JCC Chicago Launch Book 2014

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it starts with an



Judges at Shark Tank!

PresenTense welcome

Dear friends,

Thank you for joining us on this incredible night. Every spring across the globe we open our doors to engage the wider community around the energy, passion and creativity exhibited by our fellows and volunteers. Launch Night is an interactive community expo where PresenTense Fellows share their ventures and visions for a more vibrant Jewish future. Under the skillful stewardship of our partner, JCC PresenTense Chicago, 15 Jewish social innovators have developed and tested their vision, leveraged local resources and connected with relevant institutions to drive change. It takes a village to support a social innovator, and we are endlessly grateful to the wonderful coaches, mentors, trainers, experts and partners who have lent their support. Our partnership with JCC PresenTense Chicago is part of PresenTense’s signature Community Entrepreneurship Partnership platform. Since 2007, PresenTense has collaborated with organizations in 16 cities worldwide to develop this intensive accelerator, training 630 innovators in business skills and equipping them with entrepreneurial tools and frameworks to carry out their visions for social change. Together with the volunteers supporting

the fellows, PresenTense has directly engaged over 1,500 changemakers in Jewish social entrepreneurship, creating an ecosystem of inspired leaders and innovative organizations working to build a reinvigorated Jewish community. Our change-makers, in turn, have touched their networks with their ventures, creating exponential engagement. This year our PresenTense network charted new territory, more deeply engaging intrapreneurs – professionals within our institutions, broadening our reach to the greater social entrepreneurship market, reverse-engineering applications to address communal needs, and adding open community roundtables, Shark Tanks, and master classes. Thank you for taking part in the inspiring work JCC PresenTense Chicago and PresenTense are pursuing to create vibrant Jewish life. We are thrilled that you have come to show support to our fellows and to experience their incredible ventures firsthand. We look forward to together transforming the Chicago Jewish community, Jewish communities worldwide, and society at large. Naomi Korb Weiss CEO, PresenTense Group

Introduction Welcome to our 3rd JCC PresenTense Chicago Launch Night. Tonight is a celebration of innovation and social entrepreneurship. JCC PresenTense Chicago engages Jewish young adults in the Chicagoland area around a communal goal and has provided them with an avenue to mend the world through ventures that are creating on-the-ground change. We offer a competitive six month fellowship to young social innovators who wish to develop their socially responsible ideas into sustainable businesses. Run primarily by volunteers, this program gives individuals in the Jewish community an opportunity to offer their passion and talent towards building and impacting our community. Building a social venture can be an intensive, bold and often daunting undertaking. This year’s 15 fellows surpassed our expectations. As a 2012 Fellow and now JCC PresenTense Manager, I have seen firsthand the impact this fellowship has. I want to sincerely

thank our PresenTense community of volunteers, mentors, coaches, Advisory Board Team members and Expert Presenters for your time and dedication. Since JCC PresenTense began in Chicago, we have had over 1,000 individuals involved in our programming and we are growing! We began the fellowship with an Admissions Team who conducted speed interviewing, selected this year’s cohort and then welcomed them with a Kick-Off Event. In January, our six month fellowship began. The fellows attended seminars and roundtables, worked in clusters, participated in two Shark Tank events to compete for micro-grants and completed monthly milestones to reach where we are today. We welcome you to join us in hearing from our fellows and experiencing their ventures firsthand. We thank you for your dedication to creating a vibrant Jewish life in Chicago. Becky Adelberg, JCC PresenTense Chicago Manager

Launch Book Key VENTURE STAGES Part of the JCC PresenTense Chicago experience is having a diverse cohort of entrepreneurs who are at varying stages of their venture development. We believe having this type of diversity leads to greater creativity and enriched learning. Idea Stage

Using PresenTense tools and methodologies, fellows identify communal and social problems, refine their visions and explore potential solutions by creating business models and prototypes.

Early Stage

Fellows secure initial stakeholders, revise draft budgets and operations plans and work to secure funding with a goal of launching within one year.

Growth Stage

Fellows secure enhanced funding, evaluate earlier prototypes and business models, and look to replicate their ventures in untapped markets.

