Presence Mi nistry Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Wishing you a spiritually prosperous 2009! May the Lord’s
blessings be bestowed on you and your family.
Looking back on 2008, we achieved victory in one of
the greatest challenges of the year. By the power of God, Proposition 8 - “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California” has passed and added as an amendment to the California Constitution. However, opponents are challenging its validity. Oral arguments of these lawsuits are expected to be heard in March 2009, and a verdict will be pronounced 90 days afterwards by the California Supreme Court. Therefore, we need to keep vigilant in defending traditional marriage.
Another issue we face is SB777, a Senate Bill which
redefined gender and sexual orientation and allows school children age 5 or above to choose his/her choice on gender/ sexual orientation. Since this bill was signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2007, what effects will this have on the public schools? To address this subject, we will be holding a panel discussion with experts on this topic at the Presence’s Thanksgiving Dinner on March 14, 2009 at First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena. We invite you to come and look forward to seeing many of you there.
With these and other cultural challenges facing our youth
today, many of them are questioning their beliefs, and their faith has been weakened. Parents are sensing the unwillingness of their children to go to church. However, churches often lack the manpower and resources to effectively address these problems.
Newsletter February 2009
After much prayer, Presence Ministry is seeing God’s
leading in working with local Christian organizations and
感謝神的祝福,我們一起跨越2008年的挑 戰。ハ號提案— 支持婚姻一男一女入加州憲 法— 已過半數成功通過,合神心意的婚姻制 度得已保存。然而反對者控告其合法性。加州 最高法院將於今年3月份開審此案,90天之後 會有結果。我們需要持續儆醒保護傳統婚姻制 度。 至 於 SB777— 將 性 別 重 新 定 義 : 付 予 五 歲 以上學童有決定自身性取向的權力—已經過州 長簽名生效的加州新法,將對目前公校政策帶 來怎樣的影響?為了面對此挑戰,活現事工將 訂於3月14日在培城宣聖會舉辦座談會和感恩 晚宴,屆時邀請主流福音機構八號提案的負責 人、律師、公校的副校長和校委作嘉賓講員, 一一為大家解答。請預留時間出席。 面對當今社會文化的衝擊,青少年信仰的變 質已經相當明顯,家長們也意識到孩子不想上 教會是其中的一個危機警號。可是,許多教會 卻面臨人手缺乏和資源不足的情況,沒法針對 問題作出有效回應。 活現事工經過 長時間的禱告,感 到神正在呼籲基督 徒群體同心聯合來 承擔這個時代的挑 戰,為鞏固青少年 人的信仰,建造
churches to join forces to bolster the failing faith of the next generation. 2009:
合神心意的基督身體而共同努力。為了達 到這個目標,2009年活現事工朝三大方向 發展:
• Sustaining the youth with a firm foundation of Biblical faith
• 鞏固青少年信仰根基
• Confronting the immoral social and cultural developments
• 抗衡不良文化
To do so, Presence Ministry is working on three specific areas in
• Strengthening youth and parents by providing churches with various topical seminars to address current issues
1. Sustaining the youth with a firm foundation of Biblical faith
Presence will be working with mainstream Christian organizations
in providing middle school and high schoolers with faith and discipleship training. By collaborating with churches, resources can be shared to achieve more for the Kingdom of God.
• 加強青少年及其家庭培訓,針對時代需 要提供教會多方面專題講座
(1) 鞏固青少年信仰根基 活現與多個主流福音機構合作提供聯合 性青少年護教和信仰訓練,希望帶動地方教 會的合作,一起為準備升讀大專的中學生, 作好承存信仰的保護。
2. Confronting the immoral social and cultural developments
On April 11-12, 2009, together with Logos Training Institute,
we will be holding a 10-hour professional counseling workshop. Presence Ministry has invited Gender/Sexual Education Specialist, Clinical Psychologist Dr. Melvin Wong to provide training to Christian counselors, pastors and seminary students. The course will teach clinical counseling techniques for helping people with gender identity disorders, including bisexuals and transsexuals.
