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Prescott College Board of Trustees member David Meeks ’73 is former owner of Sonoma Rentals, a successful equipment rental company, and has served as president of the KAKATU Foundation, the Meeks family foundation. Several years ago David and his siblings visited the Prescott College Kino Bay Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies on the Gulf Coast of California in Sonora, Mexico, to learn first-hand about the Environmental Education and Community Leadership Program (EECLP). The EECLP fosters environmental awareness, community stewardship, and leadership skills through weekly classroom sessions, field activities, and community projects that reach 600 local youth between the ages of six and 17. One visit to witness the joy and excitement of the children as they learned how to care for their natural surroundings was all it took to convince David and his family that EECLP is a program worthy of philanthropic support.

David Meeks at Kino Bay Center




EECLP students

The KAKATU funds support the Center’s Conservation Fellowship Program fellows, who implement the EECL Program. To date, the Kino Bay Center has awarded fellowships to 26 social and environmental scientists from five countries.

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In addition to KAKATU’s grants to Kino Bay, David Meeks is a strong supporter of the Annual Fund for Academic Excellence. If you already give to one of Prescott College’s special funds, please consider a second gift to the Annual Fund at or mail donations to Prescott College Advancement Office at 220 Grove Avenue, Prescott, AZ 86301.

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Cover photo: Greater Roadrunner, by Walt Anderson

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Transitions Magazine Prescott College 220 Grove Ave. Prescott, AZ 86301

TransitionS Publisher Marjory J. Sente Editor Ashley Mains Designer Miriam Glade Contributing Writers Walt Anderson • Corey Archipley • Edie Dillon • Christine Duffy • Sam Frank • Larry Frolich • Aryn LaBrake • Rich Lewis • Ashley Mains • Candace McNulty • Salli Maxwell Lorayne Meltzer • Terri Pearson • James Pittman • Cheryl Schwartz • Marie Smith • Melanie Wetzel Staff Photographers Denise Elfenbein • Miriam Glade • Aryn LaBrake Daniel Roca Photo Contributors Walt Anderson • Corey Archipley • Melanie Bishop • Dan Campbell • Eric Dhruv • Benjamin Drummond • Anita Fernández • Tom Fleischner • Sam Frank • Rob Hinds Laurel Inman • Dan Logen • Sher Shah Khan • Lorayne Meltzer • Overdue Media LLC • Travis Patterson • Prescott College Archives • Bridget Reynolds • Rebecca Salem Kado Stewart • Phil Weddle • Christine Weller • Melanie Wetzel • Kristopher Young Vice President for Institutional Advancement Marjory J. Sente (928) 350-4509 •

Contents 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 11 12 13 14 17 19 20 21 22

For Class Notes and address changes, contact Marie Smith • Send correspondence, reprint requests and submissions to: Ashley Mains Prescott College 220 Grove Ave., Prescott, AZ 86301 (928) 350-4506 • Transitions, a publication for the Prescott College community, is published two times a year by the Office of Institutional Advancement for alumni, parents, friends, students, faculty, and staff of the College. Its purpose is to keep readers informed with news about Prescott College faculty, staff, students and fellow alumni. Transitions is available online at ©2012 Prescott College Prescott College reserves the right to reprint materials from Transitions in other publications and online at its discretion. Prescott College is committed to equal opportunity for its employees and applicants for employment, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, sex or sexual orientation, age, disability, marital or parental status, status with respect to public assistance, or veteran’s status. This policy applies to the administration of its employment policies or any other programs generally accorded or made available to employees.

Contact Admissions at (877) 350-2100 • For the Liberal Arts, the Environment, and Social Justice


Wilderness Stewardship Meets Academia Eco League Field Courses An Unexpected Crossroad Interpreting Place: Walt Anderson Sabbatical PROViDE: Sustainable Disaster Recovery Tucson Center Update Improving Teacher Quality Grant 50 Years of Shared History Master of Arts in Social Justice and Human Rights Social Conservation: Anita Fernández Prescott College Sustainability Initiatives Ties to the Association for Experiential Education Alumna Kado Stewart’s LGBTQ Camp Journal of Sustainability Education Earn a Certificate in Coaching Practical Experience: Practicum with HawkWatch International

Departments 23 25 26 28 29

Class Notes Alumni Briefs Faculty & Staff Notes In Memoriam The Last Word

Graduation Year Notation In Transitions we reference graduation dates and associated program information as follows: Current students are designated with an anticipated year of graduation and the phrase “B.A./M.A./Ph.D. program” following. Undergraduate programs alumni are indicated with their year of graduation. Graduate alumni are designated with an M.A. or Ph.D. included before their year of graduation. With the goal of maximum readability in mind, when a degree is explained or otherwise defined within editorial content, formal notation is not applied. For alumni who did not complete a degree at Prescott College, the last year of matriculation is used to designate when they were in attendance.

President’s Corner Dear Friends, “Sustainability” is a widespread buzzword these days—so many institutions are working hard to be green and to focus on conserving resources (economic, social, natural, cultural). At Prescott College, we are walking our talk about sustainability and conservation, and we want to share some examples in this issue of Transitions. By signing the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, we have promised to become carbon neutral in the next few years. Our newly constructed student townhouses, for example, will produce 20 percent more energy than they use. To strengthen our impact on these important—indeed, critical—issues, we partner with organizations such as the Arizona Wilderness Coalition and the Student Conservation Association, among others. We’re also part of two higher education consortia: the Eco League and the Consortium for Innovative Environments in Learning, a growing network of progressive colleges across the United States. These partnerships increase our capacity and options for students working in the fields of sustainability and conservation. We are an ongoing organizational member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and will be holding a workshop this spring in conjunction with one of their consltants, Mitch Tomashow, through our annual Ph.D. in Sustainability Education Symposium. Our Journal of Sustainability Education is another example of the College’s significant contribution to the global knowledge on preserving, conserving, and sustaining the natural environment and existing cultural traditions. Before sustainability became a buzzword, Prescott College was a pioneer in the field, leading the way for others to follow. Consonant with the Prescott College mission and focus on experiential education, our faculty and students are deeply involved in research and hands-on practice. The stories in this magazine highlight the work of faculty members Walt Anderson and Anita Fernández, along with alumnus Kristopher Young’s sustainable disaster relief student project turned full-time nonprofit, PROViDE, and the lobbying activities of Arizona Wilderness Coalition interns.These are but a few of the exciting projects that continue to be initiated and implemented by the Prescott College community. They reinforce the primacy of sustainability and environmental stewardship that has been a hallmark of the College throughout its history. Today, the College is in a time of transition. We’re building and improving the physical plant, expanding digital resources, developing a Master of Arts in Humanities with a concentration in Social Justice and Human Rights, launching professional certificate programs through the Lifelong Learning Center, and looking toward a bright future. Nonetheless, with all these changes, Prescott College remains true to who we are and have always been: a champion of the liberal arts, the environment, and social justice. Warm regards,

President Woolever planting tree at the Dan and Barbara Garvey Welcome Center, 2010


Transitions Spring 2012

Dr. Kristin R. Woolever

Wilderness Stewardship Meets Academia The long-standing collaboration of Arizona Wilderness Coalition and Prescott College By Sam Frank M.A. ’08 One of the accomplishments born from the AWC partnership ince 1984, Prescott College has been at the forefront of occurred in 2009, when Fossil Creek, a limestone/travertine tribwilderness advocacy, playing a significant role in facilitating utary to the Verde River, became Arizona’s second Wild and the protection of nearby wilderness areas such as Scenic River through the Omnibus Public Lands Management Woodchute, Sycamore Canyon, Munds Mountain, and Granite Act of 2009 signed by President Obama. Mountain. The proposal for Fossil Creek’s Wild and Scenic River designa“As a result of the College’s involvement in the Arizona tion was created by Matt Duperrault ’03 as a Senior Project under Wilderness Act of 1984, six Wilderness Study Areas on the the supervision of Jason Williams. At one point, five Prescott Prescott National Forest were designated: Granite Mountain, College students, dressed in suits and ties, walked through the halls Juniper Mesa, Apache Creek, Cedar Bench, Castle Creek, and of Congress asking the nation’s elected leaders to support this Woodchute, with extensions on Pine Mountain and Sycamore Wild and Scenic River designation. Canyon,” says Doug Hulmes ’73, Prescott College alumnus and After the Fossil Creek experience, the partnership set its sights current faculty member. on two new projects. With the “With the passage of the financial support of AWC, the 1990 Arizona Desert partnership now employs a fullWilderness Act, many more time Prescott College research areas were designated throughfaculty member, Sam Frank M.A. out Arizona. Hundreds of let’08, who manages current efforts ters, wilderness inventories, to protect the Upper Verde River and reports, as well as testinorth of Prescott as Wild and monies given by faculty, staff, Scenic. Sam also leads AWC’s and students from Prescott innovative Wilderness College were critical to Stewardship Program, which Arizona’s wild places seeing makes use of volunteer students protection under those acts.” Steve Munsell ‘74 and the Park and Wilderness and members of the local comToday, through an innovaManagement class at Sycamore Canyon, 2011 munity to restore and monitor tive partnership with the existing wilderness areas in Arizona Wilderness Coalition National Forests throughout the state. Often this work is incorpo(AWC), a statewide conservation organization dedicated to prorated directly into the Prescott College curriculum. tecting and restoring Arizona’s wilderness heritage, the College As a result of the partnership, community volunteers, federal has strengthened its commitment to working at the crossroads of agency staff, and elected officials have cultivated relationships that experiential learning and applied conservation. provide Prescott College students with a wider, real-world perBeginning in 2003, Prescott College and AWC began partspective on conservation matters, giving them the exposure and nering on a project in which AWC provided support for experience necessary to succeed after graduation. Many students Limited-Residency Master of Arts Program students to study have gone on to fill leadership positions in land management Arizona’s public lands and the policies that govern them. agencies and nonprofit organizations across the country. Students Jason Williams ’01, M.A. ’05, and Jay Krientz M.A. ’05, “Ongoing partnerships with organizations such as the Arizona began a systematic inventory of US Forest Service and Bureau Wilderness Coalition give our students the opportunity to learn of Land Management potential wilderness lands. hands-on how to mobilize legislative and policy changes to proJason and Jay also provided in-class instruction to on-campus tect and preserve important natural resources,” says Paul undergraduate students on public lands policy and wilderness Burkhardt, College Provost. management, involving them in the real-world application of “I believe our alumni are inspired in their life’s work by the land and wildlife conservation. The partnership also supported dedication and ethics modeled in the collaborations of our faculty numerous independent study projects, internships, and Senior and staff with community leaders and these organizations. Projects as it sought to give undergraduate students experience Sustaining such relationships is critical given the economic, politiin public lands and wilderness policy that complemented their cal, and ecological challenges we face.” academic studies. Over the years, this mutually beneficial partnership has The Prescott College–AWC partnership depends on the generosity of donors to susamassed an incredible portfolio of education and conservation tain itself over the long term. If you have an interest in joining the support team or learnsuccess stories, touching hundreds of Prescott College students’ ing more about this great endeavor, contact Marjory Sente, Vice President for Institutional lives while making substantial contributions to protecting Advancement at (928) 350-4509, or Matt Skroch of the Arizona Wilderness Coalition Arizona’s natural heritage.


at (520) 326-4300.

