2010-2011 Prescott College Annual Report

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Annual Report


PRESCOTT COLLEGE For the Liberal Arts, the Environment, and Social Justice


Annual Report

he Board of Trustees recognizes that the long-term sustainability of Prescott College requires incremental growth. Over the past year, under the judicious leadership of Dr. Kristin R. Woolever, we have moved toward this goal in ways large and small, while doing the utmost to remain true to our unique mission and culture.

The College has undergone an intense and inclusive strategic planning process to outline goals for continued growth through 2020, developed several new academic offerings, broken ground on a LEED Gold Certified student housing project, and begun implementing plans for a central Campus Commons that has been in the works for several years. There’s so much more, too much to list here. I’m inspired by the process I see unfolding before me. As an alumnus of the “original” Prescott College, I perceive what is happening as reclamation of Dr. Franklin Parker’s dream: to build an “ideal college for the future that would prepare students for contributing in an ever changing, and ever faster moving, world.” Integral to this dream, and my own profound educational experience here, is student engagement with passionate professors who act as guides and mentors for navigating the sometimes daunting adventure of actively shaping one’s own education. The faculty is – as always – deeply committed. In an effort to pay back the debt of gratitude alumni owe this remarkable group of people, I and some of my peers have started the Alumni Fund for Faculty Endowment. This endowment will provide funds for faculty enrichment and professional development in perpetuity as a “thank you” to the people who help kids like us grow into adults who make a living making a difference. It’s the amazing contributions by alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents, business partners, and other friends that will continue to drive Prescott College forward in this ever-changing world. In these pages you will find a comprehensive report about our community for our community – and those who will join us. On behalf of the College,

Richard Ach ’73 Chair, Board of Trustees

Prescott College Board of Trustees Richard Ach ’73, Chair Retired Senior Vice President AG Edwards Betsy Bolding Director, Consumer Affairs Tucson Electric Power Cameron Boswell ’04 Cotton Marketing J.G. Boswell Company Dan Boyce, Past Chair Senior Partner The Center for Financial Planning Dan Campbell Manager The Nature Conservancy

Peter Evans Independent Consultant James Hughes, Vice Chair Retired Attorney Hughes & Whitaker Gabriel Marien, Student Trustee On-Campus Undergraduate Program Prescott College David Meeks ’73, Treasurer President Sonoma Rentals Steve Pace, Secretary & Faculty Trustee On-Campus Undergraduate Program Prescott College

Carla Rellinger ’05, Employee Trustee Director of Auxiliary Services Prescott College Michael Rooney Attorney Sacks-Tierney Jerry Secundy President/CEO California Council for Environmental & Economic Balance John Van Domelen Retired President Wentworth Institute of Technology Ken Ziesenheim Financial Advisor Raymond James Financial Services

President’s Message Annual Report


hen I arrived at Prescott College in July 2010, the institution was at a crossroads (no pun intended). We had several choices to make that would determine the future of the College. We could continue on the status quo path, or we could reconnoiter and choose the more difficult, but ultimately more rewarding, trail of growth and continuous development. We have chosen the latter. I’m pleased to say Prescott College is investing confidently in its future. The first step has been a year-long strategic planning process – “Prescott College 2020” – involving constituents from across the College community as well as external experts. Over the past year, work groups have been researching and setting goals for improvement in six strategic areas: (1) College governance, (2) curriculum, (3) student success and support, (4) finance and resources, (5) technology and infrastructure, and (6) image, relations, and marketing. The result is a realistic 10-year plan with specific benchmarks and budgets. The major construction project on campus is one of the most noticeable changes underway. In late June, we broke ground for new student housing. Starting in fall 2012, these three townhouses will allow incoming freshmen to participate in a “living learning community,” easing their transition into college and providing opportunities to carry learning beyond the classroom, straight into their living environment. We are also moving forward with a Campus Commons project. This project includes significant landscaping and other improvement to the central campus to make it a pleasant gathering place that serves as a hub of the College. Improvements include new sidewalks, signage, trees, outdoor seating, etc. Additionally, to support the College’s emphasis on environmental studies, a multipurpose science laboratory and natural history lab is in the works – ready for student and faculty use soon. The development of new academic programs is also adding to all the excitement at the College. Last spring, we awarded our first Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees, and we are in the process of gaining approval for several other undergraduate and graduate-level degrees. As a result of careful planning and visioning, we are investing in Prescott College’s future. We have made choices about the path forward, and we are well on our way. The future is bright! Enjoy,

Dr. Kristin R. Woolever

2011 NSSE Sustainability Education Survey* How much has your coursework emphasized understanding the complex relationship between economic, social and ecological sytems?