Presence has also made arrangements with Sister Sarah Allis
Yang, a former lesbian to be available as a keynote speaker to share her personal testimony. Her topic on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation will be helpful to both youth and parents. If you are interested in purchasing her book, or inviting her to speak at your church, school or any organization functions, please contact our office.
Taking full advantage of the internet, Presence will continue to
provide real time email updates on current issues. Our staff can assist local churches in Sunday Services, Sunday Schools or Fellowship Groups by providing biblical responses to current issues such as same-sex marriage and youth sexual identity. 3. Strengthening youth and parents
We will be targeting youth ages 9-12 and their parents by providing
them with an 8-seesion Leadership Training Course. Topics such as “Give and Take” Interpersonal Relationship Establishment, EQEmotion Management, Problem Solving Techniques, Self Confidence & Bully Defense, Anger Management, will be taught through dramas, plays & skills training. This course has been proven to improve communication between parents and youth while helping young people deal with relational challenges more effectively.
(2) 抗衡不良文化 今年4月11-12日與正道培育中心合辦十 小時的專業輔導研習班。活現誠邀性別專 家----臨床心理學家黃偉康博士,培訓基督 徒專業輔導員,教牧同工和神學生。教導臨 床技巧,給予性別困擾者幫助,包括雙性戀 和變性人士。 此外, Sarah Allis Yang 姊妹(前女同 志)成為活現特約講員,向家長或是青年人 分享個人生命見証和主講性別認定的主題。 若你想邀請她到教會、學校或其他團體演講 或購買她的書,歡迎聯絡活現。 活現就時代的需要繼續提供即時的電子 信息跟進,我們的同工可以幫助地方教會的 主曰崇拜、主日學或團契提供符合聖經原則 的回應,例如八號提案的跟進和教導五年級 以上的學生如何面對校內性文化的挑戰。
(3) 加強青少年及家庭培訓 我們針對9-12歲少年人和家長們提供一 套八課的領袖課程。教導「施與受」人際關 係的建立、EQ— 情緒管理、難題處理方 法和步驟、自信與防欺凌訓練及怒氣控制等 等…。通過劇場遊戲和專業技巧訓諫,大大 提升孩子面對人際困難的能力,增加親子間 的互動。
This year, several experts have joined Presence as
speakers on parenting. Topics include: How to Build up Your Child’s Self Esteem, Parenting Kids in the Use of the Internet, Discipline for the Preschoolers, Brain & Effective Learning, Transition to Preschool, Communication between Fathers & Sons, How Parents Enhance the Growth of Youth in the Church. Besides giving topical seminars, we also provide faith training and counseling activities to youth fellowship groups. Please contact us for arrangements for any of the services we offer.
God has given Presence a clear vision for ministry to the
youth and families. At the same time, He has also promised to provide us with talents and resources. Last year, we received $79,777, had expenditures of $85,691, with a deficit of $5,913, and a cumulated grand deficit $12,181 till the end of 2008. This year, we increased our budget to $150,000.00 in order to fund our expanded ministry in three areas. We thank God
活現今年增加多位專家講員,提供不同年齡層的 親職訓諫講座,包括:如何提高孩子的自尊心、管 教網路時代的孩童、0-5歲的管教、兒童大腦運用的 訓諫法、入幼兒園轉變期、父親與兒子的溝通、父 母如何幫助青少年在教會中成長…等等精彩主題。 除此之外,我們也為少年團契提供信仰或心理教育 活動。若你的教會需要講員或願意與活現聯合主辨 親子或青少年活動,歡迎聯絡我們。 神清淅地給予活現事工在青少年和其家庭信仰 文化教育的託付,衪同時也應許把天國的人才和資 源加給我們。去年我們的財政收入是$79,777,支出 是$85,691,去年赤字$5,913,至2008年底累計赤字 是$12,181。今年我們計劃三方向同時發展,預算約 15萬美金。感謝神在過去的五年裏的供應,加添我 們不少的義工和義務同工,今年又加添多位講員。 歡迎您加入活現的事奉團隊,並以禱告和捐獻來與 我們同工。
for His provisions these past 5 years, including increasing our volunteer staff and workers. We trust that He will continue to provide. We thank you in advance for your prayers and
contributions for God’s glory.