Advanced Stage

With fully operational ventures, fellows focus on developing new partnerships and market opportunities that expand and strengthen their core mission. 2014 PresenTenseLA Fellows

Sarah Abbott You & Me: Adult Child Programming gojcc.org/early-childhood/programs | FB: HellerJCCEarlyChildhood Coach: Alyssa Latala; Mentors: Laurie Goldberg, Ami Koenig Sarah has been working in early childhood for 14 years, and at the Chicago JCC for the past seven years. Over the course of that time she has witnessed the need for community among new parents. You & Me: Adult Child Programming provides young families with opportunities to connect with other families and engage as a community. Through opening our doors and providing adult child classes, family workshops, and open gym play, the JCC becomes a place of community for new parents. Target Audience: Jewish and interfaith families with children 0-5 years of age. Venture Achievements: Since beginning in November we have welcomed 163 families to Open Gym, classes and workshops.

“I hope to change the image of the Heller JCC from that of a preschool and child care facility, to that of a community center where families come to connect Early with one another.�

Upcoming Milestones: Families returning again and again to this community, finding a place that provides what is needed.

Miriam Ament No Shame on U noshameonu.com | @NoShameOnU | FB: NoShameOnU Coaches: Joshua Wolkin, Elliot Weis; Mentor: Jare Akchin Miriam has a B.A, in American History from Barnard College, Columbia University and an M.A. in Organizational Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She lives in Chicago with her husband, musician David Forman. No Shame on U: Miriam’s goal with her venture is to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health issues and raise mental health awareness so no one is ashamed to get help, no one feels alone, family members and friends know how to provide support, and lives are saved. Through her venture, she will reach out to Hillels, community centers, synagogues and more to end stigma and change lives. Target Audience: Teenagers, college students, adults, friends/families of loved ones with mental health issues. Venture Achievements: Miriam discussed collaborations with organizations, including Chicago Bear wide-receiver’s – The Brandon Marshall Foundation. Upcoming Milestones: Miriam met with several mental health organizations regarding potential projects. In addition, after mentioning her venture at city wide events, Miriam has been approached by high profile consultants to help develop programming.

“Every family in America is touched by mental health issues, yet two out of every three people who need help do not seek treatment. Normalizing the discussion of mental Early health will end stigma and change lives.”

Cassandra Dara-Abrams Brave and Barefoot Dance Troupe braveandbarefoot.com | @bravedance Coach: Aaron Goltz; Mentor: David Chack Cassandra Dara-Abrams has the dedication and passion for dance, wellness, and community development. She teaches people of all ages and is constantly inspired by and curious about the world around her and the world within her. Brave and Barefoot Dance Troupe is a new Chicago women’s dance troupe dedicated to dance for personal, creative, and community development; physical and healthy living; and women’s empowerment. Our vision is to offer meaningful performances and workshops, specifically for young women, to share and teach healthy body image and creativity. We will soon establish two new dance troupes for young adolescent women and older women. Target Audience: Women ages 20-40. Future vision: young women 11 to 18 and older women, 40s and up.

“I have trust and faith that the women involved in the Dance Troupe will become more joyous living in their own bodies. Growth Many women doubt their own beauty and strength. I seek to change this.”

Venture Achievements: Founded with eight members in September 2013; Two new members joined in January 2014; Silent auction and debut of threepiece repertoire, “Growing Into Being.” Upcoming Milestones: June, August, September, and October Performances! New dance troupe for young women to begin in the Fall.

Laurie Grauer GESHER Chicago gesherchicago.org | @GESHERchicago | FB: GesherChicago Coaches: Caryn Fields, Joey Wasserman Mentor: Marlene Dodinval Laurie is a Chicago native and un-apologetic White Sox fan. Professionally, she is a religious studies teacher and a case manager for Ezra Multi-Service Center. Personally, she is an activist who proudly embraces her Jewish Queer identity and works tirelessly to help make the Chicago Jewish Community a stronger and more inclusive space. Since 2010, Gesher Chicago has fashioned a welcoming community where Chicago Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Jews and allies can gather, regardless of religious affiliation. Through organizing intimate gatherings, social outings, concerts, and more, our members are able to make professional connections and forge new friendships. Target Audience: LGBTQ Jews and allies, between the ages of 20-50 somethings living in the Chicagoland area. Venture Achievements: Organized and cosponsored over 30 events and received a $2,500 JCC PreseTense grant. Upcoming Milestones: Launching a survey of the Chicago Jewish LGBTQ community and becoming a 501c3.