Prescott College Senior Prescott College First Year Comparison Group Senior Comparison Group First Year

To what extent has your experience contributed to your skills to work for social change?

*Average score on five point scale, see Academic Strides on next page.

To what extent does your institution emphasize learning about sustainability?






Academic Strides Annual Report

The 2010–2011 school year saw scores of new developments for Prescott College. The On-Campus Undergraduate Program received approval for its Bachelor of Fine Arts curriculum, and the College awarded its first B.F.A.s during May commencement. In preparation for the expected enrollment increases of first-time students to be housed on campus next year, the faculty and Office of Student Life have developed and are currently piloting a “living learning” curriculum within a schedule of activities to build camaraderie and reinforce learning goals among incoming freshman. The student housing project should not only attract more first-time college students, but allow the College to host limited-residency students and visitors, during orientations, colloquia, and various symposia and conferences throughout the year. This year the National Survey of Student Engagement included a special study on sustainability education along with its usual survey of colleges and universities across the US and Canada. When asked about sustainability in the curriculum, student life, and the institution’s priorities, as well as self-reported sustainability learning outcomes, responses from Prescott College undergraduate students in both the On-Campus and Limited-Residency programs

ranked higher than the comparison group on every question (see chart on previous page). The latest Noel Levitz student satisfaction survey results for the Limited-Residency Undergraduate Program were particularly outstanding, with students ranking their experience significantly higher than adult students in similar programs across the country. Responses indicate satisfaction is linked to increased use of technology in communication and the quality and quantity of online courses. Electronic portfolios are now provided to limited-residency undergraduate students to extend their learning and to enable authentic assessment (examples can be found at prescott.digication.com). Prescott College’s Library was also identified as a strategic strength by Noel Levitz. In recent years, the Library has significantly expanded electronic resources, offering access to 86,000-plus e-books and more than 25,000 full-text journals with specific instruction for use provided to all incoming lowresidency undergraduates.

2010–2011 Enrollment by Program Total Enrollment 1,145 On-Campus Undergrad Limited-Residency Undergrad Limited-Residency Master of Arts Ph.D. in Sustainability Education

Enrollment Update

In the 2010–2011 Academic Year, enrollments in the On-Campus Undergraduate and Limited-Residency Master of Arts Programs demonstrated modest growth from the previous year. Limited-Residency Bachelor of Arts and Ph.D. enrollments were stable and roughly equivalent to 2009 enrollments. In all programs, student retention continued to hold at historic levels despite the continuing weak national economy. Impact of the national economic situation was most evident in the increasing demand for financial aid in the On-Campus and Limited-Residency Undergraduate Programs and in continued softening of admission yields – the number of accepted applicants who end up attending. This phenomenon has been a clear challenge for the past two years, and the Admissions Office has been hard at work reengineering the College’s marketing programs in consultation with external market research firms to achieve the increased application numbers needed to maintain and grow future enrollments. A key component of increasing the appeal of the College to traditionally aged undergraduates is the transformation of the campus into a fully residential campus. Construction of a 104-bed student housing complex is underway with expected completion for the fall 2012 class of on-campus freshmen. Institutional Scholarships Federal Loans Federal Grants

Sum of Fall and Spring Semester Enrollment 2007–2011

On-Campus Undergrad Limited-Residency Undergrad Limited-Residency M.A. Ph.D. Program Total Enrollment

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011






Total Financial Aid Awards 2007–2011

Financial Snapshot

Total Assets and Net Revenue 2007–2011 Net Revenue Other Assets Land, Buildings,and Equipment (net)

increasing our level of support from alumni, friends, foundations, and others. Prescott College continues to grow its endowments. We have 27 endowments, 23 of which are solely dedicated to scholarships for students. This past May we added the Prescott College Alumni Fund for Faculty Endowment – the first fund devoted to professional development for faculty. The Charles Franklin Parker Legacy Society, recognizing those who have included the College in a planned gift, now has 25 individual members, couples, or families who have Prescott College in their will. The College has already benefitted from more than $1.6 million of realized bequests.

