Commun ty Matters Salina Presbyterian Manor
July 2016
Mary’s Musings Words, words and more words. Words that are spelled the same but mean different things, words that start with a root word, and after adding a prefix (before) or suffix (after) we alter its meaning and form a new word. Our theme for the month is independence or independent. The root word is “dependent,” which means relying on someone or something. But with the prefix “in” it changes the word to mean “not” relying on someone or something, which is a totally different meaning. Being described as independent means being able to take care of ourselves and do what we want. When we are born, we are dependent on others for every aspect of our lives. Soon we learn to crawl, walk, feed ourselves, talk and we are on our way to becoming independent. MUSINGS, continued on page 2
Arline Roberts, who turned 100 last month, works on a necklace during a recent craft projet at Presbyterian Manor.
A century of life Resident Arline Roberts reflects on growing older in America This month, America will celebrate its 240th birthday on what we call Independence Day. At age 100, Arline Roberts counts herself lucky to have witnessed one of the most innovative centuries in the life of our nation. “I’ve lived the best years of the United States of America,” Arline said. Arline celebrated her 100th birthday in June, cherishing the independence she herself has been able to maintain through the years. She didn’t necessarily expect to reach the century mark, but she said it has been fascinating to watch the progress of science and technology in that time. Since Arline was born in 1916, air travel has become commonplace, men have walked on the moon, polio and smallpox have been vanquished, and the Internet has connected us like never before. ARLINE, continued on page 5
MUSINGS, continued from page 1
Education, marriage, jobs, children and a multitude of things change who we are and what we have become. During this period of life, we consider ourselves independent, and that may be true in many ways. In reality, no one is ever totally independent.
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Community Matters
is published monthly for residents and friends of Salina Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Bradley Radatz, executive director Kim Fair, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Kim Fair, Telephone: 785-825-1366 Fax: 785-825-6554 Address: 2601 E. Crawford, Salina, KS 67401-3898 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Community Matters July 2016
I think adding the prefix “inter” (it means between, among, together, or involving two or more) best describes our lives from the moment we were first born until we take our last breath. We can specifically name those with whom we are together, but many others we do not know personally but we still rely on them: farmers who grow food to feed us, inventors who come up with new products to make our lives easier, this list could go on forever. Sometimes our lives are touched by total strangers. Recently our Stitch and Pray group received a thank you note from a woman named Nancy -- a woman whom in all probability we will never know. This is what she said. “Thank you for the wonderful soft pillow. It is just perfect—I use it different ways every day! Continue with the pillows and especially the prayers. Blessings, Nancy.” Her note touched my heart in the same way our pillow touched her heart. Here’s a little history of our Stitch and Pray group. We began about four years ago. At first we made simple prayer squares and shawls. Then we branched out and made baby hats, which were given to employees who had new babies. About three years ago we started making Prayer Pillows out of fleece. These pillows are given to new
residents of Presbyterian Manor, those hospitalized, and to people who may be having a difficult time. We also had pillow sales to generate income to purchase more supplies. I wish I had kept track of the number of pillows we have made, but I’m pretty sure we have passed the 1,000 mark. This year, we teamed up with Deanna Harris Clark and her Wellness Tote Project, where totes are filled with a variety of items and are then given to cancer patients. We have donated more than 60 pillows at this time. (I believe this is where Nancy received hers.) Our next project, “Notes from the Heart,” will begin June 22, at 2 p.m. in the chapel. I encourage all of you to join us as we make cards and write simple notes to cancer patients for the totes. Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end of a gift, that gift can elicit feelings of gratitude—it can be a way of expressing gratitude or instilling gratitude in the recipient. And research has found that gratitude is integral to happiness, health, and social bonds. Like us on Facebook
Local celebrity duo to visit Presbyterian Manor July 24 Millie the weather dog is coming! Oh, and so is Ross Janssen, Millie’s personal weatherman at KWCH-TV, good friend and owner. They will be here at 3 p.m. on July 24 in the Ivory Keys Café.
