活 現 十 五 週 年 特 刊
Anniversary Edition
2 0 0 3 - 2 0 1 8
the Cultural and Generational Divide 活現潛 能 ®
College Major & Career Exploration: What college major will you choose? What profession will you pick?
Professional Assessments and Consultations • High School & College Students: College Major and Career Exploration • Job Seekers & Career Changers: Career Direction and Development
大 學 選 科 和職 業 探 索 指 導
Inquiry: 626-810-5200 | info@ppossibilities.org | www.PPossibilities.org Presence Possibilities aims to help individuals and families succeed through professional assessments and consultations identifying their personality, unique talents, culture, learning style, ideal college major and career. It is an initiative of Presence Quotient®, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based on Christian and family values.
學習風格、多元智能評估 助你了解孩子的天賦,提升他們的學習,促進親子和諧的關係
口述:葉顏瑋茵博士 筆錄及整理:「活現」編輯部
新一代文化宣教 辦公室地址: 17181 E. Gale Ave., Unit C City of Industry, CA 91745
電話: (626) 810-5200
的對象可能是近在咫尺— 在同一個
編輯總監 Dr. Agnes Ip, Ph.D., LMFT
執行編輯 Maggie Hui
編輯部 Lily Ma, Elizabeth Hughes and Michelle Lam
設計組 Ada Tran and Carol Li
承印商 Cornerstone Graphics & Print, Inc 電話: (626) 589-0879 電郵: victor@cornerstone-gnp.com
www.RenewTheResponse.org www.PPossibilities.org www.PresenceHK.org
董事會 Dr. Agnes Ip, Ph.D., LMFT, Rev. Dr. Timothy Tin, L. Ma, Elsa Tsang and Samuel Leung 創辦人和總裁 Dr. Agnes Ip, Ph.D., LMFT
月誕生了。過去「活現」一直致力回 近年社會的競爭越趨激烈,不論在
一個生命教育中心,服侍不同世代的人,幫助他們 建立健康又合乎聖經教導的生活態度,為主發光發 熱。 「活現」中與神同行的個人學習 回顧「活現」過去十五年的成長路,我自己有 無數的感恩和體會。其中我不得不提我們去年所經
2003年9月 - 2018年6月
總活動次數: 488+;總接觸人次:80,486+
歷的一個神蹟。去年在「活現」經濟最艱難的一些 日子,上帝奇蹟地讓我丈夫在一個抽獎活動中得了 頭獎—一輛名貴跑車!正當我們滿懷感恩,把跑 車轉售車行從而套取現金幫忙給「活現」同工發薪 水時,過程卻遇上重重障礙。我當時心想:上帝既 然用出人意表的方式供應我們,為何卻又諸事不
萌 芽 期
(2003-2006) 活動次數:49 接觸人次:2,176
「小成就」,但我心底渴望看見神使用「活現」對 社會、對信仰群體帶來的影響力,與實際情況仍有 落差,當中上帝要我學習堅持和順服。我之所以能 夠堅持,是因為在這事工中,不斷經歷到上帝奇妙 的作為:我看見在不同事工階段,上帝安排了不同 的弟兄姊妹來一起事奉;有孩子因著我們的教導生 命被扭轉過來;有家庭接受我們的服務和輔導後, 關係得以復和;甚至有牧者從我們的事工得到益 處。正如羅馬書15:13所記:「但願使人有盼望的 神,因信將諸般的喜樂、平安充滿你們的心,使你 們藉著聖靈的能力大有盼望。」前面的服侍,要懂 得盼望全在乎神,並仰望聖靈的大能。上帝既然給 「活現」這麼重大的「跨代文化宣教使命」,這絕 非單靠人可以完成;但我深信創始成終的神,必能 使用「活現」成就祂對這個時代的心意! 我誠意邀請支持和愛護「活現」的您,繼續與 我們和上帝同行,齊心迎向前面實踐文化使命的挑 戰!
成 長 期
(2007-2010) 活動次數:116 接觸人次:32,543 階段特色:在回應如同性婚姻等社會文化議 題上,扮演了主流基督教機構與華人教會之 間的橋樑,並為教牧和領袖們提供相關的訓 練。多次舉辦活現家庭研討會和第一次主辦 青年人信仰研討晚會。 重要里程碑:「性衝擊」—基督徒應如何回 應今日社會的挑戰?(2008年10月),首次家 庭研討會—「21世紀活力家庭」(2009年10 月),「愛與希望」青少年研討會—用心貼 近與同性戀掙扎的朋友(2009年11月),出版 第一期活現雙語家庭雜誌(2010年10月)
擴 展 期
(2011-2014) 活動次數:113 接觸人次:18,499 階段特色:深化「家庭、信仰和文化」的工 作,先後成立了「活現新心行動」(RE:NEW a Presence movement)青年事工部門,活現 香港有限公司,和為學生及就業青年提供個 人性格、才能和職業取向的專業評估服務的 「活現潛能」(Presence Possibilities)事工部 門,並把活現的服務延展至北加州。 重要里程碑:「活現新心行動」(RE:NEW a Presence