2010-2011 Statement of Activities REVENUES Net tuition and fees Contributions and gifts Auxiliary and other income Investment and interest income Grant and restricted account activity Endowment donation and income Total revenue

$16,580,096 $194,379 $1,154,202 $70,816 $1,432,179 $146,437 $19,578,109

EXPENSES Instruction and academic support Student services Institutional support Auxiliary and other Grant and restricted account expenditures Total expenditures

$10,397,258 $2,542,075 $3,596,790 $1,530,041 $1,230,039 $19,296,203

Total change in net assets


Who is Giving to the Annual Fund? Contributions 2010–2011

19% 2007





Alumni $57,754 Friends $11,556 Board of Trustees $19,984 Faculty and Staff $5,988 Parents $39,453 Orgs and Foundations $71,621

Five-year Development Summary

Endowments Unrestricted Restricted Grand Total



$ 115,704 $1,319,609 $ 501,167 $1,936,480

$ 56,278 $ 229,466 $ 890,638 $1,176,382

2009 $(62,679) $199,649 $779,088 $916,059



$ 121,965 $ 582,233 $ 946,717 $1,650,915

$ 146,437 $ 194,379 $1,432,179 $1,772,995

Annual Report

It is the mission of Prescott College to educate students of diverse ages and backgrounds to understand, thrive in, and enhance our world community and environment. Finances are a critical and necessary tool to achieve this mission. Even in light of recent global economic changes, the past several years have seen dramatic improvement in the fiscal condition and strength of the College. Through disciplined and strategically led financial management, the College has balanced its budget for 11 straight years, increased total assets by nearly 300 percent, invested over $14.5 million in capital projects that enhance the learning environment, increased the total endowment by 318 percent, and increased net operating revenues available for investment in our mission by 72 percent. While we have already reaped the benefits of an improved strategic budgeting process over the past two years, budgeting will begin earlier in future years and be informed by the newly developed Prescott College 2020 strategic plan. In addition to improved planning processes, there is a dedicated focus toward building and maintaining larger reserves throughout the budget year. Another key area of focus has been diversification of revenue sources for the College. As a historically tuition-dependent institution, this means strengthening and expanding our various academic programs and student markets. It also means

Honor Roll of Donors Fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 Annual Report

We are building upon a substantial legacy of the experiential education that Prescott College has long provided. The upward trajectory to which we aspire benefits all who have walked along our paths, while encouraging prospective students to join us. The donors listed in the Honor Roll of Donors are responsible for many of the College’s accomplishments, and their generosity keeps us competitive. As a result of the thoughtfulness of our donors, we will continue to be the leading institution for the liberal arts, the environment, and social justice. Thank you for your support. Charles Franklin Parker Legacy Society See member list on back cover

$10,000 and Above (Gold and Turquoise Circle) Anonymous Daniel & Suzanne Boyce Lee Caldwell ’73 & Marcus Randolph The Clowes Fund The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Anne Dorman ’74 Helios Education Foundation Henry A. Ebarb ’84, Ph.D. ’09 & Liisa Raikkonen ’84 Ty Fitzmorris Hemera Foundation KAKATU Foundation Marisla Fund of the Orange County Community Foundation Corp. for National and Community Service (VISTA) National Park Service National Science Foundation Gerald & Donna Secundy Norman & Carol Traeger Foundation United States Department of Agriculture United States Geological Survey Walton Family Foundation

$5,000-$9,999 (President’s Circle) Richard Ach ’73 & Carey Behel Betsy Bolding Cleo A Bluth Charitable Foundation Leo and Rhea Fay Fruhman Foundation Dan & Barbara Garvey James Hughes & Jacqueline Merrill Jesse King ’75 & Lisa Capper ’75 John & Cristi Ludwig David ’73 & Grace Meeks Pima Center for Conservation Education Raytheon Matching Gifts Program Michael & Ruth Rooney Byron & Nancy Sugahara United States Fish and Wildlife Service John & Naomi Van Domelen Winiarski Family Foundation Warren & Barbara Winiarski Michael ’78 & Julie Zimber

$2,500-$4,999 (Humphrey’s Peak Society) The Biophilia Foundation, Inc. Paul Burkhardt & Zoe Hammer Every Voice In Action Foundation Jack Herring & Roxane Ronca Stephan Meyer & Sharon Salveter The Migedan Foundation The Outdoor Foundation Taylor Padgett & Palmer Financial Planners Tides Foundation (777 Fund) Tucson Pima Arts Council James & Linda Wilson