“Both the Jewish community and the Queer community survive and thrive because of a sense of communal responsibility to one another. Yet, for many Queer Jews, it is not always easy to connect to these two parts of their Growth identities. Gesher exists to bridge this gap.�

Assaf Grumberg Aroma in Chicago Coach: Alex Brickner; Mentor: Karen Barak Assaf Grumberg is an Israeli living in Chicago for the past two years. He has several years of experience in the restaurant world and a few years of military service as well. Today he works for a nonprofit pro-Israel organization called StandWithUs. Aroma in Chicago: In the past decade Aroma has become synonymous with Israel. Aroma is for everyone who wants a European coffee experience mixed with a Middle Eastern atmosphere. It will be a meeting place for Israelis missing the flavors and atmosphere of Israel and for everyone who’s looking for a great cup of coffee whenever they come in. Target Audience: People who consider coffee an experience and dedicated to Israelis looking for a taste of Israel.

“Aside from bringing good coffee to Chicago, I also wish to connect the city’s Israeli and Jewish American communities. There aren’t many social-commercial meeting places this community Idea considers its own.”

Venture Achievements: We have created a relationship with the franchise and are taking the steps to bring it to Chicago. Upcoming Milestones: In one year I hope to have an established and running branch of Aroma in Chicago and ready to expand.

Aimee Halstuk Just Give Me A Chance (JGMC) jgmc.org Coaches: Benjamin Davidson, Teri Levich; Mentor: Michelle Friedman Aimee is a dynamic leader. The accomplishment she is most proud of is becoming the founder of Just Give Me A Chance. From the time she was six years old she has been determined to create an organization for kids with physical differences to have fun and relate to one another. Just Give Me A Chance provides a space filled with arts and crafts, cooking, games, laughter, singing and much more. JGMC creates a community where children feel comfortable sharing what it is like to have a movement difference. A young girl from the program states,” It is easier for me to tell my friends at JGMC what it feels like to have a disability because they understand how I feel.” Target Audience: Children with physical disabilities. Venture Achievements: Completed four rounds of JGMC; Published article in JUF News. Upcoming Milestones: Just Give Me A Chance will be running classes throughout Chicago (potentially as a 501c3).

“I hope to give children with physical disabilities a space to have fun and just be a kid. I teach them every individual has wonEarly derful gifts to contribute to others.”

Alex Isaacson Separating Together aisaacson4.wix.com/pdsupport Coach: Rabbi Menachem Cohen; Mentor: Jessica Kaz Alex is an ambitious, hard-working husband and father filled to the brim with both ideas for change, and a desire to implement change. He is a loyal, forthcoming person who believes one idea can affect many people positively, so long as it is well thought out and planned for. He is a product of three divorces in his childhood and wishes to use those experiences to help others. Separating Together helps people cope with and move through the divorce process by matching divorcees with somebody that has already been through a divorce at the same point in their lives as them. Target Audience: Orthodox Jewish Community of Chicago. Venture Achievements: Divorce program leaders are working with me to consult on how to best serve the community.

“I want to change people’s perception that a Jewish divorce is wrong or bad. Sometimes things just don’t work out and I want to be there for people Idea when it doesn’t.”

Upcoming Milestones: Goal to have program close to up and running within a year to 18 months.

Beth Jacobson EsteemEngine Bjacobson@gojcc.org | EsteemEngine1@gmail.com Coach: Leaht Feldman; Mentor: Marci Koblenz Beth is the proud mother of two teenage sons, a business professional, an athletic enthusiast and a student of spiritual growth. She is passionate about making a positive difference in people’s lives and brings her experiences and inspiration from her personal journey to this initiative. EsteemEngine is a network of services and programs for Jewish children ages 5-15 who are siblings of children with developmental, emotional or socially based special needs. This “resource and referral” platform includes personal consulting to meet the needs of each family’s situation. It offers time with parents and peer-siblings through workshops, programs, services and recreational pursuits. Target Audience: Families with a special needs child and one typically developing sibling. Venture Achievements: Cultivated working relationships with sibling and special needs industry experts. Upcoming Milestones: Networking and collaborating with individuals and organizations in the community. Launch website and transact business within 16 months.

“All children in special needs families matter and deserve support to become their personal best.”