Health care happenings From ‘Pasta Palooza’ to a chicken wing fling, July is filled with fun • July will be “Pasta Palooza” month, and residents and staff will try many different pasta dishes throughout the month. • Judge Judy is popular, and residents will take turns playing Judge Judy in many scenarios. • Canada’s birthday will be celebrated with a trivia game. • By popular demand, Wheel of Fortune is planned for July. • The month will end with a “Chicken Wing Fling.” We didn’t ask, but we’re sure they will be wonderfully edible.
from Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America
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Salina Presbyterian Manor
Presbyterian Manor’s exercise and activities programs Cathy Boos, life enrichment director, has started a new exercise class especially for assisted living residents. The first one was held on the patio by the assisted living garden on a beautiful day. Also planned specifically for assisted living residents are potluck dinners, a monthly social hour to celebrate birthdays and devotions. A Taste of Salina will be a new recurring event, with a local restaurant catering for the assisted living community. These additions, among the many other activities already available, will give residents many choices for ways to stay active and engaged. If you’re Life Enrichment Director Cathy Boos leads an exercise class for assisted living a member of our assisted living residents. The class, which took place on the patio by the garden, received positive community, we hope you’ll join us! feedback.
Upcoming events Presbyterian Manor to launch ‘letters from the heart’ program “Letters from the heart” is a new way to reach out to the greater community. These one-of-a-kind cards will be made by Presbyterian Manor residents, including calligraphers. The cards also will feature the productions of artists who have participated in Presbyterian Manor’s annual Art is Ageless® exhibits. See Chaplain Mary’s article on page 1 of this newsletter for more information.
Community Matters July 2016
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ARLINE, continued from page 1
She’s also been pleased to see our society become more diverse culturally, and for people to accept one another, she said, as God asks us to do. Arline moved to Salina Presbyterian Manor 18 years ago with her husband, Jack. And she has remained in her townhome ever since. She may not be able to knead bread or open jars like she used to, Arline said, but she credits her long life and independence to “taking care of my body and respecting my health by good habits.” Marketing Director Kim Fair says Arline has always been willing to help where she’s needed at Presbyterian Manor. Every week, Fair said, she sees Arline walk from her townhome to the health care wing to take her friends in their wheelchairs to the ice cream social. She’s also very active in the Stitch and Pray group and the Art Discovery classes. “We see Arline over here a couple times a week,” Kim said.
Furry friends
Arline and Jack met in Missouri and were married for 63 years. They adopted two children, a son and a daughter.
Gerald Karnes, a resident and photographer, was summoned by a neighbor to hurry over and take a photo of two squirrels—one brown and one white—on their patio. Look at those cute little critters!
Jack was a high school teacher, and Arline attended K-State for one year, then went to Brown Mackie College in Salina to learn bookkeeping. She took the civil service exam and went on to work for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Department of the Army until she retired in the 1980s.
moving to any new home, Arline said. She never felt that she was giving up any independence.
Moving to Presbyterian Manor about a decade later was just like Like us on Facebook
“I can’t think of anything that would have been better for us,” she said. Living in community has been a blessing, Arline said. It also has been difficult sometimes, as longtime friends have died, but Arline said she is energized whenever new people
move to Presbyterian Manor. “That is something prevalent in my mind, that all of the people around me are new people,” she said. “I always try to do a little something to welcome them,” she added. After 18 years, you can trust Arline to tell you anything you want to know about Presbyterian Manor. Salina Presbyterian Manor
We’ve got lots to offer! July will be a busy month throughout the Manor community. On July 8, there is a downtown sculpture tour. All 22 of the new sculptures for this year have been installed. We are fortunate to be able to tour them in the bus, a great relief from the heat. A ballot will be provided so you can vote for your favorite sculpture. Travel & Taste is scheduled for July 11, destination unknown. Ballots with several options have been distributed, so vote and return your ballot to Cathy. We’ll go to the restaurant with the most votes.
Salina Presbyterian Manor
The theme for the July 19 potluck dinner is “Feast on the Beach.” Beach volleyball anyone? Crystal Creek Band will play at 3 p.m. on July 22 in the Ivory Keys Café. Stay tuned for additional trips and activities!
Share your secret to staying healthy We will focus on healthy aging in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. What are your secrets for staying healthy as you age? What advice do you have for others? Have you faced a health crisis and made life-altering changes as a result? If you’ve got a story to share, contact Marketing Director Kim Fair, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
Community Matters June 2016
Memory care residents enjoy outside activities Memory Care residents were very busy in June. Led by Pat Piper, their activities assistant, they toured Rolling Hills Zoo and Smoky Hill Museum, and they went to McDonalds for lunch. They thoroughly enjoyed those events, and there are more to come. Like us on Facebook