Presence newsletter 2009 July

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Presence Mi nistry Reclaiming the Spiritual Realm Rethinking the Life View Education for Teens

Newsletter July 2009

收復屬靈失地 青少年文化教育的再思 葉顏瑋茵

Anges Ip

Faithfully fulfilling parenthood, Christian parents strive to take their children to church every Sunday, disregarding any adversity. Throughout the years, their children attended Sunday Schools and Youth Fellowship Activities as parents look forward to seeing them grow into mature Christians who will live a life that glorify God and benefit the human race. Sadly, quite a few of them begin to skip church as they enter into college, or even give up their childhood faith all together. Parents’ hearts ache at these scenarios, while they struggle to understand the sudden twist! As a matter of fact, a majority of young people start to question their faith during their junior high school years or even at sixth grade. However many of them did not get answers to satisfy their inquisitive minds, and they continue to drift on in their lives still perplexed. When they have transitioned to High school, the thought of abandoning the faith starts to creep in. Meanwhile, the rebellious inclination of teenage development accentuates the suppressed dissatisfaction about their parents and the “traditions” that churches are holding onto. It would not be a surprise when they go off to college, they just leave their cage and never return. Why are the second generation young Christians losing their faith? Some stipulate the failing of parenting efforts, some point their fingers to the insufficiency in the church’s teaching; others blame the atheistic propaganda in the public schools; still others resort it to the intoxication from the media. All these sounds sensible, or may be such situation is the accentuation of all the factors. However, personally, I propose that something is not going right in our spiritual view: Christians have long abandoned our role in impacting the society’s cultural environment; neglect the responsibility of upholding


帶着自已的小孩上教會,十幾年來孩子不斷地參與 主日學和少年團契,父母也期盼着他們長大後能成 為成熟的基督徒,榮神益人。不過不少孩子,一 上大學就不再上教會,有的甚至放棄信仰。這個時 候,父母雖然心痛萬分,卻還不知道為什麼孩子會 變成這樣﹗


信仰產生許多的疑問,卻沒有得到他們能夠理解的 答案,都是一知半解的混了過去。到高中時他們已 產生了不信的念頭,加上青少年期他們本來就反 叛,心裏對父母和教會的傳統常存不滿的態度,只 是一直被壓住。無怪乎一到大學,他們就如同小鳥 開籠,一去不返了。


有人追究父母教育不善,也有人怪責教會教導不 足﹔有人說是受公校無神論的影響,也有人說是 受大眾傳媒的毒 害……聽起來各 有道理,也許是 所有因素總和的 結果吧。不過,

the healthy culture. That leads to suffocating our next generation in the toxin of the post-modern culture!

我個人認為其中一個重要的因素是屬靈觀出 了毛病—基督徒長期放棄對社會文化的影 響,忽略了負起保護文化的責任,使我們的

Impact of Immigrant’s Mentality within the Church Chinese assimilate into the American culture in varying degree. A lot of immigrants bring the mentality of an outsider into the Chinese American church. When immigrants face frustrations as one begin to settle in this land, for those who do not have a good grip of the local American culture, they might withdraw and isolate themselves from the society. Others may tune themselves into the mainstream ideologies without examining the culture first. Another group may feel inferior of being Chinese. Many take the course of separation of churches and state, and begin to distant themselves from politics and societal culture all together.

Needs of Teens growing up with the mainstream Culture of the Society Chinese remains the minority in the mainstream culture. The next generation of Chinese descent encounters tough times in finding their unique identity in the local cultural environment. As parents and churches vehemently defend to preserve the traditional culture, they overlook the needs and struggles of the younger generation, who actually are thrown out into the society to survive. Meanwhile, as the next generation receives education in public schools, they are bombarded by the banner of individualism, liberalism and human rights. Gradually, they are pulled away from the traditional principles and the truths of the God’s sovereignty. Currently, the general American people are drifting from the Christian faith. It leaves an unending and narrow journey for the next generation Chinese Christian to sojourn as they search for their identity and their faith.




