Commun ty Matters Topeka Presbyterian Manor
August 2018
Danica Loftin takes on new role While Danica Loftin was only in her prior role as administrative services director for 18 months, it was long enough to know that she loved helping others at Topeka Presbyterian Manor. So, when the opportunity arose to take on a new challenge, Danica jumped at the possibility. “I started my new position as health care marketing director in June, and I love it! The sky is the limit, and I’m so excited,” said Danica. This is a new position for Topeka Presbyterian Manor, but several other Presbyterian Manor LOFTIN, continued on page 2
Executive Director Heather Pilkinton and Health Services Administrator Erica Brown pose with our new 5-star plaque on their tour to inform residents of the honor. See additional photos on page 3.
Time for a 5-star celebration It’s not easy to earn five stars from CMS’ Five-Star Quality Rating System. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid rating system helps consumers, their families and caregivers compare health care communities more easily and to help identify areas about which they may want to ask questions when visiting a community. We celebrated our recent achievement with cookies from Eileen’s Colossal Cookies, new plaques and delicious appetizers!
August means back-to-school
LOFTIN, continued from page 1
communities with large health care centers have this role as well. “I’m really eager to see the potential growth this allows the campus as a whole. The biggest part of my job is building relationships. And just like I did before, I can focus on bridging gaps, whether it be between residents and administration, floor staff and administration, health care units and our marketing team, external and referral services ... you name it! This position is a little more external facing, so I’m looking forward to building relationships in the community as well,” said Danica. Posting this? Check the background. If your photograph, video or Snap includes residents who are not a relative, don’t post it to social media.
We respect the privacy of residents and ask that you respect their privacy, too.
When she’s not at work, Danica is busy as the mother of an 11-year-old boy. She has been married for 14 years. “We recently bought a home with a little land, and we enjoy camping in the backyard, planting a garden, cooking and doing family stuff together. Family and experiences are important,” said Danica. We look forward to seeing the wonderful things Danica will do in her new role with Topeka Presbyterian Manor.
Community Matters
is published monthly for residents and friends of Wichita Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Heather Pilkinton, executive director Chelsea Watgen, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Chelsea Watgen, marketing director,
We respect the privacy of residents and ask that you respect their privacy, too. Posting this?
Check the background. If your photograph, video or Snap includes residents who are not a relative, don’t post it to social media.
Telephone: 785-272-6510 Fax: 785-272-0496 Address: 4712 S.W. Sixth Ave., Topeka, KS 66606-2284 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
Community Matters August 2018
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Housekeeping staff members Shayne Waygh, Kathy Allen, Tyler Anderson, Sapphire Chamness, Billie Dreher, Pat Stanley and Mildred Robertson celebrate our big accomplishment.
Erica Brown was very excited, not only about our accomplishment, but also about this celebratory piece of cake with the most icing!
Left: Chelsea Watgen, marketing director, about to enjoy her 5-star cookie! Above: Department managers Michelle Iott and Linda De La Rosa took turns serving all of the employees for this celebration. Like us on Facebook
Topeka Presbyterian Manor
Topeka Presbyterian Manor 4712 S.W. Sixth Ave. Topeka, KS 66606-2284 Return Service Requested
August 21 National senior citizens day
Community Matters August 2018
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