$1,000-$2,499 (Thumb Butte Society) Gret Antilla

Richard Bakal Bank of America Foundation Tom Barry ’92 Paul & Ann Brenner Michael & Susan Burskey Stephen ’72 & Susan Clarke Colorado Trust Jane A.S. Cook JoAnn Copperud & Robert Gils Steven & Traci Corey Joseph & Sally Dorsten Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Inc. Fann Contracting Inc. Catherine Galley ’77 Glen & Donna Gallo Melanie Guldman ’74 Lydia Gustin Mark & Sarah Hayden Douglas & Karen Heaton Joan Hiller Wendy & Sam Hitt Robert & Margaret Huskins Marianne Knaup Ellen Maxson New Frontiers Natural Foods Market & Café Tom & Cookie Obsitnik Donald & Susan Osterfelt Dr. Chris Overby ’73 Steven & Barbara Pace Carolyn & Dave Peterson Prescott College Earth Day Fair Karen & Jeff Riley Alan & Elisabeth Rubin Marjory & Frank Sente Andy Small ’91 Peter & Margie Stern Sugahara Foundation Suzanne Tito Tom & Ellen Tripp Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program Yavapai County Community Foundation Yavapai Prescott Indian Tribe George ’70 & Jorie Yen

$500-$999 (Founder’s Club) Anonymous Rick Alexander ’82 Hunter Allen ’96 AYCO Charitable Foundation Ted Bouras and Melanie Bishop Dan Campbell Judy Clapp ’74 & David Shapiro ’73 Joan Clingan & Frank Cardamone ’07 Anna Cook Mary Sharpe Divers ’89 Raymond ’05 & Lois Drever Peggy Elkins Miguel & Liz Fernandez Joanne ’79 and Daniel Fitz Haley Construction Co. Henry V. and Barbara J. Hayden Trust

Catherine Huskins ’10 Lucille Khoury Robert & Karen King Tish Morris ’79 Carolyn Morton Joel Moss Alex ’01 & Christina Muro Kate Rinzler Anne ’70 & Stuart Scofield H.D. & Netzin G. Steklis Weddle Gilmore Architects Alan Weisman Wells Fargo Matching Gift Program Wells Fargo Prescott Business Banking Melanie Wetzel Kristin Woolever & Lynn Walterick

$250-$499 (Bradshaw Mountains Club) Osmund & Susan Arriola Michael Belef ’99 & Denise Howard Lee & Cheryl Brueckel J.D. & Bettie Jane Conley Sara Barber Connor ’74 & Dan Connor James Decker ’00 John Jr. & Lucy Douglas Joan Dukes James & Carolyn Dunn Toby & Nancy Ebarb Jan ’73 & Teren Ellison Steve Finucane ’75 & Marjorie Bernardi Friends of the Prescott Public Library Angela Garner ’72 & Steve Huemmer ’73 Lynn Garney ’73 Joel & Debra Hiller Dave & Kay Jenner Marion & Steve Lefkowitz John Leslie & Barbara Clarke Mary McWilliams Leslie ’74 & David Leslie Judd & Betty Lotts Ami Magisos Rick Medrick Laurence & Karen Meltzer Ismat Shah & Cynthia Morgan Thomas Nehil ’71 & Gail Walter Margot ’72 & Rick Pantarotto Jon Patton ’73 & Vicki Yeager Patricia Rawlings Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) Carla Rellinger ’05 & Suzanne Beeche ’07 Dr. Robert & Christine Rosenberg Louise Ryan John & Leslie Sanderson Martha Sauter Schwab Charitable Fund Thai House Café Gus Tham ’71 & Charlene De Losa Tham Susan Thomas ’72 John ’72 & Elizabeth Thrift Josh ’97 & Kate Traeger Mary Trevor ’95 & Toni Kaus

$100-$249 (Ponderosa Pine Club)

Peggy Rambikur ’73 Gerald Reed ’75 & Yvonne Joosten ’75 Fiona Reid ’00 Sue Rennels ’75 & Mike Grisez Eric & Carolyn Riedlin Timothy Robison Kenneth & Linda Ruth Jeffrey Salz ’74 Marilyn Saxerud Cynthia ’72 & Ted Schleicher Nancy ’01 & Steven Schneider Erik Schultz ’07 Jan Schwartz ’09 & Judith McDaniel Carl & Maria Scotti Steve Sessions ’74 & Laura Mason Kevin & Marci Sheesley Laurie Silver & Grace Burford Phillip Smart & Claudia Bach Larry & Sandra Smith Mary Spangler & Victor Medina Bill Stillwell & Anne Gero-Stillwell Vicki Stoyer ’00 & Robert Janus Marie-Claire & Kirk Strang Helen Street Thomas & Blythe Strong Dr. Lee Stuart ’75 Esther Summers Joseph Tabor & Holly McCarter Helen Taylor Robert & Linda Teittinen Ferris ’84 & Tanni Thompson Michelle Tissot ’09 Jeanette Treuel Tom Turley Dr. Marilyn Vache ’72 & Graylin Grissett Julie VanSant & Josh Dallman Valerie Walsh ’76 & Rick Schwolsky Nehama Weininger ’87 Marcus Whitaker Zoe Shark ’97 Grace Wicks Schlosser ’02 Dani ’74 & Jim Woods Mary Yelenick ’74 & Elizabeth Broad David & Nancy Young