不同,不少移民帶着外來人的心態進入教 會。這些人對本地文化了解不深,如在社會 上受到挫折後,會變得自我封閉,或者盲目 入流,甚至會自我歧視。另外也有些人受到 政教分離理論的影響,對政治和文化莫不關 心。



少年常有困難在本地文化中尋找自我身份的 認同。當父母和教會不斷地豉吹保留傳統文 化時,卻忽略了青少年在本地文化中成長的 需要和掙扎。加上多年來在公校中接受自由 主義的薰陶,特別高舉開放和人權,這正與 傳統和神權背道而馳。目前美國社會又漸漸 地放棄基督的信仰,基督徒華裔青少年的 個人成長和信仰之路,將是一條又長又窄的

Urgent Need to Equip Teens with Apologetics Sunday schools emphasize a lot in the teaching of the Christian life style. The curriculum aims at applying biblical truths to our daily living. Fourth grade Sunday schools students are very familiar with the teachings reflected in the stories of various Bible characters. Parallel to their cognitive development, these kids start to ask rational questions and enquiries as they begin to solve the many puzzles and doubts in life, the existing Sunday school materials are not enough to provide them with sound and solid answers. Turning from inquisition to doubt, shifting from perplexity to disbelief, a sharp and undesirable turn in their vulnerable mind occur among the 5th and 6th grades. The pure and simple trust inherited from the parents and Sunday school teachers gradually give way to the void of anything solid and convincing for the growing brain to confirm their faith. To make the situation even harder, these teachings do not correspond to those ideologies and values taught at schools, among the peers, on the TV and movies. Which side should they stand? Whom should they trust? I see an urgency to equip the young people with apologetics before they leave home for college. When they know the truth, have a solid foundation




導,直接把聖經引用在生活層面的規範上。 四年級以下的小孩,大部份對聖經人物的喻 道故事已經十分熟識。從五六年級開始發出 理性的提問,可是目前的教材並不見得能夠 有效地針對這些問題回答。小孩從好奇到懷 疑,再從困惑到放棄,大概就是五六年的時 間。過去單純地相信父母和主日學老師,孩 子長大了,漸漸地懷疑這一切教導的根據。 這些教導又與學校老師、同學、電視和電影

of the truth, and armored with the tools of counteracting the challenges of a Godless-culture, they can withstand all odds and stand up for their faith to win the spiritual battle for the Lord.

Walking Together Through the Emerging Culture When we talk about passing on of our faith, parent should not dump the responsibility to the church youth ministry alone. Parents’ communication and discussions with your own children are of utmost importance. Parents are on the frontline raising children and mentoring them as their children struggle to make a stand and to find their identities in the society. It takes both generations working together to meet the challenges of the world. The unique scenario of having different languages and generations within the Chinese American churches, close cooperation, mutual respect and understanding, open and constant communications are indispensible among church leaders, pastoral staffs and the among different congregation. We are to reclaim the once lost spiritual realm for our precious children and to set the stage again for our next generation to explore the truth, to commit their lives to the loving and almighty God who promised to protect and guide those who obey Him, from generations to generations.

所講有很大的差別,到底要相信誰呢?其實青 少年人急需要在上大學前接受護教學訓練,才 能抵抗無神文化的挑戰,不至於在屬靈的戰爭 中被打敗。



青少年事工。自已與子女需要正面的建立溝通 和交流。由父母親自協助青少年子女在文化中 定立自已的身份,兩代共同面對世俗文化的挑 戰。在兩代三語的華人教會中,更需要主任牧 師和新一代英語同工加強互相之間的了解與尊 重,重新認定文化教育在屬靈教導上的價值, 為青少年提供合情合理的信仰指引,定下收復 文化失地的計劃,為下一代爭取屬靈文化的空 間。

New Staff on board! 同工和義工介紹 Jinny Chow 周銘湄 Volunteer

Tom Or 柯伯龍 Office Manager Tom is originally from Hong Kong. He helps with administrative responsibilities at Presence. Nowadays families live in difficulties because we are loosing family values. By promoting family values, we could help families. Our work is meaningful and that’s why Tom joins this organization. 柯伯龍是從香港來的,目前在活現事工協助行政 工作。現今眾多的家庭問題,都是缺乏正確的價 值觀所致。他加入活現是覺得她的事工很能幫助 社會上家庭,因我們傳揚正面的家庭價值。