年6月),第一期「活現新心行動」雜誌出 版(2012年1月),活現香港有限公司成立 ( 2012年 2月 ) , 「 活 現 潛 能 」 ( Presence Possibilities)成立 —提供個人和職業評估服 務(2013年9月),首次北加州培訓(2014年5 月)
整 合 期
(2015-現在) 活動次數:210+ 接觸人次:27,268+ 階段特色:繼續拓展「跨代文化宣教使命」,多次主辦跨 代生命導師培訓,並開展網上課程。整合過去的訓練,推 出「活現生命規劃課程」,幫助信徒檢視人生,重整個人 價值觀、抱負、關係、生活態度和優先序,讓他們在一個 充滿挑戰的世代,活現信仰帶來的生命氣質。 重要里程碑:跨代生命導師研討會(2017年2月),首次 舉辦「活現生命規劃課程」(2017年7月),推出「青少 年、父母和青少年工作者之間的健康對話」持續網上課程 (2018年2月)
活現潛 能 ®
者、教牧同工、各教會的會友和義工,因您們在 禱告、時間和金錢上的奉獻,使我們可以不斷在
2003-2017 收入與支出
$250,000 $250k $195k
$150,000 $100k
$100,000 $96k $45k
-$50,000 ’03-’04
2018年1月至6月收入與支出 收入 收入: $169,381
支出 支出: $136,500 活現新心行動 青少年事工
一次性特別奉獻 $85k • 50%
$17k 12%
活現商數事工 $21k • 15%
一般奉獻 $79k • 46%
活現 潛能事工
$11k 8%
$24k • 17%
$20k • 15%
出版與 文字事工
$14k • 10%
專業服務收入 $2k • 1%
酬金 $4k • 2%
$11k • 8%
教育產品 $2k • 2%
2019 預算
活現新心行動 青少年事工
總支出預算: $371,700 $61k • 16%
信息技術與網站 社區外展
$5k • 3%
$1k • 1%
活現 潛能事工
$23k $37k 6% 10%
$11k • 8%
多媒體 (影片製作)
$71k • 19%
$63k • 17% 籌款開支
出版與 文字事工
$28k • 8%
$28k • 8%
$5k • 1%
$40k • 11%
$6k • 1%
$11k • 3%
余榮富牧師專訪 採訪︰編輯部
牧師,您個人是怎樣認識「活現」 的呢﹖與「活現」合作的過程中有 何體驗﹖
「活現」服侍教會社區至今, 轉眼已有十五載。翻查我們過去的 事工記錄,才發現原來與羅省華 人聖經宣道會(CBMC)的關係始於 2008年,屈指一算,不經不覺,已 走過了十個年頭,所涉及的事工範 圍和服侍對象也非常廣泛,從青少 年團契、到年輕夫婦、到親子關 係、以致臨床心理學和研經講座都 有,當中不乏大型聚會,除了教會 本身肢體,同時服侍了其他教會信 徒以及社區的家庭。羅省華人聖經 宣道會也是定期在經濟上支持「活 現」的教會之一。這種伙伴關係, 實在難能可貴,教我們不得不從心 底裡發出感恩,也成為我們遇到困 難時最大的安慰和動力。 一個星期二的早上,我們在教 會的辦公室,與余榮富牧師(CBMC 的聯絡牧師)有一段美好又有意思 的談話。 編:我們知道「活現」和貴教會, 早於2010年經已合辦一個大型的家 庭事工研討會,為家庭提供全方位 的培訓,無論是家長或是小孩,都 有適合的教育講座為他們預備。余
余:我在CBMC大概有十二、十三 年的時間,很抱歉當年的家庭事工 研討會,我個人沒有印象參與過。 當時我比較年輕,在幫忙學生和職 業青年事工,正因如此,我接觸「 活現」是因為葉博士在我們的團契 幫忙進行培訓。 編:余牧師,作為一位牧者,您怎 樣看「活現」的事工?您覺得您的 會友能否受惠於「活現」所提供的 服務和事工﹖ 余:在牧養的崗位上,我越來越看 到「活現」事工的重要性。CBMC 的會眾主要是來自香港的移民。移 民要適應美國生活,與主流社會接 軌,壓力非淺;加上華人普遍不 容易開放自己,家庭和生活的挑戰 一般不為人所知,在教會中要切實 牧養他們的需要,並不容易。「活 現」的出現正好擴闊我們的視野, 把社會的脈搏、兩代的差異和時代 的需要為我們展示出來,讓信徒看 見自己的掙扎可以得到認同,幫助 他們把信仰落實在生活中。這些實 用而貼地的家庭生活培訓,更可成 為福音的切入點,讓社區的家庭能 同得福音和親子教育的好處。 按我們教會成長的歷程,原來 的大學生和青成年(我們教會過去
的主流群體),如今大都成家立 室,年輕家庭慢慢成為教會內的主 流群體。信徒在生命方向的尋索、 情緒管理、婚姻關係,以至和下一 代的相處,都有很多需要。我們教 會剛好沒有專長心理學和輔導的領 袖,可以幫助他們這方面的成長。 因此,我們很感恩能有「活現」機 構的配搭,一起牧養教會這個群 體。 編:您對「活現」未來有何期望和 願景? 余:我很盼望「活現」能繼續回應 下一代的需要,幫助信徒的家庭能 以體諒、互信去培育子女,在家中 傳承福音和信仰的使命。此外,我 也渴望看到「活現」能給牧者一些 訓練。「活現」有廣闊的社區接觸 面,可以增加我們對社會文化的觸 覺,裝備我們更有效帶領信徒成 長,助他們切實把信仰應用到生活 中。 這是一個充滿壓力的時代。信 徒活在其中,特別是面對兩代文化 的差異,衝擊也是免不了的事。很 感恩羅省華人聖經宣道會的牧長, 能感受到這一代信徒的挑戰,願意 與我們同心同行,攜手服侍家庭, 幫助信徒真實地活出信仰。當「活 現」踏進另一個十五年,我們祈求 能與更多教會同行,牧養信徒,看 見更多幸福成長的家。
陳啟聖弟兄專訪 採訪: 許美基
不經不覺「活現」已經走進了 第十五個年頭。感恩這些年來,神 為我們預備了許許多多的同路人, 以不同的形式支持「活現」。其中 一位同路人陳啟聖弟兄,他在過去 十年為我們提供了很多印刷上的幫 忙,而且往往願意延後我們的付款 期。不單如此,他還為我們不久前 在南加州推出的「活現生命規劃課 程」介紹學生。到底是甚麼促使這 位弟兄成為「活現」的同路人?
