Annual Report Prescott College 2009-10

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PRESCOTT COLLEGE For the Liberal Arts, the Environment, and Social Justice

For the Liberal Arts, the Environment, and Social Justice ...


rescott College in 2010 is enjoying the fruits of more than four decades of rich, challenging, and ultimately successful experiments in education.

We have defied incredible odds to arrive at this state of well-being. There are too many iconic names of students, teachers, administrators, staff, leaders, and Board members to list here; but suffice it to say that we find ourselves at this moment of such historical promise not only with the excitement of so successfully fulfilling our mission, but with a profound gratitude to all who have given so much of themselves and their resources to get us here. The College has just undergone a lengthy and successful presidential transition process. Every constituent element of the Prescott College community had input into our choice. It is with great pleasure and anticipation we welcome Dr. Kristin Woolever, former Dean of University of New Hampshire Manchester as our newest President. One name that requires profound acknowledgement is Dr. Daniel Garvey. His decade-long tenure as President assembled more talent, projected the College further in all regards, and has created the environment of success we now happily enjoy. His stewardship could not have been more exemplary. Prescott College has always been about the extraordinary individuals that comprise our community. Our belief in the good of the world and our dedicated purpose of making it a better place has, over the last 45 years, consistently yielded a community characterized by optimism, personal responsibility, pro-activity, and a heightened sense of adventure, inquiry, and discovery. In these pages you will find a comprehensive report about our community for our community – and those who will join us. Enjoy. On behalf of the College,

Richard Ach ’73 Chair, Board of Trustees

Prescott College Board of Trustees Richard Ach ’73, Chair Retired Senior Vice President AG Edwards Betsy Bolding Director of Consumer Affairs Tucson Electric Power Cameron Boswell ’04 Assistant Environmental Specialist J.G. Boswell Co.

Peter Evans Independent Consultant James Hughes, Vice Chair Retired Attorney Hughes & Whitaker David Meeks ’73, Treasurer President Sonoma Rentals

Dan Boyce, Past Chair Senior Partner The Center for Financial Planning

Steve Pace, Secretary & Faculty Trustee On-Campus Bachelor of Arts Faculty Member Prescott College

Dan Campbell Manager The Nature Conservancy

Rachel Pearson, Student Trustee On-Campus Bachelor of Arts Student Prescott College

Carla Rellinger, Employee Trustee Director of Auxiliary Services Prescott College Michael Rooney Attorney Sacks-Tierney Jerry Secundy President/CEO California Council for Environmental & Economic Balance John Van Domelen Retired President Wentworth Institute of Technology Ken Ziesenheim Financial Advisor Raymond James Financial Services

President’s Message


ow does one quantify the success of a college or university? There is certainly more to having a meaningful impact on the world than a healthy bottom line, or the number of graduates who pass through our doors. Prescott College has made strides in many areas over the past decade, including increased enrollment and adding new programs. We have renovated and expanded the campus in sustainable ways and have grown the endowment. We’re especially proud to say that our faculty, students, and alumni have raised Prescott College’s visibility by their increased contributions to scholarship, scientific research, public policy, the arts, humanities, and social change. Our alumni report that Prescott College prepares them well for their current employment (see chart below), employment chosen because they are able to create positive change and contribute to the sustainability of the social and natural environment. Meanwhile the world continues to experience new environmental and social crises daily. In response, Prescott College is committed to: • Expanding the dialogue about immigration and countering fear-based thought with collaborative and systems-based approaches • Helping to develop and implement sustainable economic and social models • Teaching ways to avoid and/or mitigate environmental catastrophes like climate change and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill • Addressing human needs and human rights violations both here and abroad, from Indigenous and local self-determination and fair government to sustainable food, water, and access to education • Moving beyond the rigid standards-based climate in education to pedagogical models that balance standards with student initiative and the creative problem solving inherent in experiential, liberal-arts-based learning and teaching • Demonstrating that the world is a richer place when culture, the arts, and humanities are integrated with the art of living – when theory is refined by practice Prescott College is at a moment in its history like no other. We are poised, because of our history and experience in working with the liberal arts, the environment, and social justice, to help shape the national and international dialogue in meaningful ways. Thanks to our donors, dedicated faculty, staff, and students’ passion for these areas, Prescott College can look forward to many more decades of guiding students in developing the self-confidence, poise, and skills needed to tackle these complex issues. While many of the College’s publications capture the stories of our courageous and visionary graduates and alumni, this report offers a glimpse behind the scenes – at the financials behind these successes – and a snapshot of the contributions made by the many, to the many, through Prescott College. Read on!