Transitions Spring 2012


Eco League Field Courses An experience in synergy for students and faculty By Edie Dillon M.A. ’06, Eco League Coordinator ears ago author Barry Lopez received an environmental award from Prescott College. A crowd gathered in the Participants in Humans in Place: the Natural and Cultural chapel for a free-ranging conversation with this most eloHistory of Maine’s Coastal Islands on Grand Manan Island quent of environmental advocates. Someone asked how we can keep up our spirits and energy for the work when the news seems lived continuously for several thousand years. Taking advantage of always so bleak. Lopez compared our environmental work to the College of the Atlantic’s unique seacoast location and faciliswimming across a large river; when someone’s head goes below ties, students carried out bird, plant, and marine mammal surveys, the surface, others must buoy her. It is a question of community, interviewed gulf residents, and analyzed human settlement patand support, and knowing you are not alone. I often think of this terns. As they developed a deeper understanding of the interaction answer when I meet students who come to Prescott College for between human society and nature, the students built transferable an Eco League exchange semester. The Eco League lets students skills in applying this understanding to different bioregions. know that whatever corner of the country their college calls The next Eco League field course is already developed. home, there are other people, in other corners, who share a simiBusiness faculty member Karen lar commitment and passion, Fleming from Green Mountain people who create a raft of “The entire experience was by far one of the College and Kathleen Cronen from inspiration and support. best classes I have ever taken. The group Alaska Pacific University designed The Eco League joint field dynamic was incredible and the diverse interests Humans in Place: Sustainable courses offer an especially pow- of the entire group (including the professors) Business and Community in erful opportunity to build these really contributed to all aspects of the course.” Vermont, which will be based at connections while providing a – Student, Eco League Joint Field Course Green Mountain College this May. rich place-based educational It will include a number of in-depth case studies of a range of experience. During the joint field course, students from various successful Vermont sustainable businesses with which Prescott Eco League colleges share diverse interests and take advantage of College has close ties. Students will learn sustainable business thethe expertise of professors from across the consortium. ory and practice and examine how sustainable businesses operate Each field course is hosted in a different bioregion. The theme in and influence their communities. of each Eco League field course, always titled Humans in Place, In August 2012 Northland College hosts Humans in Place: provides a framework for examining the relationship of people to Natural and Cultural History Interpretation of the Apostle Islands, social and natural communities from a variety of perspectives team taught by Prescott College’s Lee James and Northland’s wherever the course takes place. Elizabeth Andre. Lake Superior’s Apostle Islands are home to The first Eco League field course took place last year. Titled diverse and unique biotic communities. The islands also have a Humans in Place: the Natural and Cultural History of Maine’s long and storied history of human occupation. Traveling by kayak Coastal Islands, and taught by Prescott College’s Tom Fleischner, to gain a deeper understanding of place, students in this course College of the Atlantic’s John Anderson, and Meriel Brooks from will learn to tell the various stories of this fascinating area and Green Mountain College, this was an intensive interdisciplinary gain interpretive skills that can be used in telling the important examination of the changing relationship between humans and stories of other invaluable and threatened places. the landscape in the Gulf of Maine, a region where people have

Amanda Posey of Green Mountain College



A League of its Own The Eco League is the only college consortium in the United States dedicated to sustainability education and the active pursuit of environmental studies within a liberal arts framework. Students can attend any of the Eco League schools for two non-consecutive semesters while enrolled at their home college. The Eco League provides many of the advantages of a university – a large and talented faculty and unique, sophisticated facilities – while delivering individualized attention at small schools renowned for experiential learning.

Transitions Spring 2012

The Eco League Colleges are: • Alaska Pacific University (Anchorage, Alaska) • College of the Atlantic (Bar Harbor, Maine) • Green Mountain College (Poultney, Vt.) • Northland College (Ashland, Wis.) • Prescott College (Prescott, Ariz.) For more information on the Eco League and the joint field courses, see

An Unexpected Crossroad How a detour during my Pacific Crest Trail solo led me to Prescott College By Corey Archipley ’11 or better or worse, and like many, life left me without a truly safe home base when I was young. Subsequently I learned to forgo the luxury of authentic personal downtime. “Survive and succeed” became the name of the game. Once I had succeeded to the point I considered the pinnacle of my bicycle industry career, I thought I could break away from the survival and success game—to temporarily retire to a safe home base. I decided to partner up with my brother and work on his sustainable agriculture project in Southern California. While the time spent on the farm with my brother and his gracious wife was enriching, it turns out I’m no farmer. My own safe home base had yet to be found. I decided to fall back on a trusty old friend, Mother Nature. When times got tough during my youth, Mother Nature always took me in her arms. The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) had always been on my radar, so I decided trekking it was going to be the way to find a peaceful break from recent life experiences. My sister-in-law befriended a woman named Lucy Khoury who lived near their farm community and had mentioned my plans to her. An avid hiker herself, Lucy took interest and asked if she could join me for a day or two on the trail while I was on the Southern California section. She seemed nice enough, so I happily agreed. The rendezvous would take place eight days after I started the hike at the Mexican border. Little did I know the day Lucy met me at the trailhead would not be another day of hiking, but a day of life-changing significance. Lucy found me quite ill and unable to continue hiking. While the immediate cause of my extreme dehydration and digestive distress were due to tainted water and severely high daytime temperatures, I now look back on my dilapidated health as symptoms of still playing the same old game: survive and succeed. I had fallen back into my old patterns of just pushing through bad situations that at one time were crucial for carrying on. I had forgotten how to let Mother Nature guide and nurture me. Lucy and I decided she should take me home so I could regroup and heal. Lucy not only invited me into her home to recover, she wholeheartedly invited me into her life. A complete stranger (other than sharing a passion for the outdoors), I was treated like kin. In her care, in her home, I could embrace vulnerability. I


explored my needs as they relate, not to the needs of others, but to someone whom I had become unacquainted with over the past several years: me. My time with Lucy was a true gift. During my time in her home, which ultimately turned out to be a seven-week stay, I was granted the opportunity to draft the blueprints for an emotional compass that, now constructed, has guided me towards my most meaningful, purposeful, and socially connected life path. I owe this great fortune to the gracious, inquisitive, and nurturing capacity of Lucy. We shared life stories from tragedies to successes, dreams and fears about our futures, and what drives us to remain hopeful in a sea of unknowns. I pored through readings about earth systems science, the subjectivity of the human experience, and the dual frailty and resilience of the natural world and the human spirit. Lucy came to recognize my craving for learning, and so she told me about her son Colin’s ’00 experience in academia and his eventual success at Prescott College. Colin’s story was quite inspiring. Like me he struggled with the traditional structure of academia. Like him I needed more freedom to explore academics on my own terms—in a way that was not about fulfilling a preset program with a generic Corey purpose. When I eventually left the healing and nurturing space Lucy and I had created, I left with a greater sense of purpose—a dream to be an agent of change. I hopped back on the PCT for another three weeks, long enough to see and feel the nurturing grace of Mother Nature. Having seen some of the best of the High Sierra Mountains, I moved to Seattle and then enrolled in Prescott College. My experience at Prescott College was significantly more powerful and enriching than I could have imagined. Having the complete autonomy to create my own academic scheme was as much a gift as it was a challenge. With every new piece of information learned or perspective achieved, I was compelled to create my following term’s curriculum with as much or more meaning. I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Global Mental Health and Human Development with a Senior Project that examined the relationship between structural violence and mental health. This was primarily a research project that involved building my own philosophy that explains the roots, processes, outcomes of, and possible interventions for structural violence. I also spent time volunteering in a homeless shelter to observe and participate in continued on page 27

Transitions Spring 2012


Interpreting Place: Prescott, Arizona By Walt Anderson

nyone who has attended knows that Prescott College is a special place, a dynamic community of committed learners whose lives echo the school motto: For the liberal arts, the environment, and social justice. But place extends well beyond the campus boundaries. The College is embedded in the community for which it’s named: Prescott, in Arizona. For those of us engaged in oncampus delivery, Prescott is our Young Great Horned Owl home, our larger community. We are not a virtual college; we are firmly grounded in place. Though our classes in Sonora, Alaska, Costa Rica, Kenya, and Nepal are place-based in a good sense, most of us live, study, and work here in Prescott. After a productive year of sabbatical leave, I am back at Prescott College helping my students discover the values of place. My Ecology students undertake a sense-of-place project, conducting an intimate interrogation of a special landscape over time. Wetland Ecology and Management classes focus on the Upper Verde River and its watershed; thanks to a generous grant from The Nature Conservancy, they document the impacts of a recovering beaver population on the river—an amazing story of ecosystem rebirth. My Interpreting Nature through Art & Photography students



Transitions Spring 2012

choose a theme to interpret, then create artworks and a powerful photographic story to exhibit/offer to the greater community as an homage to place—and to our roles within it. To a naturalist, there could hardly be a richer, more diverse place to live and work than Prescott. Embedded in a mosaic of pine forest, chaparral, pinyon-juniper woodland, and grasslands, we are within an hour or two of Sonoran and Mojave Deserts, as well as high-elevation montane and alpine environments. The Crossroads Center at Prescott College could well symbolize the magic of being at a biotic crossroads, an intersection of continental biodiversity. A sabbatical leave offers opportunity and responsibility. Though I had enriching experiences ranging from northern New Mexico to Sonora to Japan, the majority of my leave was devoted to this place—Prescott. I moved to Granite Dells, the object of considerable professional focus long before I found “the blue house” perched on Precambrian outcrops not far from the green riparian corridor of Granite Creek. My connections to this place grew in breadth and depth, and my commitment to share my learning strengthened. My camera became an extension of my naturalist’s eyes, a tool to help me express my love of science, art, and place.

American Kestrel Walt Anderson, Glassford Hill and Granite Dells at Watson Lake, Prescott, Ariz.

My personal connections resulted in tangible service to the College and surrounding community. For years I’ve volunteered on Prescott’s Open Space Advisory Committee dedicated to identifying and protecting local natural landscapes. Our efforts resulted in acquisition of some key properties guaranteeing that future citizens will have crucial outdoor amenities and recreational opportunities. But shifting political winds and deepening economic woes collided to reduce the opportunity for natural area protection through that means. Undeterred, some of us created a nonprofit group, the Granite Dells Preservation Foundation (GDPF) with the freedom to pursue conservation and education activities without political shackles. Our main focus is on Granite Dells and its lakes, the heartland of Yavapai County—the local equivalent, we envision, of Central Park in New York. Simultaneously, I worked with other citizens, primarily from Prescott Audubon Society, toward the dedication of the Watson and Willow Lakes Ecosystem Important Bird Area (IBA). The area has been recognized for a few years with the IBA designation, a result of citizen-science volunteers collecting valuable data and making a strong proposal, but it was time to really go public—to awaken local and regional people (as well as the City Council) to the significance of this place. On April 16, 2011, the grand event, “Get Out … Get Into It,” brought out thousands of participants to show just how much draw and dollars the lakes and their bird populations can deliver to the local economy. To help assure that the quality of the lakes and their value to wildlife and to people can be sustained, I serve on the lakes/water

issues committee for the City. In addition, I work with a small team of visionaries (most with strong ties to Prescott College) on the “Watershed We Want” proposal, a “community-based, collaborative project designed to unify and integrate management of the natural environment, science-based watershed education, and development of a sustainable economy with input from diverse stakeholders.” In all my local activism efforts, I use my words and photographic images to interpret the beauty and importance of our local environments. Without the support of Prescott College for my sabbatical, my creative efforts would have been limited; now they help me return to teaching refreshed, invigorated, and enriched with practical projects that infiltrate and enliven all my classes, even as I continue my activism in the Prescott community. Walt Anderson has been an Environmental Studies faculty member in the On-Campus Undergraduate Program since 1991. He has been referred to as “the naturalist of old cast in modern times, the next generation of a proud and ancient lineage.” His field experience spans the globe: East Africa, Madagascar, Brazil, Ecuador (including Galapagos), Argentina, Australia, Antarctica, Mexico, Alaska, American West, and beyond. Walt teaches and advises on natural history, ecology, wildlife management, wetland ecology and management, interpreting nature through art and photography, ecotourism, and field biology.