In His Service,
Agnes Ip Special Speaker on Sexual Identity 特約講員介紹 Sarah Yang, once bound by homosexuality and devil worship, has since experienced immense love and liberation in Christ Jesus, and has witnessed the wonders of His magnificent works. Sarah arises from intimate relationship with and sacrificial obedience to God, pulls down demonic strongholds and is set free to love and serve the Lord. In “The Exodus: From Slavery Into Sonship”, Sarah shares her personal relationship and revelations of her Heavenly Father. Her journey of transformation has the power to change both your life and the way you know God. Sarah will be serving as Presence’s Special Speaker on “Sexual Identity”. Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing her book or having Sarah speaking at your church or any organizational function. 揚莎拉 曾經陷在同性戀和撒旦敬拜的活動中,當她經歷到在基督耶穌裏 無限的大愛和釋放,見證了神偉大的神蹟。莎拉與神建立親蜜的關係並對神 完全的順服,拆毀仇敵的堅固營壘,現在能夠自由地愛與事奉神。在「出埃 及—從奴役到成為兒子」 這本書中,莎拉分享了她親身的經歷,和天父給她 的啟示。她的經歷能夠改變您的生命和您對神的認識。 莎拉目前是活現事工「性別認同」的特約講員。如果您有興趣購買她的書, 或想請她到您的教會或機構演講,請與我們聯絡。
Sarah before 前
Sarah after 後
How to raise
Smart and Healthy Children 培育聰明、健康的孩子 Dr. David Phan 潘光明博士
The term “time flies” is a cliché, yet it is so true. Our children grow up so fast. In a blink, they grow from a crawler to a walker, from pre-school to high school. With a few more blinks, they are in college. Can we afford to miss any blinks? I remember vividly carrying my little daughter home from the hospital. It seemed like yesterday, but she is already almost eight years old now. Since time goes by so fast, how can we influence our next generation and leave a legacy in their lives? We the parents need to seal the opportunity and try our best to influence our children positively. If we don’t, someone else will. We cannot afford to let our media, our public school system nor the internet become our children’s mentor and role model. I would like to share with you a method to raise smart and healthy kids, which is slightly unorthodox, but at the same time makes perfect sense. As a typical Asian family, the main focus would be academic development. But learning is not merely reading or doing arithmetic. True learning comes from all senses. All of the sensory inputs combine to create a picture, a word From or a concept in our children’s brain. For example, this is the way to learn about an APPLE with all five senses.
True Learnig Comes
All Senses
• 1st - Smell (Olfactory): Ask your child smell and enjoy the aroma. • 2nd - Touch (tactile): Ask your child to feel the texture, inside and outside.
3rd - Taste (gustation): This is the best part! The actual eating and tasting of an apple.
4th - Hearing (Auditory): Ask your child to tap on the apple. Does it sound hollow or solid?
5th - See (visual): Ask your child to observe the apple before taking a bite.
All of the above sensory inputs play a role in the stimulation of the brain cells. Each sense affects a different part of the brain. All five senses together enhance learning and brain development.