Dr. Kristin R. Woolever

Education 23% Arts & Communications 6%

Alumni Careers

Business & Computers 14% Law & Government 3% Outdoor Leadership & Recreation 4% Environment/Sustainability 21% Social Work/Community Development 16% Health Care 14%

Academic Strides Concluding a three-year process of assessment, self-study, and regional accreditation review, the Higher Learning Commission awarded Prescott College a 10-year extension of its accreditation (the longest term possible). In its final report, the review team stated, “Prescott College continues to demonstrate an exceptional clarity of purpose centered on educational themes such as experiential and student-directed education, societal engagement, and environmental sensitivity …” The reviewers also noted that “student learning is the primary focus of the institution’s highly qualified and dedicated faculty … [S]tudents describe the faculty as ‘superb’ and repeatedly commend the regular, full-time faculty for their availability and their commitment to working with [them].” Prescott College stands out in higher education for its commitment to active, student-directed learning. As reported in the National Survey of Student Engagement, Prescott College undergraduates are in a class by themselves when it comes to the

degree to which they engage in “active and collaborative learning,” scoring higher than any comparison group, including peer liberal arts institutions with small class sizes. In 2009, the College graduated the first class of Ph.D.s in Sustainability Education, representing the first Ph.D. program at Prescott College and the first doctorate of its kind in higher education. In the coming years, the College plans to implement a number of campus-based graduate programs to serve students who would like to pursue graduate study while living in Prescott. In a recent survey, 89 percent of alumni indicated that they were satisfied or very satisfied with their Prescott College education. This satisfaction did not vary significantly by program or date of matriculation. Of all respondents, 75 percent indicated that they chose their current line of employment because it enables them “to create positive social change.” For more information about the HLC accreditation, visit: 2009-2010 Enrollment by Program Total Enrollment 1,119

On-Campus Bachelor of Arts

25% 28%


Low-Residency Bachelor of Arts Low-Residency Master of Arts


Ph.D. in Sustainability Education

2008 NSSE Benchmark Scores for “Active and Collaborative Learning”

Campus Expansion As a result of strategic planning carried out in 2001-2002, and updated in 2005-2006, a campus planning effort was initiated to develop a vision for the College as an integrated urban campus. This plan has subsequently driven all decisions on property acquisition and construction projects including: • Construction of the Crossroads Center • Conversion of a former State office building into a Student Center • Acquisition of title to the alley that bisects the campus to remove dangerous automotive traffic and allow a pedestrian core to be created • Renovation of the historic Sam Hill Warehouse into a Visual Arts Center including a permanent gallery space • Creation of a new facility to support the operations of the Adventure Education program, including a large gear warehouse The total investment in these capital improvements and acquisitions over the last decade was in excess of $11.7 million. The College continues to seek funding to bring planned improvements to fruition.

Campus Footprint 2000

Campus Footprint 2010

The Dan and Barbara Garvey Welcome Center “The single most important thing Dr. Garvey has brought to the College is an ability to look forward rather than back.” In honor of their decade of service and profound impact on Prescott College, the Board of Trustees announced this past May that the College’s new Welcome Center has been named after the outgoing presidential couple. The Daniel and Barbara Garvey Welcome Center, strategically located at the corner of Grove and Western Avenues, is undergoing renovation to house the Admissions Department and serve as a “first impression” for all who come to visit the Campus. “Dr. Garvey has instilled in the College community a sense of confidence, that at 40 years old we’re still a relatively young institution, but we’re a young adult with a promising future,” said Dan Boyce, outgoing Chair, Board of Trustees. The announcement was made at Dr. Garvey’s retirement dinner on May 22, 2010. Occupancy of the new building is slated for January 2011.