Transitions Spring 2012


PROViDE: Sustainable Disaster Recovery By Aryn LaBrake ’09, ’15 M.A. program

Doobie and Gervais at Haiti Gardens in Turbe, Haiti, 2010


Transitions Spring 2012

ccording to the Flow Theory, you reach a state of mind PROViDE holds that ecologically sustainable programs enhance considered to be in “flow” when your passions and disaster-affected communities, and more importantly, individuals devotion are so connected with what you are doing, and their offspring. that the action seems automatic. Kristopher Young M.A. ’11 “Further, an integral element to truly helping those in need is clearly demonstrates that his role as Founder and Executive investing people in their own recovery. This ensures that proDirector of PROViDE, Participatory Response Offering Vitality grams will continue far into the future and synthesizes traditional in Devastated Environments, affords him the tranquility of genknowledge and technical expertise. uine flow. “PROViDE has turned into a way to fill the glaring void Prior to arriving at Prescott College, Kris was attending to between emergency disaster response and long-term develophis passions of wildlife–urban interfaces while working for ment in a sustainable and ecological way … although I still Davey Resource Group, leading a team that vaccinated over haven’t made any money doing it yet! 10,000 trees in New York City in an effort against the Asian “I am still learning how to run an organization, and I’ve long-horned beetle. While in NYC, Kris made a connection learned that much more than just fulfilling our mission is with a group from Sri Lanka called the Foundation of entailed in running PROViDE, or any organization for that Goodness. matter.” Incorporation, the IRS, building and Kris worked with the managing a board of directors, accounting, marketFoundation of Goodness in ing—the list goes on. Sri Lanka throughout 2007 Kris has recently been focusing efforts of the assisting in the creation of a organization in Haiti following the January 2010 “Green Team” of youth work7.0 magnitude earthquake there. ing to protect the environ“Now that much of the short-term, temporary ment, and other efforts relief has subsided, it is time to begin the long climb including subsistence agriculthat will provide Haiti with solutions to sustainably ture, ecopreneurship, and combat their ongoing issues of food security, ecoother small livelihood projects nomic wellbeing, lack of access to healthcare and designed with and supported education, as well as sturdy and affordable shelter.” by locals. He wanted to do The Sustainability more of the same, so he creatCouncil at Prescott College ed PROViDE. has helped fund much of “I decided that the time this work. “Many faculty, had come to gain more theostaff, and students have retical knowledge to support what expressed great interest in would be PROViDE’s mission to offer our work and have given long-term ecological solutions to stimume great moral support late struggling economies in areas of through my tenure at developing nations recovering from disPrescott College.” Kris sees aster,” Kris explains. “It was important PROViDE and Prescott for me to find a program that would College working more allow me to continue my studies while closely in the future, espeworking from anywhere in the world.” cially by providing Prescott Kristopher Young at Shalom Institute, 2011 By joining the inaugural graduate College students with servteaching assistantship program class ice learning opportunities (GTAP), Kris was able to coat one of PROViDE’s teach undergraduate courses in project sites in Haiti or Sri Lanka. “My studies at Prescott College supported Fire Ecology, Restoration According to Kris, project developthe theory of PROViDE, whereas my work Ecology, and Social ments are gaining momentum through with PROViDE is the praxis of my studies.” Entrepreneurship while working donations and small grants, and a steady – Kristopher Young toward his master’s degree. In interest in volunteer opportunities. “I am May of 2011, Kris finished a Thesis on the need for disasterhopeful and confident that within the next five years I will be affected people to participate in their own recovery, and able to focus entirely on PROViDE as a career that compensates received a degree in Sustainable Disaster Management and me and the efforts I have made.” Development. “I started PROViDE selfishly, wanting to gain fulfillment Learn more about PROViDE at or find while traveling and making a little money, but it has turned into PROViDE on Facebook. something much larger.” Kris believes that PROViDE is working toward the greater good of society by focusing their efforts on those in society who are perpetually overlooked, or worse, exploited. Secondly, Tree nursury, La Ferme Blanchard, 2011


Transitions Spring 2012


Charles Franklin Parker Legacy Society * Making a Difference by Supporting the Vision of Tomorrow’s Leaders

Tucson Center Update uzanne Dhruv M.A. ’05 has accepted a temporary appointment as Director of the Tucson Center through June 2012. Suzanne has a long history with Prescott College as a Limited-Residency Master of Arts Program graduate and co-founder of the Ironwood Tree Experience, part of the Prescott College Center for Children in Nature housed at the Tucson Center. Suzanne’s experience with the Tucson Center and her knowledge of the local community will serve her well in this position. The Tucson Center wishes longtime Limited-Residency Undergraduate Program faculty member Vance Luke a fond farewell as he retires this spring. Vance worked for 18 years with teacher education students in the southern Arizona region, where he applied his special interest and skill in working with underserved populations. He was an active and engaged mentor for many students over the years, and his passion and sense of humor will be greatly missed. The Ironwood Tree Experience (ITE) was recently featured on the Arizona PBS Cronkite NewsWatch for its innovative “little free library” – part of the Coronado Heights Kids Corridors project funded by a Kresge Foundation Tucson P.L.A.C.E. Initiative grant. Conceived as a tool to help promote literacy, the little free library incorporated into the Coronado Heights neighborhood consists of an enclosed bookcase installed at children’s height where kids can borrow a book to read in the immediate play area or take home and return later. Watch the video here:


“Leave your legacy” through planned giving. Commit a direct gift to Prescott College in a process that maximizes tax and other financial benefits. A gift can take the form of cash, stocks and other investment instruments, including life insurance, works of art, land, or other assets.



Anonymous Richard Ach ’73 James Antonius Betsy Bolding Dan & Sue Boyce EXCELLENCE Brad & Ruth Bradburn Susan N. Coleman Trust Jess Dods ’70 Mark Dorsten ’99 Henry A. Ebarb Ph.D. ’09 Decedent’s Trust Kristi ’96 and Dale Edwards Albert Engleman Dr. Daniel & Barbara Garvey Mark ’73 & Gwen Goodman Dean and Verne C. Lanier Kathryn “Kate” Hughes Rinzler The Hulmes Family Legacy Ericha Scott The Secundy Family Marjory and Frank Sente James Stuckey & Beverly Santo Andrew Sudbrock ’91 & Elizabeth Clayton ’91 Mary Trevor ’95 & Toni Kaus Merrill Windsor Nora Woods Fulton Wright, Jr. Sharon Yarborough ’73


* Members as of April 2012 For further information visit or contact the Advancement Office at (928) 350-4505 or


Transitions Spring 2012

ITE staff partners and Coronado Heights kids, 2012

Prescott College Receives Improving Teacher Quality Grant rescott College was selected by the Arizona Board of Regents to receive professional development funds for an Improving Teacher Quality grant program. Collaborating with the Yavapai County Education Service Agency (YCESA), Intel Math Agency, and several school districts, Prescott College has been awarded $318,480 to provide mathematics content and instructional skills training for teachers of grades 4–8 from across Yavapai County. The “West Central Arizona Intel Math Initiative” also includes support for enhancement of the undergraduate degree programs in Teacher Education at Prescott College. Instruction will be led by faculty members Dr. Joan Tomoff and Roxane Ronca, with Project Director Dr. Melanie Wetzel. Participating teachers will attend a two-week summer workshop, Participants analyzing water at a rural pond, 2011 followed by three Saturday sessions during the fall semester at the Prescott campus. The Intel Math program at Prescott College is modeled after the highly successful Science Learning and Literacy, 6–8th grade teacher professional development course developed in a partnership between the College and the YCESA last year, also funded through an Arizona State Board of Education grant. Under leadership of Prescott College faculty members Danny Brown and Dr. Melanie Wetzel, the Science Learning and Literacy program engaged 30 middle school science teachers from Yavapai, Coconino, Navajo, and Apache counties for academic content development on the theme of the science of sustainability. Instructional activities in fields such as biogeography, soil science, geologic history, fire ecology, water resource conservation, climate, and renewable energy were designed for experiential learning in the middle school classroom. The participating teachers completed graduate-level coursework and were awarded certificates for continuing education credits.


50 Years of Shared History Exhibit at Prescott Public Library During the month of April the Prescott Public Library Viewerie held the Prescott College “50 Years of Shared History” exhibit. The exhibit and a reception held at the library highlighted the College’s long connection with the people of Prescott, Ariz. In March 1962, the Prescott College Founding Fund was established with goal of raising $1 million. With the slogan “It’s up to you in ’62! To Open the Door in ’64!” Congregationalist Reverend Dr. Charles Franklin Parker and a team of volunteers brought the local community together. The Founding Fund Headquarters were located in downtown Prescott (see photo right).

The Prescott College Founding Fund headquarters located in downtown Prescott circa 1962

Cover of the 1962 Prescott College prospectus used to raise money for the Founding Fund

Transitions Spring 2012


New Program in Tried and True Tradition The first on-campus delivery of graduate studies with a concentration in Social Justice and Human Rights hen it came time to develop new on-campus graduate programs, faculty were asked to brainstorm – to dream up their ideal curriculum – and they looked to one of the principles we hold most dear. It’s a key term in our motto: “For the liberal arts, the environment, and social justice.” The on-campus concentration in Social Justice and Human Rights within the Master of Arts in Humanities, our first on-campus graduate program, is designed to prepare students to tackle challenges of economic, social, political, and environmental inequality. The curriculum enables the development of the practical and analytical skills, experiences, and connections required to collaborate toward social justice at all levels. Areas of concentration within the program will include: human rights advocacy and research, grassroots comUS-Mexico border fence munity organizing, and strategic media and communiism, community organizing, legislative advocations. cacy, and the like). “With the excellent faculty “With the small cohort size of 14 stuwe have to teach in this prodents and the practice-based approach, this is gram, there isn’t a college in an incredibly intimate and hands-on learnthe country that can truly ing environment,” Poole says. “Our aim is to compete with it,” says Paul Students talk to Eurofresh workers in Nogales train students who want to be agents of Burkhardt, College Provost. change in social justice and human rights to “We have professors that are go out into the world with the tools to be effective.” on the ground in the mix of national and international social jusStudents will undertake a practicum in the summer or final fall tice and human rights issues.” semester, which will prepare them for the development of their And that’s exactly where scholars in the program will find final project in the third and final semester. Students culminate themselves the minute they start. Students will spend their first their work in a participatory social justice research paper or projsemester in the field; the charter class will begin with a monthect. There are three options: a research paper/thesis; an organizalong, intensive orientation in Los Angeles gaining hands-on field tion/campaign project report; or a media and communications experience, preparing them to get the most out of the College’s proposal and product. theory and practice-based pedagogical approach. “We have so much to celebrate here at Prescott College; not “We don’t study social justice as an object,” explains Mary the least of which is new programs to breathe life and passion Poole, director of the program. “We engage with people who are into new generations of students, the future of our country, the engaged with social justice work.” future stewards of the world,” says Burkhardt. Following the intensive orientation, the fall term incorporates It was the Jewish scholar and theologian Rabbi Hille that learning on the road in Arizona in a team-taught suite of courses asked, “And if not now, when?” At Prescott College, we ask the led by scholar/practitioners with longstanding involvement in same question every waking moment, and it’s why we’re piloting social justice movements and organizations in the region. Students an on-campus concentration in Social Justice and Human Rights are immersed in many of the issues that make Arizona a microwithin the Master of Arts in Humanities. Based upon the strong cosm of the global crises of the 21st century, including militarizademand from students for this program, we will be seeking HLC tion and conflict on the US-Mexico border, immigrant rights, approval for a separate master’s degree designation in Social Justice environmental and economic justice, the expansion of incarceraand Human Rights for fall 2013. tion and surveillance, indigenous struggles for tribal land rights and cultural survival, and conflicts over education and racial and In order to make the SJHR concentration accessible, there are generous felethnic justice. lowships available to help with the cost of the program. If you are interestSecond semester, in Prescott, students focus on core curriculum ed in participating, please contact the Admissions Office at (877)350providing historical and theoretical context for social justice and 2100 or Application deadline is May human rights work. At this time students also identify the specific 15, 2012. skills that they will focus on developing, which will lead to their thesis and final project (i.e., skills involved with media campaigns, fund raising, opinion polling, advocacy or social justice journal-



Transitions Spring 2012

Conservation of a Social Kind: An Intelligent Revolution Faculty member Anita Fernández’s sabbatical focused on social justice By Salli Maxwell ’99


