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Spotlight - Community Projects
The Center has contributed to biocultural conservation efforts since 1991. We bring together people from different perspectives, institutions, and cultures to co-create solutions to socio-environmental challenges in the region. One important component is community participation and leadership. This season, the Center, with a lot of help from our donors, dramatically increased its support for collaborative community projects by funding and supporting 7 projects involving 83 local and indigenous community members. These projects represent partnerships between Center staff and community members towards common goals. Projects address local needs, provide economic alternatives, and integrate science, education, traditional ecological knowledge, and local leadership toward long-term biocultural conservation.
Community projects run at different levels of autonomy. Initially, Center staff take more of a leadership role and community members engage as participants. As community members gain more experience and initiative, they assume more leadership responsibility, with Center staff offering continuing support.
Grupo Tortuguero de Bahía de Kino
Goal: Protect sea turtles through monitoring and education
13 participants
Results: 10 monitoring surveys and regular education and information sharing
Coijaac Group
Goal: Advance waterbird monitoring, training and traditional ecological knowledge Escuela Biocultural(TEK) in the Canal del Infiernillo
2 participants
Results: 8 monitoring surveys, application of data and TEK to conservation and education efforts
Laguna la Cruz Fishermen
Goal: Promote conservation, awareness, and participation
12 participants
Results: 5 estuary clean-ups
Biocultural Field School
Goal: Connect Comcaac youth with TEK
35 participants
Results: 7 field trips led by Comcaac mentors to important biocultural sites
Comcaac Leader Group
Goal: Facilitate dialog between conservation leaders in the Comcaac communities
15 participants
Results: 8 dialogs to identifying key priorities
Canal del Infiernillo Dolphin Monitoring
Goal: Advance dolphin monitoring, training, and TEK in the Canal del Infiernillo
2 participants
Results: 4 monitoring surveys of resident dolphins and 2 training workshops
Environmental Education: Sea Turtle Nesting
Goal: Increase awareness and training
5 participants
Results: 1 training workshop, educational material, and 2 public educational events