Enrollment Growth Prescott College draws nationally for both its undergraduate and graduate programs. For a large majority of students who enroll, Prescott College is their first choice. This unique group of students is drawn to Prescott College for many reasons including its mission, strong sense of community, and distinctive academic offerings. Over the last 10 years, enrollment in the Prescott College graduate programs has grown by more than 250 percent. Much of this steady growth has been within the pioneering Low-residency Master of Arts Program that allows students to study from their home communities. Enrollment in the Low-residency Bachelor of Arts Program has remained steady in the past decade. The On-campus Bachelor of Arts Program has seen growth over the last two years due in part to dramatically increasing the availability of Prescott College Scholarships. As a result, institutional aid for on-campus students expanded from less than $300,000 in 2003 to just over $4 million in 2010. Along with this, recruitment efforts aimed at high school jun-

iors and seniors were significantly increased. The success of retooling On-campus Bachelor of Arts Admissions practices was exemplified by the class entering in the fall of 2008 – 175 new students – the largest in the program’s history. Evidence that the national economic situation is having an impact on higher education, fall 2009 and 2010 entering classes have been slightly smaller. The College has seen a reduced acceptance on offers of admission, and dramatically increased demand for financial aid resources. Nevertheless, total enrollment in the On-campus Bachelor of Arts Program continues to grow at a modest rate, totaling 500 students in the fall of 2010 for the first time in almost a decade.

Sum of Fall and Spring Semester Enrollments 2001-2009

Total Financial Aid Awards 2006-2010

Financial Snapshot The mission of Prescott College is to educate students to enter the world with the aim to help make it a better place. Finances are a critical tool to achieve this mission. The past decade has seen dramatic improvement in the fiscal condition and strength of the College. Through disciplined and strategically-led financial management, the College has balanced its budget for 10 straight years, increased total assets by nearly 200 percent, invested more than $11.7 million in capital projects, increased the total endowment by 256 percent, and increased net operating revenues available for investment in our mission by 66 percent. One key area of focus over the past decade has been to diversify the revenue sources of the College. As a tuitiondependent institution, this has meant a focus on strengthening and expanding our various academic programs and student markets. It has also meant increasing support from alumni, parents, friends, foundations, and others. Notable successes in fundraising include: pledges by the Board of Trustees and senior management of $218,500 to build capacity in the Development Office; over $1,200,000 raised for the College’s first major capital campaign in 2002-2007 for the Crossroads Center; and most recently, a $608,000 grant from

the Helios Education Foundation to support the College’s Accessible Teacher Preparation for Rural Arizona Early Childhood Education Program. Looking further ahead, an emphasis on planned giving has resulted in an estate gift of approximately $1,200,000, a gift in excess of $200,000 for an endowed scholarship for students studying at the Kino Bay Field Station, a $225,000 bequest, and several other significant planned gifts. The College has also made strides at increasing revenue from auxiliary services, including the creation of the Lifelong Learning Center to serve non-degree students.

Total Assets and Net Revenue 2001-2010

Who is Giving to the Annual Fund? Contributions 2009-2010

Five-year Development Summary

Honor Roll of Donors

Fiscal year July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010

We are building upon a substantial legacy of the experiential education that Prescott College has long provided. The upward trajectory to which we aspire benefits all who have walked along our paths, while encouraging prospective students to join us. Our graduates and students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends count on us to continue our aspirations. The donors listed in the Honor Roll of Donors are responsible for many of the College’s accomplishments, and their generosity keeps us competitive. As a result of the thoughtfulness of our donors, we will continue to be the leading institution for the liberal arts, the environment, and social justice. Thank you for your support.

CHARLES FRANKLIN PARKER LEGACY SOCIETY Richard Ach James Antonius Betsy Bolding “Brad” & Ruth Bradburn Susan N. Coleman Trust Jess Dods Mark Dorsten Kristi & Dale Edwards Albert Engleman Mark & Gwenn Goodman Dean and Verne C. Lanier Ericha Scott The Secundy Family Marjory and Frank Sente James Stuckey & Beverly Santo Andrew Sudbrook & Elizabeth Clayton Mary Trevor & Toni Kaus Merril Windsor Nora Wood Fulton Wright Jr. Sharon Yarborough

$100,000 and Above Helios Education Foundation $25,000-$49,999 Richard Bakal Daniel & Suzanne Boyce Anna Cook Hemera Foundation Stephen & Shahnaz Winiarski $10,000-$24,999 Max and Bessie Bakal Foundation Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation James Hughes & Jacqueline Merrill KAKATU Foundation Joe Leo & Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation John & Cristi Ludwig RDV Corporation Walton Family Foundation Kenneth & Diane Ziesenheim $5,000-$9,999 Richard Ach & Carey Behel Cleo A. Bluth Charitable Foundation Compton Foundation Anne Dorman Peter & Melissa Evans Miguel Fernandez Daniel & Barbara Garvey H.S. Dent Foundation Doug Hulmes

