Commun ty Matters Topeka Presbyterian Manor
October 2016
‘What a wonderful world’ Louis Armstrong, with his oneof-a-kind gravely style, could get more out of a song than anyone. “I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself what a wonderful world.” That song was a slow stroll through the day. It encouraged pausing to take it all in. The gift of reflection brings to focus the wonder of everyday moments. It highlights nature’s beauty. The trees are alive in fall colors. It’s not too hot and not too cold. I’m determined to take a scenic drive, soak in the beauty and say to myself, “What a wonderful world.” WONDERFUL, continued on page 4
Community garden grows more than expected When Marketing Director Jami Colson started rounding up volunteers for a new community garden on the deck off the dining room, she didn’t have to look far for support. She found a willing partner in Carla Hattendorf, dining services director. “I may know a lot about cooking vegetables, but I didn’t know a thing about growing them! I do not have a green thumb, so this is a learning experience for me, too,” said Carla. “I’ve really enjoyed the whole GARDEN, continued on page 2
PASSION, continued from page 1
process, and I know the residents have, too.” Garden planning began before the summer with a trip to Jackson Nursery. Residents were given a tour, education and even a great discount for their chosen plants. “We have four tomato plants, two pepper plants, some zucchini and herbs. We also have flowers, a butterfly garden, and hummingbird feeders. Residents have a fabulous time sitting and watching all the
Community Matters
critters who come around. We sometimes laugh and wonder if we planted this garden for ourselves or for the squirrels, as they’re fattening up,” said Carla.
it’s important for residents to have that. If they have nothing else to talk about at meal time, they can talk about the garden. People who normally just sit there quietly are now making friends with table mates. All over this garden!”
Even though residents have enjoyed small yields from their garden, Carla If a garden can help with has already seen a great return on conversation, Carla, with her noninvestment in other ways. green thumb, has even discovered “I just think it’s a great way to how conversation can help grow a stay active, getting out there and garden! watering, pruning, etc. And it “Some people may think it’s gives people more ownership and strange, but I talk to the plants. enjoyment of their nutrition. We Even on my days off, I often come grew some little yellow cherry in to water the plants and talk to tomatoes, and they’re not as acidic them. It works! Now, when plants as regular tomatoes. People with throughout the community start stomach problems can tolerate dying, they’re brought here to the and enjoy them more. There’s such garden, and we’ve brought them pride in watching your “babies” back to life.” grow and produce,” said Carla. “And it’s brought people together They say you reap what you sow, in wonderful ways. Residents hang and when you’ve planted seeds of out in the dining room more, which community and caring, you’re sure contributes to the experience, and to have a beautiful harvest.
is published monthly for residents and friends of Topeka Presbyterian Manor by Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Inc., a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Learn more at Tom Bechtel, executive director Jami Colson, marketing director To submit or suggest articles for this publication, contact Jami Colson, marketing director,
Telephone: 785-272-6510 Fax: 785-272-0496 Address: 4712 S.W. Sixth Ave, Topeka, KS 66606-2284 Our mission: We provide quality senior services guided by Christian values.
A view of bountiful garden plants from the dining room.
Community Matters October 2016
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Topeka Presbyterian Manor 4712 S.W. Sixth Ave. Topeka, KS 66606-2284 Return Service Requested
WONDERFUL, continued from page 1
I’m also convinced that Satchmo had it right when he said that even a “hello” among friends is an expression of love. “The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky / Are also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do / They’re really saying I love you.” Human friendship is richer when we are intentionally present in the moment. A smile and a few kind words can make my day. If that is true in the natural, how much more
is it true in our spiritual life?
thing that really matters:
Experiencing God has much to do with our deliberate purposeful acknowledgement that He is with us. It’s dialoguing with our Father throughout the day and scheduling time to unite with Him through Scripture reading and prayer. I’m discovering that connecting with God is far richer if I make time to regularly sit and be with Him.
“One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.” — Psalm 27:4 New InternationalVersion
Stop and reflect for a few minutes, soak in His presence and enjoy connecting with our Father. May we, like King David of old, seek the one
Courtesy of Diane Gunsolley, chaplain at AberdeenVillage, a member of the Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America Family.
Gaze on His beauty and you may just find yourself humming, “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”
Celebrations & traditions We will focus on celebrations and family traditions in an upcoming issue of Community Matters. What traditions are important to your holiday celebrations? What are your memories of Christmas? What recipes did you only make for these special holidays? If you’ve got a story to share, contact Marketing Director Jami Colson, and your story could be featured in an upcoming edition of Community Matters.
Community Matters October 2016
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