School Guidance Counseling Certification Program at Prescott College

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About Prescott College Prescott College began in the 1950s when leaders of a small town in the stunningly beautiful pine and chaparral country of central Arizona were searching for a new cultural identity. Drawing on the Congregationalist tradition of founding over 50 leading colleges and universities in America, beginning with Harvard in 1636, and including other leading colleges and universities such as Middlebury, Dartmouth, Amherst, Smith, Yale, Oberlin, Grinnell, Whitman, Colorado, Pomona, and Scripps, Dr. Charles Franklin Parker, minister of Prescott’s First Congregational Church, and Prescott College founder, announced an ambitious project of creating the Harvard of the West, Prescott College. Many of the philosophical and educational principles that form the foundation of Prescott College – designed to produce the leaders needed to solve the world’s growing environmental and social problems – emerged in 1963 in a significant conference of state and nationally-known leaders from higher education funded by the Ford Foundation’s Fund for Post Secondary Education, Business, and Industry.

In a Changing World . . . Dr. Parker’s vision “for a pioneering, even radical experiment in higher education” and “to graduate society’s leaders for the 21st Century who would be needed to solve the world’s growing environmental and social problems” seems especially prescient today. Human society is coming to terms with the fight against global warming and its potential for large-scale, adverse health, social, economic and ecological effects. Society is also looking to new models of education to better prepare students of all ages for their role as global citizens.

Making a difference in the World. 1


Education Where You Live and Work Prescott College students complete their coursework wherever they are – in rural communities, small towns and large metropolitan areas – without interrupting jobs, family life, or connections to their own communities. Students live in Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and throughout the West, Pacific Northwest and New England. Education Unplugged The College’s academic programs are “unplugged” from such conventional practices as the departmentalization of knowledge; confining learning to the classroom and textbooks rather than real experience; and thinking of college as preparation for life, rather than life itself. Prescott students learn critical thinking and research and how to apply them to real-life problems and their own passions by living them, testing them out in real time.

“The colloquia gave me a chance to experience the culture and beauty of the Southwest while convening face-to-face with peers and mentors. Being able to put “faces with names” and form friendships kept me feeling connected to Prescott College and student life even while I was many miles away. Colloquia offered me the opportunity to both deepen into areas within my field of study and to broaden my educational experiences by attending sessions not related to my field of study. I really miss my trips to Prescott College that I came to joyfully anticipate during my tenure as a student!” Mili Ballard ’09

An Emphasis on the Student Students are empowered at Prescott College because the faculty views students as co-creators of their educational experience rather than as consumers. Like professors at other distinguished colleges and universities, Prescott College faculty author books, publish in prestigious journals, speak at international conferences, and receive competitive grants to support their research and creative work. What distinguishes Prescott College faculty is a commitment to put their students first. While faculty are supported and encouraged to make strides in their fields, they are first and foremost passionate educators, emphasizing teaching over research and other scholarly activities.

Hybrid Low-Residence/Online Instruction Model Prescott College’s low-residency programs are unlike any other educational experience, combining self-directed, individually mentored and online distance education with a limited-residency requirement. This approach offers the opportunity to complete a meaningful program which is carried out with the support of faculty and Graduate Advisors who work with students in their chosen field of study. The time students must actually be at Prescott College’s campus, is minimal. Master’s and Certificate students attend two, three-day colloquia per term, four per academic year. Colloquia provide interactive peer learning and dialogue. Colloquia begin on Friday morning and end on Sunday afternoon.



School Guidance Counseling Degree-Seeking Students The Prescott College Master of Arts Degree and PostMaster’s School Guidance Counseling Certification Program emphasizes: • Knowledge through practical experience and direct supervision of the professional activities, duties, tasks, ethical responsibilities, and standards of practice for the professional school counselor; • Proficiency of integrating interviews for the purpose of assessing, diagnosing, and planning appropriate school counseling related interventions; and • The ability to effectively counsel and educate students and consult with teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, and parents as a school guidance counselor. In order to qualify for a Prescott College Institutional Recommendation (IR) leading to Arizona Provisional School Guidance Counseling Certification, master’s degreeseeking students must have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally-accredited post-secondary institution and must complete at least 48 semester credits in School Guidance Counseling Certification Program and College-designated coursework. Please note that the School Guidance Counseling certification coursework equals 33 semester credits. The 48 semester credits include this Program-designated coursework, and: • successful completion of an initial cohort orientation course • a supervised capstone practicum • a College-required three semester credit research methods course • a twelve-semester-credit Thesis.

