2010 Alumni Reunion Memory Book

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2010 Alumni Reunion Memory Book

Reunion attendees Richard Ach ‘73 Pedro and Ann-Lawrie Aisa Joel Barnes ‘81 Tom Barry ‘92 Suzanne Beeche ‘07 Karrol Braddock – (Nowatzke) ‘74 Sue Bray and Mel Magson Douglas Brew Matt Brown ‘96 Lee Caldwell ’73 Heather Campbell ‘73 Judy Clapp ‘74 William Cooper ‘91 Gayle De Frutos ‘71 Dana Densmore ‘70 Anne Dorman ‘74 Henry Ebarb ‘10and Liisa Raikkonen ‘84 Marty Eberhardt ‘74 Laurel Files Hardin ‘69 Steve Finucane ‘75 John Flax ‘74 maria gail (many)‘76 angela garner ‘72

Lisa Garrison ‘75 Margaret Gavillot ‘74 Mark and Marlene Gebhardt ‘70 Mark Goodman ‘73 Paige Grant ’74 and Neil Williams Susan Green ‘09 Dick Hanna ‘77 Deborah Harkrader ‘80 Terra Harris - (krieger) ‘71 Linda Lee Havins ‘71 Marcia Hermann ‘73 Paul Hessinger ‘73 Suzanne Holland ‘72 Rodney Hopkins ‘95 Doug Hulmes ‘74 Jon Jantzen ‘71 Kathryn Keller ‘72 Ken Kingsley ‘72 Jim ’80 and Sue Knaup Janet Kothrade ‘74 kathleen lauerman ‘72 mike lewis ‘91 melane lohmann ‘75 Layne Longfellow

David Lovejoy ‘73 Maggie McQuaid ‘75 Lisa Maher ‘71 David Meeks ‘73 Betsy Meyer ‘76 Robert Miller ‘72 Cat Moody – (Catherine Funk) ‘91 Tish Morris ‘79 Aaron Newton ‘72 Chris Norment ‘72 Margi Polland Fox ‘74 Lisa Popeil ‘76 Michael Reed ‘86 Carla Rellinger ‘05 Kate Reschner ‘74 Amparo Rifá ‘89 Robin Rivet ‘74 Tom Robinson ‘73 Janet Ross ‘74 Ted Rose ‘75 janis rutschman ‘73 jeff salz ’74 and lisa jaffe Ted and Cynthia Schleicher ‘72 diane schmidt ‘74

Michael Schulte ‘75 Anne Scofield ‘70 Steve Sessions ‘74 David Shapiro ‘73 Roy Smith ‘75 Cal and Jo Sunshine Dhruva' Stephenson ‘74 Jim Stuckey Gus Tham ‘71 Susan Thomas ‘95 Hannah Todd – (kemper) ‘72 Marilyn Vache ‘72 Dani Woods ‘74 Andrew Worm ‘91 Fulton Wright Michael Zimber ‘78 Not able to attend: cameron Boswell ‘04 Beliz Brother ‘72 Jess Dods 70 Anne Hedlund ‘74 jane mcgrath ‘75 kent madin ‘75 sue thomas ‘72 nevada wier ‘74

What was your most transformative moment at PC? Tom Barry: Arriving at Prescott College in 1987! Karrol Braddock (Nowatzke):Following the usual wilderness solo, my orientation group also did an urban solo (2 1/2 days on the streets of Las Vegas, alone, no money, nowhere to go). It was a much more challenging and emotional experience compared to the wilderness solo, and the memories remain so vivid. Though it could be argued that it was a very contrived situation, it gave me a longlasting appreciation for what I have (a place to sleep! food!), and empathy for so many people in this world who have so little. Lee Caldwell: Orientation!! Judy Clapp: Orientation, but there were so many. Jess dods: Working on my research paper on water pollution. Anne Dorman: Being Chair of the Board through three Presidents (Neal, Sturgis, Dan); just attending the college was transformative. Laurel Files Hardin: Making my own Spanish Dancing dress without a pattern- made one out of newspaper from an A-line dress and added ruffles. Elenita Brown and dancing flamenco style. Steve Finucane: Getting perspective, esp. Paria Canyon. John Flax: Transformation rarely happens in a moment for me. But three years of many experiences did the trick.

Maria Gail (Many): Moving off-campus to live in town when Prescott College went bankrupt. That was spring 1975. the responsiBilities of renting, cooking, etc‌was a big deal to me then. Angela Garner: Could not pick one - there were so many! Lisa Garrison: designing and teaching a course on Women's Literature in 1971-72 with 22 students in my junior year... Mark Gebhardt: Meeting my now spouse Marlene of 40 years through being her French tutor. Mark Goodman: Orientation. Paige Grant: One moment after another on orientation. Susan Green: The fifth draft of my thesis. Dick Hanna: Leading the director of the Southwest Research Station of the American Museum of Natural History to the site of a new species of plant I discovered in a remote corner of the Chiricahua mountains. When we reached the site he slipped on a talus slope and broke his leg in three places. I ended up using a plant press to splint his fractured leg and then spent the next 48 hours organizing and leading a difficult rescue operation. It was not so much a transformative moment as it was a moment that brought together many of the different parts of my PC experience. If you're wondering, you can look it up in the Arizona plant taxonomy books. I named the plant Erigeron fracturus. Terra Harris (Krieger): Maiden Kayak trip on lower Colorado River - following Bob Miller into near death experience!! i lived to learn never to‌