感謝陳弟兄在百忙之中,抽空 來「活現」辦公室跟我分享他與「 活現」同行之路。 許:你是何時認識「活現」? 陳弟兄:記得大概是加州第八號提 案(筆者按:二零零八年修正加州 憲法的投票提案,旨在把婚姻定義 限定為一男一女之間)提出前的一 年,我透過邱茂松牧師認識了「活 現」。當時「活現」剛好需要印刷 上的幫忙,而我亦樂於協助。 後來,得知「活現」舉辦了一 個有關同性戀議題的研討會,我便 帶了教會的年輕人參加。我的兩個
女兒那時正值青少年期,雖然她們 都在教會成長,但她們對一些事情 (例如同性戀)的看法,與我們這一 輩明顯有分歧。我意識到原來兩代 之間因著年齡和東西方文化的不同 而產生了隔閡,而我們作為長輩的 往往也沒有好好就這些議題跟下一 代溝通;下一代看到我們的行為, 也不一定明白我們行為背後的價值 觀,他們甚至不認同我們所做的。 我看到不少青年人進了大學之後就 離開教會,原因並非他們不愛主, 乃是他們無法認同上一輩的處事方 式。 許:是甚麼驅使你支持「活現」事 工? 陳弟兄:時代急速的變遷,尤其在 加州,我們的下一代在公立學校 學到的與聖經的價值觀很不一樣, 甚至背道而馳,但家長可能並不了 解孩子要面對的挑戰其實有多大。 我深深體會作為家長,我們必須學 習更有效的方法來跟下一代溝通, 而非把我們的價值觀硬套在他們身 上。 我發現「活現」的事工在這方 面能提供幫助。「活現」一直致力 於成為兩代之間的橋樑,促進雙方 的溝通,幫助彼此互相明白,這一 點我非常認同,也認為這是華人教 會十分需要的。 許:你對「活現」的事工有甚麼願 景?
陳弟兄:「活現」在非粵語的教會 或華人社群中,還不算是廣為人 知,所以我嘗試把「活現」介紹給 更多國語教會。另一方面,單一教 會或機構有時候好像是單打獨鬥 般,因此我期望「活現」能把不同 的教會聯繫起來,匯聚各方的恩賜 和資源,有效裝備信徒,促進兩代 之間的溝通,從而建立更多和諧的 家庭。 參加過「活現」近期推出的 「 生命規劃課程」後,我相信這 是「活現」發展的好方向。我們若 想幫助別人,自己的生命亦需要更 新、成長。但願更多人,特別是年 輕的基督徒,能參與並受惠於這個 課程。
在與陳啟聖弟兄的談話過程 中,我深深體會到他的謙卑和對下 一代的關愛。已為人外祖父的他仍 願意不斷學習、尋求成長。他再三 的提到作為華人家長,我們必須尋 找方法跟年輕一輩溝通,藉此縮小 兩代之間因年紀和文化所造成的隔 閡。不論是活動上的參與和推廣, 或是言語上的鼓勵和肯定,都充滿 著弟兄對「活現」的支持,叫人感 動和感恩。 縱使我們不能逐一訪問「活 現」的同路人,但我們衷心感激你 們十五年來沿路的支持。為你們每 一位感謝神,因為同路極珍貴!
我的人生下半場 黃蔡彩紋
早於幾年前,自己開始考慮 提早退休,同時在想:我的人生 下半場該怎樣活﹖神會放我在甚 麼崗位上繼續服侍祂﹖正當我在 思考這些問題時,我接觸到「活 現」。葉顏瑋茵博士的丈夫是我 的同事,當時他邀請我參加「活 現」十週年的異象分享餐會。會 中我聽見他們開始在籌備為中、 小學生,甚至年輕在職人士,進 行智能、個性、興趣,和職業評 估諮詢服務。對於這個理念和服 務,我覺得很有意思、很感興 趣。 其後,得到葉博士的邀請,參 加「活現」每週的同工禱告會, 從中我開始明白機構的異象,對 他們的事工認識更多。我發現自 己很能認同他們的使命:在這價 值、道德甚為扭曲的時代,當務 之急,是要保衛家庭與孩子,裝 備信徒活出基督的生命。看見葉 博士和同工團隊們的努力和堅 持,令我十分感動。 要維持機構的運作和事工的 發展,經濟上會不時遇到難關。
可是,眼看「活現」難關難過年 年過,我深深體驗到神奇妙的供 應,並祂對這事工的眷顧和肯 定。後來葉博士建議我加入「活 現」的團隊,成為部分時間同 工。我為此禱告,經過多次的感 動,也看見神一步一步的帶領, 終於戰戰兢兢的踏上這事奉的 路,成為「活現」的義務同工, 至今已有三年的時間。 過去參與評估諮詢服務時, 體會到不少亞裔家長對子女的專 長、個性的特質和學習風格都不 太了解;加上代溝、文化差異和 家長的教養方式等等問題,彼此 在互動中會產生張力,容易造成 誤解和衝突。記得有一位家長來 電預約,要為孩子做學習風格和 智能測試,交談中感受到家長看 不見孩子的強處,對孩子的前途 感到憂慮。可是,測試結果卻顯 示孩子其實有多方面的興趣和潛 能可以發展。在葉博士的引導 下,孩子有機會表達自己的想法 和志向;原來家長之前是沒有察 覺到孩子內心的想法的。因著 愛,家長願意學習對孩子多說鼓 勵和正面的話,幫助他發展自己 的抱負與潛能。透過這服務,我 看見家長對孩子的了解加深了、 大家的溝通與關係成長了,也為 這個家庭注入了新的動力和原 素;這令我感覺非常快樂,更加 肯定這事工的價值。