Up To $100 (Granite Club) Anonymous Andrea Adams ’03 & Christopher Diel Arnita Albertson ’09 William & Martha Aleman Cathy Alger Eleanor Alves Terrence & Lee Alyanakian Doug & Missy Anderson Donna Aranson Charles Awalt & Laurel Herrmann Laurie Back Gunnar & Heather Baldwin Joel Barnes ’81 Bill & Elaine Barney Len Barron Grace Bean Will ’69 & Jill Beckett ’70 Kathy Ben & Scott Wilbor Bradley & Tracy Bethel Oscar Bieta & Madeline Kiser Robert Bingham & Theresa Reindl Bingham Patricia Bischof John Bloom & Joan Caldarera John & Carol Bollinger Karrol Braddock ’74 Bradford Land and Cattle Co.

Annual Report

Anonymous (2) David & Ketta Abeshouse Jennifer Agans Jordan Amerman Arthur & Elizabeth Auer Marianne Balfe ’01 Laurence Barker ’73 Alexander Barron ’98 Barbara & Douglas Berson Bill Muster Foundation Barbara Bollinger Julie Bondeson Cameron ’04 & Cherilyn ’04 Boswell Robert & Gail Breyer Louis Bright Lyle Brown Stephen and Kathleen Brule S.M. Budd & J.L. Reinhart Lisa Bush Ray Cage Heather Campbell ’73 & Day DelaHunt Sharon ’06 & Franco Candelise Martha Brennan ’79 Steven Chatham & Lisbeth Prunuske Chatham William Christian ’02 & Sandra Barker Cathy & Ron Church Paul & Marylyn Clark Steve Collins Combs Consulting Services LLC Steve & Linda Corson Kenneth & Nancy Costello Alexis Cousins Marc & Sherry Cousins Maggie Cox Ryan ’99 & Colby Crehan Richard & Susan Crenshaw Stephen & Virginia Cunningham Diane Curtis Imogen Daly ’05 Philippe Daniel & Bonnie Mioduchoski Dana ’70 & Anne Densmore Lorilee ’04 & Roger Deutsch Jess ’70 & Pam Dods Gerard & Betty Jo Doherty Joyce Doherty Anne Downes Marty Eberhardt ’74 & Philip Hastings William & Martha Edwards Laurel Elander Jeannie Elkins Christopher Estes ’74 Richard & Maria Eswine Christopher & Cynthia Fercec Linda Fortner & Robert Grondin Herbert & Joan Friedmann Deborah Fuchs & Erica Bennett Norman & Jane Gagne Randal Gainer ’70 & Johanna Schorr Vincent & Judith Galterio Bill Gardener Lisa Garrison ’75 & Jorge Phillips Mark ’70 & Marlene Gebhardt Robert & Joan Glosser Patricia Goffena-Beyer ’05 Juanita Gonzales Mark ’73 and Gwen Goodman M. Eileen Gorton Ellen Groves Pablo & Judy Guerrero

Dale & Sue Guzlas William & Ann Hannig Thomas Harburg & Alida Rol Debbie Harkrader ’80 Terra Harris ’71 James Harte Brett Hartl ’04 Richard & Mary Hatch Linda Havins ’71 Chris Haydock ’73 & Laurel Wanek Heritage Memory Mortuary Gretchen Hoffman ’10 Susan Hopkins Nathan Houchin ’01 Weston & Susanah Howland Douglas Hulmes ’74 Mary Hume Whitney Deborah Hunsicker ’05 Larry Jarrett ’08 Anna Johnson-Chase ’68 Rev. Elaine G. Jordan Marshall & Patricia Kane Jack Kaplan & Marion Macsai Lucy & Mike Kemper Kidzamm Denistry Steven & Barbara Kiel John & Joan Kimball Richard Kipling Kitty Carling Insurance Agency Dawn Knight Natalie Krol Joseph La Barge Walter & Susan Laesch Jamie Lantz ’96 Gregory Lazzell Shari Leach ’04 & Ryland Gardner ’07 Michael & JoAnne Ledbetter Erin LeFevre ’98 & Kara Brunham Suena Lew Lo ’93 Jimmie ’05 & Barbara ’06 Lewis Richard Lewis Matthew Logan Theresa Long Eunice Lovejoy Katherine ’71 & Wayne Lunceford Todd Makela Judith Marblestone Ruth Marblestone Antonio Massella ’97 Dr. Jane McGrath ’75 A. Mechelle Meixner & Jake F. Weltzin Betsy Meyer ’76 Greg Miller ’95 Richard & Linda Miller Deborah Morrison Kimberly Morton Monica ’95 & Jason Motsko Keith & Wendy Mullins Maria Nasif China & Pierre Neury Aaron ’71 & Page Newton Susan & Robert Northrop John & Ann Nutt Amy ’02 & Kenneth Orchard John “Packet” & Debra Lowrey Percilla & Manuel Patino Donna ’74 & Bill Patterson Brian & Joann Peterson John Prunuske Gene & Margaret Puetz J.T. & Jonna Purvis Patty Quinones