Film promotion, Precious Knowledge

nessed Tucson students engage with an inspirational teacher, watched previously uninspired individuals come to class despite influences of poverty and marginalization, and felt on a visceral level the unfairness of a law that takes away a rare and meaningful education. The emotional response many people have to this issue is nothing, Dr. Fernández says, without application of that passion in the lucha – or fight – to retain ownership of one’s education. She demonstrates this power-to-the-people pedagogy not just with her words and academic skills, but by participating in demonstrations, including a student teach-in, amidst a walkout on the hundredth day of the ban on ethnic studies in Tucson. The lucha to create multicultural sustainability permeates Dr. Fernández’s work at Prescott College and in the founding and continued work of La Tierra Community School, the only Expeditionary Learning elementary school in Northern Arizona, located in Prescott. She helps shape and produce, and then employs, activist-minded teachers who understand their responsibility to stay informed on key issues, to organize responses, and to integrate culturally responsive teaching into their classrooms. La Tierra Community School has an integrative focus on the cultures and languages of the Southwest, as well as a commitment to social and environmental justice. Now in its second year of operation, La Tierra recently received a federal start-up grant, one of only seven charter schools in Arizona to receive such funding. Led almost exclusively by Prescott College graduates, the school infuses Spanish language into the daily curriculum, and grade levels offered will expand from the current K–5 to K–8 in 2014. The students go on wide-ranging expeditions all over Arizona, take part in a pen pal program with students from Nogales, and participate in an environmental education camp, all of which promote the development of a critical thinking lens at a young age that will help them make positive – and ultimately sustainable – social change. That Dr. Fernández has orchestrated all these actions illustrates her dedication to creating connections between our respective cultures to sustain an intelligent discourse and continue to teach our children personal and cultural respect for themselves and the “others” they encounter every day. Anita Fernández

n 2010 the state of Arizona eliminated ethnic studies from public school curriculum, in the name of “preventing resentment,” according to a controversial law. Prescott College Education faculty member Dr. Anita Fernández is an active part of a coalition of educators challenging the law’s non-sustainable rationale. “The basic tenets of public education include the right to learn about your culture,” Dr. Fernández explains, “to see yourself in the curriculum, to be respected, and to be exposed to multiple perspectives.” She is concerned that the divisive law, under which the Mexican American Studies (MAS) program in Tucson has been removed, could set a precedent for replication in other states. Dr. Fernández asserts that dismantling the MAS program doesn’t make sense from a scholar’s analysis of the program outcomes, and she explained this perspective, appealing to the Tucson Unified School District board of directors as a representative of the Arizona Ethnic Studies Network in January. Her analysis revealed that the program has turned out collegeready students with the ability to assess multiple perspectives and create an analytical lens that applies to making positive change in their community. “The program measurably engages its students to be well equipped for a productive life,” she says, “which leads us to conclude that the attempt to dismantle this program is a race-based attack.” The Board, however, upheld the decision to remove the classes, which it considers a violation of the controversial Arizona HB 2281 law signed by Governor Jan Brewer two years ago. In addition to making presentations and sitting on panels devoted to the topics of ethnic studies and education, Dr. Fernández hosted a showing of the award-winning documentary, Precious Knowledge, at Prescott College last fall. Precious Knowledge is an inspiring depiction of MAS lessons in personal and cultural respect as they are taught in Tucson classrooms, with general background on the ban on ethnic studies. The film moved many in the audience to tears as they wit-

Transitions Spring 2012


Talking the Walk of Sustainability By James Pittman ’97

(see story page 15) Housing Rendering, Weddle Gilmore Architects


Transitions Spring 2012

struction crews recently discovered a natural spring flowing e often speak of “walking the talk” of true susbehind the Garvey Welcome Center (home to the College tainability at Prescott College, as a way to Admissions Department)—an energetic symbol that has helped communicate how our values are being put enliven our sense of harmony with the natural world and hope into action. In fact, our entire history as an institution of for continued recruitment success. A French drain will be installed higher education has been dedicated to environmental to route the water to irrigate landscaping on campus. responsibility and social justice. The phrase “walking the Parking lot improvements across campus were also planned as talk” almost suggests that our steps are following our part of our agreement with the City to build student housing. words, though; at this time it might be more accurate to Landscape architects address the need to “talk the walk,” as our worked with ecological sustainability actions are now accelerating design students to develfaster than our ability to communicate these op and install a system of changes—there is a lot going on that we bioswales and retention want to share. basins that will hold First are the changes that can be seen on storm water runoff, campus with construction of the new student increase soil infiltration, housing, the Campus Commons, and parking and reduce oil and fuel lot upgrades. Current activities are following transfer. from an extensive multi-year participatory Bioremediation pits process that involved students, faculty, staff, have been installed in and community neighbors in the design of Solar Installation at the GarveyWelcome Center each parking spot to our physical campus as an expression of our catch oil and fuel from values. The new student There will be more and more opportunities for stu- vehicle engines, and in the housing facility is in dents, faculty, staff, and other community members to future we may inoculate these with bacteria or fungus to help advanced stages of con- take part in sustainability efforts that make best use of break down the petroleum struction and, once their creativity, talents, and innovation. byproducts. Parking lots located completed, will house directly within the floodway are being paved with concrete in over 100 new students in state-of-the-art residential units. order to further reduce the transfer of oil residue. These strategies We are targeting a Gold-level certification for new conwere evaluated and determined to be more effective than permestruction, within the Leadership in Energy and able pavement strategies typically used in large-scale parking lots. Environmental Design (LEED) rating system developed by More information is available in a white paper on the College’s the United States Green Building Council, and we may Green Initiatives web page. well exceed that goal. Elements designed for LEED point In addition to these other initiatives, we are actively working to awards include high-density development, maximization of complete our Climate Action Plan for making progress towards natural day lighting, habitat protection measures, watercarbon neutrality as part of the American College and University efficient fixtures and landscaping irrigation via rainwater Presidents’ Climate Commitment. The first steps we have made catchment systems, recycling and reuse of building materiincluded development of purchasing and investment policies supals, regional materials sourcing, and use of Forest porting markets for energy efficiency and renewable energy techStewardship Council certified wood, among many other nology. We are also in the final stages of a comprehensive energy points for innovation in design. audit of the entire campus that will result in long-term plans for Energy use is one of the most significant areas of efficiency enhancement through building envelope improvements, applied sustainability values in the campus housing. To save heating and cooling system upgrades, lighting efficiency measures, energy and money, the design uses advanced energy modand other strategies. A student team of Sustainability Research eling for passive solar design, thus drawing on natural Assistants have been working around campus to inventory applicooling and heating. High-efficiency lighting fixtures and ances and analyze comfort zones of our building climate control EnergyStar appliances will also reduce the buildings’ enersystems, and also interviewing people across campus about their gy footprint. The roofs will be covered with active solar experiences with energy use. photovoltaic systems that are projected to generate as A new reinvestment fund has been established for investing in much as 20 percent more electricity than the buildings energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, and cost savings consume. from those projects will be directed back to that fund in order to Many of these same elements and strategies will be a increase our commitment over time. Project funding has been part of the central Campus Commons project. The made available to launch proposals that College community memCommons design is based around a water theme of flow bers have for energy efficiency measures and solar energy applicaand ripples. Native and edible landscaping, recycled matetions. One of the first projects funded in this way was the installarials, energy-efficient lighting, and other elements will tion of a solar photovoltaic system generating electricity for the make this new campus commons area consistent with our Dan and Barbara Garvey Welcome Center. values and the rest of campus. Considering the aqueous Energy conservation measures are also being implemented theme of this project, it is fascinating to note that con-


Transitions Spring 2012


Butte Creek

Bioremediation pits installed with new parking, 2012

through Information Technology with upgrades to units in the Library and computer labs. A central energy efficiency management system will also be installed for controlling computer sleep cycles and off-hour downtime, with potential to result in energy cost savings of over 50 percent for computer use. Energy monitoring technology systems and user-friendly dashboards will be launched in the next year to provide a more transparent way for the College community to view and track energy use across campus. With our strong commitment to protecting, conserving, and restoring biodiversity, we are also continuing the success of the 15-year Butte Creek Restoration project. We will undertake native species planting and irrigation systems in the next year to improve our stewardship of this tremendously valuable riparian ecosystem at the heart of our campus. These are only a few of the many great things that are going on across Prescott College. The exciting projects are so extensive that we do not have enough space to share all the details. The Crossroads CafĂŠ and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) are improving the ways that we provide healthy, local, organic food options for community members. We are looking closely at the ways in which we are improving wellness, diversity, and social justice in our community. Our financial management systems are improving efficiency and transparency in a manner that will help us better align these with our sustainability values. Efforts go well beyond the Sustainability Department, and as we finalize and ratify our comprehensive Sustainability Plan in the coming months, there will be more and more opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and other community members to take part in efforts that make best use of their creativity, talents, and innovation. We are creating the College anew as we travel the journey of our educational path. Many thanks to those who have contributed to this process. There is tremendous potential as we move forward together.

James Pittman is an alumnus of the On-Campus Undergraduate Program and the Director of Sustainability at Prescott College. He teaches in all programs with a focus on sustainability science and practice, ecological economics, and whole systems design. For over a decade James has been a professional consultant serving government, business, industry, nonprofit, tribal, and other community stakeholders. Past clients have included the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, the USDA Forest Service, the US Department of Energy, the City of Washington, D.C., the Washington State Department of Ecology, the EcoSage Corporation, a Fortune 50 software corporation, and many others. James also teaches ecological economics, systems thinking, and dynamic modeling at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute Sustainable Business MBA program.

James Pittman

CSA at the Bookstore

For more information about sustainability initiatives at Prescott College visit the Green Initiatives page online or contact James Pittman at

Student at Crossroads CafĂŠ


Transitions Spring 2012

Experience at the Heart of Education Dan Campbell shares his journey of discovering and helping define experiential education By Ashley Mains M.A. ’11 ure, the shortest distance between point A and point B is a straight line. But straight lines don’t always provide the enriching and truly enlightening moments that lead to self-discovery, a well-rounded world view, and the opportunity to make one’s passion a profession. Like many people with ties to Prescott College, early adjunct faculty member and current Board of Trustees member Dan Campbell views life, and education, as a journey where the experiences along the way suffice as standard enough to measure one’s accomplishments. Dan wandered his way from a degree in Transcendentalist literature to adventure education (as an instructor and resident naturalist for Colorado Outward Bound) to teaching field ecology at the College of Marin in California, then to opening an environmental education field school in Marin, and on to experiential education, where he helped found the Association for Experiential Education and received one of the first graduate degrees in the field. Eventually he established a career devoted to conservation. Dan has worked with The Nature Conservancy for 27 years in Belize, the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Arizona, where he currently manages the Verde River Program from Prescott. Dan Campbell by B. Drummond


“This won’t make any sense when I tell you, but by the time I got to the fourth grade I couldn’t read. My third grade teacher told my mother I was retarded,” Dan says. “It was way early in terms of the diagnostics that are available today. I was actually hyperactive and wouldn’t sit for reading about Dick and Spot jumping, but I was made to feel so insecure and so self conscious.” His mother knew better and took it upon herself to institute a reward system where for every 100 pages of assigned reading, Dan got to choose a book of his own to read. “I ended up reading all the Golden Guides on fish and birds and trees and Indians of the Southwest. They were mostly pictures. I’d polish off one and get another and then all of a sudden I realized, huh, reading is how you learn. Reading is interesting.” Still, it was only the books about real-life topics and people that interested Dan, the things with a concrete connection to the world of experience around him. By the time he got to Oberlin College, Dan began reading about learning deficits and realized that the best way for him and others like him to learn was to tie education to the person where they physically are. This realization led to jobs writing field guides for Outward Bound and several educational institutions in Colorado and California with an interest in tying academic subjects like geology and history to experiences in the outdoors. When Rick Medrick, Dan’s then boss and current Prescott College faculty member in Sustainability Education, told him about the very first Master of Education in Experiential Education program in the country that he’d helped develop, Dan jumped at the chance. “It was in this master’s degree program that I discovered experienced based learning works in everything – in anthropology and math and whatever. I met just an incredible number of people

AEE founding group. From left to right: Maria Weber (Colorado Outward Bound Secretary), John Rhoades, Tracy Leiweke, Ron Gager (back), and Rick Medrick, Boulder Colo., 1972, photo by Dan Campbell