Jinny graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Psychology. She is originally from Hong Kong. Jinny believes the vision of the organization. Our society today is very different from the simpler form of family structure. Jinny grew up in Hong Kong without the presence of her mother. She believes Presence ministry is doing great groundwork for families by equipping parents and children with knowledge on building a family in Christ. Jinny is helping in the areas of translation and update the web content of the organization. 周銘湄是史丹福大學的心理學學士,十三歲從香港來。她認 同活現事工的異象,因為看見我們的社會已不再是由簡單 的家庭結構組成,自己成長時也沒有母親在身邊。她相信活 現正在為現代的家庭打根基,裝備家長和孩子建立基督化家 庭,目前在活現協助翻譯工作以及網頁更新。

Passing on Spiritual Values 屬靈價值的傳承 Katy Lee

Parents have the notion that being a good parent means getting our kids into the best schools, taking them to sport activities, and getting them music lessons. We think it is natural for our kids to continue going to church and to live godly, moral lives. However, when we look at our culture today, we realize that parenting requires much more. In the past, our culture generally reinforced the same values that we teach our children at home. But it is no longer true. While we teach our children modesty, the malls are selling tight sweaters and ultra low rise pants. While we teach our children abstinence from sex until marriage, the media shows premarital sex as common as dinner at Denny’s. While we teach our children to respect authority, TV shows depict adults as the brunt of humor. Our children are constantly and subtly being influenced by the media and even by the schools, with an anti-Christian worldview. In order to raise up our children to follow Jesus instead of the world, parents must be intentional in passing on Biblical spiritual values. The home remains the strongest influence in the moral and spiritual development of children. While you may attend an excellent church, church can not and does not replace the parent’s role.

Here are 3 basic ways to teach our children to live for God:

現今的父母常常有個觀念,認為要做個稱職的父 母,就等同把孩子送入最好的學校,為他們的課外活 動張羅,按著他們的體育、音樂活動而管接管送,卻 錯誤地以為在教會一直成長,過敬虔、道德的生活, 是件自然而然發生的事。 可是,縱觀今日的社會文 化,我們不得不正視一個事實: 要能面對作為父母的挑戰,我們 需要更多的智慧。過去,社會道 德與家庭的價值觀大致相同,但 這種情況已不復存在。當我們教 導孩子外表端莊時,商場中找 到的服飾卻是一些標榜性感的緊 身襯衣及超級低腰褲;當我們教 導孩子婚前貞潔,傳媒中所展現 的婚前性行為,卻如家常便飯一 般;當我們教導孩子尊重權柄, 電視節目卻以踐踏成年人作為所 謂幽默的題材。我們的孩子活在 傳媒和學校文化的影響下,潛移 默化所得的價值觀,往往與基督 徒的世界觀,是背道而馳的。 要培育子女跟隨耶穌而不效法世界,作父母的該刻 意傳遞合乎聖經的屬靈價值觀。家仍是孩子道德、靈 命發展最具影響力的園地。不管你的教會有多優秀, 她永遠都不能取代父母在影響孩子生命上的角色。

1. Teach our children to pursue God’s plan for their lives.


I recently spoke to a mother at church, who told me she didn’t want her son to be a missionary. “Being a missionary is a hard life. I told my son to get a good job first, save some money, then he can serve God later.” What value is this mother teaching her son? No doubt parents want the best for their children. But is the best thing in life merely to live comfortably?

1. 教導兒女尋找神在他們生命中的計劃

From childhood, my parents who impressed upon me these values, “Get a good job, buy a big house, and save up for retirement”.

最近我與教會中的一位母親談話時,知道這位母親不 願意讓她的兒子當宣教士。 她透露 “當宣教士太苦 了,我對兒子說先找份好工作、多賺點錢,日後再考 慮事奉神也未遲”。試想這位苦心的媽媽在教導兒子 怎樣的價值觀?無疑父母總是希望兒女好,但生命中 的好和福氣又豈止於生活安泰呢?

As I turn 50 and reflect back on my life, I realize more and more the futility of treasures on earth. The riddle goes, “How much money did Howard Hughes leave when he died?” The answer is, “ALL of it!” Not all our children will be missionaries. But they can certainly be challenged to pursue God’s plan for them and to live for God wherever they are. Instead of telling my children to study hard and get a good job, I remind my children that God has a greater purpose for them. They are to do their best in school and work in order to bring glory to God, not to gain a comfortable life for themselves. Teaching our children to invest in the Kingdom of God as a priority is ultimately teaching them to get the best in life. For what can be a better life than to live for God?