Annual Report

Duncan Bremner Stephen Brenner & Susan Hoffman Cathy Brett Emily Brott Clare Broussard Daniel Brown David Bupp Charles & Rebecca Byers Sigrun Bynum ’92 Noel Caniglia Jeanine Canty ’00 Gustav & Charlene Carlson Casa Alvarez Restaurant Suzy Henney Celebrations Party Spot Doug ’86 & Genevieve Chabot Jen Chandler ’00 Debra Chase Carolyn Chilcote Nadia Chornodolsky ’04 & Patrick Arnold James Christopher Circus Arts Institute LLC Douglas Clendaniel ’07 Craig & Susan Cloyed Coffee Roasters Peter & Nancy Cohen-Copeland Don Comstock & Clair Enlow Kathleen ’74 and Geoffrey Condit Kenneth Cook Victoria ’91 & James Cook Beth Corwin Janice Crede ’09 Cameron & Joseph Davis Micky & Lori Davis Richard & Jacqueline Davis Daniel ’93 & Candace Denman Indravadan & Nayana Dhruv Kevin & Jill Dickinson Laura Didyk ’96 Maxine ’10 & Gerald Diggs Dinner Bell Café Ann E. Dinsmore Dr. Peter Donovick Jennifer Duberstein Suzanne Dulle & Juan Velasco Mark Durkan Frances Collins-Dusseault ’08 Christopher Duval ’89 S.A. Edmonds Carla Eigenauer Kelly Eitzen Smith & Scott Smith Conor Eldridge ’09 Abe & Sheila Elias Matt ’03 & Susie Elias Dr. Susan M. Elliott ’73 Maggie Ellis ’04 Anne English Shawn & Tressa Evans Tina Evans ’11 David ’82 & Susan Fago ’82 Elizabeth Faller ’99 Ray & Joanne Faucher Sharon Faudree Arthur Fetter & Janice Adams Patty Fischer John Flax ’74 Thomas Fleischner & Edie Dillon ’07 Deborah ’73 & Robert Foehring Michael & Maryann Fox Kenneth & Linda Frank Shulamith Freedman

Larry Frolich Sara ’09 & Eric ’02 Fry-Miller Theresa Furtak Maria Gail ’76 Gamers Entertainment Judith Geis ’98 Alex & Jacqueline Gerson Lauren Goldberg ’04 Nelson & Marcia Goldberg Steven & Margaret Goldberg Dr. J. H. Goldberger Gail Gorud ’74 Karen & John Graham Granite Mountain Outfitters Floyd & Yajaira Gray Susan Green ’09 Elizabeth Griggs Frank & Beverly Groves Kurt & Jeanette Gulder Andy Haas Maurine Haeberlin Kelly Harkness ’10 Miriam Harris Amy Hartline ’01 Brett & Rhonda Hartzell Beverly ’91 & Richard Harvey Andrew ’97 & Krassi Harwell Hassayampa Inn Rebecca A. Hauser Mr. & Mrs. Norm Healy Jean M. Hickman Highlands Center for Natural History Deborah & Jim Hilbert Holly Hill Macadam Christopher Hill ’91 Benjamin Hobbs ’74 & Julie McDill Ben & Lexi Hoffman Dava & Louis Hoffman Mark & Julie Hoffmann Sigrid Holland Lana Holstein & David Taylor Cherie Howe Chris & Leslie Hoy Gerard & Katherine Huet Mark & Leslie Hunten Hillary Haselton ’03 Ironclad Bicycles Issues in Education-NACE Henry Jacobson Mary Jenkins Melissa Johnson ’83 Rebecca Johnson Jean Jones Paul Judge & Christine Yaeger Karen Kappes Kern Kendall Margaret Kessell Dr. Ken Kingsley ’72 & Amy Gaiennie Trude Kleess ’74 & Tom Corrigan Richard & Anne Klein Heather Knowles Janet ’74 & Michael Kothrade Joanne Kresl Otis Kriegel ’94 & Carlin Greenstein Aryn LaBrake ’09 Anne LaBruzzo Jim ’68 & Carol Landis Sigurd & Amy Lavold ’01 Stephen ’01 & Johnnie LeFaiver Melanie Lefever ’01 Frances Lehr