The Connection

Transitions Spring 2012


people for whom traditional learning is absolutely impossible, the that were working in this field and it still didn’t have any name. ones that couldn’t have made it anywhere else. But what’s hapWe began recognizing that the movement we were starting was pening today is a nice mix that includes very serious students going to be a profession for many of us. And yet there was nothwho know exactly what they want to do, who are ready to take ing to support that.” advantage of the amazing opportunities the school offers.” There was no certification. There were very few, if any, insurDan insists there’s nothing wrong with outdoor-based or any ance plans that could cover the kinds of outdoor activities they other type of experiential education, as long as the physical places were doing. There was no centralized way of learning about job and activities are contextualized opportunities aside from word of “Prescott was one of the first to offer this through academic disciplines tied to mouth relay. All of these things thing called experiential education and has the specific locale. were impediments to the devel“Take the US-Mexico Border a reputation for still being one of the best.” opment of a career path in Studies class for example. It’s one experiential education. thing to discuss the challenges of crossing the border, but you “This conclave of people from coast to coast came together actually take kids from Prescott down there and, sure, you may and we ended up calling ourselves the Association for Experiential also be camping – but you get within 50 feet of the border and Education.” you find a backpack here and a shoe and a water bottle there and Just five individuals signed the AEE charter in 1972 – Dan, you start realizing the human drama of it. Rick Medrick, Ron Gager, Tracy Leiweke, and John Rhoades. All “Of course there’s coursework that precedes it. There’s coursehad travelled their own wandering path into the world of experiwork that follows it. You talk about macroeconomics, social jusential education, and each except for Rick eventually wandered tice, the anthropology of the myriad migrations north and south away from work as educators. But the legacy of their fight to that have occurred across that border since the ice age, and on legitimize the field has continued with the work of many over the right up to the point where we build these big steel structures to years – many with ties to Prescott College (see sidebar). stop people. But the experience of being there, seeing it, experiToday, the AEE provides accreditation and risk management to encing it, talking to Mexicans, talking to the people that are proa variety of experiential education institutions, publishes the wellviding water at the border, nothing beats it. Nothing.” respected, peer-reviewed, scholarly Journal of Experiential Education, In his own life Dan has found experiential education to be the maintains the Jobs Clearinghouse – a web-based listing of fullmost critical pedagogy for exploring and understanding the world time, seasonal and internship openings – negotiates discounts for around him. It has provided him a well-rounded world view and members on equipment and instructional resources, and hosts netled him into a series of passionate professions. In his opinion, working events including an annual national conference. Prescott College is doing it better than ever. “Prescott was one of The connection between Prescott College and the AEE is a “gimme” to Dan. “Frankly, it was the same people who invented the first to offer this thing called experiential education and has a Prescott College, who invented Outward Bound, who invented reputation for still being one of the best.” Most other options, he AEE. Forty-plus years ago there were a lot of people dropping says, are simply imitations. back in to higher education with the GI bill, or wanting to settle down some after these really vital lives of doing other things and then realizing that experience is the best teacher. They figured; why not build experience right into the curriculum instead spending four years in a university lab?” Prescott College puts experience at the forefront of its OnCurrent Board member Dan Campbell and faculty Campus Undergraduate Program and always has, with the member Rick Medrick were founding members of required month-long orientation taking place, most often, out in the Association for Experiential Education. Former the wilderness of Arizona. There’s an affective component in these Prescott College President Dan Garvey was the types of experiences that Dan believes traditional education lacks. first paid executive director of the AEE from 1988 “It’s not just cognitive. It’s about what else you learn from a to 1991. Current faculty members Steve Pace and wilderness experience or from a death-defying experience or Denise Mitten have served on the Board of from a team-building experience or from discovering you’re the Directors, and both served as President – Steve leader for a thing when you’ve never been a leader for anything from 2005 to 2008 and Denise from 2002 to 2006. before. All of a sudden – boom – they’re all listening to me? This Steve Pace won the Servant Leader Award in 2009 is real life out here, we could get hurt or lost, and yet they’re lisin recognition of his active leadership service to the tening to me? AEE and its members. Current faculty member and alumnus David Lovejoy ’74, Denise Mitten, and “If you can build those kinds of feelings and affective attributes Rick Medrick have each won the Michael Stratton and traits into people as a part of their four-year curriculum, Practitioner’s Award for demonstrating the ability they’re coming out much better rounded than anybody that’s to bring about significant change and impact the done the four year stint in their state university that never had lives of students. And Dan Garvey and Denise that experience.” Mitten have each delivered the Kurt Hahn Address, Those who would characterize experiential education as Dan in 1997 and Denise in 2011. “camping college” make Dan laugh. “Sure there are people drawn to Prescott College to learn these heroic sorts of outdoor skills, or

The Prescott CollegeAEE Connection


Transitions Spring 2012

OUTdoors! Camp Alumna’s Senior Project turns helping LGBTQ youth into a career/calling By Candace McNulty

Kado Stewart ’08 was recently named woman of the year by Echo Magazine, Arizona’s premier LGBTQ magazine, for her work with LGBTQ youth at her OUTdoors! Camp. t’s Labor Day weekend. A group of young people gather around an 80-foot pine tree strung with ropes and decked with a tiny, distant platform, way up there. Those who feel ready for the challenge—ready to challenge themselves—make the long climb to the platform and hurl themselves into space, trusting in the harness, the ropes, their counselors. That’s the goal of this summer camp experience: to show participants how much they can accomplish, how they can rise to a challenge, how they can learn to trust. The youths at OUTdoors! Camp already know challenge. They identify as LBGTQ—lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, queer; many have experienced difficult family reactions, or harassment by schoolmates. Prescott College alum Kado Stewart founded OUTdoors! Camp for LGBTQ youth in 2008 to meet such young people’s need. Kado developed “gay camp” as her Senior Project, observing that “most summer camps are not inclusive of LGBTQ. A lot of youth get done with the school year, and then they get sent to summer camp, where they end up getting bullied for being gay or transgender. So… for us it’s really about making sure that our youth are feeling accepted, that they’re gaining selfconfidence.” Coming from a childhood in small-town Wisconsin, Kado knows what it’s like to feel isolated and unsupported—how hard coming out can be without the benefit of understanding and compassion, causing rifts in the family and the loss of friends. She completed an associate degree in cultural studies, was a camp counselor, and had enjoyed some adventure education growing up. The seeds of her inspiration were already taking root. Kado signed up for a Wilderness First Responder certification course in California. NOLS canceled it, suggesting one in Flagstaff instead, so she headed for Arizona. “It was kind of meant


Kado Stewart

to happen, I think,” Kado muses, because her instructor was Erin Lotz, Prescott College Adventure Education faculty member. Kado ended up applying to and being accepted to two colleges that year. She chose Prescott based on her admiration of Erin. She took adventure ed courses with Steve Pace focusing on small group dynamics and interpersonal communication, and several on outdoor management. “But I realized I wanted to focus on gender and sexuality. [So] I took a lot of courses with Ellen Abell.” The combination of these two topics were a perfect recipe for what would become OUTdoors! Camp. “Ellen and Steven were a catalyst for me. I had a lot of big ideas and a lot of energy, and they both told me, ‘You can do this,’ and helped me figure out what that would look like. I would have done it, I think, regardless of where I went to school, but with the help of my Prescott College instructors as well as Jane Cabot ’07 and Jill Hewins, I was able to design what I really wanted to do.” OUTdoors! Camp is a program of one n ten, a Phoenix center for LGBTQ youth. Kado’s team has built a four-day summer camp experience serving youth from 14 to 24 years of age—150 of them last summer, along with cabin counselors and workshop presenters, totaling 250 people experiencing the weekend. Arriving at camp, participants face their first challenge: surrendering their electronic devices so they’ll concentrate on face-toface bonding. Icebreakers, name games, and other teambuilding exercises bring them together. And they learn to communicate in another way—through drumming, Kado’s “other passion,” in a giant drum circle of all 250 participants. continued on page 27

OUTdoors! Camp participants

Transitions Spring 2012


Journal of Sustainability Education Three years after launch, this Ph.D. program project continues as leading voice in field he Journal of Sustainability Education (JSE) began as a project of Ph.D. Cohort 3 students at Prescott College who wanted to see a resource for a field with little dedicated publishing. “The Journal of Sustainability Education provides a muchneeded resource and forum for discussing and promoting the integrated concepts of sustainability among educators and others interested in a resilient future,” says Bill Crowell ’11, a Cohort 3 member. “The vision for a peer-reviewed, open access trans-disciplinary journal grew out of our very first cohort meeting, and today, it is a reality with global readership.” Three years later, much of the editing, promotion, design and website maintenance for the Journal is still carried out by a team of four Prescott College Ph.D. program student assistant editors, who work closely with the JSE Editor and adjunct faculty member, Larry Frolich, also full-time faculty member at Miami Dade College. Published annually in March, JSE has become a leading voice for sustainability educators from around the world. The Journal’s interactive online format includes rigorous academic peerreviewed articles, along with timely publication of opinions, short reports, case studies, and media reviews. Each edition reaches tens of thousands of readers in nearly 100 countries. “I personally, knew it was a success and useful to others when my colleagues started forwarding articles from the Journal to me,” Crowell says. The wide range of topics that have been treated in JSE articles reflect the broad interest in sustainability among a diverse cadre of educators. Authors and readers come from preschool to university settings, both formal and informal. While sustainability is often perceived as having an environmental focus, JSE has consistently emphasized the social, cultural, and economic aspects of sustainability. The Journal has published cutting-edge pieces from prestigious sustainability education organizations such as the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), the Center for EcoLiteracy, and the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC), as well as insightful contributions from independent and creative sustainability advocates such as Riki Ott, Dennis Martinez, Jamie Cloud, and Gibran Rivera. Faculty and students from the College’s Ph.D. program have published scholarly articles, media reviews and creative pieces in JSE, and many serve on the Journal’s peer review board. Leadership for the journal is provided by an Advisory Board, composed principally of Ph.D. program faculty, students, and alumni. As JSE moves into its third publication cycle with a focus in the March 2012 issue on the geography of sustainability, the audience continues to expand and now includes educators who see geography as the ultimate “linking discipline” connecting all the elements of sustainability under one conceptual roof.



Transitions Spring 2012

“The JSE has quickly become a widely read resource for sustainability educators working in a wide variety of settings,” says Cohort 3 member Tina Evans ’11, a JSE Advisory Board member. “Our submissions for the 2012 issue reflected the journal’s growing international significance.” Between publishing dates, JSE posts job and event announcements and puts out short reports and opinions on a rolling basis. Over the next year, JSE plans to implement an idea development space in the form of a focused online social network called the Sustainability Educators Network. “When we started planning for the JSE, we recognized that there wasn’t anything else out there that did exactly what we wanted to do for sustainability educators,” Evans explains. “Our growing readership demonstrates that we have indeed addressed a vital need in this rapidly growing and critically important area of education.” You can keep up on the latest in sustainability education at the JSE website: If you are interested in submitting material or serving as a reviewer for the Journal, contact Larry Frolich at

Ph.D. students at Prescott College for Colloquium

Professional Coaching The path to creating a more just and compassionate world magine, if you will, a world where individuals contribute to creating environments of compassion, balance, and empowerment; where organizations and companies “walk the talk” of equity, inclusion, and social giving internally and externally; where personal growth and success become priorities for all; where individuals, families, and communities consciously bring their “best selves” to each interaction. This is the world coaching strives to create. Coaching, often called “life coaching,” is a transformational process where a coach and a client partner together to support the client in attaining goals, facilitating breakthroughs, and reaching his or her full potential. Coaching is successfully used in a wide variety of professions, including teaching, business consulting, personal training, therapy, medical practice, management, and training. This year the Lifelong Learning Center at Prescott College is pleased to offer one of only two certifications in coaching available in the state of Arizona. This certification is perfect for anyone who desires to expand into the coaching profession, or add coaching credentials to an already existing career such as executive coaching, leadership coaching, life coaching, etc. The instructor for the Certificate in Coaching is Laurel Inman ’08, a Prescott College alumna who has been coaching since 2001. Laurel currently helps small business owners struggling with the “business owner blues” reconnect with what is possible and reach beyond their potential. In addition to having her private coaching practice and teaching courses on coaching and self-actualization, she is the author of Fire Your Diet. The certificate program includes six in-person weekend courses in Tucson, Ariz., four tele-classes, interim self-paced experiential exercises, and a self-paced three- to six-month practicum upon course completion. By the end of the certificate program participants will be eligible to apply for the Associate Coach Certification Application of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). “This certificate program is aligned with the Prescott College mission of providing an experiential learning environment for participants to ‘be their best self,’” says Cheryl Schwartz, Director of the Lifelong Learning Center. “The coursework empowers participants to feel confident, find their coaching voice, experience the power of coaching by going through their own process, and gain skills to facilitate breakthroughs.” Instructor Laurel Inman


Certificate in Coaching There are six courses in the certificate program – completion of all six courses is necessary to earn the full certificate. Continuing education clock hours are available. The six courses include: Foundations This course covers industry standards, applications, and the anatomy of coaching. All Mastery is Self-Mastery This course explores the concept of how self-mastery expands one’s abilities to produce successful outcomes and facilitate success in others. Creating Clarity This course covers a variety of tools and pathways to support a client to movement from fear and anxiety around a problem into a space of clarity and peace surrounding the solution. Integrative Development This course explores the Nine Personality Types of the Enneagram and how to use the Enneagram to enhance personal and professional breakthroughs. Emotional Intelligence This course teaches participants how to navigate emotional streams, how to address emotions in a session, and how to use emotions as a powerful and motivational tool for navigation. Time and Life Management Topics explored include: the key principles and strategies that streamline action, how to maintain healthy levels of energy output, and the nuts and bolts of applying these principles to all aspects of life and/or business success. Prerequisites of this certificate program include: Two hours of coaching, by a certified coach, completed preentrance and eight hours of coaching, by a certified coach, completed by Certificate completion (includes two hours pre-entrance). Tuition: $2,450 for full certificate (due at time of registration – refunds with two-week notice for remaining balance of nonattended session only). Course Times: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (3–6 p.m. Friday classes when applicable) with one three-hour tele-class per month (specific dates TBD). Location: Prescott College Tucson Center – Tucson, Ariz. Registration: Contact the Director of Lifelong Learning for an application form and to set up an interview at or (928) 350-4110.