此外,我亦有機會擔任講員, 講題包括親子教育和夫妻關係。 對於個性內儉的我,這任務不無 挑戰,但我相信這同時是一個成 長、經歷神的好機會和操練。從 搜集、整理編排資料,以至講座 幻燈的畫面設計,到當天信息的 分享傳遞等,我都不住禱告,求 神充實內容、賜我靈感和經文, 助我克服力不從心時帶來的焦 慮﹔也求聖靈預備聽眾的心、用 我的口說話。不久以前,我在分 享後得知有聽眾表示當晚的信息 正好是對著他說的,更即時邀請 牧師為他和他的婚姻禱告。為 此,我深受感動;也為能參與這 個服侍感恩。 事奉的路上有甚麼比有主與我 同工,用我這「瓦器」來祝福別 人、傳揚祂的愛,更教人喜樂和 滿足呢?但願我的人生下半場, 繼續回應神的呼召,透過在「活 現」的服侍,看見更多生命被改 變、家庭更得造就和蒙福﹗
在事奉中成長 張穎思
成的計劃、籌備一些看似不能實現 的活動等。儘管經歷難處,我們卻 學會一起依靠主,專心仰望天父, 因祂知道我們一切的需要和煩惱。 而忍耐過後,天父總會彰顯祂的恩 惠,供應我們的所需。
我在二零一六年透過教會的朋 友認識了「活現」,成為義工,幫 忙攝影和製作網站橫額。後來我大 學剛畢業,有幸成為「活現」的合 約員工,負責社交媒體的工作;想 不到數星期以後,神為我開了全職 同工的路!對於任何剛畢業的年輕 人,這實在是一個很好的機會。至 今,我在「活現」工作已超過一 年。這段時間可以說是碩果累累— 我不僅看見神對「活現」許多的恩 典,我自己亦在主裡經歷成長。 從開始在「活現」服侍,我便 知道這是一個針對服務華人教會和 社區的機構,也覺得他們所做的很 有價值和意義。透過在自己的教會 事奉,我對服侍已有基本的概念— 這其實並不容易,需要很多精神、 體力和心力,並一定要有信心。在 「活現」的事奉讓我學習到,在眾 多事奉帶來的挑戰和困難中,全然 信靠主和仰望祂的供應和引導是何 等的重要。 我和「活現」的同工們一起面對 了不少難關:經濟上的困難、要完
我在「活現」工作遇過最大的 挑戰就是我第一次統籌「信仰研討 會」。我並不擅於活動策劃,但神 卻在整個過程中讓我看到祂的偉大 和供應。祂提供了不同的人填補我 的不足,與我一起完成這任務。很 多「活現」同工不但在言語上鼓勵 我,更在預備過程中提供協助—從 聯絡牧者和教會到安排、研討會當 天的流程和其他細節等。是次研討 會的結果遠超我們所求所想:共有 來自十一間教會的青年人出席;當 中很多人被信息激勵,在講員呼召 時站出來! 我在「活現」事奉的一個目 標,是能在工作中成長。從起初擔 任與社交媒體有關的工作開始, 「活現」讓我探索了不同領域、豐 富了我人生的接觸面。不論是第一 次統籌「新心行動」的「信仰研討 會」,或是為「活現」的三個事 工(「活現商數」,「活現新心行 動」和「活現潛能」)拍攝短片, 我都有機會發揮和建立神給我的才 幹和恩賜。此外,在辦公室中,我 成了眾多母親們的辦公室女兒。從 這些姊妹們身上,我學習到對神的 委身和一起事奉的熱誠。同時,因
著要與不同的人於不同的項目上合 作,我也學到忍耐。 在專業技巧上,我操練更有條 理去安排工作和分配時間。在「活 現」的工作亦提升了我的人際相處 技巧。我學會怎樣與那些比我年長 和更有智慧的人溝通;我發現與較 成熟的人一起同工,並沒有想像中 艱巨。原本我的個性比較內斂,簡 單如接聽電話和與人交談,對我來 說,已是一個不易跨過的關口,但 神給我平安,讓我開始不抗拒接聽 電話了。 在「活現」工作教我認識到事 工並不是實現自己,而是學去服侍 別人和完成神的使命。透過經歷種 種挑戰、克服困難,我的靈命、對 基督的信心亦更趨成熟了。雖然有 時在事奉中仍會遇到失望和壓力, 但神卻應許祂的同在。我期望往後 在「活現」的事奉中,我能無懼挑 戰、繼續成長,按神造我的心意歇 力事奉。
活現 籌款產品
認識i世代 PAC011: 粵語 CD 哀 傷情 緒 處 理 CAD101: 國語 1DVD CAC102: 國語 2CDS
認知行為療法: 給輕度抑鬱和焦 慮者的自助訓練 CAC001: 粵語 4CDs CAC101: 國語 4CDs 家長如何與 孩 子 談 性 並建立親密關係 PAC109: 國語 CD
粵語親子教育系列 (優 惠 套 裝 ) PAC008: 粵語 7CDs
歡迎瀏覽 www.PresenceQuotient.org 選購更多籌款產品。
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Presence Fundraising Products
Intergenerational Mentorship Conference 2017 SAD202: 3DVDs
Equipping Youth Leaders for Mentorship MMD201: 3DVDs
Internet Addiction in Teens: How to Avoid and Overcome CMC301: 2DVDs
Theology of work for youth SAD201: 1DVD
Please visit www.PresenceQuotient.org for more fundraising products.