2. Model the Christian values we preach. I’ve heard many young people complain about their Christian parents. “My dad is a Christian at church, but at home, he just works and watches TV.” “Do as I say, not as I do” sounds good, but unfortunately it doesn’t work! Values are caught, not taught. This puts the burden on parents to live out the values that we want our children to have. If we condemn lying, then we ourselves must not lie. If we wish our children to be polite, then we must show courtesy in the home, to our spouse and even to our young children. I read an article about a mom who was appalled when her 2-yearold toddler used a bad word. “Where did she learn it from?” she asked. It didn’t take long to realize that her child sat in the car seat behind her and heard every cuss word that the mom spewed out at other drivers on the road! The mom vowed never to cuss again.

從小至大,我的父母給我灌輸的價值觀乃 “找份好工、安 居置業,好好儲蓄、安享晚年”。當我年屆五十,回望我 的人生,我越來越體會地上財富的虛幻。我們空手而來, 也是空手而去,離開時甚麼也帶不走。 不是每個孩子都要當上宣教士,但他們卻該學習敢於 面對人生的挑戰,敢於追尋神在他們身上的計劃,也敢於 承擔為神而活而帶來的使命。我提醒我的孩子們,除了努 力讀書、尋找理想職業,神在他們身上有更高的計劃。就 是他們努力讀書和工作,目的是要榮耀上帝,而非為求一 己擁有舒適的生活。 教導孩子把生命次序校正,好好投資在神永恆的國度 中,最終這正是教導他們得著生命中上好福份的途徑。試 問有何生命比為神而活的生命來得更美好?

2. 身教重於言教 – 活出我們所高舉的價值觀 我曾經聽過不少年青人抱怨他們的基督徒父母「我爸爸 只是主日的信徒,在家中,他只 有工作和電視」。 「只聽我的教訓,不看我的榜

Values are caught, not taught. 生命的價值觀乃從另一個 生命學習回來,而不是 從別人口中聽回來的。

There is mutual accountability in the parenting process. We hold our children accountable to us, but they also hold us accountable to them. Our responsibility to be good role models for our children forces us to grow in own spiritual lives. As we teach our children good values, we are also becoming more godly in the process.

3. Don’t neglect prayer. When the demands of a parent are 24/7, prayer is pushed to last place on the priority list. But when my son entered college, I realized the urgency of prayer. Stripped of all moral and spiritual support from home, church, and a familiar protected environment, I saw how vulnerable my child was. I regretted that I didn’t pray for him more when he was young, for God to shore up his faith as he was growing up so that he would be better prepared for this launch into the world.

樣」說來好聽,但事實卻一點也 行不通。生命的價值觀乃從另一 個生命學習回來,而不是從別人 口中聽回來的。因此父母須承擔 活出我們所高舉、所教導的價值 觀。我們否定謊言,自己就不能 說謊;我們期望孩子對人有禮, 自已就當以身作則,善待配偶、 甚至幼小的孩子們。

曾經讀過一篇文章,一位母親 因聽到兩歲大的女兒口出惡言而 感到震驚,心中盤算女兒在那裏 學到咒罵人的說話。未幾她赫然 發現每天女兒坐在車廂裏,就一 直聽著她在路上咒罵其他司機的 話。這位母親發誓,以後絕不再說這種咒罵人的話。 親子關係是個雙向的過程。我們要孩子向我們負責, 孩子也要求我們向他們負責。當我們有責任要成為他們的 榜樣時,這也促使我們自已成長。教導孩子屬靈價值的同 時,我們也在敬虔的操練上向前邁進一步。

3. 不能忽視禱告 作為父母,我們無時無刻不在為孩子的需要而奔波勞 碌。禱告往往成為繁忙生活中最次要的事情。當我的兒 子進入大學時,我突然發覺禱告的逼切性。看見這個年青 人一下子失去熟識、安全環境的支援,身邊缺乏家人、教

When our children are young and living at home, we have a false sense of security that “nothing bad” will happen. So we let down our guard and neglect prayer. In reality, the young formative years require even more prayer. By the age of nine, most of the moral and spiritual foundations of a child are set. Merely being a good parent will not guarantee success. Prayer releases God’s power to mold the lives of our young children better than we can. Think about who may be praying for your children. Their Sunday School teacher, your pastor, or a relative may pray for them occasionally, or perhaps even once a week. But only the parents would have burden to pray for their own children everyday. I encourage you to make it a habit to pray for each of your children daily, just five minutes a day. If you don’t, chances are no one else will. Of all the challenges that parents face today, the one of greatest consequence is passing on Biblical spiritual values to our children. It has been said that Christianity in the nation can be lost in one generation. Let’s do our part to raise the next generation for the Kingdom of God. For more parenting information by Katy, visit her website at