Post-Master’s School Guidance Counseling Certification Students who have already earned a master’s degree from a regionally-accredited post-secondary institution and who are seeking Arizona School Guidance Counseling Certification may become eligible for a Prescott College Insti-

tutional Recommendation (IR) leading to Arizona School Guidance Counseling Certification. Requirements include: • successful completion of at least the 33 Program-designated certification semester credits in School Guidance Counseling coursework, and practicum; • participation in orientation and attendance at graduate colloquia scheduled during the students’ enrollment; and, • completion of all other program or College requirements for the post-degree level of study.

Institutional Recommendation Upon successful completion of their program of study, students must apply to the College for an Institutional Recommendation for Arizona School Guidance Counseling Certification, which facilitates their receipt of Arizona Provisional School Guidance Counseling Certification.


School Guidance Counseling Program Curriculum 48 total semester credits Foundation and Theory Courses Counseling Theory Social and Ecological Perspectives Human Growth and Development Group Dynamics Processing and Counseling Foundations of School Counseling Vocational Counseling and Career Development School Guidance Counseling: Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation Methods Research Methodologies Practicum Supervised School Guidance Counseling Practicum Thesis Development/Thesis Core Foundations Course

Transfer Credits Prescott College accepts up to 15 graduate semester credits in transfer coursework from other regionally-accredited post-secondary institutions as long as College faculty members confirm that the courses and credits to be transferred meet Collegeestablished curricular standards and expectations.

Out-of-State Certification If a student is planning to obtain certification in a state other than Arizona, the student is required to research that state’s certification requirements in order to ensure compliance. Upon successful completion of the post-degree study requirements, each student must apply to the College for an Institutional Recommendation for Arizona Provisional School Guidance Counseling Certification.

School Guidance Counseling Graduation Requirements • Completion of a 3 semester credit Core Foundations course • Completion of 33 semester credits of School Guidance Counseling certification coursework and practicum • Completion of a minimum of 12 semester credits of Thesis Development/Thesis • Study Plans for each semester • Demonstration of social and ecological literacies • Approved Qualifying Paper • Qualifying Presentation • Approved Thesis Plan • Individual Thesis Presentation • All required residency attendance statements • Completed end-of-semester evaluations 4

Fingerprint Clearance Card The Prescott College School Guidance Counseling program requires a minimum of 10 observation hours in school and classroom settings for each course taken. Most, if not all, schools and school districts require a fingerprint clearance card in order to visit the school setting and complete these observation hours. It is critically important for students to make sure that they will be able to fulfill the requirements of obtaining a fingerprint clearance card in order to be able to complete the required observation hours. Visit the Arizona Department of Education website, tification/ for more information on obtaining the fingerprint clearance card.




Stan Maliszewski

Michelle Hoop ’09

Education and Counseling Physchology

Trusting the process

Mentor and instructor Stan Maliszewski sees his role as instructor to provide the core foundation and core concepts for students to build on. Prescott College students, he observes, tend to be “successful at turning what is typically mundane basic coursework into something that is truly valuable in their field.” “At Prescott College, students direct their own program and learning process. They are given more academic freedom to approach their coursework in a matter that speaks to them personally, which makes their education more personalized and unique,” he said. While most of Stan’s education advisees seek positions as K-12 school counselors, the majority of his Counseling Psychology students continue to work on completing supervised hours for licensure as mental health therapists. Student’s broad interests “help him to keep abreast of what’s new in the field,” he said, noting that he values what he learns from their papers and research. As a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP), and Certified Professional Counselor (CPC), Stan brings not only a wealth of knowledge and experience to his role as a mentor but social and ecological perspectives aligned with the College’s mission. He has worked in the fields of education and counseling for over 40 years, as a Director of Counselors in Omaha, Neb., a private practice therapist, and associate professor at the University of Arizona.

