Summer 2010 PTI Chair Investor Prospectus

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Investor ProsPectus Inve stor Prospectus

PresenTense Institute 2010

Presentense institute 2010

Named Chairs for Social Innovators

named chairs for social innovators

Fostering Innovation Fostering Innovation



The nurturing, yet demanding nature of the Institute, the ideas and backgrounds of the fellows, and the overall dedication to Judaism and Israel, make PresenTense a one of a kind program. Jodi Meyerowitz 2008 Ungerleider Chair for Student Activism Fellow

Sixteen sixteen Social social Entrepreneurs entrepreneurs Next summer, sixteen social entrepreneurs will gather in gather in Jerusalem from around the world, with the single mission single mission of inspiring the Jewish People to realize its collective its collective potential. Coming with ideas for scalable ventures in environment, education, community building, philanthropy, building, philanthropy, the arts, and social justice, these PresenTense Institute fellows will be trained for six-weeks by leading lights in business, hi-tech, nonprofit management, Jewish Community, and the arts. At the end of the six-week period, they will launch their ventures into the world. You, as an investor in the Jewish People’s future, have a chance to help make these entrepreneurs’ visions of a brighter future for Israel, the Jewish People, and the world come true. We invite you to pull up a chair and take a seat around the creative, innovative roundtable of the PresenTense Institute.


Process 1. Sponsor designates field or demographic of interest, naming the chair. 2. PresenTense and Sponsor work to identify entrepreneurs whose ideas have the potential to disrupt and change the field. If the sponsor is interested in promoting a project from within an existing organization, that organization may propose the individual it would like to lead the intrapreneurial project.

Investment Opportunity Each summer, the PresenTense Institute invites foundations, organizations, and communities to invest in PresenTense Institute Named Chairs, in order to sponsor innovation in the field that they most care about. These Named Chairs represent opportunities for sixteen leading social entrepreneurs from around the world to develop and launch their ventures at the PresenTense Institute in Jerusalem. During an intensive six-week period, PresenTense equips the sponsored entrepreneurs with the tools and ideas they need to realize the success of their projects. This entrepreneur leaves PresenTense poised to actualize the sponsors’s shared values, supported by PresenTense, and trained in the following areas: vision clarification, strategic assessment and planning, business model development, budgeting, board development, transmedia presentation and project planning, fundraising, and public speaking. A sponsor provides that chair’s highly publicized title and becomes a partner in advancing social entrepreneurship in general, as well as in their specific field. Sponsors get a chance to increase their return on investment in research and development in their field through developing a relationship with a new venture— increasing impact and gaining access to innovators, entrepreneurs, and future leaders.

3. PresenTense sorts applications and determines three finalists, presented for consideration of Sponsor. PresenTense and Sponsor agree on Finalist. 4. Fellow admitted to Institute, providing regular updates to Sponsor during course of program on progress of project and lessons learned. 5. Upon program completion, Sponsor can consider three offers to Fellow: a. Merge: If Fellow and project is of interest, and fellow is interested, adopt. b. Recruit: If Fellow is of interest, but project is not, hire fellow. c. Adapt: If project is of interest, but Fellow not, adopt project lessons. 6. Sponsor receives access to exclusive internal Institute assessment, reviewing progress made in methodologies and lessons learned. 7. Sponsor highlighted in Institute materials and highprofile showcase at the fellowship’s conclusion.

Why the Chair Works Enable dollars to go further Get higher returns to your organization and the field through reduced cost of program development. Try before you buy By seeing an individual and a project in action, make strategically sound decisions at a comfortable distance. Elite training Potential partners or employees can receive the highest caliber of training and are given access to an invaluable, far-reaching network.


Available Sponsorships Chair

Full Fellowship Sponsor

Fundamental unit of the Institute, this supports a fellow in a subject area of sponsor’s choice.