會在道德和屬靈方面的指引,我體會這一刻我的兒子是多麼脆 弱。我後悔我沒有在他小時多為他禱告,以致神能堅固他的信 心,預備他長大離家時,有更好的基礎。 當我們的孩子年紀小在家的日子,我們常有一個錯覺認為 不可能有任何不好的事發生在孩子身上,因此我們會鬆懈而忽 略禱告。事實上,幼童定型的日子更需要禱告。當孩子到達九 歲時,大多數道德和屬靈的根基都已奠下了。單純做個好家長 並不保證成功,禱告能釋放神的能力去塑造我們孩子幼小的生 命,遠超過我們所能及的。 試想誰會為您的孩子禱告?他們的主日學老師,教會牧者 或者親戚可能會偶然為他們禱告,又或許每週一次,但畢竟只 有父母才有負擔天天為自已的孩子禱告。我鼓勵您實踐為孩子 禱告的習慣,就是一天只有五分鐘也好。當您不去為孩子禱告 時,大概您也可以肯定沒有其他人會為這樣做。 今日父母在云云眾多的挑戰裏,對孩子最具影響力的就是 把合乎聖經的屬靈原則傳給他們。有人曾說這個國家的基督信 仰,可能於這一代之後失傳。讓我們努力,為神的國度培育下 一代。 若希望更多認識Katy有關子女管教的資料,請瀏覽她的網 站

The Journey of

Fa i t h

It is impossible to talk about faith in God without mentioning the importance of obedience to Him. Faith and obedience go together like salt and pepper. Although one can exist without the other, and each one has its unique flavor, it is only in the combination that the dimension of our relationship with God enlarges. Obedience happens as a result of faith. Interestingly, faith increases as obedience takes place. When you have more of one, you will certainly have more of the other. When practiced regularly, faith and obedience snowball to accumulate our experiences in God and our knowledge of Him. Having witnessed the development of Presence Ministry since 2006, I have come to a better understanding of what it means be a faith-based organization. As fundraising is an integral part of any non-profit organization, I was also privileged to undergo such a faith-building process as I raised support for my service in China last year.

信 心 之 旅

By Alfreda Ip

講到對神的信心,必須同時提到順服的重要;信 心與順服相連,猶如餐桌上的鹽粒和黑椒粒,雖然各 有其獨特味道,但只有連在一起時,我們與神的關係 才會變得無比親密。順服是信心的結果,當順服出 現,信心就增強,簡言之,這是一種相輔相成的現 象,如同滾雪球般加強我們對神的經歷和認識。 從2006年開始,我見證了活現事工的發展,使我 更認識以信心為本福音機構的真正意義。非牟利組 織,全憑籌款來維持開支,去年我亦曾以同樣信心籌 款的方式來從事中國大陸的福音工作,寫信要求贊助 時,起初我感到甚是為難,我向來自己賺錢養活自 己,自給自足,現在需要學習謙卑捨己,單純倚靠豐 富供應的神,尤其在美國正面臨經濟衰退的當下,許 多人正遭遇或害怕遇上財務損失,如果人們仍能將信 心與錢財連於天上,神一定樂於祝福:「你若聽從 耶和華你神的話,這以下的福必追隨你,臨到你身 上。」( 申命記28:2 ) 當我放下驕傲,踏出順服的第

Initially, I was hesitant to write my support letter because it required me to humble myself and acknowledge my need to others. I had always considered myself quite financially self-sufficient. The lesson I learned here was to solely trust in the abundance and richness of God instead of relying on my capabilities and reputation.