Within a month of earning certification in school guidance counseling from Prescott College, Michelle Hoop had landed a job in her field. Even so, Michelle believes her Prescott College education offers lifelong value above and beyond career preparedness. “Prescott College is a journey that continues past the classroom and becomes as valuable as each student dares to make it,” she said.

“Prescott College is a journey that continues past the classroom and becomes as valuable as each student dares to make it.” Michelle Hoop The mentorship program in particular, Michelle notes, is one of the College’s biggest strengths, a feature that “sets Prescott College apart from the traditional university programs and raises the bar for counseling programs,” she said. “The experience, knowledge, and professionalism I received from my graduate advisor, Stan Maliszewski, has been invaluable to me as I work day to day with students.” When she was attending the College, Michelle said she often heard the refrain, “Trust the process.” That process, helped along by excellent mentors, a caring and nurturing staff, and a deep learning experience, led Michelle to recommend the program to two other students who have since enrolled in the school guidance counseling program. “If a student is hoping to gain more knowledge than can be garnered from a textbook and lectures … If the student is one who is highly self-motivated, willing to share experiences with other students and put trust in the process and their mentor, then I would highly recommend Prescott College,” she said. “In my opinion, Prescott College has been as much about the process and the journey as it is about the final destination.”



Course Descriptions Education Foundations Course/Master of Arts program Scholarship in Education Scholarship in Education is designed to 1) create a scholarly cohort for the Spring 2009 Education students; 2) provide a forum for students to work together to become familiar with research methods and methodologies in Education and School Guidance Counseling; 3) provide an opportunity for students to consider effective research methodologies for their thesis work; and 4) provide information and a discussion forum to learn the processes of the Master of Arts program (MAP). Upon successful completion of this course, students will earn three course credits: 2 credits of Research Methodologies and 1 credit of Theory. Counseling Theory This graduate course builds upon the student’s undergraduate studies and any prior field experience in working with P-12 students in paraprofessional school counseling contexts. The expectation is that the student will not only cover the course content and expectations for school guidance counseling certification, but that she/he also will be responsible for demonstrating graduate level scholarship, research, comprehensive specificity in study, and incisive, intellectual investment in the completion of this course. This course introduces counseling theories for the field of Counseling Psychology and School Guidance Counseling. The developmental needs of individuals at all levels will be examined. It includes the study of major counseling theories, principles, and their application. This shall include five of the following theories: Cognitive Behavioral, PersonCentered, Brief Solution Focused, Behaviorism, Psychoanalytic, Neo-psychoanalytic, Gestalt, Rational-Emotive, Reality, Adlerian, and Jungian. In addition to the certification content of the course, the graduate student will submit a 15 to 20 page scholarly research paper that that demonstrates graduate level synthesis, perspective, and foci. Social and Ecological Perspectives This course provides a broad understanding of the social contexts of P-12 students. These social contexts may include factors such as culture, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, mental and physical characteristics, education, family values, adoption, religious and spiri6

tual values, socioeconomic status, and unique characteristics of individuals. Graduate students may explore the implications for counseling of the major racial cultural groups in the US – Hispanics, Asians, Afro-Americans, and Native Americans. Students will also relate the concepts of ecological health to the diverse human environment within a School Guidance Counseling Program. Human Growth and Development Through this course, the student will study individual, family, and life-span developmental theories, which can include the work of Howard Gardner, Lev Vygotsky, Albert Bandura, Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Carol Gilligan, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Mary Field Belenky. Developmental differences influenced by social forces, cultural background, socioeconomic status, gender, race, ability, sexual orientation, age, and environment will be examined. Both typical and atypical development will be studied, as well as an overview of how the brain and emotions work. The neuropsychology of emotions also will be addressed. In addition, the student will demonstrate her/his understanding of the impact school, family, community, and peers have on children, why social and emotional health is fundamental to effective learning, and how these concepts relate to school guidance counseling. Group Dynamics, Processing, and Counseling Through this course, the student will gain a theoretical and experiential understanding of group development, dynamics, group counseling theories, group leadership styles, and basic and advanced group counseling methods and skills. The student will explain and defend the process for planning and organizing small groups in a school setting. This course will explore individual and small-group appraisal and advisement in addition to group process assessment. The student will also examine counseling and consultation processes as well as the knowledge and skill requirements for school counselors. Course objectives are aligned with national standards proscribed by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).

