Commun ty Matters Sterling Presbyterian Manor
PMMA rebalances portfolio with sale of campus
August 2016
In the more than six and a half decades Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America has provided care for and advocated for the aging in Kansas and Missouri, the senior retirement landscape has changed dramatically. PMMA remains committed to our mission of providing quality senior services guided by Christian values and to meeting the ever changing needs of today’s seniors.
Everyone has a story to tell
We will focus on dining services in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. What foods do you connect through your memories? How has food shaped your life and recollections? If you’ve got a story to share, contact contact Cindy Moore and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
Seniors want a full continuum of care, with an emphasis on active living and wellness. Out of this demand, the Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) model was born. This model provides for a large independent living level with smaller levels of assisted living and health are/skilled nursing. During the past two decades, PMMA has been slowly moving its system toward the CCRC model. Even though we have made significant strides, our system still remains imbalanced in the world of CCRC’s. Upon a careful analysis of our properties, it became clear that the Kansas City campus, with its predominantly health care focused model, could not easily convert to a CCRC campus. After much analysis, deliberation and discussion with the senior leadership team, the Board of Trustees approved the sale of KCPM. While saddened by the idea of selling KCPM, PMMA was and is confident that we are leaving our residents in good hands. The sale of Kansas City Presbyterian Manor to Riverbend, an operating subsidiary of The Ensign Group Inc., was completed and the campus transferred, on July 1, 2016.
Domino Time!
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Ron Wilson, George Lickteig, Charlie Seidl and Pastor Ken Connor enjoy their weekly game of dominoes.
God’s Favorite Name Pastor Ken’s Corner:
I was thinking the other day about all the different names I have been known by. It is an interesting list and goes something like this: son, brother,
grandson, nephew, cousin, friend, husband, father, teacher, commander, pastor, chaplain and now granddad Grizz. And yet out of all of those, the one I still love to hear the most is dad. You see there are only two people who can ever call me that, my two sons. Even today when I answer the phone and hear, “Hey, Dad,” it gives me a feeling I can’t really put into words. It is no different with our Heavenly Father. He has many names, but there is one that he loves to hear above all the rest, it is the name Abba. In the book of Romans, chapter 8 and verse 15 we read these words: “For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a
slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of worship. And by him we cry, Abba, Father.”
Sterling Presbyterian Manor Chaplain Ken Connor
The word Abba means daddy and expresses a depth of intimacy, deep emotion, earnestness, warmth and confidence that only comes from having a relationship with the one you are calling dad. It is my prayer for you that if you do not know him yet as Abba that you will come to have that kind of a relationship with God, because that is the kind of relationship he wants to have with you.
Community Matters is published monthly for residents and friends of Sterling Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of
501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Mike Rajewski, executive director Cindy Moore, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Telephone: 620-278-3651 Fax: 620-278-3581 Address: 204 W. Washington, Sterling, KS 67579-1614
Sterling Presbyterian Manor 22nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament Friday, September 23, 2016 Sterling Country Club 8:30 a.m. Registration 9:00 a.m. Putting Contest 10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start 3:00 p.m. Prize Awards Lunch Provided
Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values. (620) 278-3651
Gone Fishin’ Sterling Presbyterian Manor residents enjoyed throwing their line in with a little fishing over the summer.
Bethel McElroy, Ron Wilson, and Charlie Seidl swap fishing tips and tall tales on the dock.
The King comes to town
Join us for Elvis Tribute Week August 8 - 16 with Elvis themed games, meals, and décor. We’ll celebrate the King of Rock n’ Roll and reflect on all the ways he influenced our culture.
Jessie Mahoney may very well be the “Queen” when it comes to her fondness for the King of Rock n’ Roll. Her Elvis-themed room is a fun memorial to this famous crooner. STERLING PRESBYTERIAN MANOR 3
Ster linng Presbyterian Manor’s Post-A ost A Acute To Home (P PATH H®) program isn’t just about getting you home— it’s abo out getting you back to your liffee.
Call 620-278-3651 today to schedule your personal appointment and tour.
SterlingPresbyterianManor.or og
Sterling Presbyterian Manor 204 W. Washington Sterling, KS 67579-1614
Return Service Requested
Resident Survey Results will be available Aug. 15 at your campus. Watch your resident mailbox or ask at the reception desk for a copy.
Summer may be winding down, but that only means we’ll soon be warming up to new and returning interns from Sterling College and volunteers from the middle school. We’re grateful for their time and assistance, and both our residents and students alike look forward to making new friends. Stay tuned for more information. 4 COMMUNITY MATTERS AUGUST 2016