Anne Hedlund: Fall 1974 orientation in NW AZ with Trish and Jeff as leaders was transformative for me, and set the stage for many subsequent transformations (or should I just say "growing up" experiences). It spawned friendships; sprouted interests in geology, botany and outdoor adventures; and set me on a path of lifelong learning and teaching, especially using experiential modes. Suzanne Holland: I really loved the Outward Bound experience. Rodney Hopkins: The whole of orientation. Doug Hulmes: When I refused to dissect a live mouse for my zoology lab final. Jon Jantzen: Kayaking on the Colorado River Kathryn Keller: I attended PC from 1970 to 1972, but graduated from the University of Colorado in 1974. The Outward Bound Orientation and the interesting people that attended PC were both transformative. Ken Kingsley: Working as a student in the Prescott College Ecological Field School with Dr. Roy Johnson and many wonderful students. Janet Kothrade (Sawyer): The transformation began during orientation when I realized that a vast reality existed beyond the dialog of my mind; you can't climb a rock wall with a clever argument! Maggie McQuaid: Freshman Orientation, Paria Canyon 1969. Lisa Maher: Rappelling in Granite Dells; I was so young and trusting! Betsy Meyer: experience of cosmic consciousness brought on by the stress lack of sleep trying to finish a paper for Hal Lenke's writing class.

Chris Norment: 1. My first trip through the Grand Canyon, in the spring of 1970. 2. Discovering that I could take my sleeping bag, and sleep in a classroom, so that I would be on time for early classes. 3. Playing Baby Jesus at a PC Christmas pageant. Lisa Popeil: Sam Henrie telling me it was time to go to music school! Michael Reed: Learning to write from Doug Finn. Carla Rellinger: Becoming the Director of Auxiliary Services and having the opportunity to manage five departments. As a team we continually strive to generate and introduce new and exciting revenue streams to the College. Robin Rivet: three moments... 1. Glaciology Class: While ascending the glacier trail at Double Lake, Wyoming (Wind River Range), the morning following an ice storm was breathtaking; it was followed by family of Moose on the hiking trail. 2. Bedrock Rapid - Grand Canyon raft accident. Experiencing a potential underwater death by drowning experience. 3. Falling three times on a 3 pitch climb at dusk on Granite mountain. Somehow I navigated, but don't think I ever rock climbed since. Jeff Salz: First solo of my life on Freshman Orientation. Diane Schmidt: The inviting atmosphere to try out and participate in so many new ways to express myself as a person, and finding out I was able to do so many things - from being in theatre and dance performances and yoga, to photography, Spanish, Russian literature, Eastern Philosophy, art, all the teachers were so great - Jamie Minotto ("Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds"),

Heather Keen (nature dancing in the Dells), Jay Dusard (trip to Arches Nat. Mon.), the late Dr. Bruce (the lotus opens, a billion years pass), Tamara Murray (Bacchae theatre improv), the late Dr. Bryan Dulley (Lermontov, Pushkin, Gogol), the late David Palladin (artist/real philosophy/real mensch) Spanish class, and Independent Study in Chihuahua, MX, and freshman orientation in the Copper Canyon -This was what Prescott College was about for me - the arts. All these experiences contributed to my career as a photojournalist and writer. Michael Schulte: Many Prescott College first experiences have become a recurring part of my life from making granola to paddling kayaks. Skinny dipping with our orientation group in Dark Canyon was an eye-opener. There were so many transformative moments that it seems impossible to pick just one as 'the most'. Anne Scofield: Being there! Steve Sessions: When Brad became a 14 year old perfect master. Jim Stuckey: The first time I faced Kent Madin, Jeff Salz, Steve McAndrews, Jimbo Buickerood, Randy Udall, Judy Clapp, Jamie Katz, Tom Robinson, Martha Meyer, Stuart McGhee, Ellie Elliott, and a bunch of others whose names I'll remember in a minute. Susan Thomas: Freshman orientation, coupled with the reality of being in Arizona for the first time, was completely transformative for me. Hannah Todd (Kemper): Touring the Southwest with Amadao Ray.

Thank you to the reunion committee! aryn laBrake ’09, tom Barry ’92, Bridget reynolds, tina Blake, michelle tissot '09, Cheryl Schwartz, Richard Ach '73, Joel Hiller, Marj Sente and Karen Mason.

A special thank you to the following alumni: Tom Barry '92: The best BBQ griller in the West. Tom also sponsored the rental of the BBQ grill! Matt Brown '96: Rock Climbing Sponsor and Coordinator Maggie McQuaid '75: Teach-in and Javelina Award Coordinator and Presenter Richard Ach '73: Dinner Emcee Sue Thomas '95: Sustainability Presenter Jon Jantzen '71: Teach-in Presenter Cheryl Walters '94: Yoga Instructor Mike Lewis '91: BBQ Music Coordinator Joel Barnes '81: BBQ Canoe Coordinator Michael Byrd '96: BBQ Hike Coordinator Layne Longfellow (Former Faculty): Closing Circle Coordinator William Cooper '91: Event Support Faculty Accolades for their wonderful presentations! Randall Amster Walt Anderson Melanie Bishop Ed Boyer Doug Hulmes Mark Riegner


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