一步,去尋找事工上的信心伙伴,竟然在短短一個月之 內,贊助款項已超過所求。一方面我感謝支助者的慷慨 解囊,但最終看見,這是聖靈在感動人心,正如著名宣 教士戴特生所說:神以衪的方法來完成衪的工作,且必 定不缺神的供應。

This matter of faith in God is especially relevant as America faces a recession. There are many who have lost their sense of security and peace due to financial loss or the fear of it. If only we would place our trust where it belongs, God is eager to bless and prosper us. “All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 28:2)

當抵達宣教工場,信心的功課變得無比實在:我要 離開所有熟悉的人事物,無依無靠地抓住神的應許往 前。有一次在鄉下訪問一班孤兒院的中學生,一位十六 歲女孩說到她病中的祖父,哭了。祖父只有六十多歲, 但已經相當蒼老,他要耕種一小塊土地,供應全家的生 活,一年約掙美金二百元。因著重病,已無法下田耕 作,且因地處偏僻,醫療設備落後,我們難以提供什麼 實質援助,只有告訴她倚靠神可望神跡,並與她一同為 祖父代禱。兩個月之後,我們的宣教隊竟出乎意外地跋 涉長途,到她祖父的鄉下,那是我上山以來走得最辛苦 的一次,當見到那位老人家時,發現原來信實可靠的天 父已聽了禱告,顯現神跡,在無醫缺藥之下,他竟然身 體復原,可以再次下田了。

Indeed, as soon as I put aside my pride and took the first step of obedience of asking for partners to participate in my mission, my fundraising goal was exceeded in merely one month. While I am thankful to my supporters for their generosity, ultimately it was God who moved their hearts as He intended to provide for me from the beginning. As well-known missionary Hudson Taylor once said, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” The lesson of faith became even more apparent when I arrived on the mission field. All the comforts and familiarity of home were removed. There was no choice but to trust in God’s promises. One time we were in the countryside visiting orphaned high school students. A 16 year-old girl told us in tears of her grandfather who fell ill. He was a frail old man in his 60’s but as the primary provider for the family, he tirelessly farmed a small piece of land, which yielded a meager income of about $200 a year. We learned that grandpa’s health condition prevented him from working. Since they lived in a remote mountainous region, medical care was not immediately accessible. We could not offer much tangible assistance other than telling her about our God of miracles and praying with her in faith. Two months later, under some unexpected circumstances, our team traveled the great distance to visit this family. It turned out to be one of the most physically demanding hikes I had taken, but many blessings flowed out of our obedience to this specific task. Much to our amazement, our faithful Father had already answered our prayers for the grandpa. Without the help of doctors or medicine, grandpa had recovered to a point where he was able to tend to the field again. This amazing testimony reminded me of James 5:15 “And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.” In light of this incident and other opportunities God gave, I shared about Jesus with the student and she readily made the decision to believe in Him. This was just one example of how the Lord graciously added to my measure of faith as I tried to follow His lead. Sometimes, all it takes is a willingness to set aside our own agendas, to quiet the reasoning in our heads, and to tread upon the road less traveled. Faith is not an abstract concept to be grasped, but an evolving experience to be lived out. “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” (James 2:26) This verse indicates that we cannot live our lives under the pretense of the Christian brand and avoid the essence of our beliefs with obedience. “And without faith it is impossible to please God…” (Hebrews 11:6a) Whether at home or abroad, in mundane routine or extraordinary encounters, may we all search out ways to please God with our faith and to prove our obedience to Him by our actions.

如同雅各書五章十五節所說:「出於信心的祈禱, 要救那病人,主必叫他起來…。」那女孩親眼見到神的 大能,決志信主了。 這只是其中一例,當我跟隨衪帶領,主就擴充我信 心的度量。有時,要放下原先的計劃,放下一切的理 由,走一條從沒走過的路。 信心不是抽象概念,是生活中的實踐。「身體沒有 靈魂是死的,信心沒有行為也是死的。(雅各書2:26), 這經節說明我們要活出信仰的實際,不是光掛一個基 督徒招牌而已:「人非有信,就不能得神的喜悅…。」 (希伯來書11:6上),無論在家或在外,日常生活或特別 遭遇,有信心,且要以順服的行動來配合,才能討主喜 悅。

Alfreda Ip graduated from Biola University with a Bachelor Degree in Psychology with a minor in Communications and Biblical studies, received her Master Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Southern California, and has been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist since 2007. Her experiences include counseling troubled children/teens, vocational counseling to adults with schizophrenia, and serving in the mission field in China. Alfreda has been volunteering with Presence Ministry since 2006 in the area of youth leader training and curriculum development. She actively serves in her church with young people from mainland China. Alfreda Ip 畢業於 Biola University 心理系,在 USC 修 得婚姻家庭諮商碩士學位,並於2007取得婚姻家庭諮商執 照。她在孩童和青少年輔導、精神分裂患者就業輔導上有 豐富的經驗,並曾經到中國宣教一年。Alfreda自2006開 始,在活現擔任義工,參與青少年領袖訓練及課程編排。 她也在教會中積極關心中國大陸來的青年事工。