孩子們成長得很快。一轉眼爬行的寶寶開 始走路,一轉眼孩子又從幼兒院進入小學,再 轉眼他們又要升讀大學了。作為父母,這些轉 瞬即逝的時刻你能否錯過呢?還記得當天把女 兒從醫院抱回家,她現在已快八歲了,但那 情景就猶如昨日發生一樣。「時光 飛逝」在人生中確是如此真 實。那麼為人父母該怎樣 影響下一代?我們絕對 不能放棄這個角色而 讓傳媒、公立學校以 至互聯網成為孩子成 長的導師。
真正的 學習 從不同感官 而來
坊間有很多關於兒女 管教的書籍,但我在這 裡希望分享一套不甚傳統 的方法,有助培育聰明、健康 的孩子。一般亞裔的家庭,焦點總放 在學業的成就上,因此孩子日常大多數的時間 都花在閱讀和數學上。這無疑也是一種學習的 模式,但對孩子們整全的發展來說,就並非最 為理想。真正的學習從不同感官而來。從不同 感官輸入大腦的訊息,可把一幅圖畫、一個字 或一個概念存於腦海中。例如,我們可盡用五 官來學習 “蘋果” 1. 嗅覺:要求孩子嗅嗅蘋果的香味。 2. 觸覺:要求孩子觸摸蘋果裡外的質地。
3. 味覺:這是最佳部分,實際嚐嚐蘋果的 味道。 4. 聽覺:要求孩子敲敲蘋果,辨別一下這 是空心還是實心所發出的聲音。 5. 視覺:要求孩子在吃蘋果前先仔細觀察 一下。
Beside the five basic senses, I would like to introduce the sixth sense our body uses to integrate with learning. This is the most powerful stimulation among all. The sixth sense has to do with mechanical stimulation. There are mechanical receptors located in our joints. These receptors provide a sense of proprioception. It is the unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself. So how do we go about activating these stimuli? EXERCISE! Yes, exercises will activate these receptors. So besides being a bookworm, it is also important that your child can get some types of gross movement exercises. Proper brain stimulation can cure many brain diseases, including ADD and ADHD. It can also slow down aging and increase longevity. So the one question concerned parents always ask is, “Why is stimulation important in my child’s development?” Brain cells develop from stimulation. The more stimulation the brain cells get, the more they multiply. The more they multiply the more axonal connections they make and this sets the fundamental foundation for brain function and intelligence. You might not notice that, but your brain uses your physical body to express itself. When you are sad and depressed, your body will exhibit it. When you are happy, your smiles cannot be hidden. If the brain is using the body to express its state, then the health of our brain can be affected by how we develop our body physically. The above six senses are our way to control and activate our brain. Through this pathway, we can help our children develop from inside out. Another question I frequently encounter is, “When should I start this Stimulation Program?” The answer is the sooner the better! The longer you wait the less stimulation your child will receive for early development. Thus, it is extremely important for your child to start receiving at least some proper and constructive stimulation before the age of 5. During the first five years of their lives, the brain develops most rapidly. That’s why I like to tell other fathers that they can always make more money, but they can never make up lost time. We only have a relatively short period of time to provide positive influences to our children. Once the window of opportunity is past, there is no turning back. So remember to enjoy your children every moment of the day, and cherish your time with them. Childhood is only a few blinks away.