Adrian Lesoing Terrence Lewis ’03 Erin Lingo ’07 Alice Long Layne Longfellow ’75 Margaret Lott David Lovejoy ’73 & Amparo Rifá ’89 Vance Luke Lisa Lundberg James MacAdam ’01 Bruce MacAdam Laurie J. MacDonald Lisa ’71 & James Maher Ashley Mains Betsy Maness ’73 David & Barbara Marblestone Karen Mason Norma Mazur ’93 Linda McBride R.J. McCormick & Kimberly WoodsMcCormick Kathryn McEwen ’05 Mark McGrath & Lisa Dollinger Kathryn McKay Williams Marguerite McKenna ’10 Lorayne Meltzer Melvin and Janet Brownold Fund of the Foundation for Enhancing Communities Charissa Menefee Lisa Metcalf ’08 Denise Mitten North Moench ’05 Mary Moore Steven Morgan Marina Moses Shuman ’08 Anne Moss Elsa Munoz Esther Murdock Karen Murphy ’08 James & Myra Musgrove National Outdoor Leadership School Eugenia Newberg Lisa Nezwazky Jane Nichols ’10 Nighthawk Natives Nursery Matt Nolan Karen Nulton Mab Nuety ’03 Gracia O’Neill ’03 Norman Oslik ’07 & Madeleine Golde Christina Ouellette Patricia Palagi & Marci Peterson Pramod Parajuli Sandy Paris Anna Parker ’80 Emilie Pechuzal ’08 Ashley Pedersen Ann Pendley Diana Perry & Michael Gibson Rachel Peters ’04 Randy Peterson Prescott Brewing Company Prescott Yoga Marguerite Price Polly Prunuske Ari Rapport ’98 & Tracy Michaelis Rapport ’99 Ravens-Way Wild Journeys, LLC Michael & Susan Reardon Miriam Redstone Hugh & Carol Renwick Bridget Reynolds

Mark & Angelina Woolley Jeffery Yockey & Laura Mielcarek Vicky Young ’95 Jaime Zaplatosch ’00 & Joe Sutton Katherine & Patricia Zulauf

In-kind Gifts A Good Yarn Richard Ach ’73 Action Graphics Albertson’s All Star Sports Ahmed Al-Mansi Aloha Grill Walt Anderson Jeffery Andrews Fred Arndt and Betsy Bradbury-Arndt Artful Eye AZ Drum and Music Lily Ballet Folklorico Charlie Barrett Tom Barry ’92 Alan Berman ’08 Bill’s Pizza Naomi Blinick ’09 Amy Bonney Fred Borcherdt Richard Brusca Grace Burford Catalyst Healthy Solutions Jen Chandler ’00 Celia Chatham Elena Chavarria Mario Chavez Cappi Comba Julie Comnick and Chris Jones Steven and Traci Corey Costco Wholesale Coyote Joe’s Bar & Grill Dr. Tim and Sarah ’11 Crews Kimila Day Diane’s Crafts Dinner Bell Café Rebekah Doyle Gordon Euler Karen Feridun Thomas Fleischner & Edie Dillon ’07 Abram Fleishman ’08 Jordan Ford ’09 Bill and Deb Ford Fry’s Grocery Galpin Ford Gamers Entertainment Eric Glomski ’92 Gooday Creations Michael Goodluck Grama’s Bakery David Hage Sara Harrison ’74 Laura Harvey Haunted Prescott Clayton Heath Michele Heimpel Marcia Hermann ’73 Hold Fast Tattoo Rachel Houseman ’07 Hugo’s Mexican Café Douglas Hulmes ’74 Jose Iniguez Uosis Juodvalkis Kelley Kasper