Foundations of School Guidance Counseling This course introduces the roles and responsibilities of a school counselor. The course provides an overview of the functions and skills critical to delivering a comprehensive competency-based guidance program (ASCA Model) for ALL students in grades pre-k-12. The course will provide an introduction to school counseling knowledge and skill competencies, including historical perspectives, professional identity of the school counselor, knowledge of school setting, current policies and legislation relevant to school counseling, the role of technology in school counseling, and ethical and legal considerations in school counseling as endorsed by CACREP and ASCA. Vocational Counseling and Career Development This course examines career and vocational development theories; occupational and advanced education planning information sources and systems; career and leisure counseling, guidance, and education; decision making and vocational and career development program planning and placement; and evaluation. School Guidance Counseling: Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation This course is based on the study of design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of comprehensive competency-based developmental school counseling programs, including an awareness of various systems that affect all P12 students, school, and home. This course will explore the means to work collaboratively in a competency-based program with students, teachers, administrators, school support personnel, business partners, and community leaders. Research Methodologies This course will provide students with fundamental knowledge about the area of research method and design in the field of school guidance counseling. After demonstrating competency in research methodologies students should be well-versed enough in research methods to 1) read and critically review current research in the field of school guidance counseling; and 2) design, implement, and confidently articulate the underlying theoretical principles used in the required scholarly research project. This course will require a demonstrated understanding of the following: individual and group approaches to assessment and evaluation; appropriate research methods within the field; statistical analysis; needs assessment; and program evaluation.

Supervised School Guidance Counseling Practicum The school guidance counseling practicum is designed to provide the opportunity for graduate students to participate in all forms of counseling services in the school setting under the supervision of a certified school guidance counselor and Prescott College core faculty. The 600 supervised clock hours (with a minimum of 240 direct-service clock hours) of graduate practicum builds upon the student’s graduate and undergraduate studies in counseling as well as any prior field experience in working with P-12 students in paraprofessional school counseling contexts. The expectation is that the student will not only professionally address the daily practicum requirements and expectations for school guidance counseling certification, but that she/he also will be responsible for demonstrating graduate level scholarship and application of research in the completion of this course. In addition to the practicum content and log, the graduate student will submit at least two 15 to 20 page scholarly papers that discuss the student’s practical experience with school guidance counseling in relation to counseling theories previously studied. These scholarly papers evidence graduate-level synthesis, perspective, and foci in the context of the capstone experience. Students will work in a school setting under the supervision of an experienced school counselor. Throughout the school guidance counseling assignment the student is expected to respond to critical feedback and participate in every facet of school guidance counseling. This will include daily direct and indirect interaction with students and staff; involvement with parents, administrators, and other community members; and any other additional responsibilities typically conducted by the supervising certified school guidance counseling practicum supervisor within the school environment. This final preparation will serve to prepare the practicum student for obtaining a position as a school guidance counselor in a P-12 setting.


Applying to Prescott College Application Due Dates Fall Term Priority* Due Date April 15 Final Application Due Date May 15

Spring Term September 15 October 15

*Degree-seeking applicants who submit their completed application by the Priority Due Date will be considered for Graduate Fellowships.

Application Requirements: School Guidance Counseling The application process will be considered complete when the applicant has submitted all the required items. Required Application Items • Application Form • Two Letters of Recommendation • Personal Statement • Academic Focus Essay • Official Transcripts • Current Résumé • $40 Non-refundable Application Fee

Application Instructions Letters of Recommendation Submit two letters from academic or professional sources addressing your capability to complete graduate level work through a self-directed Master of Arts program. Letters must contain the writer’s contact information and must explain the relationship to you. Letters may be emailed to directly by the recommender and from the recommender’s email address.