這些感官訊息在刺激大腦細胞上扮演很重要角色。 每樣感官都會影響到大腦不同的部分,五官同時運用, 能有效促進學習和大腦的發展。 除了基本五官之外,我要向你們介紹第六感官,用 以結合在學習之中。第六感官與機械式刺激有關,這亦 是刺激大腦最有力的感官。人體中有關機械式的神經接 受體位於關節間,這些接受體提供人體內由刺激而生的 無意識知覺運動和空間定位。我們可怎樣啟動這些刺激 呢?答案就是運動!因此我們當鼓勵孩子除了作書蟲 外,也該好好做運動。 大腦細胞是非常選擇性的,只可從以下兩方面原素 來發展和維持。 1. 氧氣和葡萄糖 (維持生命的食物) 2. 外來刺激 (加強發展) 假如以上原素任缺其一或者嚴重不足,人體的大腦 將無法正常運作。相反,正確的大腦刺激不但可治療大 腦疾病,如 ADD (注意力不足症)和ADHD(注意力 不足過動症);更可延緩衰老及增加壽命。 父母會問「大腦刺激何以對孩童發展重要?」原因 是腦細胞從刺激而得到發展。大腦得到越多刺激,腦細 胞就越發得到增新。腦細胞越多增新,就能與神經細胞 有更多接觸,這為促進大腦功能與智慧提供了重要的基 礎。你可能沒有注意,但你的腦是用你的身體來表達自 己的。當你憂愁、情緒低落時,你的身體語言會將這情 緒流露出來;當你快樂時,你臉上會有遮掩不住的笑 容。如果身體能把腦部狀況表達出來,那麼建立強壯的 體格對腦部健康就息息相關了。第六感官有助控制和啟 動腦部,通過這個途徑,我們能幫助孩子從裡到外得到 建立。 另一個我經常接觸到的問題是,「我該在甚麼時候 開始刺激計劃?」答案是越快越好。越遲開始,你的孩 子在早期發展所能得的刺激就越少。因此,孩子在五歲 前能接受適當而具建設性的刺激極為重要,因五歲前腦 部的發展最為迅速。所以我常對父親們說,金錢很多機 會賺回來,溜走了的時間卻不能補償。我們能積極影響 孩子的時間很短,機會過了就無法彌補。因此享受、珍 惜與孩子一起的時間,孩童階段瞬間即逝。
Author’s Bios:
Dr. David Phan has a Doctorate in Chiropractic specializing in advanced brain base chiropractic neurology. His extensive experiences include ADHD and autism treatment of children, exercise physiology with emphasis in nutrition, sports medicine and other child development related issues. More importantly, he is a hands-on dad to his 2 children. Visit his website at Dr. Phan is available to speak to parents and youth. Please contact Presence for scheduling.
潘光明醫生擁有脊椎神經科的博士學位,專精先進腦脊椎神經 科。對於注意力不足過動症和自閉症孩童的治療、著重營養方 面的運動生理學、運動醫學,及其餘有關兒童發展的議題,他都 有廣泛的經驗。更重要,他亦是位親力親為的父親,育有兩名子 女。詳細資料請到網站。潘醫生可出任青少 年及父母管教的講員,安排請與活現事工聯絡。
• Translate Christian Worldview Voter Guide for California’s February 5th Primary
2008 Presence Ministry Highlights 活現事工摘要 In 2008, Presence Ministry devoted a great deal of manpower and finance to mobilize Chinese churches in voting their values, especially toward gender issues and family marriage values, namely, support Prop 8, stop SB777, and stop Day of Silence.
• Prop 8
- Helped collect 1.1 million valid signatures for Marriage Amendment
- Chinese, English, and Spanish pamphlet, educate Prop 22 and the California Protect Act.
- Article: Why We Do Not Support Same-Sex Marriage
- Voter’s guide and voter’s education
- Workshops and Sunday services: California Prop 8
- Partners:
Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Social Concern Team
California Family Council
Assemblyman Bob Huff
Traditional Family Coalition
Chinese Christian for Justice
Southern California Chinese Christians for Marriage Amendment
Save Marriage and Family Coalition
• Education workshops and seminars on gender issue
- 07/25-08/03: Life- Transforming Testimony Event – Christopher Yuan
- 10/11,12: Sexual Brokenness Conference
• Stop SB777
- Prepare educational material
- Help Capitol Resource Institute collects signatures
- Connect with over 250 Chinese churches
• Stop Day of Silence 4/25
- Concerned Parents Meeting
- Prepare educational material
2008年,活現事工投注了大量的人力與財力,協助推動華人 教會在政治議題上表態,特別是對性別和家庭婚姻的立場。 其中最重要的,包括了反對 SB777,反對沈默日,及贊成八 號提案。
摘 要 • 翻譯基督徒世界觀選舉指南 • 八號提案 b b
協助蒐集婚姻入憲一百一十萬的簽名 協助翻譯二十二號提案教育及加州保護婚姻法案傳 單,包括中文、英文及西班牙文
Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Social Concern Team
California Family Council
Assemblyman Bob Huff
• 開辦有關性別問題的工作坊及研討會 - 07/25–08/03 袁幼軒生命見證大會 - 10/11–10/12 性衝擊研討會
• 反對 SB777 - 提供教育傳單 - 協助 Capitol Resource Institute 蒐集簽名 - 聯繫超過 250 間華人教會
• 反對 4/25 沈默日 - 開辦家長關注會議 - 提供教育傳單
2 .0. 0 .8.