活現婚姻成長營 靈程伴侶的塑造 從相遇相知,同心同行,到….「靈程伴侶」 豈非是每對基督徒夫婦對婚姻生活的憧憬! 活現誠邀你倆一起共渡一個週末,將理想化為現實! 講員:

葉顏瑋茵女士 內容:有效的聆聽及溝通技巧

07/17/2009(週五)7:00pm ~ 07/19/2009(週日) 4:00pm 對象:年輕夫妻 (名額僅限八對夫妻) 語言:粵語 地點:Marquis Villas Resort 140 South Calle Encilia, Palm Springs, CA 92262 Phone: 760-322-2263 • Fax: 760-322-0515








報名費:每對夫婦 $180


住宿費:每對夫婦 $215(費用包括三天兩夜及稅金)

**渡假村原價 $367.25,58% off **

總費用:每對夫婦$395(支票抬頭請寫 “Presence”) 報名:活現事工 909-595-4007 or 20651 Golden Springs Dr., #104, Walnut, CA 91789

Effective Parenting for the 21st Century 當個廿一世紀 To Help Parents be Aware of the Needs of Raising Children in America Nowadays 幫助父母了解在美國成長的孩子的需要 Penal session • 座談會題目

Dates • 日期

Understanding Our Next Generation 了解我們的下一代


Testimony • 過來人分享

Saturday • 週六

Sarah Yang – Recovering from Sexual Brokenness 揚莎拉 – 走出性綑綁

Time • 時間

9:00am – 3:00pm

Fee 費用 $55 -

Family discount (one couple plus children in the same household). Other details please contact Presence Office

Location • 地點

First Chinese Baptist Church-Walnut 1555 Fairway Dr, Walnut, CA 91789

Registration 報名:Presence Office 909595-4007 or email:

Target group

Workshop Titles


Assertive training for our children 家長如何幫孩子提高自信心 Transitioning children from pre-school to school age 家長如何預備孩子上小學 How to raise smart & healthy kids Raising and helping children with ADHD Parenting children in the age of internet Keeping our teenage kids in church

Language 國、 粵語


Age 6-8

How to build up EQ (I) & (II) 如何提高情緒智商 (I) 和 (II)


Age 9-11

How to build up EQ; Assertive Training 如何提高情緒智商、自信心訓練


Middle & High schoolers

Sexual Identity, Communication, Peer pressure 性別認同、溝通技巧、同儕壓力


Sponsors • 主辦單位

First Chinese Baptist Church of Walnut 核桃市第一華人浸信會 • Presence Ministry 活現事工


親子教育 CD 套裝


Panel Discussion DVD:

• •

Protecting Our Children from the Moral Crisis in Public Schools

幫助孩子建立自尊心 處理難題的步驟

講員: 葉顏瑋茵女士 BTh., MA, MFT 資深美國加州婚姻家庭治療師 (

How do we guide our children, minister to our youth, and respond to the culture of moral decline in the public schools? Watch this discussion of our panel of experts and gain insights for your family and ministries.


Panel Guest Speakers: Eric Huang / Vice Principle of LAUSD Heidi Gallegos / Rowland USD Board Member Robert Tyler / General Counsel of Advocates for Faith and Freedom Ron Prentice / CEO of California Family Council Chairman of


父母與青少年子女溝通之難,難在? Clinical Training DVD and Power Point File:


Pastoral Care for People with Gender Issues: Theory and Practice

講員:黃偉康博士(臨床心理學家) * 粵語製作

Includes Ministering to Bisexuals & Transsexuals Speaker: Melvin Wong Licensed Clinical Psychologist, California Former Attending Psychologist, San Francisco General Hospital Language: English translated to Mandarin

性別輔導的理論與實務 內容包括雙性戀和變性人士的輔導事工 講員:黃偉康博士(臨床心理學家) 英語主講,國語翻譯

Pastor’s Legal Seminar DVD

Navigating Land Mines: Marriage; Sexual Identity; and Employment in the Church and Non-Profits Speakers: Robert Tyler / General Counsel of Advocates for Faith and Freedom Ron Prentice / CEO of California Family Council Chairman of