Marnie Kalfen JCC Chicago’s Bagel Run- 5k run/walk gojcc.org Coach: James Johnson; Mentor: Kim Miller Marnie Kalfen uses her innate skills of relationship building and genuine compassion in her role as the Program Coordinator for the Department of Children and Family Engagement at JCC Chicago to promote new and existing programs. With a Masters in Counseling, and a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, her focus has been to consistently listen to the needs of participants while engaging them in the services available. JCC Chicago’s Bagel Run, a 5K run/walk will help enrich lives and build community. Runners will feel healthier while training for the run, culminating in a sense of accomplishment and volunteers will give back to the Jewish community, deepening their connection to Judaism. Ultimately, JCC Chicago will gain more exposure within the community as we rebrand in a healthier way. Target Audience: Runners, walkers, and volunteers in the Chicagoland area.

“JCC Chicago’s Bagel Run will show the Chicagoland area that we focus on wellness and community building. Events are more fun when each participant Idea shares a common goal.”

Venture Achievements: Grant achieved, support from JCC staff and a general buzz within the community. Upcoming Milestones: Creating sponsorship packets and marketing opportunities as we schlep to the finish line!

Jessica Katz Safe Haven Network Coach: Amy Pappas; Mentor: Jeremy Forman Jessica Katz is a 2011 graduate of The Catholic University of America – Columbus School of Law and a licensed Illinois attorney. Jessica has dedicated her skills and expertise to developing resources for victims of domestic violence and their pets. The Safe Haven Network is the only organization in Chicago dedicated to facilitating safe shelter for the pets of domestic violence victims. Because many victims of domestic violence will not leave a pet behind to seek shelter for herself, the Network uses partnerships with animal shelters to find temporary boarding options that give victims the peace of mind that their pets are safe, and allows them to reunite with their pets after their own stay in a domestic violence shelter. Target Audience: Domestic violence victims and people who help them (advocates, social workers, health care, etc.) Venture Achievements: Two sets of victims have used the referral program and reunited to build a safe life together. Upcoming Milestones: We are making the referral application process more efficient and plan to add more foster homes to our network.

“The Safe Haven Network provides options for the many domestic violence victims who refuse to leave their pets behind, encouraging them to seek help and safety for their families Early and themselves.�

Alexey Kudashev Joyful Interior Design Coach: Donna Rockin; Mentors: Jared Olian and Brad Zerman Alexey is a marketing professional who is interested in the arts and recently bought a condo. Since he does not own a TV, he still does not know where his sofa should go. Joyful Interior Design provides affordable design advice for owned homes or rentals of any size. The venture contracts a force of young interior designers (recent design degree graduates or professionals looking for part-time work), and empowers them with unified branding/marketing, rating/review and on-line scheduling/bill payment. Client gets a step-bystep plan that they can implement themselves, or as an up-sell venture can do it for them. Target Audience: Young professionals interested in making their living space better.

“This is my 2nd idea that is 180 degrees different from my original idea, a company installing and servicing big metal mail boxes for packages. I guess this makes me a true entrepreneur and I Idea am excited for this new challenge!�

Venture Achievements: Lined up a few people interested in getting a test run of interior design advice. Upcoming Milestones: Earning profits, and operating in three cities in addition to Chicago.

Elisa Lupovitch Keter Leadership Institute Coach: Lisa Frank; Mentors: Judy Kupchan, Marshall Kupchan Elisa is a wife, mother of four, and an integral part of her Jewish community. Judaism and Israel have always been a part of her life. Either through work at the Israeli Consulate, Jewish Federation or JCC, or volunteering in the local day schools and her synagogue, Judaism informs everything she does. Keter Leadership Institute is a 4 year supplemental program for Jewish 9th-12th graders in public school. The focus is give Jewish teens, regardless of background or financial means, the opportunity to take a leadership role in the future of Jewish Chicago. They will study texts, history, Zionism, philanthropy and networking. By the end of four years, students will have the tools to advocate on campus and navigate Judaism on their own terms. Target Audience: The target market is the 14,000 Jewish students in 9-12th grade in public school in Chicago. Venture Achievements: Met with many leaders, educators, parents and students to get feedback on the initiative. Upcoming Milestones: In one year, hope to have hired staff to develop curriculum and programming.

“Our goal is to give each student a community to belong to, in a setting that inspires and elevates their sense of themselves and their relationship to Judaism and Israel. By the end of the four years, our graduates will be able to answer the question,” Who am I, where Idea am I from and where am I going ?”