Presence Ministry Activity Summary 活現事工活動記錄
Date 日期
/ Organization / Location Church 主辦單位 / 地點
Event 活動名稱
Attendance 出席人數
Presence Ministry 活現事工
Youth Ministry Panel discussion Vision-Sharing Fundraising Banquets 青少年事工研討會暨異象分享籌款晚宴
04 - 06
FEC Diamond Bar 鑽石崗羅省基督教會
Sunday School - Raising Chinese Kids in the American Culture 主日學 – 在美國文化下養育華裔孩童
Presence Ministry 活現事工
Day of Silence: Concerned parent meeting 沈默曰家長關注會議
CBMC of LA 羅省華人聖經宣道教會
High School Fellowship – Homosexuality Workshop 高中生團契 – 認識同性戀
First United Methodist Church of San Gabriel 聖蓋博第一衛理公會
Adult Fellowship – Religion Education Workshop 成人團契 – 信仰教育
05/24 – 06/28
Southern California Churches 南加州多個教會
Evangelism and Counselors Training (7 times) 七次佈道法與陪談訓練
Rowland Hts Hong Kong Plaza 羅蘭崗香港超市廣場
Youth Community Event 青少年社區活動
Arcadia President Sqare 亞凱廸亞總統廣場
Youth Community Event 青少年社區活動
07/25 – 08/03
Southern & Northern California churches 南北加州多個教會
Life-Transforming Testimony – Christopher Yuan 生命見證大會 – 袁幼軒
FEC Glendale 格蘭岱羅省基督教會
Sunday Service – Leading the Next Generation on the Road of Truth 主日信息 – 引導下一代走真理的路
FEC Diamond Bar 鑽石崗羅省基督教會
Sunday Service – The Secret of Marriage 主日信息 一 婚姻的奧秘
08/15 – 08/17
Presence Ministry 活現事工
2nd Annual Youth Summer Camp 第二屆青少年夏令營
Presence Ministry 活現事工
Parenting workshop 親子教育講座: What parents need to know about their kids and the computer 父母應該知道有關孩子與電腦的事
CCHC, Challenger fellowship 角聲佈道團展能團契
Presence Theater: Social Skills Training 活現劇場: 社交技巧訓練
First Chinese Baptist Church, Walnut 核桃市華人第一浸信會
Cantonese Sunday School --California Prop 8 粵語主日學:加州八號提案
First Chinese Baptist Church, Walnut 華人第一浸信會, 核桃市
Children Sunday School, G5- Gay Gene? 五年級兒童主曰學—同性戀基因?
160 29
Family and Marriage under Attack (Cantonese & Mandarin workshops) 家庭和婚姻正被攻擊 (粵及國語講座)
South Baptist, Church Development Conference 浸信會聯會
10/11 – 10/12
FCBC, Walnut 華人第一浸信會, 核桃市 Fist Evangelical Church of San Gabriel 聖迦谷羅省基督教會
Sexual Brokenness Conference – How Should Christians Respond to the Social Challenge Today? 性衝擊研討會 - 基督徒如何回應今日社會的挑戰
Evangelical Free Church of Walnut 羅省東區華人播道會
Sunday service – California Prop 8 主日信息 – 加州八號提案
Evangelical Formosan Church of Hacienda Heights 聖達台福基督教會
Sunday service – California Prop 8 主日信息 – 加州八號提案
11/08 – 11/09
Presence Ministry 活現事工
Playback Theatre Volunteer Training 一人一故事劇場義工訓練
Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church 慕道園華人浸信會
Parenting class – Helping Kids Build Up Self Esteem 親子教育 – 幫助孩子建立自尊心
Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church 慕道園華人浸信會
Parenting class – Raising Chinese Kids in the American Culture 親子教育 – 在美國文化下養育華裔孩童
Presence Ministry 活現事工
Prop 8 Follow up meeting 八號提案跟進會議
Every 2nd Tuesday
Presence Ministry 活現事工
Prayer meeting for mothers 母親祈禱會
Total Contact Around 總接觸人數
New Volunteers Joining Our Team 新 義 務 同 工 介 紹 Vicky Ly
Lily Ma Master of Christian Studies, a mother of two children and a parent of the Presence Youth Camp alumni; high school teacher and youth counselor before, currently teaching adult Sunday school and leading a small group at church.