W. Jesse King & Lisa Capper Suzanne Pfister Raytheon Matching Gifts Program Gerald & Donna Secundy Nancy & Byron Sugahara James & Linda Wilson Michael & Julie Zimber $2,500-$4,999 Paul Burkhardt & Zoe Hammer Blain and Peggy Butner Georgia Hume Evans Memorial Pima Center for Conservation Education Joan Stewart University of Arizona Yavapai County AZ Community Foundation $1000-$2,499 Morris & Bessie Altman Foundation Margaret Antilla Betsy Bolding Michael & Susan Burskey The Colorado Trust Steven & Traci Corey Joe & Sally Dorsten Henry Ebarb & Liisa Raikkonen Every Voice in Action Foundation Fann Contracting Glen & Donna Gallo Douglas & Karen Heaton Joan Hiller Robert & Karen King Marianne Knaup Gabrielle Liese David Mankowski Ellen Maxson Laird Norton Family Foundation Sue Olson Jon & Vicki Patton Jeff & Karen Riley Suzanne Tito John & Naomi Van Domelen Mary Welsh Michael & Irene Wilson $250-$999 Anonymous AYCO Charitable Foundation James C. Baillie Jeffery Berman Melanie Bishop & Ted Bouras Jean & Normand Bremner Paul & Ann Brenner Michael Burke Dan Campbell

Carolyn Chilcote Cathy & Ron Church Stephen Clark Joan Clingan & Frank Cardamone Dan Connor & Sara Barber Joanne Copperud & Robert Gils Dena Davis Jonathan Davis John & Lucy Douglas Ray & Lois Drever Joan Dukes Linda Edwards & Nathan Snydor Craig and Glenanne Engstrom Veronica Escurdero Daniel & Joanne Fitz Katie Galley & Allen Kleidon W. Ryland Gardner Douglas & Susan Gavin P. Kelley & W. Riley Gilmore Daniel Ginter Patricia Goffena-Beyer John Grainger Melanie Guldman Lydia Gustin Mark & Sarah Hayden Sam & Wendy Hitt Lana Holstein & David Taylor Don & Elizabeth Hopper Stephen Huemmer & Angela Garner Lucille Khoury Daniel & Marilyn Kirkey Allan Kleidon Robin Kropp Tim Lane & Donna Fleming John Leslie & Barbara Clark John & Cindy McCain Joseph & Martha McElligott Frederick Medrick Laurence & Karen Meltzer Tish Morris Alexander & Christina Muro Brian & Joanne Peterson Wendy Piersall Peter & Inez Platenius Mark & Jeanne Polzin Prescott Noon Lions Foundation Inc. Eugene & Margaret Puetz Patricia Rawlings Gerald Reed & Yvonne Jousten Fred & Caralee Roberts Robert & Christine Rosenberg Deborah Ruchs Jonathan Sachs Frank & Marjory Sente David Shapiro

J.V. Simmering Jane Smudin Starbucks Donald & Barbara Sweeney Josh Traeger Andre’ & Edwinna Vanderzanden Alan Weisman David Windsor Julie Wolf James Zukin Up to $249 Victoria Abel David & Ketta Abeshouse Lou Adams Kay Alexander Rick Alexander Aloha Coffee Jo Ambrose Douglas & Missy Anderson Skye Anicca Anonymous Donna Aranson Charles Armer Margaret Aspland Peter Athens Charles Awalt & Laurel Herman Katharine Baker Margaret Bair & James McInroe Larry Barker Joel Barnes Bill & Elaine Barney Robert Beitler Douglas & Barbara Berson Michele Bevis Margaret & Thatcher Bohrman Julie Bondeson Dennis & Sharon Boyle Louis Bright Barton & Lisa Brown Casey Brown Matthew & Marieta Brown Cheryl Brown-Kovacic Amy Rose Brt Lee & Cheryl Brueckel Jane Bryden Julie Burguiere Linda Burkhardt Jeanine Canty Gustav Carlson Doug Chabot William Christian & Sandra Barker James Christopher Paul & Marylyn Clark Thomas & Jane Clark Douglas Clendaniel Peter Cloud Craig & Susan Cloyed Paul Amadio & Donita Coburn-Amadio Coffee Roasters Brian Cohen David Cohn Steve Collins Kenneth & Nancy Costello Coyote Joe’s Bar & Grill Doug & Cynthia Combs Jeffery & Kathleen Condit Leslie Cook