For further information on this and other certificate programs through the Lifelong Learning Center visit

Transitions Spring 2012


Practical Experience Soon-to-be double alumna Christine Duffy helps preserve raptor habitat By Christine Duffy ’09, ’12 M.A. program ach fall, most diurnal raptors After the Practicum, I was invited to work with HWI (hawks, eagles, ospreys, and falfor my Master’s Thesis on Project Black Hawk – a study cons) leave their breeding of the Neotropical raptors ranging from northern South grounds and migrate south. Some travel America to the US Southwest. The Common Black great distances to reach lower latitudes, Hawk is listed in five Southwest states as either endanlike the Swainson’s Hawk, flying over gered, threatened, and/or as a species of special concern, 10,000 miles from North to South but is not yet listed on a federal level and as a species America. Others go just a few hundred generally receives little management attention. miles to lower elevations, such as the Reasonably unspoiled Southwestern riparian gallery Zone-tailed Hawk; they travel from the forests are essential to these hawks for nesting and huntUS Southwest to Mexico. These raptors ing. Idyllic stream conditions for hunting habitat are seek warmer climates, supporting more shallow channels or pools, and water quality is imporseasonally available prey, to sustain them tant. Unfortunately, Western riparian systems have over winter. declined 85 to 95 percent in water quality from historic HawkWatch International (HWI), a conditions. Rapid population growth and multiple-use Common Black Hawk nonprofit science-based organization, designations pressure the remaining Southwestern riparbegan long-term raptor migration ian fragments. Therefore, the most important managemonitoring across the Western US and Mexico 35 years ago. The ment action is to conserve and improve the health of existing most cost-effective way to measure North American raptor popuriparian areas and to rehabilitate historic riparian corridors. lation status and trends, migration monitoring is also a fantastic For ecological research in my thesis I modeled environmentavenue for a graduate student or young professional to gain relespecies relationships, specifically the spatial distribution of nesting vant competence in the field of raptor ecology – just my goal for raptors, with Geographic Information System (GIS) software. I my Prescott College Limited-Residency Master of Arts Program mapped the study site to include approximately 200 miles of the Practicum work. Gila and San Francisco rivers in New Mexico. I then traveled to In a phone interview with Mike Neal, then HawkWatch New Mexico, working alongside my graduate advisor, Mike Neal; International’s Southwest Monitoring Coordinator, his first quesI spent six weeks building fence, planting trees, conducting education was, “What type of vehicle do you own?” I didn’t have a car tional learning stations as part of mitigation efforts, backpacking at all; he couldn’t offer me the open position. It was disappointing, down rivers, combing riparian forest for raptor nests, and monibut I begged just 10 more minutes to talk about birds of prey toring Common Black Hawk nests for productivity. with him. Making contacts and networking are very important for The next step was bringing the field data into GIS and analyzan independent, self-directed Prescott College master’s degree stuing it to identify what habitat variables strongly correlate with dent. I described the limited-residency program and Practicum, nest site preference. My thesis also addresses the hydrological and just started asking him about everything I had been reading effects of climate change on the Gila watershed and the future from my theory courses in conservation of birds of prey and natudistribution of the Common Black Hawk in that area. ral resource law. The purpose of Project Black Hawk, and the mission of By the end of our conversation he told me he was impressed HawkWatch International, is to protect the environment through with my questions and would go ahead and bring me on as an education, long-term monitoring, and scientific research on rapobserver at the Grand Canyon; we could make it work without a tors as indicators of ecosystem health. I am the first graduate stuvehicle. This was the first time my learning had been validated by dent to collaborate with HWI on Project Black Hawk and have an expert raptor biologist, and it felt good. inspired a need for more volunteers and graduate students to parI sat on an exposed rim of the Grand Canyon for two and a ticipate. HWI and countless other organizations are looking for half months, more than eight hours a day, six days a week, scanself-directed and passionate students like the ones Prescott College ning the sky for raptors travelling south on the Intermountain can produce, and I have been more than happy to incorporate my Flyway. Observing 5,000 raptors during the season provided plenwork for this organization into my studies. ty of practice, with identification of 17 different species and learning to tell males from females, juveniles from adults. I learned For more information about HawkWatch International visit www.hawkHWI’s migration monitoring protocols, including data collection To volunteer with Project Black Hawk, contact Mike Neal at of migrants and weather measurements, and was asked to lead interpretive programs for the visiting public.



Transitions Spring 2012

Class Notes

David Meeks ’73 David Meeks is president of the board of directors for Sonoma Skypark Airport, a privately owned, public-use airport. Board members work hard to promote myriad aviation activities for young people to help them gain education and confidence, build character, and fulfill sometimes-tough goals. Doug Hulmes ’74 Doug had a wonderful visit to San Diego, Calif., on January 14, where he performed John Muir to a capacity crowd at the Balboa Park Recital Hall. Robin Rivet ’74 invited him to perform his Chautauqua as a Celebration of Trees in conjunction with the Center for Sustainable Energy. Matuschka ’74 Matuschka’s photography was recently published in two books: John Leongard’s book Age of Silver: Encounters with Great Photographers and The New York Times Magazine: Photographs. Diane J. Schmidt ’74 Photojournalist Diane Schmidt presented “Darkening of the Light: El Salvador 1981” during Open Mind at Congregation Albert, in Albuquerque, N.M., this past October. She gave a talk and slide show of her experiences in El Salvador during their violent civil war. Donald Segerstrom Jr. ’74 California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. recently announced the appointment of Donald I. Segerstrom Jr. to a judgeship in the Tuolumne County Superior Court. Maggie McQuaid ’75 Maggie traveled to Washington, D.C. in September to participate in the national celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Peace Corps. Maggie served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras from 1976 to 1978, working as a rural public health promoter. In the years since, she has been active in the Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Association, and she currently serves as assistant editor of Amigos de Honduras, a newsletter for returned Peace Corps volunteers who served in Honduras. Maggie was awarded the Order of Salva Vida (La Orden de Salva Vida), recognizing her involvement and service to Returned Honduras Volunteers in 2009. At the September event, Maggie was honored to carry the national flag of Honduras in a march from Arlington National Cemetery to the Lincoln Memorial. Over 6,000 volunteers walked under the banners of more than 120 host nations; joining this group was one of Maggie’s greatest experiences. Tom Brownold ’76 See Tom's recent photos at sonoran-desert.html. Joseph Ruby ’80 Jay, as fellow alumni may know him, was interviewed in the Miami New Times as part of a feature story about the Carpetbag Brigade, a San Francisco performing arts group. The Carpetbag Brigade, with Jay in the role of director, puts on “visual extravaganzas using improvisation, acrobatics, music, circus antics, and butoh.” Angela Hawse ’86 Angela was recently named the 2011 Guide of the Year by the American Mountain Guide Association. Congratulations, Angela! Scott Rikkers ’90 Home and design magazine Shelter has featured an article on Scott Rikkers in its Winter 2012 issue.

Class Notes

George Huey ’73 The December issue of Arizona Highways was devoted to the 50 greatest photos in 88 years of the magazine. It featured two photos by former professor Jay Dusard, and one by alumnus George Huey.

Brigette Buynak ’93 Brigette married Jakob Sundin on July 23, 2011, at Zaca Lake near Santa Barbara, Calif. Brigette and Jakob met in Paia, on the North Shore of Maui, where Jakob was on a three-month windsurfing vacation. Jakob is originally from Sweden. Before leaving Maui, Brigette passed her exams for the Hawaiian Bar! The couple now lives in Santa Barbara near the ocean where they listen to the sea lions in the evening. Patrick Mitchell ’93 Last year, Patrick was laid off from the City of Santa Ana due to budget cuts. After a year of unemployment he landed at Glen Ivy Hot Springs as the director of landscapes and sustainability. Patrick manages the 17acre spa grounds as well as all the fruit and vegetable gardens, the native landscapes that surround the property, and all of the company’s sustainability initiatives. Patrick loves his job and has really come to embrace this important place and the role it plays in making peoples’ lives more full and healthy. Patrick has become very interested and active in sustainable agriculture. He also enjoys growing food for his family on their little one-acre home site, where they have chickens, a goat, and horses. “I love and learn so much from my wife, Shannon, and two boys, Jack and Johnny, who provide so much inspiration,” says Patrick, who is writing quite a bit and looking forward to publishing his second book soon. Susanne Nelson ’93 Susanne is married with three children (Sierra 18, Zoe 11, and Thomas 6). She is a sixth-grade math teacher living in a Dallas suburb. Her email is Charles M. “Monty” Roessel ’95 Charles was recently named the Bureau of Indian Education’s Deputy Director for Navajo Schools. Brian Cohen ’97 Since Prescott College, Brian’s career path has zigzagged from working at an art museum in Washington, D.C., the Peace Corps in Bénin, a university in Kenya, the United Nations in Thailand, an NGO in Cameroon, and the US Embassy in Liberia. These days, Brian is a tropical forestry specialist working to reduce illegal logging in African countries. If anyone is ever passing through Accra, Ghana, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Brian. Rebecca Salem ’98 Rebecca sent this photo of Prescott College alumni playing on the beach on Plum Island, Mass., this past summer. Pictured: Jeremy Wheeler ’96, Deva Wheeler ’99, Ethan Hipple ’00, Sarah Hipple ’99, Ellory Kimble ’99, and Rebecca Salem ’98. Matthew Blake ’00 Matthew has been in his dream job as Delaware Bay Project Manager for the American Littoral Society, working to care for the coast through programs focused on education, advocacy, and conservation. “I couldn’t have gotten this far without the support of Walt Anderson! My daughter, Amanda, just turned two and our son, Ethan, is now nine months old.” Matthew Brummett ’00 Matt Brummett is an instructor in fellow alumnus Cody Lundin’s ’91 Aboriginal Living Skills School. He will be teaching some cool classes through the ALSS in 2012: Abo Kitchen, Light My Fire, and Catching Critters, with co-instructor Mark Dorsten ’99. Erin Elder ’01 In 2009, Erin founded a multi-disciplinary organization called PLAND: Practice Liberating Art through Necessary Dislocation, which supports experimental and research-driven projects in the context of its off-thegrid location near Taos, N.M. PLAND is soon accepting applications for

Transitions Spring 2012


Class Notes

its 2012 season of projects and residents at Erin’s essay “How to Build a Commune: Drop City’s Influence on the Southwestern Commune Movement” was recently published by University of Minnesota Press in West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America, 1965–1977. The book was published in conjunction with an exhibition by the same title, organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver. Erin now splits time between Albuquerque and Tres Piedras, N.M. She writes, teaches, curates, and also works as Gallery Director at University of New Mexico’s Tamarind Institute. Learn more or say hello at Joe Ventimiglia ’01 Joe recently presented at New York University about experiential education, group dynamics, and facilitation techniques as part of Education Through Adventure, LLC. Read more about Education Through Adventure at Karen Evans ’02 After eight years in the classroom and completing a Master of Education in school leadership, Karen is pleased to move into the role of dean of academics (her school’s version of vice principal) for Magnolia Science Academy in San Diego, Calif. Karen will miss the creativity and joy of classroom teaching, but she looks forward to new challenges and to supporting her fellow staff in her role. Karen would love to hear from any Prescott College contacts! Hannah King ’03 After leaving Prescott College, Hannah attended and graduated from the University of Maine School of Law and is now an attorney for the Alaska Public Defender Agency. She recently got married. Hannah is pictured here at Spencer Glacier, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