Devorah Richards Continuum Theater @continuumoves, @continuumlearns | FB: continuumtheater Coach: Martin Levine; Mentors: Amy Frankel, Wendy Nissen Devorah Richards, Executive Director and co-founder of Continuum Theater, has a Master’s degree in Theater from the University of Michigan, professional acting experience in Chicago, over 20 years of experience leading teams in the design and construction of trade show exhibits, and a solid educational foundation in Jewish studies. Devorah works to cultivate the Jewish performing arts to ensure cultural continuity and invigorate community. Continuum Theater – The Chicagoland home for Jewish performing arts was launched to engage audiences with a wide range of plays and arts experiences that enhance an understanding of the heritage, history and the diverse viewpoints and experiences of the Jewish people. It serves Jewish continuity by energizing our evolving culture and building community around a love for Jewish theater, the arts and Jewish learning.

“Our organization is committed to partnerships and collaborations that produce superior arts experiences and support our community’s needs for cultural Early programming.”

Target Audience: Jewish audiences across the lifespan and across all levels of affiliation. Venture Achievements: February 2014 – a Jewish “Battle of the Bands”; March 2014 – ”The Jewish Play Writing Contest. Upcoming Milestones: Continuum Theater hopes to broaden its support and volunteer base to expand programming.

Keri Rosenbloom LiveIt.WorkIt: Putting Passion to Work Coach: Shalisha Erenberg; Mentor: Michael Finkelman Consultant, mommy, wife, home-maker: these are some of the current roles Keri fills. She wants to make a positive and meaningful impact on everyone she meets. Keri is full of ideas and passion to make the world a better place. LiveItWorkIt is a cross between Match.com (or JDate) & Monster.com, with live services for both employers and job seekers. LiveItWorkIt will create a source where employers can find untapped talent, identify attractive and flexible opportunities that will inspire those who have opted out to want to opt back in and change the traditional perception of the workforce and its constraints, one match at a time. We will be mediators and facilitators, offering concierge service, with a search and matching platform. Target Audience: Employers needing talent, potential employees who have ‘opted-out’. Venture Achievements: Business plan developed; name and logo designed; pitch presentation performed; gathering momentum. Upcoming Milestones: Build momentum, successful launch, satisfied customers, snowballing referrals, working technical platform.

“My inspiration for this venture are people who love what they do; people who want to do more; people who feel they have so much to offer and people discussing their pasIdea sions and longing to pursue them”.

Wendy Singer JCC Chavayah Overnight Camp for Girls gojcc.org/chavayah | @whendee5130 | FB: chavayah Coach: Andy Rudik; Mentors: Stefan Todasik, Becky Altman Wendy Singer has a passion for camping and brings her energy and enthusiasm to JCC Chavayah Overnight Camp for Girls, creating, a caring, cooperative camp environment. She has a Masters degree in Nonprofit Management and is also the Children’s and Day Camp Director at the Bernard Horwich JCC in Chicago. JCC Chavayah Overnight Camp has become the fastest growing overnight camp program in the Midwest. Designed for Orthodox Jewish girls, grades 5-11, the camp for girls fills a need for families seeking a diverse program of fun, excitement and ruach balanced with religious observance. Initially offered as an add-on to day camp, this program has grown to serve girls from the Chicago area as well as other Orthodox communities around the nation. Target Audience: Traditional Jewish Orthodox girls grades 5-11. Venture Achievements: 2014 JCC Association Zahav Award of Programmatic Excellence; 2014 JCC PresenTense Shark Tank


“It has been an incredible experience seeing JCC Chavayah Overnight camp for girls grow!”

Upcoming Milestones: This time next year, enrollment of 90+ campers from all over the United States.

Fellows meet Mentors and Coaches for the first time.

Social Business Model & Prototype Team Exercise.

Advisory Board & Advisory Team The Advisory Board and Advisory Team are the “voice” of the fellowship, working closely with the Coordinator to set the vision and direction of the program on behalf of the community. Advisory Board and Team Members recruit and admit fellows, and match the fellows with volunteer coaches and mentors. Moreover, they are the Fellows’ advocates and connectors in the larger community. The Advisory Board and Advisory Team are vital to the success of the fellowship and integral to PresenTense’s model of community-based entrepreneurship.