基督教研究碩士,兩個小孩的母親、並活現 青少年營營友的家長;曾任中學老師並青年 團契導師;現時在教會教授成人主日學及帶 領教會小組。
“I go to Chinese Bible Mission Church in Alhambra. God bless me with a stable life. I look for ways to make good use of my time and want to serve GOD as my life goal. I pray and ask GOD to use me in HIS work.”
「我現時參加亞罕布拉華人聖 經宣道會。神賜我一個平穩的 人生,因此我渴望善用自己的 生命來服事神,並以此為我人 生的目標。我祈求神使用我在 祂的事工上。」
2009 Presence Board Members 活現事工董事 「活現」與葉顏瑋茵總幹事 二零零九年一至四月行事曆
January to April 2009 Calendar for Presence Ministry & Agnes Ip, President DATE 日期
1 / 10 1 / 17
Location 地點
Event 活動
Presence office, Walnut
Instructor’s training for Presence Youth Leadership Training courses
活現辦公室, 核桃市
「青少年領袖訓練」 義工訓練班
2 / 22
2 / 22
3 / 14
Loving Savior Lutheran Chinese Church 路德會仁愛救 主教會
Diamond Bar 鑽石崗
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, Gilmore Hall 培城宣聖會
4 / 11 4 / 12
Logos Training Institute 正道培育中心
: Agnes Ip, MA, LMFT; First Evangelical Church of Diamond Bar Vice President : William Lai, PE; Chinese Life Lutheran Church Secretary : Tina Lau Dunn, LCSW; Evergreen Baptist Church of Los Angeles Treasurer : Fanny Leung, BA; Los Angeles Chinese Alliance Church Board Member : Elsa Tseng, Chinese Life Lutheran Church Board Member : Rev. Dr. Timothy Tin; Chinese Alliance Bible Church Board Member : Lindy Ma, BS, BSW; Chinese Evangelical Free Church, Walnut President
Prayer request: 1. Continue to pray for the development of Prop 8.
Parenting Class and Youth Class 親子教育及青少年 活動
2. Pray for the ministry direction of Presence – defending our faith, impacting the culture, and youth and family training. 3. Pray that God will provide us with workers and financial support.
2009 Vision Sharing & Fundraising kick-off
2009年展望及感恩籌 款晚會籌備會
1. 繼續為八號提案的發展祈禱。
Presence Fundraising Banquet & Panel Discussion: Protecting Children from Moral Crisis in Public School 活現感恩籌款晚會暨座 談會:「在公校的道 德危機中保護我們的 孩子」 Presence Ministry & Logos Training Institute present: Pastoral Care for People with Gender Issues: Theory and Practice 活現事工與正道培育 中心合辨:「性別輔 導的理論與實務」
2. 為活現事工方向禱告—悍衛信仰、抗衡文化冲擊及青少年與 家庭培訓。 3. 求神預備工人及事工所需的財力資源。
non-profit org us postage
Presence Ministry 20651 Golden Springs Dr., #104, Walnut, CA 91789
walnut,ca permit no.120 909.595.4007