Church, Stand Up As Salt And Light! Biblical Response to Social Challenges Today By Dr. Bill Tam

教會興起作光鹽 ! 教會對今曰社會潮流的回應輿貢獻 譯克成 著

Calendar for Presence Ministry 活現事工行事曆 May to October 2009 二零零九年五月至十月 DATE 日期

5 / 6-7 5 / 22

LocatioN 地點

UC Riverside 加州河濱大學 Mandarin Baptist Church, Arcadia 培城國語浸信會

EvenT 活動

Speakers 講員

UC Riverside Awaken and Revival Meeting 加州河濱大學復興大會

Sarah Yang 揚莎拉

Youth Fellowship Seminar: Dealing with Peer Pressure 青少年團契講座:處理同儕壓力

Will Chan

Pastor’s Legal Seminar

5 / 28

Garfield Worship Center Mandarin Baptist Church of LA 洛杉磯國語浸信會


Robert Tyler, Ron Prentice

5 / 29

Mandarin Baptist Church, Arcadia 培城國語浸信會

Youth Fellowship Seminar: Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes 青少年團契講座:從神的眼光看自己

Jenny Lee


Mandarin Baptist Church, Arcadia 培城國語浸信會

Youth Fellowship Seminar: Modesty in a Sexualize Culture 青少年團契講座:在性開放的社會中談聖潔


Chinese United Methodist Church 衛理公會教會

Parenting Class: Helping Kids Build Up SelfEsteem 親子講座:幫助孩子建立自尊心

6 / 21

Chinese United Methodist Church 衛理公會教會

Sunday sermon: Father’s Blessing 主日講道:父親的祝福

7 / 11

Monterey Park Chinese Baptist Church 慕道園華人浸信會

Parenting Class: Early Childhood Development 親子講座:兒童發展

7 / 17-19

Marquis Villas Resort

Presence Marriage Camp – Becoming Spiritual Soul Mate in Marriage 活現婚姻成長營 – 靈程伴侶的塑造

7 / 25

First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena 帕巿第一宣聖會

Summer Camp: Success and Failure 夏令營:成敗得失

8/29 / 20

First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena 帕巿第一宣聖會

Sunday School: Personal Bias in Faith and Relationships 主日學:偏見與信仰和人際互動

10 / 17

FCBC - Walnut 第一華人浸信會核桃市

Family Conference: Effective Parenting for the 21st Century 家庭聯合講座:當個二十一世紀出色的父母

Katy Lee, David Phan

non-profit org us postage


walnut,ca permit no.120

Presence Ministry 20651 Golden Springs Dr., #104, Walnut, CA 91789

Change Service Requested 909.595.4007

Prayer request: 1. Pray that Christian marriages can be positive examples in the culture of divorce and same-sex “marriage”. 2. Pray for the Church to stand strong in maintaining Biblical values in the midst of cultural moral decline. 3. Pray that our children and youth will receive a strong foundation of God’s Word to counter what they hear from the culture.

代禱事項: 1. 祈求基督徒的婚姻能在離異和 同性結婚的文化中成為正面的 例子。 2. 祈求教會能在道德腐敗的文化 中堅持聖經的價值觀。 3. 祈求我們的兒童和青少年能以 神的話為根基,來抵抗世俗的 文化。

Presence Ministry Financial Need 活現事工財政需要

Office Expenses DVD/CD Duplicator


Printer and Toner


2 Audio Recorders


2 Collect Boxes


Ministries Expenses UC Riverside Revival


Pastor’s Legal Seminar


Newsletter (June 09)


若您願意支持活現事工在 設備和培訓上的需要,請 把支票或信用卡授權表寄 給我們,

Presence Ministry Financial Report 活現事工財政報告

01/01/2009 - 04/30/2009

Income 收入

Expense 支出

$ 22,912.09

$ 22,562.69

2004 - 04/30/2009

Accumulated Deficit 總赤字 -$11,747.35

表格可在產品訂購單上 找到。支票抬頭請寫 “Presence” 。

If you desire to support Presence in equipping these ministries, please attach your check or credit card authorization form and mail it back to us. Please find the form at Presence Order Form. All checks payable to “Presence”.

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