juried competition. “We are honored to exhibit artwork by seniors,” said Joelle Freeland, marketing director. “Art is Ageless is unique in featuring only the works of artists age 65 and older. Our artists prove that art, in any form, is an ageless ambition.” Winners in the Rolla Presbyterian Manor Art is Ageless juried competition were: Best of Show (professional): Ellen Reynolds, “View From the Drive” Best of Show (amateur): Will Freeze, “Paint Brush C.A.” Judges Choice (professional): Sandra Ford, “Chair with Pizzazz” Judges Choice (amateur): Bernice Nelson, “Dresden Urn” People’s Choice: Betty Womack, “Looking for a Ride” ART IS AGELESS continued on page 2
Bonnie Thompson plays bingo with Richard Williams. Bonnie visits twice a week to volunteer.
An immediate connection: Serving others ‘a blessing’ to volunteer The hospital’s loss is Rolla Presbyterian Manor’s gain. Bonnie Thompson, a resident of the Rolla area, had been looking for a place to offer her services as a volunteer. She had considered asking at the hospital, but then circumstance intervened. Last year, Bonnie attended the Mother’s Day luncheon at Presbyterian Manor with her granddaughter, whose husband’s grandmother is a resident here. She felt an immediate connection. “I just got such a warm, good feeling, and everybody was so nice,” Bonnie said. “The residents were happy and I thought, well, maybe they would like to have a volunteer.” For nearly a year, Bonnie has visited on Mondays and Fridays to help any way she’s needed. Sometimes she assists with craft activities or transportation. Often, though, her primary role is to be a friendly face. VOLUNTEER, continued on page 5
ART IS AGELESS, continued from page 1
Christmas (amateur): Agnes Mitchell, “Christmas Cards” Drawing (amateur): Carol Jessop, “Rhine River Castle” Mixed Media/Crafts (professional): Sandra Ford, “Floral Table” Needlework (amateur): Barbara Ford, “Tatted Baby’s Cap” Painting (professional): Jacquelyn Wynn, “Lavender Lilacs” Painting (amateur): Lucille Kinder, “Sandy Creek Bridge” Photography (professional): George Karr, “Smith and Wesson”
Best of Show (amateur) by Will Freeze, “Paint Brush C.A.”
Community Matters
is published monthly for residents and friends of Rolla Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Ann Caudill, executive director Joelle Freeland, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Joelle Freeland at Telephone: 573-364-7336 Fax: 573-364-7336 Address: 1200 Homelife Plaza, Rolla, MO 65401-2595 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Community Matters May 2016
Best of Show (professional) by Ellen Reynolds, “View From the Drive.”
Quilting (amateur): Senior Sit & Sew, “Pastel Hexagon Lap Quilt”
five years.
Started in 1980, Art is Ageless is an extension of Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America’s wellness programs, which focus on mental, Local competition winners will physical, social and spiritual health. join winners from 17 other The program encourages Rolla Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Presbyterian Manor residents communities to be judged at the and other area seniors to express masterpiece level. Winning entries at their creativity through its the masterpiece level may be selected annual competition, as well as for publication in PMMA’s annual art classes, musical and dramatic Art is Ageless calendar and note events, educational opportunities cards. For the competition, works and current events discussions must have been completed in the past throughout the year. Sculpture/3-D (professional): August Garver, “Large Mouth Bass”
JOIN the
PROJECT Life is better when you’re surrounded by friends. If you know of friends who are interested in the independent living or assisted living lifestyle you enjoy here, providing their names could lead to rewards—for both of you. Pick up a referral form in the marketing office. *Certain restrictions apply. For complete details, contact the Marketing Office.
MAKE THE MOVE Residences now available in assisted living and memory care. Call 573-364-7336 today to schedule a tour.