Presence QuotientÂŽ all rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
Presence’s Cultural Mission: Bridging the Cultural and Generational Divide Dictated by Dr. Agnes Ip Recorded and edited by Presence Editorial Team A Generation for the Cultural Mission Office Address: 17181 E. Gale Ave., Unit C, City of Industry, CA 91745 Tel: (626) 810-5200 www.PresenceQuotient.org www.RenewTheResponse.org www.PPossibilities.org www.PresenceHK.org
Board of Directors Dr. Agnes Ip, Ph.D., LMFT, Rev. Dr. Timothy Tin, L. Ma, Elsa Tsang and Samuel Leung Founder & CEO Dr. Agnes Ip, Ph.D., LMFT Publications Director Dr. Agnes Ip, Ph.D., LMFT Managing Editor Maggie Hui Editorial Department Lily Ma, Elizabeth Hughes and Michelle Lam Design Team Ada Tran and Carol Li Printer Cornerstone Graphics & Print, Inc. Tel: (626) 589-0879 Email: victor@cornerstone-gnp.com
Committing to The “Cultural Mission” Presence was born in September 2003, out of a vision from God, to serve the needs of this generation. In the past, Presence has always been committed to responding to the needs of the times, while constantly evolving and growing in our intergenerational ministries. The theme of our fifteenth anniversary is “Presence’s Cultural Mission: Bridging The Cultural and Generational Divide,” which expresses our determination to continue our intergenerational ministries and renew our commitment to the “cultural mission.” “Culture” basically refers to the personal thoughts and way of life that are shaped by the social environment and the people around us. Although the universal values of today’s secular society are not completely hostile to the core values of Christianity, they are becoming more polarized. When we mentioned missions in the past, we would think of evangelism to people of different races and regions from our own. But now, the mission targets may be close at hand -- in the same community, work place, school, or even family! The emergence of Presence is to help and equip believers to learn to live out their faith in a polarized environment, to express their boundaries and bottom line, to release goodwill with a gentle attitude, and to live with people in society with the love of Christ. This is cultural mission, and this is also the mission of Presence. Bridging The Generational Divide For the establishment of healthy families, the building-up of intergenerational relationships, the guarding of a new generation of faith, and the equipping of young people to enter society, the three ministries and directions of “Presence Quotient ®,” “RE:NEW a Presence movement” and “Presence Possibilities” were established in the past few years, and they have become the basic pillars of Presence’s intergenerational service. In recent years, the competition in society
has become more and more fierce. In the United States and Asia, people are facing increasingly bigger pressures and challenges, and they may get lost while searching for life directions. Even believers are inevitably affected. In response, our ministry has started to focus on promoting the “Presence Life Planning Curriculum” a year ago. Our goal is to train believers to examine their own lives (including their values, ambitions, relationships, attitudes toward life and their own life priorities) and to help them understand the moral boundaries and principles of life that they should hold on to when faced with pressures, temptations, and difficulties, so that they may live out their faith in such a challenging time. This is a long-term spiritual and psychological education project, and it is also the direction in which Presence is heading. Therefore, in addition to continuing the all-around intergenerational ministry, we hope to cooperate with churches and seminaries to serve more groups and wider audiences with the “Presence Life Planning Curriculum.” As for our ministry in Hong Kong, our prayer is to introduce the whole course into different high schools, so that we may instill ideals and hopes in a new generation to counteract a society full of negativities. When the entire “Presence Life Planning Curriculum” is complete and adjusted according to different ages, backgrounds and needs, we intend to develop online courses or online follow-up groups. In the end, we hope to launch a course to train trainers and mentors to benefit more people. We also plan to design Bible study materials related to the course for church groups to use. If God allows, we hope that one
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
day, Presence can become a life education center, serving people of different generations, helping them establish a healthy and biblical attitude toward life in order to shine for the Lord. Walking with God: My Personal Experience at Presence Looking back at Presence’s path of growth over the past 15 years, I have a countless number of special experiences and utmost gratitude. Among them, I have to mention a miracle that we experienced last year. During the time when Presence had been undergoing the most financial hardship, God miraculously let my husband win a jackpot in a lucky draw -- a luxury sports car! Just when we were full of gratitude, resold the sports car and took cash to help pay the salaries of Presence coworkers, we encountered many obstacles. I thought to myself: God has provided for us in such a surprising way, so why is it not going well? It turned out that God wanted me to let go of my personal rational thoughts and learn to be completely obedient. I realized that God often performs miracles for Presence and sends others to help, but sometimes He delays provision in order to teach us to learn how to wait and to be completely obedient. The Holy Spirit also said to me, “You must allow me to do whatever I want, at any time and in any way.” In other words, I can’t restrict or hinder God’s actions -- not just in the single experience of the car, but in the ministry of the organization too. Although we have to plan carefully, the results are in God’s hands; we cannot and do not need to control. In fact, in the past fifteen years, God has let Presence experience some “small achievements,” but there is still a gap between the actual situation and what my heart is eager to see in regard to how God uses Presence to influence society and faith groups. God wants me to learn to persist and obey. The reason why I can persist is because in this ministry, I have experienced the wonderful work of God: I saw that in different stages of ministry, God arranged different brothers and sisters to serve together; I saw that children’s lives were changed after being guided by our teachings; I saw that family relationships were revived after receiving our services and counseling; I saw that even pastors benefited from our ministry. As Romans 15:13 says: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” In our ministry ahead, we should understand that hope is in God and rely upon the power of the Holy Spirit. Since God has given such a great “intergenerational cultural mission” to Presence, this is not something that can be done by people alone; but I am convinced that God, who is the author and finisher, will be able to use Presence to fulfill His will for this age! I sincerely invite you, who support and love Presence, to continue walking with us and God; together, we will meet the challenge of fulfilling the cultural mission ahead!