Kendall’s Famous Burgers and Ice Cream Dr. Ken Kingsley ’72 and Amy Gaiennie Jacqueline Kinman Donald Klepl Nikki Kokotovich Adam Kurtz JoAnn LeBus Mike Lewis ’91 Llama House Lowes Diana Luque Mama Edda’s Gourmet Pizza Marriott Springhill Suites Joseph McShane ’93 and Jan Marshall ’89 Victoria Michael Mile High Brewing Supplies Delisa Myles Dr. Gary Nabhan ’73 and Laura Monti Network Auto New Frontiers Natural Foods Market & Café O’Reilly Auto Parts Pangaea Bakery and Café Papa Murphy’s Pizza Pet Depot Barkery Dennis Peterson and Joan Maloney Vita Marie Phares Pops Music Store Prescott Brewing Company Prescott Coffee Roasters Prescott College Bookstore Prescott General Store Raskin Jewelers Maria Robledo Mejia Murray Rubin Safeway Salon St. Martin Sam and London Designer Resale Boutique Willits and Marie Sawyer J. Michael Scott Scout’s Gourmet Grub Seams Sew Right: Quilt Studio Shannon’s Gourmet Cheesecakes and Wraps Shuttle U Gregory Smart ’10 Marie Smith Staples Stellar Photography Nikkolos Stevers Sunglass Emporium Donald Swann Sweet Potato Café Taco Don’s Target Thai House Café The Frame and I The Office Grill The Palace Restaurant and Bar The Raven Café Tickled Pink Gifts Mary Trevor ’95 and Toni Kaus Wal-Mart Stores Inc Regina Wheeler Ben Wilder Wayne Wolfe, Jr. Wood Life Images Margaret Woods Yogartz Vicky Young ’95 Martin Ziebell ’06

Annual Report

Angela Ridlen Mark Riegner & Veronica Behn ’01 Robin Rivet ’74 Sean Roberts ’05 Charles & Evelyn Rose Deborah Ross Janet Ross ’74 Peggy Rubel Henry Rubin & Elisabeth Stark Ross Rulney Nancy Russotti ’90 Janis Rutschman ’73 & Vickie Sewing Annique Sampson ’00 & Thomas Garbarino ’01 Vance Sanders Ernie ’03 & Marianne ’01 Schloss Diane Schmidt ’74 & Frank Morgan John Schmit ’97 & Laurie Dix ’01 Chris Schreiner Craig & Jeannette Schuessler Michael Schulte ’75 Cheryl & Melita Schwartz Kathryn Schwarz Peter Sherman & Mariana Altrichter Lisa Shipek Terril Shorb ’09 Daniel ’02 & Michal Shuldman Floyd & Marlene Siegel Kistie Simmons ’08 Marie & Tim Smith David Snyder Aritra Sorensen Debbie Sotack Joe & Betty Ann St. George Margaret Staples Dhruva Stephenson ’75 Steven E. Sessions, Attorney-At-Law Gary Stogsdill ’86 Andrew Sudbrock ’91 & Elizabeth Clayton Jeffrey Summit & Gail Kaufman Ta-Da Enterprises, Inc. John & Karen Tadich Ted Teegarden ’07 Dorothy Teer Christine Teleisha The Hike Shack The Sacred Bean Christine Thorp Suzanna Tiedeman Bonnie Tobey Carl & Joan Tomoff Jessica Truscott Nikki Turner United Way of Tucson and Southern AZ Nancy Van Alstine ’75 Robin Varnum ’70 & Juris Zagarins Rubie Walker ’97 John Walsh Stan & Diane Watkins WCC-LLC Gale Welter W.S. Wendel Brian & Heidi Werling John & Connie Whitcraft Anne ’75 & Denis White Brenda White ’93 Robert ’96 & Mary Widen Barbara Williams ’86 Judyth Willis Erica Wilner Rosenblatt & Dr. Andrew Rosenblatt Sue Ellen Wilson ’73 & John Gaumer

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Charles Franklin Parker Legacy Society * Making a Difference by Supporting the Vision of Tomorrow’s Leaders Anonymous Richard Ach ’73 James Antonius Betsy Bolding Dan & Sue Boyce Brad & Ruth Bradburn Susan N. Coleman Trust Jess Dods ’70 Mark Dorsten ’99 Henry A. Ebarb Ph.D. ’09 Decedent’s Trust Kristi ’96 and Dale Edwards Albert Engleman Mark ’73 & Gwen Goodman Dean and Verne C. Lanier Kathryn “Kate” Hughes Rinzler Ericha Scott The Secundy Family Marjory and Frank Sente James Stuckey & Beverly Santo Andrew Sudbrock ’91 & Elizabeth Clayton ’91 Mary Trevor ’95 & Toni Kaus Merrill Windsor Nora Woods Fulton Wright, Jr. Sharon Yarborough ’73

* Members as of September 2011

For further information visit www.prescott.edu/give or contact the Advancement Office at (928) 350-4505 or development@prescott.edu.

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