Vicky Cook Tim Cooper Kenneth & Nancy Costello Catherine Cowen Jay Cowles & Page Knudsen Noel & Thomas Cox-Caniglia George Cunningham Angela Curtes Derk Janssen Desert Hills Bank Lorilee Deutsch Indravadan Dhruv Elisa Dias Frederick Dick Gerard & Betty Jo Doherty Dr. Peter Donovick Dan Dorsey Hans Drake & Ellen Cussler Susan Dunham Chris Eames Terri Eckel Dagmar Eisele El Gato Azul Restaurant Abe & Sheila Elias Teren & Jan Ellison William Emerson Linda Escoll & Jeff Westlake Jenica Faye Tina Feltman-Lena Karen Feridun Anita Fernandez James A. Finefrock Steven Finucane & Marjorie Bernardi Warren & Rose Fleischner Thomas Fleischner & Edith Dillon Abram Fleishman Joan Fleishman Mary “Petty” Floyd Herbert & Joan Friedmann Fry’s Grocery Store Theresa Furtak Donna Gaddie & Mark Chonko Norm & Jane Gagne Vincent Galterio Gamers Entertainment Annique & Thomas Garbarino Lisa Garrison Hannah Glasston & Patrick Hynes Bethena Glenn Robert & Joan Glosser Nelson & Marcia Goldberg John Goodson Barry Gordon M. Eileen Gorton Granite Mountain Outfitters Diane Greenley Tracey Grossman Frank & Beverly Groves Ellen Groves Peter & Misty Groves Benedict Fern Grumbine Pablo & Judy Guerrero Kent & Mollie Gugler Bill & Kathie Halbert Hugh & Jean Halsell Dustin & Lori Hanna William & Ann Hannig Deborah Harkrader

Victoria Harrod Joan Hart Brett Hartl James Hartline Kathleen Hartry Richard Harzewski Sara Hassell Richard & Mary Hatch Kris Havstad Erik & Mary Herman Kate Herrod R. Herwood Billy Lee Hicks John High Christine Hilbert Jim & Deborah Hilbert Christopher Hill Joel & Debra Hiller Louis & Dava Hoffman Wendy Howe Weston & Susanah Howland Hugo’s Restaurant Mary Hume Whitney Vincent & Ellen Hunt Eric Husted INOV Inc. Barbara Jacobsen Michael Jenkins Joe’s Furniture Anna Johnson-Chase Amy Joseph & Richard Boswell Dena Kanner Karen Kappes Joseph and Laura Kenig Michael & Margaret Kessell Deborah Kewin Steven & Barbara Kiel John and Joan Kimball Stephanine “Stevie” King Kenneth Kingsley Richard Klein Jim and Sue Knaup Christopher Kopek Kim Krasne Otis Kriegel Aryn LaBrake James & Carol Landis Riomas Lang Kathleen Lauerman Laughing Buddha Coffee House Law Office of Laura J. Taylor, PLLC Melanie Lefever Steve & Marion Lefkowitz Jason Leo David Leslie & Mary McWilliams Leslie Matt Levine Suena Lew Lo Judith Lewis Terrence Lewis Ann Lipp Theresa Long Peggy Lott Eunice Lovejoy David Lovejoy & Amparo Rifa John & Debra Lowrey Vance Luke James MacAdam David Mankowski