Presence’s Major Milestones & Snapshots Sept 2003 - June 2018
Total Events: 488+ Total Number of People Served: 80,486+
49 Events Held 2,176 People Served Characteristic: Used creative improvisational techniques and social skills to train youth and their parents to improve their attitudes and skills in handling interpersonal dynamics, and to prepare them to use flexible ways to respond to societal and cultural challenges. Special Milestones: First Youth Leadership Training (Sept - Dec 2003), Presence approved as a non-profit organization (Nov 2004)
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
Growing (2007-2010) 116 Events Held 32,543 People Served Characteristic: Responded to social issues such as same-sex marriage and acted as a bridge between mainstream Christian organizations and Chinese churches. Also provided training for pastors and church leaders on different current topics, hosted many family conferences, and organized our first youth faith conference. Special Milestones: Sexual Brokenness Conference: “How Should Christians Respond to the Social Challenge Today?” (Oct 2008), 1st Family Conference: “Effective Parenting for the 21st Century” (Oct 2009), Hope and Love Youth Conference: “Understanding Those Who Struggle with Same-Sex Attractions” (Nov 2009), 1st Issue of Presence Family Magazine published (Oct 2010)
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
Expanding (2011-2014) 113 Events Held 18,499 People Served Characteristic: Deepened our work in “Family, Faith, and Culture” by establishing our youth ministry department - RE:NEW a Presence movement, the Presence Hong Kong Limited, and Presence Possibilities, which provides professional assessment and consultation services on personal strengths, personality, and career path for students and young working adults. Also expanded services to Northern California. Special Milestones: RE:NEW a Presence movement launched (June 2011), 1st Issue of RE:NEW Magazine published (Jan 2012), Presence Hong Kong Limited launched (Feb 2012), Presence Possibilities launched (Sept 2013), Northern California ministry began (May 2014)
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
Integrating (2015-Present) 210+ Events Held 27,268+ People Served Characteristic: Continued to carry out our “intergenerational cultural mission”; held multiple intergenerational mentorship training workshops and developed online classes. Integrating past trainings, launched the “Presence Life Planning Curriculum” to train believers to examine their own lives (including their values, ambitions, relationships, attitudes toward life and their own life priorities) and to help them live out their faith in a challenging time. Special Milestones: Intergenerational Mentorship Conference (Feb 2017), First “Presence Life Planning Curriculum” class (July 2017), “Healthy Dialogue for Parents, Youth, & Youth Workers” ongoing online class launched (Feb 2018)
活現潛 能 ®
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
We want to thank all our donors, pastors, pastoral staff,
Financial Report
members of different churches and volunteers for walking with Presence for the past 15 years. Your prayers, selflessness and monetary support have allowed us to continue providing
2003 September - 2018 June
training and services in the community and even online. We invite you to continue praying for Presence and to pledge your
Total Income: $1,983,869 Total Expenses: $1,967,843 Net Income: $16,026 Net Assets: $37,228
support on a monthly basisa to help Presence as we seek to support and equip churches, families, and the next generation. May God bless you abundantly!
2003-2017 Income and Expense Report
Total Income
Total Expense
Net Income
$250,000 $250k $195k
$150,000 $100k
$100,000 $96k $45k
$50,000 $1.9k
-$50,000 ’03-’04
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
2018 Jan-June Income and Expenses Income
Total Income: $169,381
Total Expenses: $136,500 RE:NEW
One-time Special Donation
$85k • 50%
Presence Quotient ® Ministry
a Presence movement Ministry
$17k 12%
$21k • 15%
General Contributions
$79k • 46%
Presence Possibilities Ministry $11k 8% Multimedia
$24k • 17% Training Programs
General and Administrative
$20k • 15%
Publications and Blog
Fundraising Expense
$11k • 8%
$14k • 10%
Professional Service Income
$ 2k • 1%
$11k • 8%
$4k • 2%
Educational Products
Community Outreach
$ 2k • 2%
$5k • 3%
$1k • 1%
2019 Projection Projected Total Expenses: $371,700 RE:NEW Presence Quotient ® Ministry
a Presence movement Ministry
$37k 10%
$61k • 16%
Presence Possibilities Ministry $23k Multimedia (Film) 6%
$71k • 19%
Training Programs
General and Administrative
$63k • 17%
Fundraising Expense
(PLPC, Online)
Publications and Blog
$28k • 8%
$28k • 8%
Educational Products
$5k • 1%
Community Outreach
$6k • 1%
$11k • 3%
$40k • 11%
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
Partnering with Presence – Chinese Bible Missions Church:
A Special Interview with Rev. Maurice Yu Editorial Team
Though it seems like not so long ago, Presence has been serving churches and communities for 15 years. As we reviewed our ministry’s history, we found out that our relationship with Chinese Bible Missions Church (CBMC) dates back to 2008; that means we have partnered with each other for 10 years. Our service covers a wide spectrum of ministries and groups of people, including youth fellowship, young couples, parenting, clinical psychology, and even Bible study seminars. Of these, there have been a number of big events that not only served the church body, but also believers from other churches and families in the community. Chinese Bible Missions Church is one of the churches that regularly provides financial support to Presence. We are truly grateful for such a precious partnership, which comforts and propels us in times of difficulty. One Tuesday morning we met with Rev. Maurice Yu (CMBC Liaison Pastor) at the church office and had a blessed and meaningful conversation. Editor: We know that as early as 2010, Presence and your church jointly organized a large scale family ministry conference to provide training in different aspects for families; there were educational workshops to meet the needs of both parents and children. Rev. Yu, how did you learn about
Presence? What’s your experience working majority of our congregants, get married and raise families of their own; young families are the with Presence? majority of our church now. Believers’ search for Rev. Yu: I have been with CBMC for about life direction, emotional management, marriage, 12 to 13 years. I am sorry that personally, I and getting along with the next generation have do not recall being involved in the said family created different needs. As our church does not ministry conference. Back then, I was younger have leaders with special training in psychology and was helping with the student and young and counselling to help them grow in these adult ministries. That’s why I connected with areas, Presence’s partnership is valuable in Presence -- because Dr. Agnes Ip helped ministering to them, and we are grateful for that. provide training at our fellowship. Editor: What’s your expectation and hope for Editor: From a pastoral point of view, how do Presence? you see the ministries of Presence? Do you think your congregants will benefit from the Rev. Yu: I would like to see Presence services and ministries provided by Presence? continue to respond to the needs of our next generation and to help believers raise Rev. Yu: From a pastoral point of view, I see their children with understanding and increasingly the importance of Presence’s trust so that they can pass on the baton of ministries. The majority of the CBMC sharing the gospel and faith in their families. congregants are immigrants from Hong Kong. As Presence has a rich and wide interaction As an immigrant, there is a lot of pressure to with the community, I would also like to see adjust to life in the United States, as well as Presence provide training to pastors to increase connect with the mainstream culture. Also, our sensitivity to the socio-culture, so that we Chinese are generally more reserved and will be better equipped to effectively lead the not willing to open up and share about their believers to grow and truly live their faith in their challenges at home and in their lives. It is not daily lives. easy for our church to shepherd them in a This is a time full of pressure. It’s inevitable way that really meets their needs. Presence comes in and helps us broaden our horizon; that believers will face challenges, especially it shows us the pulse of the society, the when dealing with the cultural difference of two difference between two generations, and the generations. We are thankful that the pastoral needs of this time so that we know how to leaders at Chinese Bible Missions Church can help our congregants live their faith in their feel the challenges of this generation’s believers daily lives, while they feel their struggles are and are willing to work with us as one, go hand understood. Also, the practical and realistic in hand with us in serving families, and help family life training gives us an opportunity believers truly live their faith. As Presence steps to make the gospel relevant and bless the into another 15 years, we are looking forward families in the community with gospel and to partnering with more churches to minister to believers and see more families grow and be parenting education. As our church grew, we saw the college blessed. students and young adults, who used to be the
