Newsletter –Special Edition November 2012
活現機構訓練/活動回顧 2012 Presence Training/Event Recap 2012 轉眼到了年終,回顧活現過去一年所面對裡外的挑戰,經濟不景氣所導致 人事變動,捐獻不足和事工資源分配上的困難。儘管面臨許多障礙,活現 仍不斷地經歷神的恩典和帶領,於年初更成立了活現香港﹐提供訓練給當 地社區。 Time has flown by and it’s almost the end of the year. Looking back, we have faced a lot of challenges due to the economic downturn, including many personnel changes resulting in slower work progress and a lack of donations. Despite all the obstacles, Presence still experiences God’s grace and leading, and Presence Hong Kong was established earlier this year to provide training to the local community.
活現總幹事葉顏瑋茵女士,教授「兩代之間」親子研討會,幫助兩代之間 和諧相處及提高溝通技巧。 Agnes Ip, President of Presence Quotient, conducting parenting seminar: Bridging the Generations, to help parents and children improve their communications..
信仰 家庭 文化
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活現機構訓練/活動回顧 2012
RE:NEW 籌辦的青少年信仰講座 - 認識伊斯 蘭,吸引了超過250名青少年出席。
RE:NEW 新心行動青少年「牽手同行」計劃 。此計
RE:NEW Youth Faith Seminar - Understand Islam. Over 250 youth attended.
劃提供導師們專業訓練, 配對高中和大專一年級學
RE:NEW’s Campus Representatives Initiative (CRI) program is specially designed for high school students and college freshmen, who will be matched with trained mentors, to provide positive personal & spiritual growth, and academic guidance. For details, visit。
教會兩代之間和諧相處 + 活現異象分享餐會 Can two cultures in the church work together harmoniously + Vision Sharing Banquet
tion er Apprecia te n lu o V 工感恩餐會
會 Christian Leade rship Conference
November 2012
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活現的腳蹤也延伸至亞洲,年初成立了活現香港,提供訓練給當地社區。 We extended our footprints to Asia, Presence Hong Kong was established early 2012 to provide trainings to families.
服務超過760人。 10堂專業訓練﹐ s. ople in 10 seminar pe 0 76 er ov ed Train
和輔 給關懷事工
Cowork g for Caring in in ra T l a ic Clin
平均每週進行1個活動, 服務總共4,751人! On average, we have 1 event every week & served total of 4,751 people! 活動 Events
參加人數 Attendees
活現機構 Presence Quotient
活現香港 Presence HK
新心行動 RE:NEW
總數 Total:
投出合乎聖經的一票 + 活現異象分享餐會 Voting from a Biblical Perspective + Vision Sharing Banquet
Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Industry, CA Permit No.4468 20651 Golden Springs Dr., #104 Walnut, CA 91789 Phone: 626-810-5200 Fax: 626-810-5220
特別鳴謝活現的捐獻者,與我們一直同行的牧者、教牧同工、活現同工和義工,一切包括金錢和時間 上的無私奉獻,沒有您們的支持便無法讓這些有莫大意義和俾益的訓練和活動得到延續。截至2012年9 月,活現的收入:$100,459,支出:$118,446,赤字:-$17,987。請為活現機構代禱並憑信心以金錢支持, 謝謝! We want to thank all donors including pastors, pastoral staff, coworkers, and volunteers for your selflessness and monetary support, your contribution keeps these beneficial and meaningful training sessions/events going. As of September 2012, our income is $100,459, expenses: $118,446, deficit: -$17,987. Please continue to pray and support Presence financially, thank you! 姓名Name﹕ _________________________________ 電話Tel﹕________________________ 地址Address﹕____________________________________________________________________ 電郵Email﹕ ______________________________________________________________________ 奉獻 Donation﹕一次/每月 One Time/Monthly $______________________________________ 支票抬頭請寫 Make Check Payable To﹕PRESENCE 奉獻可獲免稅收據。All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Presence. 20651 Golden Springs Dr., #104, Walnut, CA 91789
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