2014 Advisory Board and Advisory Team: Karen Barak, Scott Beslow, Marc Blumenthal, Aaron Bowen-Shinder, Yael Brunwasser, David Chack, Jeremy Forman, Amy Frankel, Aaron Goltz, Shaily Hakimian, Rabbi Josh Marder, Aaron Midler, Kim Miller, Jared Olian, Elliot Weis, Brad Zerman

“Meeting so many young people in our community who want to invest in fostering social change has been inspiring and offers me great hope for the future. I am proud to be a part of the network of entrepreneurs and professionals who are helping to turn these interesting and socially responsible ideas into sustainable ventures.” - Kim Miller, Advisory Board Member

MENTORS Mentors provide high-level support and advice to fellows. Fellows meet monthly with mentors to discuss big-picture challenges, professional aspirations and their ultimate vision for the community. As seasoned professionals from a variety of fields, and stakeholders in the Jewish community, mentors provide deep and valuable insight to fellows as they develop their ventures and themselves.

2014 Mentors: Jare Akchin, Becky Altman, Karen Barak, David Chack, Marlene Dodinval, Michael Finkelman, Jeremy Forman, Amy Frankel, Michelle Friedman, Laurie Goldberg, Jessica Kaz, Marci Koblenz, Ami Koenig, Judy Kupchan, Marshall Kupchan, Kim Miller, Wendy Nissen, Stefan Todsik, Jared Olian, Brad Zerman

Watching and participating as budding entrepreneurs bring their ideas to fruition as well as gain confidence with the process and themselves is immensely fulfilling. A wonderful group of people that you can sense will pay it forward down the line as well. -Wendy Nissen, Mentor

COACHES Coaches provide hands-on, tactical support to fellows to help develop their ventures. Fellows meet regularly with their coaches to workshop their Venture Milestone assignments and discuss vision and strategy. As experienced professionals from a variety of sectors, coaches lend their expertise and skills to fellows and the program at large, creating a learning community that leverages diverse talent and knowledge in service of social innovation.

2014 Coaches: Alex Brickner, Rabbi Menachem Cohen, Benjamin Davidson, Shalisha Erenberg, Leaht Feldman, Caryn Fields, Lisa Frank, Aaron Goltz, James Johnson, Alyssa Latala, Teri Levich, Martin Levine, Amy Pappas, Andy Rudik, Donna Rockin, Joey Wasserman, Eliot Weis, Joshua Wolkin

“PresenTense allows us to share our own life experiences, values and views while creating and building a model involving these ideals. As a coach, my experience has been very enlightening and engaging. My fellow has been very open and honest and has allowed me to feel at ease in our partnership. I am very grateful for this experience and am proud of her involvement and excellent ideas. - Joshua Wolkin, Coach

The JCC PresenTense Chicago Fellowship is currently one of 17 PresenTense Fellowships in 14 cities around the world in 2014.

This network spans across three continents. 5 COUNTRIES






17 Communities

Boston Chicago Los angeles NYC (x2) Philadelphia Washington DC

Jerusalem (x3) Raanana Nazareth Haifa

Moscow St. Petersburg



The JCC PresenTense Women 2% Environment 6% Chicago Fellows are part of an international Tech 9% network of 176 Fellows working on 155 ventures in the Arts 11% following areas this Venture year: Topic Areas

The first PresenTense Fellowship was launched in 2007. Since then: Community Building 24%

630 Fellows 3,000+ volunteers 500,000+ people impacted globally

Other 12% Social Action 13%

579 ventures

Education 17%

JCC Chicago is proud to sponsor JCC PresenTense Chicago. This innovative program serves two goals: to engage young Jewish adults in Chicago around a communal goal and to provide them with an avenue to mend the world through social entrepreneurship. @PresenTenseChgo | facebook.com/PresenTenseChicago | badelberg@gojcc.org


PresenTense strengthens communities through social entrepreneurship and innovation. Through our CEP Fellowships, PTSchool Seminars, and local innovation Hubs, PresenTense fosters local involvement, empowers confident leaders, and positions communities as relevant places for social change. @presentense | facebook.com/presentense | contact@presentense.org


JCC Chicago is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a strong and vibrant Jewish life and community for generations to come. JCC is a partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation.

JCC PresenTense Chicago 5050 Church St. Skokie, Il. 60077 Coordinator: Becky Adelberg, badelberg@gojcc.org


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