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
Walking with Presence An Interview with Victor Chen Interviewed by Maggie Hui
Victor: In my opinion, Presence is still not widely-known among non-Cantonese churches or Chinese communities. Therefore, I am trying to introduce Presence to more Mandarin churches. On the other hand, any one church or Christian organization is like a lone soldier on the battlefield, and I hope that Presence can be a liaison and connect different churches, so that we can pool together different gifts and resources to equip believers more effectively, to enhance communications between different generations, and to build more harmonious families. Having participated in the recent “Presence Life Planning Curriculum,” I believe this is a good direction for the development of Presence. If we want to help others, our lives need to renew and grow. I hope more people, especially Maggie: What drove you to support the ministry young Christians, can attend and benefit from this course. of Presence? at church, their viewpoints regarding certain topics, such as homosexuality, were very different from ours. I then realized that there was a gap between the two generations caused by the age difference as well as differences between Eastern and Western cultures. As the older generation, oftentimes we do not communicate our viewpoints on these issues with the next generation. As a result, the next generation see our actions, but they may not understand the values behind these actions; they may not even agree with what we do! I observe that quite a number of young people leave church after entering college, not because they do not love God, but because they cannot agree with the way the older generation do things.
Time has flown by as Presence has already entered its 15th year. We are thankful that over the years, God has provided many people to walk with us, supporting us in various ways. One of such fellow travelers is brother Victor Chen, who in the past 10 years has helped us with our print jobs and has willingly delayed our payment periods over and over again. On top of that, Victor helped recruit students for our recent “Presence Life Planning Curriculum” in Southern California. So what prompted this brother to Victor: Times are changing rapidly, especially be Presence’s fellow traveler? in California, what our next generation learn I cordially thank Victor to find time out at public school is very different from biblical of his busy schedule to meet with me at our values, and sometimes they may even be office to share about his walk with Presence. contrary to each other, but many parents may not understand the magnitude of the challenges Maggie: When did you come to know faced by their children. I deeply feel that as parents, we must learn to communicate more Presence? effectively with our next generation, instead of Victor: I remember it was about one year forcing our value system on them. before Proposition 8 (Writer’s note: A I have found that Presence can proposal in 2008 to amend the California provide help in this regard. Presence has Constitution to limit the definition of marriage always been committed to being a bridge to a union between a man and a woman) between the two generations, promoting when I was introduced to Presence by Rev. communications between the two sides, and Morson Chiu. Presence needed printing help helping them understand each other better. I strongly agree with this and believe that this is at that time, and I was happy to assist. Later, I took the young people from our much needed by the Chinese church as well. church to attend a conference hosted by Presence on the topic of homosexual issues. Maggie: What are your hopes and vision for My two daughters were in their teen years Presence? at the time, and though they both grew up
During my conversation with brother Victor, I deeply felt his humility and caring love for the next generation. Being a grandfather has not stopped him from learning and seeking growth. He repeatedly mentioned that as Chinese parents, we must find ways to communicate with the younger ones in order to narrow the age and cultural gaps between generations. Victor’s support of Presence is clearly shown through his participation in and promotion of our events, as well as his encouraging and affirming words; all these have touched my heart, and I am thankful to God. Although we cannot interview Presence’s fellow travelers one by one, we sincerely appreciate all your support along the way for the past 15 years. We thank God for each of you; walking together with you has been truly precious!
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
Serving with Presence Dedicate The Second Half of My Life to Family Ministry Jennifer Wong
A few years ago, I began to consider early retirement, and I was asking myself: How should I spend the second half of my life? Where would God place me to continue serving Him? While I pondered these thoughts, I came across “Presence.” Dr. Agnes Ip’s husband was my colleague, and he invited me to attend Presence’s 10th Anniversary vision-sharing dinner. During the event, I learned that they were about to launch a multiple intelligence, college major and career assessment and consultation service targeting elementary to high-school students and even young working adults. I was very interested in this idea and service approach. Dr. Ip later invited me to attend Presence’s weekly staff prayer meeting, from which I began to have a better understanding of their vision and the areas of their ministries. Indeed, I totally agreed with their mission: in this era where values and moral standards are distorted, it is imperative to protect families and children and to equip believers to live out Christ in their everyday lives. I was also very touched by Dr. Ip and her coworkers’ diligence and dedication. Time and again, Presence has experienced financial hardship trying to maintain ministry operations and development. However, seeing how Presence has overcome
one obstacle after another through God’s wonderful provision has assured me of God’s approval of this ministry. When Dr. Ip invited me to join Presence’s family ministry team, I decided to pray about it. God touched me multiple times as I prayed, and He made His leading clear to me in my circumstances; so I embarked on this ministry journey in awe of God as I became a volunteer part-time coworker for Presence. It’s been three years since then. Through participating in the consultation services, I realize that many Asian parents do not have a good understanding of their children’s strengths, personality traits, nor learning styles. Compounding the issues of generational and cultural gaps with parenting styles, the relationships between parents and children often become very tense, and misunderstanding and conflicts are inevitable. I remember once a parent called us to make an appointment to have her child’s multiple intelligence and learning style assessed. During the conversation, I felt that the parent was worried because she did not see her child’s strength and future. However, the assessment results showed that this child had great potential in many areas. Under Dr. Ip’s guidance, the child was able to express his thoughts and dreams, which the parent had not realized before. Out of love, this parent was willing to learn to speak in a more encouraging and positive manner and to help her child develop his dreams and potential. Instantly, I saw that the parent’s understanding of her child deepened, their communication and relationship enhanced, and their family dynamics improved. This made me very delighted and more convinced
of the value of this ministry. Besides serving in the consultation area, I have had opportunities to speak at parenting and marriage workshops. As an introvert, this task is very challenging. Yet, it is a great opportunity for me to grow and experience God. From researching and organizing materials, to designing the slides, to delivering the message, I have kept on praying, asking God to inspire me with the right content and Bible verses, to help ease my anxiety, to prepare the hearts of the audience, and to deliver His message through me. Not long ago, after speaking at a workshop, I learned that one person from the audience felt that the message was directed at him; immediately he invited the pastor to pray for him and his marriage. I was deeply moved, and I thank God for using me as a speaker to serve. What can bring me more joy and satisfaction than knowing that God is coworking with me and using me, this “jar of clay,” to bless others and to spread His love? I hope that in the second half of my life I will continue to respond to God’s calling and see more changed lives and blessed families through serving with Presence!