Personal Statement In three to five pages, integrate your thoughts around these two major themes into a comprehensive personal statement. Address each of the specific parts identified within each theme. Write about your educational goals. • The events in your life that lead you to want to earn a graduate degree in School Guidance Counseling. • The role this area of study now plays in your life and what has been your experience, if any, in this discipline. • How you envision your life goals and professional aspirations changing as a result of this educational experience. Write about your readiness to thrive in a graduate program in which you would work independently and requires high levels of self-direction and motivation. • Your experiences completing independent projects. • Discuss how your existing support network will help you handle the sense of isolation that can occur when completing projects independently. 8

• Write about how your strengths and weaknesses will play a part as you begin this program. • Describe what kind of help you will need to address any weakness.

Academic Focus Essay Applicants are free to frame their response within the context of a proposed thesis topic if they wish. In three to five pages, address your vision for your studies in Education. Each area below must be covered in your essay. Highlight each section with a heading title. In thinking about the field of education as an element of modern society, identify and discuss five problem areas that you find interesting enough to explore further as a student in the Master’s program. Discuss a minimum of seven resources (books and articles) you are familiar with or look forward to using. • Briefly describe your initial thoughts about a Practicum experience (internship, teaching) you might complete as part of your program. The practicum will offer you the opportunity to explore the theories and demonstrate your learning in your field of study in a practical, real-world context. • Discuss your thoughts about a potential Thesis topic and how you might begin to cover it. • Discuss how you will integrate issues of social and ecological awareness and justice into your studies and research.

Computer Literacy Requirement Candidates are expected to enter the College with a level of technology competency sufficient to function effectively in the program. Proficiency is defined as a knowledge of and proficiency using email, navigating the Internet, and basic word processing skills. Students must be able to: use message boards and computer conferencing tools to communicate with others; download and upload files; and attach files to email. Students are required to have full-time access to a computer that has a reliable Internet connection.

Prescott College Admissions Office 220 Grove Avenue, Prescott, AZ (877) 350-2100 • (928) 350-2100 Fax (928) 776-5242

How to get here Prescott College Prescott, Arizona The main campus is a two-hour drive from Phoenix. Take Interstate 17 north to Highway 69, Cordes Junction exit. Follow Highway 69 into Prescott. Take Gurley St. to Grove Ave. (past the Courthouse Square). Turn right on Grove Ave. and a left at the first stoplight (Sheldon St.). The Admissions Office is located near the corner of Grove and Sheldon at 306 Grove Ave. Rental cars are available at Sky Harbor International Airport, Phoenix and other locations. U.S. Airlines (800-235-9292) provides flights from Sky Harbor Airport to the Ernest A. Love Airport in Prescott. Ground transportation from Phoenix to Prescott is provided by Prescott Shuttle (800445-7978), and Shuttle-U-Enterprises (800-3046114). Make reservations at least 24 hours in advance. Prescott College Tucson Center Tucson, Arizona The Tucson Center is located at 2233 E. Speedway Blvd. in Tucson, Ariz. From Interstate 10, take the Speedway exit east. The office is located on the north side of the street, on the corner of Wilson Ave. and Speedway Blvd., between Campbell Ave. and Tucson Blvd.

Visit to learn more about the following degree programs: On-Campus Bachelor of Arts Low-Residency Bachelor of Arts and Post-Degree Low-Residency Master of Arts Low-Residency Teacher Preparation, Certification, and Endorsement Programs Low-Residency Professional Licensure Programs in Counseling Psychology Ph.D. in Sustainability Educaton

This catalog was written by Kerstin Alicki, Danny Brown, Debbie Heiberger, Mary Lin, Ashley Mains, and Tim Robison; designed by Bridget Reynolds, and edited by Ted Bouras, Danny Brown, Mary Lin, Ashley Mains, Tim Robison, and Lloyd Sharp. It is with gratitude that we thank everyone involved with this catalog. Photographers, and photo contributors: Walt Anderson, Weddle Gilmore Architects, and Bigstock Photos. The Prescott College logo and mark are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Admissions Office 220 Grove Ave. Prescott, AZ 86301

Accreditation Prescott College grants Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and Ph.D. degrees and is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602. (800) 621-7440. The Teacher Education Program is approved by the Arizona State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification. The College is accredited by the Association of Experiential Education. Prescott College operates all its academic field-based programs under permits issued by federal and state governments when required.

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