A full fellowship sponsorship will help PresenTense improve the overall quality of its pre-fellowship preparation, summer training, and post-summer venture development tracking, support, and assessment. This significant investment will serve as growth capital for PresenTense’s fulfillment of its mission to train the next generation of pioneers.

Cost of Chair $15,000 USD Payment breakdown $5,000 USD at designation of chair; $10,000 USD at determination of fellow filling the chair.

Chair Cluster Clusters support a group of fellowship positions around an area of importance such as education, environment, social justice, community organizing, and others. Cost of Cluster $60,000 USD

Cost of Fellowship Sponsor $240,000 USD Payment breakdown To be determined with sponsor. Each year the PresenTense fellowship becomes more selective, identifying leading innovators from a growing pool of applicants.

Payment breakdown $30,000 USD at the designation of the supported cluster, $30,000 USD at the filling of the fellowship positions.



The PresenTense Group is under fiscal sponsorship of a registered 501c3, and chair sponsorships are considered donations. 3

Ventures Launched

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15 2008

16 2009*

30 2010*

Applicants for Fellowship


Existing Named Chairs Josh and Rena Kopelman Chair in Online Community Organizing

UJA Federation of New York Chair in Organizational Greening

Barack Obama’s political campaign in the United States showed the world the power of online community organizing. This chair seeks a social entrepreneur who will develop and utilize communications technologies to do for the Jewish People what Obama did for the American People.

Communities and organizations around the world are taking steps to develop localized environmental initiatives and improve their carbon footprints. This chair supports an entrepreneur working on a scalable greening project that will help organizations and communities transform themselves for the sake of their local environment and the world.

Covenant Foundation Chair in Educational Technology As students spend more of their time online, the Jewish People needs to adapt its methods and modes of education to the new modes of communication that define the present Digital Age. This chair explores the usage of new communications technologies in their application for formal or informal education.

Sheldon and Anat Wipranik Chair in Israeli Civic Engagement

UJA Federation of New York Chair in Community Organizing The fundamentals of Community Organizing lie in mobilizing members of a community—those living in face-to-face relationships with one another—to act in the interest of change for the better. This chair explores new applications of community organizing theory to enrich the Jewish community and move elements of its community towards greater collective action.

Polls show that political and civic participation in Israel has been on a steady decline, with younger generations less likely to find a calling in public service within Israeli society. This chair supports new approaches to generate an ethic of civic obligation in Israel.

iCenter Chair in Israel Education

Pamela Applebaum Chair in Jewish Leadership

Pacific Northwest Ungerleider Chairs for Student Activism

An openness to change and innovation is a core need for the Jewish People to thrive and survive in these changing times. This chair supports an innovator who seeks to take leadership on an important issue facing Israel, the Jewish People, and the world.

Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation Chair in Jewish Learning Jewish tradition represents a rich base of ideas, resources, and inspiration that, engaged properly, has the potential to move and enliven the Jewish People today, and make a contribution to humanity at large. This chair aims to support an entrepreneur who undertakes innovative new ways to seriously engage with Jewish tradition and enhance understanding, appreciation, and actualization.

Responding to changing needs in Israel Education across the community, the iCenter seeks a fellow who will develop creative but practical methods for Israel Education for a youth oriented audience.

Students are on the front lines of the Jewish community’s future, dreaming up the new ideas and directions that will become all important in the years to come. This chair is aimed at providing access to best practices for venture launching to students in the activist Jewish community, specifically in the United States’ Pacific Northwest region.

UJA Federation of New York Chairs in Israeli Jewish Identity Dedicated to native Israeli activists seeking to build community around Jewish identity, these chairs look for new ways to build on the growing Israeli-Jewish consciousness emerging from the impact of Taglit and similar programs.