The figures in her invented world bare multiple rows of razor sharp teeth and glare. She considers these traits through line drawings within her paintings, to emphasize an unresolved, half-in-this-world woman. Craig Sponholtz ’05 Craig has been working in stream and wetlands restoration since graduation; he has taught a number of workshops in the Southwest region. Dryland Solution, a small watershed restoration firm based in Santa Fe, N.M., offered a 4-day, hands-on workshop last October in an effort to increase understanding and awareness of passive water harvesting, erosion control, and stream restoration. If you’d like to know more about Dryland Solutions please visit Kristen Dillon ’06 and Jason Thomas ’06 Kristen and Jason were married on August 7, 2010. They are currently living in Tucson. Dennis Roberts ’06 Dennis completed his dissertation this past year and graduated with a doctorate in clinical psychology from Antioch University in Seattle. He is now an instructor in the Health Sciences Department at DePaul University in Chicago and also teaches online classes for the psychology department at Baker College in Flint, Mich. Heather (Quinlan) Spengler ’06 Heather married Joshua Spengler in May 2010 and is now living on the Mississippi coast. She is learning to appreciate the slower pace of life in the South while enjoying marriage and raising her 5-year-old stepdaughter. Leah Titcomb ’06 Leah is living in Brunswick, Maine, and teaching at Coastal Studies For Girls, a science and leadership semester school. She invites you to visit if you find yourself in the Northeast. Arieh Scharnberg ’07 Arieh is finishing his master’s degree from the American University of Paris in Cross-Cultural and Sustainable Business Management. He is currently living in Israel working on his final internship with a corporate social responsibility consulting company and working with Israel’s leading companies to find and assist them in social and environmental engagements. He has recently become an Israeli citizen.

Zachary Lihatsh ’03 Zach had his hand-forged cutlery included in the handcrafted gift guide of the December 2011 issue of Martha Stewart Living. According to the guide, Zach’s cleavers are made from recycled steel and copper. Charles Mentken ’03 Charles is currently director of La Tierra Expeditionary School in Prescott, Ariz. The Arizona State Board of Education recently awarded the school $230,000 through the Arizona Charter School Incentive Program. The elementary school will be eligible for an additional award in 2013–14. For more information, see Catlin Smith ’03 Catlin Smith married Adam Gaensler in Thailand this past January. Adam is a music teacher and musician from Australia. The couple met in Shanghai, China, where Catlin was living and working for the past four years at a small international school. They are planning to move to Thailand. Anna Varney ’03 and Joshua Chamberlin ’04 Anna and Joshua were married on August 27, 2011, on Orcas Island in Washington State. They live in Seattle on their 34-foot sailboat. Sara Campbell ’04 Sara married Jeannine Gamble on November 11, 2011, as New York State has recognized marriage equality. Jeannine also gave birth to their 6-pound, 6-ounce son, Steven Delmar Campbell, on June 20, 2011. Courtney Johnson ’04 Courtney Johnson exhibited her paintings at Park Life, an independent retail store and art gallery based in San Francisco, in November 2011. Courtney paints wild and gnarled women engaged in reckless behavior.


Transitions Spring 2012

Adam “Catfish” Baruni ’08 The Starter House, a play by Catfish Baruni, directed by Esther Blue Almazán ’03, ran at the Beowulf Alley Theatre in downtown Tucson this past February. Zac ’09, M.A.11 and Celine Adair ’99 With the help of two current Prescott College students, Zach Dahlmer ’11 and West Howland ’11, Zac and Celine’s nonprofit, Panacea Adventures, began developing the Healing Ocean in 2010. This 3-day sea kayaking and surfing camp works specifically with families living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). With past studies and research to prove the positive effect that the saline environment has on CF, the first Healing Ocean program of 2011 was completed with HUGE success. Jenica Faye ’09 Jenica was married to Lars Weimar on November 6, 2011, in Balboa Park, San Diego, Calif. Jenica and Lars were together throughout the years Jenica attended Prescott College. In 2009 they moved to Ashland, Ore., where they co-founded Chee Studio, a custom web design agency. For the wedding, Jillian Van Ness ’08 created the one-of-a-kind invitations, place cards, prayer flags, and guestbook. Batya Ellinoy ’10 sang and presided over the couple’s marriage ceremony. Tara Alperin ’10 Since graduating in the Winter of 2010 Tara has continued to dance. She is currently working on a dance film project, which also includes Prescott College alumna Elizabeth Frambach ’10 as a dancer. Tara is fundraising through Indiegogo at

continued on page 27

Alumni Briefs Alumni and Parent Gatherings Please join Prescott College Board of Trustee Gerald Secundy and Prescott College President Kristin R. Woolever for an Alumni and Parent Brunch on Sunday, June 3, 2012 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Enjoy complimentary brunch and refreshments while engaging in conversation about experiential education at Prescott College. Seating is limited. Please RSVP at or call Marie Smith in the Alumni Office at (928) 350-4502.

Reminder: PC Email for Life We hope all alumni will register for the newly available Prescott College email for life. Stay connected to your alma mater through our recently upgraded Google Apps for Education email service. This service is similar to regular Gmail and can easily be forwarded to your current email address, so you’ll never miss out on Prescott College news again! Once registered, you can keep in touch with former classmates by searching for their names in the system. As a bonus, retail discounts are associated with having an “.edu” email address. For more information or to register for your Prescott College email for life, visit today!

Introducing the Student Alumni Association The Student Alumni Association (SAA)/Student Initiative Counsel (SIC) is a student-run organization that exists within the Prescott College Alumni Association. The mission of SAA is to create and foster positive relationships between all students, past, present, and future. Our goal is to raise funds to implement a program that will connect Prescott College alumni and current students and encourage school pride. Please join us and learn about upcoming events at student-initiative-council.

Make Sure We Have Your Updated Info Are you receiving the monthly enewsletter Ecos? We can’t stay in touch with you unless we have your current information such as mailing address, e-mail, and phone number.You can update your info online at or by calling the Alumni Office at (928) 350-4502.

Give a Gift & Win an Amazon Kindle Fire! For your gift of $25 or more to the Prescott College Annual Fund for Academic Excellence made from now through June 30, 2012, your name will be entered into a drawing for a new Amazon Kindle Fire.

Give to the Annual Fund for Academic Excellence Today! Use enclosed envelope or give online at

Transitions Spring 2012


Faculty & Staff Notes

Faculty & Staff Notes

Victoria Abel ’93, M.A., M.N.T. Instructor Victoria Abel presented the lecture “Addiction Nutrition” at the 2011 National Conference for Addiction Professionals in San Diego. Her article “Feeding the Addict” was published in the November 2011 edition of Addiction Professional magazine. She also spoke at the Freedom and Recovery conference in California in March 2012. Mariana Altrichter, Ph.D. Environmental Studies and Cultural and Regional Studies instructor Mariana Altrichter participated at the IUCN Species Specialist Group Chairs meeting in Abu Dhabi, February 23–27, 2012. She was invited by the Mohamed bin Zayed conservation fund along with 300 experts from around the world. Mariana is also the chair of the Peccaries Specialist Group. Randall Amster, Ph.D. Graduate Chair of Humanities and professor of Peace Studies Randall Amster published a new book, Anarchism Today (Praeger, March 2012). He also had two edited volumes accepted for publication by Lexington Books and Syracuse University Press. Dr. Amster co-authored chapters on immigration and the Occupy movement, respectively, for two books due out this spring; completed journal articles on several topics; and delivered conference keynote addresses on “radical empathy” and the ecological sphere of peace. Melanie Bishop, M.F.A. Faculty member Melanie Bishop’s short story “Trina Comes Home” was accepted by Potomac Review. Another, “Evidence,” is forthcoming in The American at Her memoir, Some Glad Morning, is forthcoming on Last June, Bishop taught creative writing on Paros Island, Greece. The host school, Hellenic International Studies in the Arts (HISA), serves American college student studying abroad. K.L. Cook, M.F.A. Arts and Letters faculty member K. L. Cook’s short story “Filament” was selected for inclusion in the 2012 Best American Mystery Stories. The story is also available in his recently published collection, Love Songs for the Quarantined, which won the 2010 Spokane Prize for Short Fiction. Jordan DeZeeuw Spencer Ph.D. ’11 Both Anita Fernández and Jordana DeZeeuw attended the National Association for Multicultural Education conference in Chicago. Anita Fernández, Ph.D. Dr. Anita Fernández, Education faculty member, was a guest on Pacifica Radio discussing the recent ban on Ethnic Studies in Tucson, and also taught at the first “School of Ethnic Studies” held in response to the elimination of Mexican-American classes in the Tucson school district. She attended the National Association for Multicultural Education conference in Chicago with Jordana DeZeeuw. Tom Fleischner, Ph.D. Environmental Studies faculty member Tom Fleischner’s The Way of Natural History was recently listed as one of four “outstanding recent books” reviewed in the Gift Guide: Best of Science, in the Wall Street Journal. As one of the organization’s founders, Tom was also featured in the 11-minute video produced for the Northern Cascades Institute’s 25th anniversary. Lisa Floyd-Hanna, Ph.D. Dr. Lisa Floyd-Hanna presented a paper at the 2011 Southwest Fire, Restoration, and Fuels meeting in Flagstaff. With grants from the Joint Fire Science Program, she and several Prescott College students have conducted research at Mesa Verde National Park. She and Dave Hanna hosted a workshop on her research at Mesa Verde, attended by eight agency resource and fire managers. The National Park Service has also continued funding her fire history work at Dinosaur National Park.


Transitions Spring 2012

Deborah Ford, M.F.A. Deborah Ford, Visual Arts faculty member, exhibited in Arizona Centennial (Tohono Chul Gallery, Ariz.), Manifest Destiny (Northlight Gallery, Ariz.), and the 44th Yellowstone Art Museum Art Auction (Billings, Mont.). Upcoming exhibits include The Gaia Factor: Women for Social Justice and the Environment (Semmes Gallery, Texas), the National Juried Exhibit (Baker Arts Center, Kan.), and Under Western Skies 2 (Calgary, Alberta). She also served as Artist in Residence at Biosphere 2. Dan Garvey, Ph.D. From January to May 2011, Prescott College faculty member and former College President Dan Garvey sailed around the world with 600 college students as Dean of the Semester at Sea Program sponsored by the University of Virginia. In May 2011 Dan delivered a presentation to the National Outdoor Leadership School’s International Faculty Summit. Zoe Hammer, Ph.D. Cultural and Regional Studies faculty member Zoe Hammer published two chapters in the new book Human Rights in Our Own Backyard: Injustice & Resistance in the United States, published as part of the Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights series (University of Pennsylvania Press). Robert Hunt ’14 Ph.D. program Adjunct faculty member and Ph.D. Cohort 5 member Rob Hunt wrote the introduction to the recently published book Getting Out of the Way: Living Sufism. In addition, he contributed short-chapter parables under his Sufi name, Suleiman. The book is available in Kindle version and in hard copy at the College Library. David Lovejoy ’73 Adventure Education faculty member David Lovejoy recently presented to the Flagstaff chapter of the American Meteorological Society Avalanche in Arizona, highlighting the unique attributes of snowpack on the San Francisco Peaks. David has been researching snow on “the Peaks” for a number of years, teaching avalanche courses, and acting in snow safety advisory throughout northern Arizona. Steve Pace, M.S.W. Undergraduate Human Development and Psychology Program Coordinator Steve Pace was invited to Chair the Accreditation Council of the Association for Experiential Education for the third year in a row. The AEE Accreditation Council consists of volunteers who are experts in the field of adventure education. Rachel Peters M.A. ’04 Director of Field Operations Rachel Peters authored a chapter titled “Access and Permitting for Use on Public Lands” in the textbook Outdoor Program Administration: Principles and Practices, published February 2012 by Human Kinetics. Jill Pyatt and DeeAnn Resk, M.A. Associate Director of Admissions Jill Pyatt, Student Leadership and Event Coordinator DeeAnn Resk, and current on-campus undergraduate students Claire Tuchel ’13 and Tony “Morgoth” Gamboa ’13 made a presentation about Prescott College’s unique approach to education in the context of sustainability at the This Way to Sustainability VII conference in March at California State University, Chico. Additionally, Morgoth served as the featured student speaker. The conference is the largest student conference focused on sustainability in the nation. Wayne Regina, Psy.D. Psychology and Peace Studies faculty member Dr. Wayne Regina presented a workshop, Bowen Theory and Domestic Mediation, to staff of the Superior Court of Arizona in July 2011. Dr. Regina is a certified senior mediator, conciliator, and trainer for the Superior Court of Arizona as well as a licensed psychologist and licensed marriage and family therapist.