Rolla Presbyterian Manor’s Post-Acute To Home (PATH®) program isn’t just about getting you home— it’s about getting you back to your life. Call 573-364-7336 today to schedule your personal appointment and tour. Rolla Presbyterian Manor
Recent happenings at Rolla Presbyterian Manor
Above: Leland Womack and, from left, Velma Overby, Peggy Fox, Janet Brown, and Dawna Womack celebrate St. Pat’s. Top left: Rolla Presbyterian Manor celebrates St. Pat’s in the Manor Pub. Top right: Dee Bryant and Louise Leonard enjoy the St. Pat’s celebration at the Manor Pub. Far right middle: Sandy White, owner of Beehive Florist, visited with Rolla Presbyterian Manor resident and showed how to make a simple floral arrangement. Janet Brown, seated, was recipient of an arrangement. Right: Dawna and Leland Womack celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary at Rolla Presbyterian Manor.
Community Matters May 2016
VOLUNTEER, continued from page 1
“I love going and helping where I can,” Bonnie said. “What I do a lot of is visit with the residents, and you get to know them really well. They start to be like family.” Helping others was Bonnie’s profession before she retired in 2010—she worked for the state’s social services department. A few years into her retirement, Bonnie said, she realized she wanted to continue doing meaningful work. “Number one, I wanted to do something fulfilling that would help people and kind of fill up my hours,” she said. Away from the manor, Bonnie tends to her four cats and two birds, and she spends time with her son and daughter and their families. The hours she spends at the manor, however, have come to mean more to Bonnie than she expected. “It’s a blessing for me, it really is,” she said. Dozens of people who have given their time to serve at Rolla Presbyterian Manor over the past year were honored at the annual volunteer reception on April 28. They include churches, music groups who are not paid, college and high school students, onetime volunteers, advisory council members, residents who have signed up in our volunteer program, and senior companions. We appreciate every one of them!
Rewaken your soul this spring account in the life of Moses when the people of Israel were in the desert without water. “The LORD “Spring is God’s way of saying,‘One more answered Moses, “Go out in front of time!’” —Robert Orben the people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning hand the staff with which you struck and the End. To the thirsty I will give the Nile, and go. I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. water without cost from the spring Strike the rock, and water will come of the water of life.” (Revelation out of it for the people to drink.” 21:6 NIV). (Exodus 17:5-6, NIV). As a child, I can recall seeing a wetIt must have looked like the rock was weather spring for the first time. full of water. In reality, the water Almost as if God planned a play on was pouring from God’s vast supply. words, this spring appeared after a time of spring rain. Gallons of water The amount of water that flowed satisfied the requirements of more poured out of the ground beneath than a million people. God always a sizeable rock. It was clear and ran through a low area for a few hundred has more than enough. feet before joining a creek. In Revelation 21:6, he offers water that not only sustains, but gives life. To my young mind, it was mesmerizing. How could that water Jesus answered, “Everyone who keep flowing and flowing? drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water Later, I learned that a nearby pond I give them will never thirst. Indeed, functioned as a reservoir for the spring. When the pond filled beyond the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to a certain point, its water would eternal life.” (John 4:13-14, NIV). flow through the sandy, rocky, soil and emerge pure and clear from the This springtime is a good time to little spring. choose to include in God in your The Old Testament relates an family and in your life. By Allen Teal, Rolla Presbyterian Manor chaplain
Rolla Presbyterian Manor
Rolla Presbyterian Manor 1200 Homelife Plaza Rolla, MO 65401-2595 Return Service Requested
“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever.”
To all of our mothers at Rolla Presbyterian Manor,
Happy Mother’s Day
Independence Day holds memories Independence Day marks the middle of summer and holds many fond and patriotic memories. Do you have a memorable Fourth of July story to tell? For seniors, maintaining independence is important to quality of life. How do you maintain your independence while living on a senior living campus? What did you gain by moving to the campus? What surprised you about campus life? If you’ve got a story to share about independence, contact Marketing Director Joelle Freeland, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
Community Matters May 2016
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