There’s never a bad time to invest in innovation. During times of high ambiguity, change and resource constraints, it’s actually a great time to innovate. To survive today and to set ourselves up to thrive in the future, our community needs to be supportive of new ways of thinking. Marcella Kanfer Rolnick 2009 Chair Investor

Timeline A PresenTense Named Chair is an excellent investment opportunity for foundations and organizations which seek to develop new capacity and increase the impact in their field. Mitigating risk and increasing impact, the sponsorship opportunity enables organizations and foundations to successfully start their organization on the path towards innovation and revolution—and ensure that their field will be transformed by individuals who have the training needed to succeed. By sponsoring a chair at the PresenTense Institute, foundations and organizations promote their local

Chair Designation Complete February ‘10

September ‘09 2010 Sponsored Chair Designation Opens 5

March ‘10 Fellow Selected

interest, as well as the global effort, and have the opportunity to advance their particular interests even further by developing a richer relationship with the sponsored innovator. By participating in the creation of a supportive community dedicated to innovation, the sponsor is given access to prime deal flow for talent and venture acquisition and adoption—further increasing the social return on investment possible. By investing in innovation, a sponsor invests in its own future—and the future of our People and the world as a whole. We invite you to invest in innovation today.

PresenTense Institute Launch June ‘10

July ‘10 Final event where projects are presented to the community

June ‘11 Regular updates from PresenTense on Fellowship progress

Fellow Testimonials Avi Bass PresenTense gave me vital tools (sessions on fundraising, building partnerships, proposal and grant writing), and introduced me to a support network of Jewish social entrepreneurs that would help me take my concept to the next level...Most importantly, PresenTense taught me that if you have faith, and keep working at it, it will happen.

Assael Romanelli At PresenTense I gained tools and support that enabled me to develop the venture I dreamed of. To be surrounded by young innovators from across the globe, who are working together to realize their potential, strengthened me immensely.

Erin Kopelow PresenTense exposed me to the current reality of 2.0 web technology, equipped me with the skills and tools to become a guerilla marketer and program manager, and introduced me to the PresenTense community—full of innovative, creative, and driven individuals. I have used every single piece of information that I was exposed to through PresenTense.

JT Waldman The PresenTense Institute is an intellectual and professional boot camp....The six-week experience afforded me access to a stellar network of people driven by their passions and skills. I leveraged the programming to refine and hone the vision of my project so that I could be better positioned for success.

Bradley Cohen PresenTense worked with me to focus and articulate my vision. It gave me the support, skills, and network I needed to turn my idea into reality. Even beyond the fellowship, PresenTense remains my home, a place where I can find continuing encouragement and guidance.

Impact of PresenTense Fellows Over the past two years PresenTense has launched a total of 27 ventures into the Jewish Communal scene. These projects are now impacting thousands in the fields of education, environment, arts, community organizing and social justice. Moreover, they are helping foundations and organizations field test new ideas more effectively and with less financial risk. As Yossi Tsuriah, EVP of News Corp.-owned NDS Corporation and PresenTense Institute teacher wrote, “In PresenTense I found a group of young people that when they say that they are going to change the world—you believe them.” By supporting a chair, you’ll be furthering innovators who will change our future. Past fellows include: Matt Bar, Bible Rapper, who in 2007 launched the Bible Raps project, is now partnering with leading camps and schools across North America, growing Jewish literacy and love for Jewish texts among thousands of kids every year. Eli Winkelman, founder of Challah for Hunger, has activated thousands of students on campuses across North America to be active in social justice through a Jewish conceptual framework. Avi Bass, Jason Lustig, Jamie Zebrak, and Jodi Meyerowitz have launched projects that have engaged students in new models of flat Israeli-Diaspora engagement and service learning. Investing in a PresenTense Institute sponsor chair harnesses the creativity of our most visionary community innovators in order to impact thousands. Projected Impact of PresenTense Institute 2007-2009 40,000+ Impacted by Fellow Ventures 1,500 Program Participants 50 Fellows



training the innovators, changing the world

The PresenTense Group North America 646.248.6807 . Israel +972.2.563.0116 . .

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