Presence 15th Anniversary Special Edition • 2018 September
Growing with Presence Wicy Zhang’s Testimony Wicy Zhang
I first knew of Presence through friends from church back in 2016. From there, I started at Presence as a volunteer helping out with website banners and photography. Upon graduating from college, I was blessed with the opportunity of working with Presence as a contractor doing social media. After a couple of weeks, God opened a door for me to a full-time position at Presence! To any young adult after graduating, this was definitely a great opportunity. And now, after being with Presence for over a year, I can say that it’s been a fruitful time. Not only have I seen Presence grow in many ways thanks to the blessings that God has graciously given, but I have also experienced how much working with Presence has grown me. When starting out at Presence, I knew it was a ministry-driven organization with a vision to reach out to the Chinese community. I felt that what they were doing was beneficial and helpful to the community. Serving at my home church, I already had a glimpse of what serving in ministry was like - it is not easy. In fact, it requires a lot of mental and physical energy, as well as faith, to fully serve in ministry. Serving at Presence has taught me the importance of having full confidence in the Lord for His provision and guidance in all areas of service, amidst the many challenges and struggles that come with serving.
There have been many challenges that we all face together at Presence, such as financial difficulties, finishing projects, and coordinating events that seem impossible to fulfill just to name a few. Despite those hardships, we have all been able to lean on the Lord for his provision and guidance. Together, we practice having hope in our Father who sees our every need and trouble, and by enduring, we recognize how He has graciously provided for us. When coordinating my first Faith Seminar event, I remember it being the biggest challenge for me while serving at Presence. I knew fully that I was not skilled at event planning; however, throughout the entire process, God showed me His greatness and provision despite my lack of skills in that area. He provided people to help fill in those areas where I was lacking, and together as one, we accomplished much more than what only one person could do. Many of the staff here at Presence provided support and help, giving great encouragement when I faced challenges during the planning process - from reaching out to pastors and churches to the logistics of the event. The turnout was beyond our imagination: youths from 11 different churches attended the seminar that evening with cheerful attitudes, and many of them were challenged by the message and responded to the altar call afterwards! Earlier, I had shared that my hopes and goal while working here was to be able to grow. Though I started with doing social media in mind, Presence has actually grown me in different ways. Through assisting with coordinating the Faith Seminar for RE:NEW and filming video projects for all three tracks (Presence Quotient ®, RE:NEW a Presence
movement, and Presence Possibilities), I have been able to develop the skills and talents with which God has gifted me. In the office, I am known as the office daughter among many of the office mothers. What I have learned about the women I work alongside with is that they are passionate about God and passionate about sharing in ministry together. I also learned that in an organization such as Presence, where many people collaboratively work together on different tasks, it requires endurance. Professionally, I practiced being more organized when it comes to presenting and accomplishing tasks. Presence has also helped me grow in interpersonal skills in an office environment. I learned to be able to communicate with people who are much wiser and older than me; working with people who are more mature than I am is no longer as daunting as it seemed. Personally, I was somewhat reserved as a person in the beginning. Simple things such as answering the phone and talking with people came as a challenge to me; however, God has given me peace now and I’ve been able to approach phone calls with a much better attitude. Working here has taught me that with ministry, it is not about ourselves, but more importantly, about how to better serve the community and fulfill the ministry’s mission - God’s mission. Spiritually, through the challenges I have experienced here at Presence, working here has grown my faith in Christ. There have been discouraging and stressful times; however, God has reassured me that He is present. As I continue here at Presence, I hope to constantly remain challenged and grow in Him as well as serve the best that I can, as God has created me to do.
RE:NEW Faith Seminar
The Importance of Evangelism in the Millennial Age
Our Faith Seminar is coming up! February 1st, Friday 7-9:30pm Speaker: Pastor Kyle Shimazaki of Seeds of Life church
Sponsor church:
Chinese Evangelical Free Church, LA
1111 S Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park, CA 91754 Inquiry: 626-810-5200 | info@RENEWtheresponse.org | www.RENEWtheresponse.org
RE:NEW a Presence movement, an initiative of Presence Quotient® a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, aims to partner with churches to mobilize a generation of youth and young adults to live with purpose in pursuing spiritual maturity, realizing their God-given gifts, and bridging the cultural and generation gap.
Online Course 1) Healthy Dialogue between Youth, Parents, and Youth Workers (ongoing)
2) Upcoming Soft Skill Classes (for Youth) Managing Emotions
Youth workers, when serving youth in the church, how do you partner with their
Our Healthy Dialogue course aims to equip and
Managing Relationships
To learn more about RE:NEW a Presence movement, please visit RENEWtheresponse.org
provide tailored tips for three groups (parents, youth, and youth workers) to understand interpersonal dynamics and foster healthier communication.
To register, please visit: presencequotient.org/onlinetraining/healthy-dialogue/
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