Andy Schmookler Former faculty member Andy Schmookler taught courses like The Meaning of Contemporary Events between 1973 and 1975. He went on to earn a doctorate at UC Berkeley in the evolution of civilization and has published several books on topics of socio-political psychology. In 2004 Andy began perceiving something troubling in American politics – what he calls a failure to confront the truth about the forces that shape our society. This has led him to run for Congress in Virginia’s 6th District in 2012. “We think that our efforts are already having some constructive effect, and we know that there’s just too much at stake in America right now not to throw oneself into the fray.” To learn more about Andy or to support his bid for office, visit or find him on Facebook. Marjory Sente Vice President for Institutional Advancement Marjory Sente gave a presentation, No Fries ’Til Mail – How Tourism Brought Mail Service to the Grand Canyon, at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum’s 2011 Postal History Symposium, the 2012 Grand Canyon History Symposium, and at the ARIPEX 2012 (Arizona’s annual philatelic exhibition). Terril Shorb Ph.D. ’09 Limited-residency undergraduate faculty member Terril Shorb and his wife Yvette A. Schnoeker-Shorb, a Prescott College mentor, published What’s Nature Got to Do with Me?—Staying Wildly Sane in a Mad World through Native West Press. The book chronicles people’s true encounters with wild creatures that produced a healing effect. Carl Tomoff, Ph.D. Carl presented “Effects of the Spring 2011 Pickett Fire on Avian Life” to the 2011 annual meeting of the Arizona Field Ornithologists. In spring and summer he volunteered as ornithologist for Sky Island Alliance’s Madrean Archipelago Biological Assessment program during two weeklong field expeditions to little-known mountain ranges in northern Sonora, Mexico. Art Gallery at Sam Hill Warehouse The Prescott College Art Gallery at Sam Hill Warehouse won the Prescott-area Buckey Award for Outstanding Arts Organization. Vicky Young ’95, Ph.D. Faculty member Vicky Young was a participant in this first ever meeting examining the state of living kidney donation. She was also part of the psych–social work group that contributed to the article “Living Kidney Donor Follow-Up State of the Art” published in the American Journal of Transplantation.

Fall 2011 Transitions Corrections The Norman and Carol Traeger Foundation and the Marisla Fund of the Orange County Community Foundation donated to Prescott College at the Gold and Turquoise Circle Level ($10,000 and above).

life with those caught in the throes of structural violence. I found my purpose in not only helping others heal, but dismantling the forces behind structural violence. My Prescott College experience mimicked my experience in Lucy’s care. I found safe and nurturing spaces created by the faculty, mentors, and my classmates that allowed me to explore my academic passions as a vulnerable, emotional human being. I have emerged knowing that the forces robbing humans and any life of dignity must be thwarted. I have become the agent of change Lucy inspired and Prescott College nurtured: empowered to uphold social and environmental justice for my own dignity’s sake and for the dignity of all of Earth’s inhabitants.

OUTdoors! Camp continued from page 19 “We spend two hours drumming,” she says, “because music is all about listening to the people you’re making music with—you’re communicating through your hands, through your energy.” Other activities, like the high-ropes course (and the 80-foot pine tree), add in the adventure education, and workshops cover such topics as handling bullying, STDs, and safe relationship practices. Each camp session takes about six months of full-time planning. Workshop facilitators are educators, professional community activists, and trained volunteers, working dawn to midnight during camp. The 100 Arizona participants they choose can attend free, thanks to a Garrett Lee Smith suicide prevention grant and state funding. OUTdoors! also colaborates with EMPACT, GLESN, and Cultural Sponge. Kado and others work hard fundraising for out-of-state kids, especially younger ones “from the middle of nowhere, from rural Texas, or places where they have no access to any support group,” she explains; given her background, “That’s one of my big passions, outreach to rural folks.” Out-of-staters come from as far afield as the Northeast and Mexico. Outreach will remain a big part of Kado’s future. Her plans for OUTdoors! Camp include partnering, consulting, and training with other summer camps, adventure ed groups, and schools. “We’re looking to expand to a national model,” she says, seeking out agencies who want to replicate the concept in their states. Today, they partner with agencies in New York, Seattle, and Utah. Kado’s “big plans” are already helping LGBTQ youth understand that life can and does get better once you find a source of support and a place to safely be yourself.

continued from page 24

Class Notes Rob Gilson ’12 Rob Gilson found a rare oldfield mouse, not seen in Mecklenburg County, N.C., since 1968. It has been documented in the state only three times, and North Carolina lists it as a species of special concern. The discovery also marks the near completion of a decade of work to inventory Mecklenburg’s biodiversity. The data will establish baselines by which to compare changes in species numbers in future years – a crucial first step toward protecting native species and managing county-owned land. Shane Snipes ’15 Ph.D. program Member of the Ph.D. program Cohort 7, Shane completed an eco road trip interviewing 1,000 people across America about the word sustainability. His discoveries can be found at as an ongoing web series.

Transitions Spring 2012


Faculty & Staff Notes

Unexpected Crossroad continued from page 5 Mark Riegner, Ph.D. Environmental Studies faculty member Dr. Mark Riegner received the 2011 Harry R. Painton Award of the Cooper Ornithological Society for his paper “Parallel evolution of plumage pattern and coloration in birds: implications for defining avian morphospace,” from the November 2008 issue of the journal Condor (Vol. 110, pp. 599–614).

In Memoriam

In Memoriam Sean Hennelly ’12 Sean Hennelly passed away on the afternoon of January 17, 2012, when a group of students went rock climbing recreationally at the Granite Dells in Prescott. During a lead climb, Sean, a sophomore studying Adventure Education and Wilderness Leadership, fell and sustained a traumatic head injury. Despite the best efforts of the other students on the scene, the Prescott Fire Department, and the Yavapai County Sheriff ’s Office Search and Rescue, Sean died before he reached the hospital. Sean was born in Santa Fe, N.M. to Dr. Michael Hennelly and Louella Roybal. He is survived by his parents; his sister, Maria-Teresa Hennelly; his grandparents, Theodore and Sally Roybal and Helene A. Hennelly; and many other relatives and friends. A memorial event held on campus was well attended by students, staff, and faculty alike. In response to Sean’s death, current student Brian Andersen ’15 has arranged a special discount on Petzl climbing helmets for Prescott College students. With a subsidy provided by the Student Union Board and the President’s Office, helmets will be made available for private purchase to those who may not otherwise be able to afford them or find the retail price prohibitive. The College is providing ongoing support to students who were present or affected by this tragedy.

Bridget Reynolds After a trying battle with lung cancer, the College’s graphic designer of nearly 12 years, Bridget Reynolds, passed away in the early hours of September 18, 2011, while with her family in Minnesota. She started as an assistant in the Development Office at Prescott College in October 1999 and soon moved on to the role of graphic designer, earning several awards for her sophisticated and innovative work. Bridget was a bright spot on campus – a joy to sit and talk with, sharing the wisdom of her experience and always willing to lend an understanding ear. Through her freelance and volunteer work for Prescott Creeks and the Elks Opera House, she served as an excellent ambassador of the College in our local community. Bridget is survived by her son Erin; three siblings; and her mother Rosemary. In passing she joins her father, her son Josh, and her second husband. A celebration of Bridget’s life and work was held Saturday, October 4, 2011, at the Prescott College Art Gallery at Sam Hill Warehouse, where people had the opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings, and recollections of this cherished member of our community. 28

Transitions Spring 2012

Alan Paskow Former Prescott College philosophy professor Dr. Alan Paskow died April 5, 2011, at his home in Ridge, Md., of metastatic head and neck cancer at the age of 71. Survivors include his wife of 44 years, Jacqueline Merriam Paskow, and a daughter, Linnea Paskow of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Maria Carreccio Clauss ’81 Alumna Maria Carreccio Clauss passed away in Austin, Texas, on August 19, 2011, after a long battle with colon cancer. She studied Early Childhood Education at Prescott College and used her to degree to start Primavera Montessori and Shady Grove Community School, both in Texas. She is survived by her husband David Clauss and children Rachel and Jonathan.

Create a Living Memorial For several years a coordinating committee of faculty members, staff, students, and alumni has worked on the design of a Campus Commons. It will include native landscaping, fruit trees, and outdoor meeting and learning spaces. Currently, group memorial initiatives for departed friends, a favorite instructor, a graduating class, or cause have been started, including a memorial tree for Bridget Reynolds. Several options such as memorial trees, benches and meeting spaces are available to create a lasting legacy for you or a loved one. Please consider making a gift to honor a special person and to cultivate a greener future with Prescott College. For more information or to contribute to a new or existing Campus Commons memorial initiative, contact the Advancement Office at (928) 350-4505 or

E-Books: An Intangible Resource By Rich Lewis, Prescott College Library Director ’m proud to say that the Prescott College Library is often cited as the best resource available to students in our limited-residency programs, but we should always be striving to do more for our students. The Prescott College Library was able to add more than 89,000 e-books to its collection last year as part of a six-year grant from the Walton Family Foundation earmarked to increase both print and online resources. Now, half of all the books checked out from the Library are e-books. These new assets represent an excellent resource for students and faculty alike, but also pose challenges as we transition from traditional, tangible items into the digital realm of the 21st century. The advantages of digital books are clear: e-books are instantly and simultaneously accessible (multiple people can access and read the same book from our Library at the same time); there are no overdue fines; off-campus students don’t have to wait for a book to arrive in the mail, and we don’t have to hassle with the time or cost of sending items through post. Readers can customize the size of print, search text for key terms, annotate or highlight passages, and then save a copy to their very own virtual bookshelf for continued reference; and the “Speech” feature provided by the College’s vendor, ebrary, will read text aloud to you in either English or Spanish. The techie in me believes wholeheartedly in the benefits of entering into the realm of ebooks; the librarian in me laments the loss of texture, character, and even the personality of print books – their “real-ness”; and the academic in me recognizes the challenges of the ebook industry, which is still in its infancy. Some e-books can be downloaded on devices, such as Kindle, iPad, and iPhone, while others can only be accessed via a computer connected to the internet. This can be a hardship for those with limited resources for such devices or no internet access. Also, at some libraries, e-books follow the “check-out” model, allowing only one person to view a book at a time (thankfully, this is not the case at Prescott College). Reprinted with permission. Published February 14, 2012


Print books live on shelves, ready to be read at any moment. Librarians choose which books remain on the shelves and for how long. We have much less power over the length of time e-books will be in our collection. Most ebrary books are purchased in bulk through a subscription. Publishers have agreements with e-book vendors and either party can decide to end the relationship, causing books to disappear from a digital collection in the blink of an eye, and leaving librarian and readers without access to desired resources. Prescott College ascribes (and subscribes) to a multiuser e-book model. Libraries, after all, were conceived in the notion of freedom to access information. We would prefer to buy one copy of a book and allow everyone unlimited access to it. But not all vendors even offer this option. Many are still tethered to the printed book model – requiring “check out” of a digital resource to only one person at a time. It’s the more affordable option for purchase of individual titles, but only because publishers and vendors would go out of business if they didn’t keep check on unlimited use of a single resource, paid for once, and usable forever. Librarians, publishers, and e-book companies are still exploring what a middle ground could look like, and we each have a voice that can shape the future of this industry. With all of these challenges, the transition to e-books still represents a remarkable paradigm shift. While many people still prefer to read a tangible book, e-books offer exceptional access to a wealth of information. Part of moving forward, however, requires a certain amount of letting go and reshaping how we think about books and the ways we experience the worlds found within them. While I hope that the print book will always have a place in our culture, e-books are truly the next big step for the scholarly community. I believe that for academics, the incredible increase in access to information through ebooks will more than make up for some of their shortcomings.

Unshelved by Gene Ambaum & Bill Barnes

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