Neil & Llana Markowitz Jean C. Martin Peter & Partricia Martin Roy & Pyong-Tok Martinez Corinne Masur & Theodore Fallon Steven & Jeanne Matthews Anthony & Nancy Mattina Norma Mazur Maree McAteer Robert McCabe John McCarrell Elizabeth McDonald Jane McGrath Lorayne Meltzer Method Coffee Edward Miller Richard Miller Nancy Millham Barbara Mitchell & Robert Boyar Monk’s Restaurant Mitzi Moore-Hill Lloyd & Anne Moss Stephen Mudrick Elsa Munoz Julie Munro Bill Muster Foundation Kevin & Holly Nagie Tom Nehil III and Gail Walter Toni Nelson Network Auto Pierre & Christina Neury New Frontiers John Newman Aaron & Page Newton Nick’s Feed Your Face Sharon Noel John & Ann Nutt Chas Offutt Tina Ooley Chenoa Osayande Norman Oslik & Madeline Golde Christine Ouellette John & Kath Pace Steven Pace & Barbara Wood Grace Pancoe Rick & Margot Pantarotto Manuel &Percilla Patino Belden & Lisa Paulson Steve Kelling & Susan Pearce Kelling Marcia Pehrsson Chuck Perkins Dan Jannone & Rachel Peters Dianne Peterson Ginny Peterson Lee Potts Prescott Brewing Company Michael & Lori Profit J. David Ragsdale Peggy Rambikur Ari Rapport & Tracy Michaelis Tom & Carla Ratcliff Raven Café Barbara Rector Carla Rellinger & Suzanne Beeche Sue Rennels & Mike Grisez Josh Rickabaugh Gary Roberts Tanya Robie

Tom Robinson & Joan Wellman Roman Ristorante Charles & Evelyn Rose Janet Ross Alan & Elisabeth Rubin Brian Rubin W.C. Rudy Rebecca Ruffner Ross Rulney Anne-Marie Russell Maynard Janis Rutschman Louise Ryan Maurice Ryan Stacy & Mark Ryan Mohan Saini & Hardeep Kaur Michael & Geneva Saint-Amour Laura Salamone Marilyn Saxerud Ernest & Marianne Schloss Margriet Schnabel Nancy & Steven Schneider Chris Schreiner Craig & Jeanette Schuessler Kathryn Schwarz Anne Scofield Kevin Scott Ben Seaver Steven E. Sessions Attorney at Law Indu & Dilip Shah Randall Shaw Lori Sherwood Terrill Shorb Daniel Shuldman Floyd Siegel Steve Sischka David & Maura Smiley Glen & Jeanne Smiley Mark Smiley Pamela Smiley Timothy & Sheila Smiley Stephen Smiley & Debra Karp Timothy & Sheila Smiley Catherine Smith Marie Smith Scott Smith & Kelly Eitzen Smith Lynn & Steve Solomon Jonanne Sorensen Debbie Sotack Stephen Soumerai & Wendy Drobnyk Bill Stamats Lynn Stanton Tuttle Ann Steward Linda Stevens Abedian Bill Stillwell & Ann Gero Stillwell Stanley Stobierski Richard Stoller Stephen Stranahan Helen Street Dr. Lee Stuart James Stuckey & Beverly Santo Joseph Tabor & Holly McCarter Theodore Teegarden Dorothy Teer Lee Teitel & Laura Derman Robert & Linda Teittinen Christine Teleisha Thai House Café Susan Thomas

Ferris & Tanni Thompson John & Elizabeth Thrift Mary Trevor & Toni Kaus David & Cynthia Trowbridge Genevieve & Richard Tuchow United Way of Tucson & Southern AZ Marilyn Vache Nancy Van Alstine Wayne Van Voorhies & Laurie Abbott Robin Varnum Rubie Walker John Walsh Valerie Walsh Laura Ware Donna Webb Anne & Dennis White Elizabeth White Paul & Zoe Whyman Grace Wicks Kevin Wilder Barbara Williams Karen Williams McCreary & Kent Alderman Sara Woolf Mark & Angelina Woolley Yogartz Inkind Gifts Richard Ach & Carey Behel AZ Drum & Music Eugene Blinick Brown Bag Burger Coyote Joe’s Bar & Grill Enterprise Car Rental Clinton Gardner Goodwin Street Pharmacy Hae Now Hassayampa Inn Heritage Park Zoo Java Gypsies Maggies Organics Papa John’s PIzza Pima County ECAP P.O.P.S Music Shop Prescott College Café Raskins Jewelers Kate Rinzler Russell Steele Salon Saint Martin Spring Hill Suites-Marriot Stoneridge Golf Course TeaPot Inn 3D Festival-Drum.Dance.Didge.Heal Ultimate Tanning & Boutique Whisky Row Screen Printing Note: If we have inadvertently omitted or made an error in listing your name, we apologize. A correction will be published in the next Transitions. Contact Aryn LaBrake at (928) 350-4505, (877) 350-4505 or to correct your record. All Annual Report graphics and layout by Ashely Mains. Photos by Joel Hiller, Mary Lin, and Chris Marchetti. ©2010 Prescott College

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